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Messages - kunkel321 [ switch to compact view ]

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Screenshot Captor / Bevel Frames
« on: February 10, 2012, 01:54 PM »
Here are a couple "bevel frames" I made:

Put them in your C:\...\ScreenshotCaptor\Frames\Frames folder, then press "Rescan Dirs." in SC for them to shop up.

I recommend using 1/3 to 1/2 opacity, for them to look good. 
Somebody please try them and post if they work correctly. 

Screenshot Captor / Re: Hotkey to 'Restore Main Window?'
« on: February 10, 2012, 09:24 AM »
Thanks :)

Screenshot Captor / Hotkey to 'Restore Main Window?'
« on: February 09, 2012, 10:52 AM »
Is there one?

Living Room / Re: New weapons in the file sharing war.
« on: February 09, 2012, 09:55 AM »
Hmm...  Can't shut it down....  Methinks this is more reminiscent of another movie...

Screenshot Captor / Re: Some help needed with ScreenShotCaptor
« on: February 07, 2012, 06:18 PM »
RE Scrolling Screen...  Capture Menu >> Scrolling Screen, then once you Ctrl+Click on the window to be scrolled, the options dialog will pop up...

« on: February 06, 2012, 04:01 PM »
The hair color is wrong, but the body language is definitely accurate!

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: gaotd - XYplorer 10.80 2/6/12
« on: February 06, 2012, 11:02 AM »
Have been tinkering with it.  It looks pretty cool.  It has dual-pane functionality, which it didn't in the past.
I'm also an xplorer2 user.  I'd guess that the above (pro) version of XYplorer is more powerful than the Lite version of xplorer2, but the paid (pro) version of x2 is more powerful than the pro version of XY.  Price-wise I think that XY retails for $70 (I don't know what the upgrade policy is).  x2 is $40, but an additional $30 if you want the free lifetime upgrades--hence the prices are similar.    Anyhoo...  Other folks may evaluate the comparisons differently, but no matter which meets your needs better, you can't beat the GAOTD price of $0.   ;)

On Vista it seemed to install correctly, but when I launch it, it pops up a cmd window, then immediately shuts down...    :down:

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Is CHS "Dropbox-friendly?"
« on: February 05, 2012, 11:23 AM »
My thought with going 'portable' is that since all of the files and such would be in the Dropbox folder (and not in the Registry, etc) then the app could be used on different computers.  The way I'm imagining this, however, I think you could only have one computer running at a time--AND Dropbox would have to fully sync before CHS opened.    I find that I am now having problems with the second requirement.  Sometimes my work computer takes a while to get online, and sometimes Dropbox is blocked altogether--which makes my use-across-both-computers system not feasible. 

Regarding 'databases' in general; I'm not a programmer, but I think it is possible for an app to share a database, but only it it was designed to do so.  For example FileMakerPro or Microsoft Access can have multiple users simultaneously working on the same database.    The application just has to make sure that each file (in this case, each clip) in the database has a unique ID #.   Also, if a file is already in use by another user, then it can only be opened as "read only."

I'm not sure how all of this would apply to CHS, or if it would even be possible.  I guess each clip would need to be locked by default, as soon as it's captured.  If you wanted to edit a clip, CHS would try to unlock it (and only be able to do so if it's not already unlocked by another user/computer.)  But what would happen if you browse to the folder that contains the captured PNGs??  Would those also be locked?  IDK.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Is CHS "Dropbox-friendly?"
« on: February 04, 2012, 01:02 PM »
That's right!  Thank you!    I knew I remembered see it someplace.    ;D
I also changed CONFIGDIR = %My Documents% to CONFIGDIR = %C.... Dropbox/...%.
I'll report back later with how much success I have with this.  

EDIT:  Methinks I shouldn't use "%" symbols it's an actual path... 
Here is the more correct version:

CONFIGDIR = C:\Users\kunkel\My Dropbox\CHS\MyConfigDir


Offer appears to be closed.   :(

« on: February 03, 2012, 05:29 PM »
I think the real question is, "How much can my brain shut down before I actually die?"

« on: February 03, 2012, 02:57 PM »
Yay!  Or did it already say "March?"  I don't remember...

EDIT:   Actually I think that was before...  Otherwise it wouldn't say "Special Fundraiser."  Moderator may delete.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Citrix issue
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:54 AM »
This doesn't surprise me.  I don't currently have access to a Citrix environment, but have used them lots in the past.  They tend to act a lot like a sandbox, were they act like a normal Windows OS, but an app that is outside of Citrix, trying to look in, can only see "Citrix" and not what is inside of Citrix.  (That wasn't a very good explanation, but I'm not a programmer and the behavior is hard to describe.)

