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Messages - nitrix-ud [ switch to compact view ]

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Hi Mouser,

i have the impression that the last version (maybe last few...) introduced a new bug, i'll try to explain it :

i have the following "f" alias :
Favorites search $$1 | dosearch +folder_fav +open_fav -alias $$1
to search my favorite folders

the modifier keyword "folder_fav" refers to a folder where i put shortcuts to my favorite folders

the "open_fav" keyword refers to an action keyword with the following result :
Open | C:\_joker\Utilities\Ahk\OpenFav.ahk "$$1"
which opens my selected shortcuts in Directory Opus...

if i type "f ", i see all my shortcuts, which is fine...

if i type "f p", i see shortcuts BUT also items form the history... (which is not fine and new)

if i type "f ph", i should only see my "Mes Photos" folder, but instead it only shows my action keyword result ! trying to launch my photoshop cs2 exe...

i tried to modify everything related to history with no success...
is there a "-history" like the "-alias" ?

one last comment :
if i add "-ii" to my search (don't ask why "-ii", it works with many more strings ;)), it seems to work better...

i need help, i'm becoming crazy  :D

Cheers, Nitrix

FARR Plugins and Aliases / [plugin request]
« on: July 10, 2007, 05:20 AM »
[plugin request]

a plugin that would show any webpage (local or on the internet)

it would be handy for some to have somekind of "homepage" when opening FARR (i guess it would be better with a local page... or some caching mechanism)

it would also be handy to "launch" bookmarklets ...

i'm thinking also skype buttons etc.


Find And Run Robot / Re: [bug report] restartsearch bug
« on: July 09, 2007, 07:54 AM »

it seems that this bug is also triggered when using the function keys (F1, F2, ...) or digit keys (1,2,...) to launch the result...

Find And Run Robot / [bug report] restartsearch bug
« on: July 09, 2007, 07:38 AM »
Hi mouser,

i found an other bug with the restartsearch command :

I have an alias named "c" with results using the restartsearch command (to create some kind of structured aliases)

Yubnub - $$c | restartsearch y /ICON=icons\yubnub.ico
Snippets - $$c | restartsearch s

if i press "c" (to get to my alias), i can then choose between the 2 results above.

if I press enter without selecting any result, it launches the first result "Yubnub", so it makes a "restartsearch" BUT the cursor appears to be at the very beginning of the edit i get "the cursor" then the "letter y" (which is bit annoying since you have to change the cursor's position if you want to complete the alias...)

idealy i would like to get the "letter y" then "one space" (remember my feature request;))

  • i manually select the first result with the arrow keys then press enter
  • i click on the first result with the mouse

it works

so i guess it is somehow related to the "Always launch first result on hitting enter" option

Cheers, Nitrix

I think that the -tab- option is better.

i agree  :Thmbsup:

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Requesting good alias files
« on: July 04, 2007, 01:40 PM »

Nice idea, it reminds me of a nirsoft (nircmd creator) tool called GoogRankCmd which give you the google page rank of a site

with this plugin and this command-line utility, one could retrieve google page ranks ...

they also have a tool to retrieve Whois informations

nitrix, in love with farr  :-*

Find And Run Robot / [feature request] style alias results...
« on: July 04, 2007, 01:33 PM »
Hamradio did an amazing job with the icons, and it's surprising how dramatic the change is and how much funner it feels to use aliases with nice icons.  Thank you also goes to the person who insisted on adding customizable icons (i'll find the old post to give proper credit later).

i think too, nice icons makes aliases funnier (i'm the one who "insisted" :D)
and easier to use too ;)

i don't know if it's easy to implement or not (i guess it depends on the control you use for the list...) but here is my idea to improve a little bit more the cosmetic aspect of FARR:
is it possible to add the possibility to style the results ?

let's say we have an alias named "g" to search google
this alias uses the "$cc" variable as follows
results list :
Google Search $$c |$$c

it would be great to be able to style the result to make your search stands out: (maybe using some kind of bbcode syntax like this very forum)
Google Search [b]$$c[/b] |$$c

or even better...

Google Search [b][color=#0000ff]$$c[/color][/b] |$$c

it would need a bbcode parser... but is it possible with the list control ?


FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Requesting good alias files
« on: July 04, 2007, 12:34 PM »

Very nice work ! it works like a charm


i just modified the results list to :

Surf to $$2 | http://$$2
Firefox $$2 | C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe http://$$2
Opera $$2 | C:\Program Files\Opera\Opera.exe http://$$2

so that i can choose my browser

oops, thanks for the report.
nitrix i really appreciate these reports -- i want to make v2 release a success and you are helping a lot   

Thanks mouser i really appreciate it  :-[

So to keep going ;), i think a found a new one :

i type "set" to find my "Set Project" alias


if i autocomplete using Tab, FARR thinks it's a path....

if i autocomplete it using Enter, it works as expected


@ mouser

normally farr closes after you trigger a result, but by default it's configured to stay open if you CTRL+click or CTRL+#.

in this way when you want to launch something and then launch another, just hold CTRL down while you do.

