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N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: Program Idea: Fungus for Windows
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:26 PM »
It's real fun!  I hope somebody wants to make it!

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Program Idea: Fungus for Windows
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:55 PM »
Hi, coding fellows!

Here is an idea dear to my heart.  A long time ago I had a Mac (yeah...) and a game called "Fungus".  It was a wonderful game - one of those simple games that you love and can play over and over and never get bored of.  But it disappeared.  Later someone revived it and called it "MacFungus" and then there was a network version called "NetFungus" - all Mac games.

I am dreaming of a Fungus game for Windows, and I am hoping someone will write it for the NANY!

You are a fungus, and the goal of the game is to consume your opponent (wonderful, no?).

Soooo, the gameboard is square, and you can have from two to four players; if you don't have that many players, the computer can replace someone.

The gameboard is a grid (like minesweeper in a way), and each player starts off with just their fungus' brain (a sort of smiley face), and each player has their own colour.
At the beginning of each player's turn, he receives a randomly generated piece - a shape - like a tetris block.  This block he can place as an addition to his fungus body.  He can only place the block in such a way that it touches his own fungus.  You can rotate this block before you place it.

 - If a player manages to get any of his opponent's body between (as in touching on two sides) two of his own body's appendages (made with the random shapes) his fungus "takes over" all the fungus between those shapes, and so the consumed parts change to the colour of the consumer.
 - If a player manages to cut his opponent into two parts, the part without the brain dies and disappears.
 - If a players brain gets consumed, his game is over and his entire fungus body becomes part of the consumer.

Then there is the "tooth" that you may receive instead of a fungus-body-growth-piece.  With a tooth, you can bite your opponent and take a tile from him.  This lets you inject your fungus into part of the opponent and allows you to get an appendage on one side and allows for the strategy necessary to consume the other guys.  You don't have to use a tooth, and you can save them.

 - Then there are "Big Bites" - you save up three tooths and use them all at once to take out 3 blocks from your opponent at once instead of just one.
 - In the "MacFungus" game, if you got any of your fungus into one of the four corners, you get a bonus tooth.
 - There are sound effects.  When you use a tooth, the game makes a chomping sound.  If you surround a part of your opponent and consume it, you get a chewing and munching sound.  The best is when you get a bite followed by the munching sound.

To win the game, you must be the only player left alive.

I scavenged a few old screenshots from "MacFungus" that I found on the internet.  I can't find any images of the original "Fungus" - but I know that that game dates back to 1990 at least.
See my attachments for screenshots.
9-2203_2.png 9-2203_1.png screenshot_Firefox [firefox]_048.png

I am interested to assist by way of consultation!  It's been a long time since I played this game, but it doesn't exist any more, and I would love to have it for Windows.


Here is my autohotkey thread on the subject.
And here is a youtube video of the original game in action!

Mr. Unlimited Bacon made an Android app out of, but never completed it; it works, but you can tell it isn't finished.

ContextMenu Commander / Re: ContextMenu Commander
« on: October 27, 2014, 04:25 PM »
I have been using FileMenuTools.  It is free and quite versatile.  I wish it could manage ALL the items in the context menu like Mmmm  however.  It will let you remove them, but you can't regroup them like you could in Mmmm.

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY Q&A about what software can be submitted
« on: October 08, 2014, 10:45 PM »
Great!  Thanks, Mouser.  I've watched the NANY's before because I was afraid of publishing my software on account of the extra work it brings.  But I have something that is pretty complete, so it might not be so bad.  I'll try to make my entry in the next week or so.

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY Q&A about what software can be submitted
« on: October 08, 2014, 10:31 PM »
Well, what about an application that I've put on a webpage that noone knows about - not even Google, but is technically publicly accessible?  I have a nice program that I've spent a lot of time on that virtually noone knows about and isn't on any of the freeware sites and can't be found in Google - does that count as unpublished?  Mouser, I've sent you the link to my page before.

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / NANY Q&A about what software can be submitted
« on: October 08, 2014, 01:42 PM »
If I have an unpublished program that I have already made, can I enter it in NANY?  Should I start a new thread for it?

Ha ha.  Did some spammer just *bump* my thread?

BrowserTraySwitch / Re: Browser tray switch & firefox Profiles
« on: July 23, 2014, 10:02 PM »
Yes.  Firefox will allow that.  But it doesn't make any difference what that is if you run multiple instances.  Firefox's setting only determines which profile gets loaded if you don't choose one.  It doesn't set which instance is the system's default Firefox browser.  That's the problem.  If I could do this using Firefox's own settings, I'd have done it already.  This is going to involve a trick of some sort that isn't there yet.  And I don't blame you if you don't want to get into it!  I just thought I would ask, because it's something that folks, I'm sure, would want and use, but doesn't exist yet.

