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Backup Guide / Re: Pre-review discussion of Backup Software
« on: April 09, 2005, 02:58 AM »
i thought it seemed a bit odd to have to select things twice - i'll have a play around with it today.

if i can get acronis to work properly then it looks like i'll be changing my mind yet again on which i prefer.

(i've not got around to looking at the help files for paragon, jeff.)

Backup Guide / Re: Pre-review discussion of Backup Software
« on: April 08, 2005, 04:32 PM »
my apologies for banging on about whether boot CDs are required or not - it appears the current crop of drive imaging software aren't as strict about this (i've not tried the current version of ghost so can't speak for that).

i'm pretty sure though that version 7 of acronis true image and ghost 8 wouldn't use a dos boot loader type thingy when i tried them (might have been over a year ago) but i'll admit i should have tried the current versions myself before making an issue of using boot CDs.

acronis appears to be the favourite with a lot of people so i thought i better try it. looks good i must say. the chunky graphics and layout look better than the paragon drive backup software's interface but from what i've tried so far the program from paragon is quicker to use.

as an example, which i would expect to be the common one for most users, i made a complete backup of my system partition and then restored it...

using paragon drive backup and from within the windows o/s i could select the image to restore and then let it reboot and get on with it - simple.

using acronis true image, within windows again, after selecting the image to restore there then followed another sequence of steps to follow after acronis true image had rebooted itself into dos, i.e. i had to repeat the image selecting procedure all over again. seems a bit unnecessary to me. why repeat it?

have i missed something or is this how acronis works?

i know i'm moaning all over again about having to make a few extra steps. i can't help but find it odd when you can't just select the image to restore, click 'go' and then walk out the room knowing that when you return in a few minutes everything will be done.

in short, paragon drive backup seems the most sensible program to use in this scenario.

well, that describes my setup too.

i'd guess that users that know their pc systems inside and out will only have a firewall and anti-virus running as they are confident that they know what they are doing with their machines.

i was thinking more along the lines of what happens to people i know. no matter what you advise them to do to avoid nasty things getting onto their pc, they will still allow it to happen. their fault i know, but it's always left to someone else (like me) to pick up the pieces and try and get everything working again. i'd just love to know how to make their machines totally secure and idiot proof (and i'll have the moon on a stick whilst i'm at it).

the virtual pc thing is something that sounds fantastic though. the main reason i do lots of system backup images is because i tend to install software that usually needs removing so i just wipe the lot with the restored image. i'd much rather just use a virtual system to install the test software into. so i look forward to hearing about the virtual pc comparisons.

Backup Guide / Re: Pre-review discussion of Backup Software
« on: April 06, 2005, 05:19 PM »
doesn't the acronis program require a boot CD when restoring a system image mouser?

i'm sure i tried it and didn't use it any further because of the boot CD thing. but then i was sure i had tried everything and i obviously haven't (i'm beginning to doubt what i've done now  :stars:).

just thought i would start a new thread as i'm sure everyone will have their own list of programs that they deem essential for a 'secure' system.

from my experience there appears to be a lot of overlap when installing the typical list of anti-virus, trojan guards, firewalls and spyware detectors, etc. which, to me, feels a little excessive.

how about trying to define the minimum number of programs that are required for a thoroughly secure system; trying to avoid features that overlap or are possibly redundant.

hopefully a small list of 3 to 5 programs could be discovered that provide the greatest protection. providing a true sense of security to even the most novice of users and all without the worry that there are unnecessary programs running in the background that are duplicating the tasks of other software.

mob's post on 'processguard' and 'regdefend' got me thinking as these are two things i've never used, so, i'm wondering, can i get by without them or not?

currently i use avg free edition and agnitum outpost and that's about it. i'm not fully convinced i need anything more but if there is a program (maybe processguard) that will 100% protect my system with the least amount of fuss then i guess it makes sense to use it for that rare occasion when things could go wrong.