Could you add CTRL+enter ??

i just love FARR  :-*

Hi mouser,

i know FARR is going public soon, and that's great news since it will increase the FARR community :)

however, i'd like to suggest a new feature :

i think it would be great to be able to open/trigger FARR window with command-line parameters...

for instance :

path_to_farr/FARR.exe "restartsearch=myfavoritealias"
would trigger FARR and start the search : myfavoritealias

Now, i use autohotkey to do it

#IfWinActive, ahk_class dopus.lister ;check if directory opus (my file explorer) is active
SendPlay ^d  ;Ctrl + d copies the selected files path to the clipboard - hotkey specified in directory opus
Sleep, 500
Send !{Space} ;opens FARR
Sleep, 200
Send files{Space} ;type "files" then "space"

clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard
SendPlay ^c ;copy
ClipWait, 1
Send !{Space} ;opens FARR
Sleep, 200
Send c{Space} ;type "c" then "space"

thanks to this code, i can use FARR to manipulate files i've just selected (i use the #IfWinActive trigger to check whether i'm in my file explorer or not) or text i've just selected

so basically i select text, i press the Application key (you know the contextual menu key close to the space bar) it copies the selected text to the clipboard and it opens FARR with my clipboard alias named "c", then i choose what to do with the clipboard content (search the web, capitalize, etc.)

or in my file explorer i select files then press the application key... it copies the selected files path to the clipboard, it opens FARR with my file alias named "files", i *could* then zip them, email them, you name it

I was inspired by the way Quicksilver works

If we could trigger FARR from a command line, It would be more reliable and we could also create shortcuts to favorite aliases or favorite searches...

What do you think ?

Cheers, Nitrix

Hi Mouser,

there is still a small bug with the /ICON modifier see captures :


when you choose a result with a restartsearch command (and an icon) the /ICON part is not stripped

Keep up the good work

Find And Run Robot / [bug report] small display bug in options
« on: July 04, 2007, 04:02 AM »
Hi Mouser,
there is a small display bug in the "Plugins, Updates, Fonts" tab of the options :
display bug.png
the reset button is somewhat hidden ...

 :D this is exciting !!  :Thmbsup:
can't wait for next month !!

too bad i don't have time to learn how to code some c++ ;)
(maybe i'll wait for the sdk doc)

Good luck to the coders

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New FARR Plugin: FCalc
« on: June 10, 2007, 05:02 AM »
oups ! I forgot...

Is it possible to have an option so that the ` key would only clear FC display and not persistent values

I use persistent values for tax rates, and I'd like to clear the display without having to retype all my tax rates

When typing ` it would display
FCalc - 1.06.01 (June 09th, 2007) by mouser <[email protected]>

This plugin will let you calculate numerical expressions. Built with muParser (

 fc expression -- calculate an expression
 fc ` -- clear history

Maybe with the list of persistent values and a little more space to add all the tips and tricks of FC !!

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New FARR Plugin: FCalc
« on: June 10, 2007, 04:55 AM »
Mouser, your plugin is so great !

the last one released (with FARR 2.00.104) with the values copied to the clipboard is amazing
However, could there be an option to only copy the result to the clipboard when pressing SHIFT+ENTER (it would minimize clutter when using clipboard manager...)

Many thanks again, with the FC plugin i don't have to use any other calculator for my daily use...

Cheers, Nitrix

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New FARR Plugin: FCalc
« on: June 05, 2007, 03:42 PM »
Great plugin !

is there a tip to copy the last value to the clipboard ?


i found an other bug (related to the first one i think) just after my previous post...

if there is an /ICON in the clipboard, it changes the icon in the result list when using the $$c trick, see the captures :



maybe all "the modifying stuff" like /ICON /STAYOPEN etc. should be separated... after an other "|"

Cheers, Nitrix

hi nitrix, can you clarify what you mean by "the /ICON part is added to the search string"

For example, for this result :
Google + $$c | http://www.yubnub.or...rser/parse?command=g+$$c /ICON=icons\google.ico

it opens yubnub with the /ICON part
"http://www.yubnub.or...e?command=g+keywords.. /ICON=icons\google.ico"
same with other window modifiers

Hi mouser

Thanks again for this great version !

i found a bug related to the new /ICON modifier (and finally to all window modifiers)

i have a yubnub alias with the following associated results
YubNub $$c |$$c /ICON=icons\yubnub.ico
Google + $$c |$$c /ICON=icons\google.ico
Yahoo + $$c |$$c /ICON=icons\yahoo.ico
Live Search + $$c |$$c /ICON=icons\live.ico
Whois whois + $$c |$$c
ctqui + $$c |$$c
Delicious + $$c |$$c /ICON=icons\delicious.ico
Wikipédia + $$c |$$c /ICON=icons\wikipedia.ico
IMDB + $$c |$$c /ICON=icons\imdb.ico
php + $$c |$$c
mysql + $$c |$$c /ICON=icons\mysql.ico
Autohotkey + $$c |$$c /ICON=icons\ahk.ico
chars |
schar |

the regex is ^yubnub (.*)

the problem is that the /ICON part is added to the search string...
i tried with other window modifiers and it's the same... /STAYOPEN ...

maybe the window modifiers should be after a second "|"
i'm sure the parsing of the results is getting very very difficult !