BrowserTraySwitch / Re: Browser tray switch & firefox Profiles
« on: July 23, 2014, 09:16 PM »
Hi, Mouser.  I need a way to be able to choose which instance of Firefox is the current default browser.  Firefox is the system's current default browser, but I don't have any way of deciding which instance is that default.  (Instance meaning that I run two Firefoxes with different profiles).

Right now the only way I can do that is to exit all instances and then start them in a particular order - the first one launched becomes default.

BrowserTraySwitch / Re: Browser tray switch & firefox Profiles
« on: July 23, 2014, 09:33 AM »
Hello again, Mouser.  Have you thought about this any?

I run two instances of Firefox, and Firefox is the default browser on my system.  But only the first-launched instance will ever accept to open links from outside programs (such as thunderbird).  So, if I close that instance, then I no longer have any default browser open, even though the second instance is still running.   

This is a real pain.  If browser-tray-switch could solve this, I would jump up and down for joy!

Are you using DHCP?  Each laptop has a different MAC address for it's wired card and for its wireless card.  You have to enter both addresses in your DHCP configuration.

Living Room / Re: URL Rewrite Problem
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:22 AM »
Ah, the regex did, indeed help - thank you very much.  I tried with some escapes but was having troubles.
Now it rewrites to the site correctly, whether being http or https.

However, I still have a problem.
If I type https://sub2.domain/page_from_sub1
it rewrites to

It is supposed to get my my error page because page_from_sub1 does not exist on sub2.
How do I fix that?

The regex is correct. http://sub2.domain never matches the regex.  So why is it getting rewritten?

Living Room / Re: URL Rewrite Problem
« on: June 21, 2014, 10:10 AM »
Thanks for your help. 

However, this isn't a coding issue - I'm not writing this into the aspx code.  The System is IIS7, and I am using the webserver's GUI to rewrite the URL for incoming http requests.

Living Room / Re: URL Rewrite Problem
« on: June 21, 2014, 08:53 AM »
@Renegade,  I have a url-rewrite module already installed and working in my IIS.  I can't figure out how to get the settings and regex right.

Living Room / URL Rewrite Problem
« on: June 19, 2014, 09:07 AM »
Hello, folks.

I need some help with a problem on my webserver involving url-rewrite and redirection in my IIS7.  I made a post at ServerFault, but noone is hardly even viewing it.

Here is the contents of my post there:

We have our own domain and have several subdomains. One of the sites needs to be accessed only via SSL, but people are allowed to type http and still arrive there. The URL-Rewrite forces the http into https.

So my two subdomains are: and

Thus, if I type

Code: Text [Select]

it is rewritten to

Code: Text [Select]

-which is correct. But if I do this (which is not possible - page_on_domain1 does not exist on

Code: Text [Select]

My url-rewrite rule seems to work properly, but I want that last address to give me an error page instead, since the page doesn't exist on that subdomain.

I am testing this in Firefox on Windows 7 x64 Pro.

My url-rewrite rule is as follows (I am doing it through the IIS7 GUI):

Code: Text [Select]
  1. Requested URL:  Matches the Pattern:  (*)  Using Regular Expressions (ignore case)
  2. Conditions:  Match All:  Input:  {HTTPS}  Matches the Pattern:  ^Off$
  3. Redirect URL:{REQUEST_URI}

Now, I've tried changing the Requested URL Pattern to: .** but the regex tester in IIS7 says it doesn't match against - I don't understand that.

How can I keep the rewrite of http to https for, but not have any effect at all on ??

I've been stuck on this for a long time.  This is my first ever post to the Living Room.
Thank you!

Skwire Empire / Re: (Pre) Release: sChecklist
« on: June 16, 2014, 09:46 AM »
Ha ha, Jody!

Here is a quickie gui template:

gui, InputGUIEditor:new
gui, +resize
gui, add, text, , Edit Value
gui, add, edit, w300 h50 -wrap r1 vinputvalue, Your Value Here
Gui, Font, S10 CPurple Bold
Gui, Add, Button, x12 gInputGUIEditorACCEPT default, Accept
Gui, Add, Button, x+4 gInputGUIEditorCANCEL, Cancel
Gui, Show, center ,%apptitle% Data Editor

gui, ListViewEditor:submit
;do stuff with inputvalue

gui, ListViewEditor:cancel

anchor("inputvalue", "w")

Skwire Empire / Re: (Pre) Release: sChecklist
« on: June 16, 2014, 09:12 AM »
Thanks, Jody.