Backup Guide / Re: Pre-review discussion of Backup Software
« on: April 06, 2005, 04:45 PM »
looks like paragon drive backup doesn't require a boot CD, so, top marks from me at least.

not tried any of the incremental backups or anything else yet but it appears to have a good set of options.

looks like i can now step into the year 2005 at long last and give up my devotion for drive image 2002.

thanks again for letting me know about the paragon software.

Jeff, how are you getting on with the scheduled incremental backup - it sounds like great a feature.

Backup Guide / Re: Pre-review discussion of Backup Software
« on: April 06, 2005, 06:57 AM »
 :D well, that's excellent to hear.

it must be one that i didn't try. i shall head over there straight away and give it a go.

thanks for the quick reply. if all goes well i'll let you know.

Backup Guide / Re: Pre-review discussion of Backup Software
« on: April 06, 2005, 06:14 AM »
er, no, not quite.

i wouldn't moan about the boot CD thing but i tend to make a lot of system backups - from the main system partition onto another drive partition.

although this isn't a daily process i still find it annoying having to rely on a boot CD to restore the system image; mainly because of the length of time it takes to boot from the CD. using drive image 2002 i can just open the program up in windows and select the image i want to restore and then let the program take over from there (rebooting the system and replacing the system partition).

that's all i want it to do. but, the current crop of drive image programs don't seem to allow for this. the programs i've tried require that you reboot using a boot CD - WHY?

on the occasion i have thoroughly destroyed my operating system and can't even boot into it then i will use a boot CD with drive image on it to carry out the recovery process.

i only keep moaning about all this as it seems we are going backwards - why has a boot CD got to be used when an older piece of software managed to do it without.

please shut me up if anyone knows of a program that will work like drive image 2002 but has the ability to do on the fly or incremental backups (the 2002 version won't).

Backup Guide / Re: Pre-review discussion of Backup Software
« on: April 06, 2005, 05:08 AM »
i'm just going to throw in the fact that i'm still using powerquest's drive image 2002 again, as it allows me to restore a full system drive/partition backup without having to put a boot CD in.

can this be an issue to consider whilst reviewing the other drive image software, please?

i'll stop using the 2002 version as soon as anyone can tell me of a more up to date program that doesn't require a boot CD to fully work.

here's me hoping...

ah, linkman, now that rings a bell.

just had a quick look at their website - i do remember using linkman many moons ago and i would agree it's an excellent links/favorites manager. in fact, i think i will give it another go.

talking of boot CDs, you've probably already come across it but if not you might like BartPE

as i don't wish to sound like a complete idiot, i just thought i better explain...

drive image 2002 will run from within windows but if the image you are restoring IS the system drive/partition then windows will reboot so that the process can carried out.

a version of DOS automatically loads after the reboot and drive image 2002 takes over from there.

i don't understand why this is such a problem for the current crop of drive cloning programs - having to use a boot CD seems like a backward step to me.

 :) yep, drive images 2002 allows you to restore a system drive/partition with any windows based operating system on it - i'm using xp pro with ntfs (can't say i've tried it with windows 2003).

whether it works with non fat, fat32 or ntfs formats i can't say.

i stopped using ghost a few years ago but when i did use it that was run from within the operating system too - can't remember if i ever used it with xp.

you can also use drive image 2002 off of a boot cd if you make it in the right way.

Mouser's Zone / Re: Any new ideas for small utilities?
« on: March 29, 2005, 12:53 PM »
well i've just had a look at handything again and it falls into the category of doing a bit too much. looks like you have to specify how you want every single window to open instead of just being able to set a maximum area that they can fill.

i also use samurise - just stuck in the bottom right of my screen - but if mouser could develop this area blocking idea, i think i'd also stretch samurise out a bit.

i tend to get a bit bored so i'll always want to move the windows back over the blocked area or possible would like specific programs to open up full screen... so, just as another suggestion, mouser, if you do develop the idea could you incorporate a kind of overide option for certain windows (user specified)?