Anyhoo...  I wonder if CHS is trying to figure out what app, etc the clip is originating from, but it can only see "Citrix" and so it gets stuck when trying to display the clip.  (Even though it  is still able to understand the text content of the clipboard.)

I've found that sometimes launching things directly in Citrix helps.  (Depending on your permission levels you might not be able to do this).  I've successfully used a couple different portable applications (TranslatorBoomerang was one, I think), that function correctly when started from inside Citrix, but don't function correctly if started outside.   I'm not sure if this applies to an app as sophisticated as CHS though...

My understanding with pdf "EDITORS" is that they are all very expensive. 
Do you want to actually have an exiting pdf that you edit, or do you want to just have a finished product that is a pdf?

I'm not familiar with OmniPage, but I do know of http://www.cutepdf.c...s/cutepdf/Writer.asp which is free.  You could make a doc in Word (or GoogleDocs) with a table, then paste the text in the table and save/print as a PDF. 

Also, if you want an existing pdf with text fields that you can type/paste into, then print it, that is a different scenario. is the only freebie I'm aware of that let's you create that.

I don't think you'll find any tool that will, naively, create a table and insert text of two diff languages. 

Re TranslatorBoomerang, make sure you check out the "debug" tab...   That is where you can copy both versions of your text from.  See img

I was also thinking that maybe you could use VBA in Word to write a macro for the job, given that Word has some native translation abilities.  After trying though, I'm not so sure it would be possible. 

Mouser has a similar tool
It was built as a novelty (to show how messages get lost in translation).  It also works good for error checking translations though.  I found that some Spanish characters didn't display correctly, but it works well otherwise.

General Software Discussion / Re: ZOOM setting reminder ?
« on: January 27, 2012, 08:31 PM »
press and hold the Ctrl key and then press the "0" (Zero) key once.
This is my new favorite thing!!! :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: SOPA Shelved - ACTA is Worse
« on: January 24, 2012, 09:11 AM »
I live in Wa State and got the below email about the "OPEN Act." NOw I need to figure out that that's all about.  Sounds like more of the same.

Dear Mr. Kunkel,
Thank you for contacting me about the internet streaming of copyrighted material . I appreciate hearing from you on this issue.
On May 12, 2011, Senator Leahy (D-VT) introduced S. 968, the Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property (PROTECT IP) Act. Under current federal law, U.S. law enforcement officials and holders of copyrights, trademarks, and patents, have limited legal remedies available to combat internet websites that are registered in foreign countries but operate in the United States by selling products, services, and/or content that violates U.S. intellectual property law. If enacted, the proposed legislation would create an expedited process for the Department of Justice and intellectual property rights holders to shut down through a court order these websites by targeting the owners and operators of the Internet site, if known, or the domain name registrant associated with the Internet site.
While I am supportive of the goal of protecting intellectual property, I am deeply concerned that the definitions and the means by which the legislation seeks to accomplish these goals will have unintended consequences and hurt innovation, job creation, and threaten online speech and security. On November 17, 2011, I signed a letter along with Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) objecting to the bill as it is currently written.   
On December 17, 2011, Senator Wyden introduced the "Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade" (OPEN) Act (S. 2029), of which I am an original co-sponsor. The bill has been referred to the Senate Finance Committee, where it is currently awaiting further review. The OPEN Act is a more effective approach to stop foreign web sites that are found to be primarily and willfully used to infringe intellectual property rights. The OPEN Act builds on the existing legal framework used by the International Trade Commission (ITC) for addressing unfair acts in the importation of articles into the United States, or in their sale for importation, or sale within the United States after importation.
Our trade laws have yet to catch up to deal with the global digital economy. The OPEN Act recognizes that the Internet has created new opportunities for foreign products to reach the U.S. market and that there is little difference between downloading a pirated movie from a foreign website and importing a counterfeit movie DVD from a foreign company. For those foreign web sites that are determined after an investigation to be primarily and willfully infringing, the International Trade Commission will issue a "Cease and Desist" order. The "Cease and  Desist " order may also be served on financial intermediaries that provide services to that foreign web site, compelling financial payment processors and online advertising providers to cease doing business with the foreign site in question.  This would cut off financial incentives for this illegal activity and deter these unfair imports from reaching the U.S. market.
The OPEN Act addresses the same challenges as the PROTECT IP Act, while protecting freedom of speech, innovation, and security on the Internet. The challenge of rogue web sites is one that many nations face. The United States has always been seen as a leader on Internet issues. Laws we establish in the United States regarding the Internet are likely to be used as models around the world. And because the Internet is global in nature, it is important that we carefully consider how the laws and policies we adopt in this area may be received and translated by other countries.
The Protect IP Act was scheduled to go to the Senate floor for a procedural vote on January 23, 2011. Due to the effective grassroots advocacy and public outcry against the bill, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has pulled the proposed legislation from the floor calendar. 
I appreciate Majority Leader Reid's decision to postpone a vote on the PROTECT IP Act. America's economy thrives on innovation and freedom of speech. We can't afford to rush an Internet policy that could trample on our innovation economy. The American people clearly spoke and their voices were heard. As we move forward, I'll continue to advocate for a policy that protects both creative content and online freedom of speech.
Thank you again for contacting me to share your thoughts on this matter. You may also be interested in signing up for periodic updates for Washington State residents. If you are interested in subscribing to this update, please visit my website at . Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance.
Maria Cantwell
United States Senator