Keep up the good work

I would love to get this Hyper Alpha !

Cheers, Nitrix

Hi mouser,

from the documentation :
For example, you could create an alias named +hexedit
whose result contents are:
C:\Program Files\HexEditors\HexEdit.exe "$$1"

Now you can type in your search:
+hexedit mydocsearch...

As you type mydocsearch words, FARR will let you search for files as normal.
After you choose the result, instead of launching the result file, you will be presented with
C:\Program Files\HexEditors\HexEdit.exe "SELECTEDFILE"
Which you can then launch.

Is it possible when there is only one possible result, which is the case in this example (C:\Program Files\HexEditors\HexEdit.exe "$$1") to directly launch C:\Program Files\HexEditors\HexEdit.exe "SELECTEDFILE" ?
Now we have to press enter twice...

[bug report] also concerning the alias action keywords, if there is multiple possible results :

For example,
Enqueue | C:\Program Files\Winamp\winamp.exe /ADD "$$1"
Play | C:\Program Files\Winamp\winamp.exe  "$$1"

when searching... if you select result #1, Enqueue is pre-selected
if you select result #2, Play is pre-selected
if you select other result, nothing is pre-selected
i would prefer having enqueue (in this example) pre-selected every time (or none like in other type of alias...)

keep up the good work, i can't wait for the next release... !


PS: Candy Labs has just released an evolution of AppRocket (seems like it is very multimedia oriented), maybe some ideas for future release of our beloved FARR ;)
Announcing MediaTrain Beta!
After months of preparation and years of deliberation comes to you a new gem, MediaTrain. It’s the evolution of AppRocket, specifically its media search aspects into a more substantial application usable by everyone. Please try it out and give us your feedback!

Find And Run Robot / [bug report]
« on: May 02, 2007, 12:03 PM »
Hi mouser,
i found a bug with modifier keywords, it appears that keyword with capital letter(s) does not work, see captures :

using "folderclients" modifier keyword to search a specific folder, it works
minuscule modifier keyword.png

minuscule list.png

using "FolderClients" modifier keyword to search that same folder, it does not works

majuscule modifier keyword.png

majuscule list.png

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Use locate32 with Farr
« on: April 27, 2007, 02:47 PM »
FYI, i found command-line parameters in the readme.txt

6. Command line parameters for locate32

Locate32.exe has the following command line arguments:

Usage: locate32.exe [-p path] [-t type] [-d dbfile] [-r] [-u] text
    or locate32.exe -U [-rX]
    or locate32.exe -s

   text      put 'text' to 'Named field'
   -P path    put 'path' to 'Look in' field
   -p path    put 'path' to 'Look in' field (checks also that path is correct)
   -t type    put 'type' to 'Extensions' field
   -c       put clipboard content to 'Named field'
   -d file      uses database in file 'file'
   -D name      uses database named 'name'
    -Lpath         check directory path
       -L1            check all local hard drives
   -r      start locating when Locate32 is opened
   -u      start update process at start
   -U      update database
   -RX      set the priority class of process, X is 'h' (high), 'a' (above),
         'n' (normal), 'b' (below), 'i' (idle) or 'r' (realtime)
   -s       leave locate32 background when dialog is closed
   -S       start locate32 to background, (adds icon to tastbar)
   -i      start new instance
   -a       activate existing instance (use e.g. "-a2" to activate the 2nd instance)
   -lP preset   load preset      
   -ln      set number of maximum found files
   -lf      Set check field to 'File Names Only'
   -ld      Set check field to 'Folder Names Only'
   -lfd      Set check field to 'File and folder names'
   -lc text   put 'text' to 'file containing text' field
         -lcnm           uncheck 'Match case' field
         -lw             check 'Match whole name only' field
         -lwn            uncheck 'Match whole name only' field
   -lr      check 'Replace spaces with asterisk' field
   -lW      check 'Use whole path' field
   -lrn      uncheck 'Replace spaces with asterisk' field
   -lm size   set minumum file size
   -lM size   set maximum file size
   -lDmDAY     set minimum file modification date, DAY can be exact date in the
         form of YYMMDD, or number (0 is today, 1 is yesterday, etc)
   -lDcDAY     set minimum file creation date
   -lDaDAY     set minimum file last access date
   -lDMDAY     set maximum file modification date
   -lDCDAY     set maximum file creation date
   -lDADAY      set maximum file last access date
   -lsXY      sort located items where X is 'n' (sort by name),
         'f' (directory), 's' (size), 't' (type) or 'd' (modified date)
         and Y is 'a' (ascending order) or 'd' (descending order)
   -X:CUSTOM   use different settings branch (see locate.ini file)

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