General Review Discussion / Re: About this section
« on: March 29, 2005, 11:07 AM »
how will it be decided on what is the winner. will it be put to the vote or will it be your own decision mouser?

why not let people comment as much as they want about the programs to be reviewed (someone may well highlight an issue with a particular piece of software that may have gone unnoticed otherwise) and then apply a voting system for the reviewers to adhere to...

the votes could be cast and then collected in private with the final result revealed at the time of the full in depth review. that way the final winning piece of software will be kept secret.

Mouser's Zone / Re: Any new ideas for small utilities?
« on: March 29, 2005, 10:57 AM »
i get the feeling there might be a few programs that will do something like you request - i certainly know of one you could try called 'handything'

i've not used it recently but i'm sure you could set it up to do what you want.

well, i'm always game if you need me. i'll hang back if there are plenty of other people wanting to take up the offer.

i started off using ghost but now use drive image 2002. i know there is a newer version but i don't like how the new hard drive cloners work - all the new ones i've tried require you to boot from a CD to restore the image (maybe i've missed something) whereas drive image 2002 allows you to start the restore process from a program running inside windows.

having to keep inserting a boot CD and then wait for it to load every time i want to restore an image is something i really don't have the time for. i'd much rather prefer to set it running from windows and then walk out the room and come back when everything is done.

i must say the incremental backup of the new programs is a feature i'm envious of but you can't have everything can you?

Living Room / Re: Everyone happy with PayPal?
« on: March 28, 2005, 04:10 PM »
 :up: never had a problem either. haven't sold a great amount through it, few hundred quid maybe. used it more to buy things with.

Open Source Roundups / Re: DrawSwf files submission
« on: March 27, 2005, 05:01 PM »
 :-[ sorry i was looking at the top of the page where it says "New Saturday Software Review 03/19/05" so i thought there hadn't been another review since then.

Open Source Roundups / Re: DrawSwf files submission
« on: March 27, 2005, 03:56 PM »
 :huh: what's a drawswf file?

Find And Run Robot / Re: Including some scripts with next version
« on: March 27, 2005, 07:24 AM »
not really sure how far you want to take 'find and run robot' mouser, but i can see with the latest suggestions the program is destined to incorporate all the well known command line features of it's competitors

with your enthusiasm to keep improving it i'm sure 'find and run robot' will soon surpass everything else out there. (let's face it; the initial version you released was way ahead of the pack anyway.)

on the subject of scripts, could you implement a feature that allowed searches to be done. say, type 'g vintage cars' and up pops google with the search completed for 'vintage cars'. typing a different first character would invoke a different search engine. i have this already set up inside the maxthon browser so that searches can be done in the address bar but it would be nice to do it straight from pressing the 'pause/break' key (i've seen it done with other command line utils).

taking the search idea further - how about if you could type in a search term and maybe even an initial start location you could then search for files on your hard drive(s). maybe specify the extension to the file, things like that.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Thanks, with questions...
« on: March 24, 2005, 01:28 PM »
 :Thmbsup: excellent. going to be a great update when it arrives.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Thanks, with questions...
« on: March 24, 2005, 12:53 PM »
is this new version just a bug fix edition as you say mouser or does it feature any new features that were discussed earlier in this forum?

Mouser's Zone / Re: Any new ideas for small utilities?
« on: March 24, 2005, 12:21 PM »
 :) a file browser review makes a lot of sense.

i'm going to mention in my column a few 'addons' for the plain old ms windows explorer that make it behave in a more 'grown up' manner as it's something that i've not really seen covered elsewhere.

Mouser's Zone / Re: Any new ideas for small utilities?
« on: March 24, 2005, 10:48 AM »
yes, powerdesk, i remember it well.

it seemed to be the ultimate file browser a few years ago - i seem to recall there were lots of the other small utils that came with it??? something that allowed previews of images in dialog boxes well before anyone else caught onto the idea (i might be suffering from false memory syndrome on that).

i shall have a look at the latest version of powerdesk - xplorer2 does a vast amount to say it's free though.

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