Clipboard Help+Spell / Is CHS "Dropbox-friendly?"
« on: January 21, 2012, 12:49 PM »
I've used Clipboard H+S off and an for years now, and have always been impressed by it.  The main reason I keep straying away from it is because I really need something that can let me easily access my clips whether at home or at work.   i.e. Is Dropbox-friendly.  If it was portable, I could (?) "install" it in my Dropbox folder, then it wouldn't know which computer I was on.  I would just need to make sure I didn't have both computer running at the same time.  I've been doing this successfully with the portable version of ClipMate.  Unfortunately, ClipMate seems like it might be abandonware now.  Plus I want to use CHS simply because I have a vested interest in DonationCoder.  (And CHS has a better quickpaste menu.)

The new Ethervane Echo seems to handle the dropbox issue pretty well.  I like CHS better though, because it handles pics (and for a couple other reasons; Though Echo is awesome in it's own right).

I'm surprised that searching the CHS board for "dropbox" yields zero results.  Surly I'm not the first person to think of this. 

Extra notes: I know I can export when shutting down, then import when I start the other computer, but I don't really  consider this a viable option (I"m just too darn lazy!)  Also, having a list of friends on a network and network passwords, etc etc like Ditto is overkill IMHO.  It would be okay if it could monitor for any changes in the database, but mostly I just need the portable bit.

Thoughts?  Comments?  Thanks. 

I know what you mean, Tranglos, about being a sucker for a good UI.  I've tried lots of times to self-teach myself AHK, but end up getting frustrated and going back to MacroExpress, because there's no code needed.  (Though you do still need to understand the logic behind more complex macros, and you have to become a quasi-expert if you want to manipulate the registry, work with .ini files, and that sort of thing.)  The different possible activations are pretty versatile.   I think maybe you can have a space character as a suffix activation, which makes it like an autocorrector.  But I think you'd have to create each item as a separate macro which would be prohibitively time-consuming. The sister product, ShortKeys, actually lets you import the .acl library from office (e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\1033\MSO.ACL), which is nice.  UNFORTUNATELY, I found that ShorkKeys conflicted with the built-in autocorrect of Word, so I don't recommend it.  (fyi Here is a comparison chart of the apps:

Lastly, regarding autocorrects, have you tried the AHK script that this Jim fellow made http://www.autohotke...ings.htm#AutoCorrect ?
It's pretty sweet and has a gizmo for quickly adding new items.  I think you could probably also use it as a text-expander(?)  You'd just have to be careful to not have any real words replaced.  (For example use "myaddy " to activate your address, but don't use, "add ")

Texter is a freebie from the Lifehacker people.

There's also Shortkeys
from the people who make MacroExpress.

There's also, coincidentally, one at today, though it doesn't seem to be getting good reviews.  
EDIT:  I guess fastpaste doesn't really fit this category...

My humble advice is to use AutoHotKey, if you have the skills to code.   If not, shell out the $60 for MacroExpressPro. It's quite powerful and has a responsive support forum.

Meh..  Betanews does smack of commercialism.   :-\
Probably won't ever get on my "check daily" list....   But I'll still check it for freebies now and again.   ;)

Why not?  What's the scoop with betanews/fileforum?

Usually they have items that are for sale at a discount, but occasionally there is a freebie.
Such as right now they have MAGIX PC Check & Tuning 2011  (normally $49 USD).
I installed it.  Seems okay...  Not sure if it's any better then Advanced System Care Free, CCleaner, or any of the others.
You have to give Magix your email, so I'm sure I'll be getting an "upgrade offer" for version 2012 soon...

Anyway, the site is worth checking out every now and then.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: Giveaway of the Day - Retouch Pilot
« on: January 15, 2012, 11:46 AM »
Yes, I also installed it.  Looks like a nice little app.  Norton Antivirus got a false positive on it, so I worked around that.  It has built-in animated demos, which is kindof nice.

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