Ah, do you mind if I complain a little?  Options is displayed as a tab.  That takes up extra space on the screen for something, that IMHO, could be safely tucked away in the menubar.  Again, IMHO, the only value tabs would have in this nicely simple application would be if you could load the checklists in separate tabs.  But since you can't (and that's fine), there's no reason to put not-so-often-changed options in an always-visible tab and thus take up the extra space.  

(I suspect you used the tab control to not have to create a gui window for the options....)

Now, I'll give this nice little app a good show.  So far I love it and I might actually use it!

Skwire Empire / Re: (Pre) Release: sChecklist
« on: June 12, 2014, 12:25 AM »
Uh, Jody, I found out something else to do.

Somehow I managed to freeze the entire program - it seems to have had something to do with resizing.  I had to end process on it.
Problem is that before that, I had renamed a checklist, so when I restarted the application, my list was lost.
But I saw my old list - or part of it - in the checklists folder, and I edited checklist.dat to point to the newly-named one.
That went well, except that I lost the last 7 entries I made.

With that in mind, I think that sChecklist ought to save it's list after an edit is made in the list.  I'm not sure how often it saves, but it doesn't seem to save after an edit is made, or at least when the application loses focus.  I don't think there is any need for a "save" feature.

Another thing to add is a way to import a list - perhaps drag-n-drop would be sufficient.  It could take the filename (without extension) as the automated name for the checklist.

Finally, is there any way to have or not have the lines in the checklists list?  I know there is the toggle button for the entries (details mode, etc.), but not for the checklists list.

Thanks again!

Skwire Empire / Re: (Pre) Release: sChecklist
« on: June 11, 2014, 11:48 PM »
Thanks, again, Jody.  I'll use it for awhile and see if it does me any good!

Skwire Empire / Re: (Pre) Release: sChecklist
« on: June 11, 2014, 11:17 PM »
HI, Jody, I *like* this!  I have tried dozens of todo applications.  This is so simple I might use it!

I think it needs an option for displaying a particular checklist on startup - or at least the first checklist if none is specified.
I think also, if you check all the items in a list, something should happen - something like, the name of the checklist becomes grayed.  That way a user can see if his list is complete or not.
And there should be an option to hide the status bar - I'm not sure it does anything anyway.

Thank you very much!

Screenshot Captor / Re: Feature Request for Hotkey
« on: May 10, 2014, 10:56 AM »
Mouser,  that works like a charm.  I used autohotkey to set the hotkeys and it works like a charm.

Thank you very much, Mouser!

Screenshot Captor / Re: Feature Request for Hotkey
« on: May 08, 2014, 10:13 PM »
If you use the same utility for each app, you'll have to have a way for the utility to distinguish between each program's hidden window.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Feature Request for Hotkey
« on: May 08, 2014, 07:48 PM »
Mouser - there is another way.

A normal commandline switch will run a new instance of the program, which would require your program to detect an already running version, do it's thing, and then exit.

However, if you add a hidden window with a textbox and a submit button to SC, then you can create a second commandline app that finds that hidden box and types commands into the text box and pushes the submit button.  The second app will do nothing more than receive the commandline, post the simple text, push the button, then exit.

This way, you practically get commandlines to a running application without having to exit.
I have an autohotkey sample of this if you want.
I also made this post on StackExchange about a different method using C#.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Feature Request for Hotkey
« on: May 08, 2014, 07:21 PM »

Actually, commandline switches would be even better!  I am an avid autohotkey fan, and I also use powerpro.

Commandline switches would be WONDERFUL!!!!

Yes, I can send messages too, using autohotkey or powerpro.

Screenshot Captor / Feature Request for Hotkey
« on: May 07, 2014, 05:44 PM »
Mouser,  I am dying here.  I *really* want the ability to assign global hotkeys for "Copy last image to clipboard" AND "Copy last image file-path to clipboard".  I am becoming very weary of navigating the menu on the tray icon.

You see, I *love* having the last screenshot image on my clipboard and I use that all the time.  But I just as often need the image's file path.  If I had hotkeys, I could attach the functions to the extra buttons on my mouse and I'd be really happy.

Hopefully there is joy in the future for me!

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