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General Software Discussion / Re: Google+
« on: July 01, 2011, 12:46 AM »
Well Goobook has something sticky and slimy to it commanding cautiousness.

General Software Discussion / Re: Google+
« on: July 01, 2011, 12:27 AM »
Google+ is kind of an odd name for this product though. It makes it sound like it's an improved version of Google (the search engine). Possible alternatives:



Sorry to keep spamming this thread. :P

- Oshyan

I thought up a terrible one before...


:D :P

Goobook ?

Find And Run Robot / Re: Some shortcut keys don't work anymore.
« on: June 26, 2011, 05:42 PM »
Thanks for that summary. I agree with those preferences.
And let's not forget that too:

Ctrl+Shift+left, Ctrl+Shift+Right  : move the cursor one word forward/back and select the text

Find And Run Robot / Re: Some shortcut keys don't work anymore.
« on: June 26, 2011, 01:25 PM »
- Ctrl+Left or Alt+Left, Ctrl+Right or Alt+Right, to either delete last word/subdir OR  autocomplete, doesn't work anymore
Hmmm...I thought Ctrl+Left / Ctrl+Right were for move cursor to beginning of previous word / next word.  That's what I'd expect, though I'm not sure what they used to do.

I'm not sure what Alt+Left and Alt+Right did previously.  FWIW, these don't seem to do anything for me in Notepad or Wordpad.  In Internet Explorer's location field, they seem to lead to the backward / forward page behavior.

Just to clarify, this is from the farr help file:

Ctrl+Left or Alt+Left, Ctrl+Backspace
 Delete last word (or subdir) in search edit box
Tab or Ctrl+Right or Alt+Right
 Autocomplete subdirectory in search edit box

Find And Run Robot / Re: Some shortcut keys don't work anymore.
« on: June 25, 2011, 11:13 PM »
it's pretty much a standard behaviour in modern text processors and one expects it, so they  probably should...
At the same time, if they don't, it's not a big deal : ctrl+backspace allows one to obtain the same results + quicker : delete full words. Full words selection in farr is probably mostly used for deletion/substitution, but some might use it in cut/copy/paste operations... [Edit: that said... I don't know ! The only thing I know is that I tend to expect it...)

Find And Run Robot / Re: Some shortcut keys don't work anymore.
« on: June 25, 2011, 10:56 PM »
i may have broken some things in adding standard hotkeys for alt+left+right.

ctrl+Backspace is for deleting the last word, tab should autocomplete.

can others chime in here?

Thanks Chris and mouser. Yes, I should've mentioned that ctrl+Backspace and tab still work. It's the other key combinations that don't.

(Just to restate: I used to use alt+left/right to delete/autocomplete and those don't work anymore. And as cranio said, "Ctrl+Shift-LEFT or RIGHT jumps by word but doesn't select".)

Find And Run Robot / Some shortcut keys don't work anymore.
« on: June 25, 2011, 05:07 PM »
It might be something in my setup -- as nobody complained -- but :

- Ctrl+Left or Alt+Left, Ctrl+Right or Alt+Right, to either delete last word/subdir OR  autocomplete, doesn't work anymore
- Also, Ctrl+Shift+Left Ctrl+Shift+Right, for word selection don't work either.

... They used to work and noticed they didn't a few days go. My cursor just moves from left to right or the reverse.

Any ideas ?


The subject of the perfect information management software can be discussed endlessly and yet... No magic formula will emerge for at least 3 terribly banal and cliché reasons : users' needs are often different, users come/are from/in various contexts, users possess various degree of geekiness... That's why you'll have people immensely enjoying Compendium while others will find that TiddlyWiki or oldish Ecco are the best things since slice bread... While I'll just be left scratching my head  :tellme:

As far as the original requirements were... I'm not sure why Barney didn't explore OneNote more (jimdoria's heartfelt suggestion) as, really, it seems to fit the bill almost perfectly. Not to mention that it's sexy and does what it does really well.

- allow drag and drop from almost any other application : CHECK
- record the URL of the drag and drop origin if a URL, or the title bar if a non-Web application : CHECK
- record the date (and time?) of any drag and drop operation : CHECK (last modified date, at least... IIRC, a while ago)
- include images along with text in any drag and drop operation : CHECK
- allow creation of individual notes interactively: CHECK (well... I have to admit I'm not sure exactly what that means... But if does mean what I think it does : CHECK...  :))
- allow - but not require - a tree/outline structure (in order to pre-classify note or drag and drop entities): CHECK (but OneNote isn't a pure outliner)

+ one million other things.

So, apart for the last element, maybe, OneNote seems to be a winner -- well I admit that I haven't tested Zoot 32 (not enough time).

And, of course most of you know I use InfoQube for everything data related (or almost), with its current imperfections. But I'd be very surprised if it fitted the bill here. Yet, apart for "recording the URL of the drag and drop origin" stuff (which could probably easily be done), it does everything mentioned above. Like I said : it boils down to one's needs, level of geekiness and usage context...

Some great comments here !

@Josh : +1, Well thought. I agree with everything you said.

@Nod5 : I use a similar approach but with the "<" and ">" chars (I'm having issues with spaces)
< : triggers the everything plugin and I see results in farr
<> : launches everything with specific query

While I like this approach -- and I'm sure it could be kept -- it just doesn't feel integrated enough (plus... Everything doesn't have the sophisticated sorting algorithms farr has, etc.) and as such it can't constitute a true long term solution.

I really think farr would benefit from a tighter integration with some kind of index -- like Josh,  I find that good path would be NTFS Master File Table + NTFS change journal.

So here is what I'm currently thinking.. I'm thinking that I will make some fairly minor changes to FARR, to allow plugins to more seamlessly do the job of replacing the normal file searching.

The Everything SDK is best suited for a first implementation.

While I think Everything is great (it's the file name search tool I use the most), I wonder about its development. Doesn't seem too active. But then, it's probably still the best tool, all things considered (resources used, speed, etc.).

So I was thinking of basically providing the same functionality as the other great Everything plugins that have already been written for FARR, except that you would be able to tell FARR to basically use the plugin to do all normal file searching, rather than having to use an explicit alias to trigger the search.

I like that.^

I do think what valid question is:  If you have the Everything tool running, and just one click away, why not use that instead of FARR when you want to search for documents (as opposed to start menu items)..

I use both**, but  prefer to just use Farr when it's only for quick launching.

**Right now, the main reason why I'll often switch to the Everything interface is because of the wrong "diacritical marks" display : all Everything results containing accents/diacriticals aren't displayed properly in Farr. That could most probably be fixed since those are displayed correctly when I'm not using the everything plugin...
The other reason I sometimes switch to the Everything interface is to be able to sort by dates, something I wish Farr was able to do.

Maybe I should focus on adding whatever i need to add to farr to allow a plugin to seamlessly take over file system searching, and then let others write specific plugins for Everything, Locate, Windows Desktop Search, that will do the actual work.

I like that option too.

However, if that path is chosen, maybe one of the more mature plugins should be installed by default. New users could then experience Farr in all its greatness without having to hunt for plugins.  Maybe the "Windows Desktop Search" plugin would be the most suitable -- not my personal fav (still a bit unstable here...) but it might be the most used (installed by default in recent Windows flavours).

You could still test it though. But test it in a realistic setup, with databases and other bigger files. This is where the problems started -- versions pile up and take a huge amount of hard drive space. And then it's not that intuitive to get rid of versions etc. Well, it wasn't... Don't know if it is now.

I'll just quote J-MAC from the other thread (I hope he doesn't mind...) :

Also it has difficulties - big difficulties - deleting old backups. My backup storage grew a little too big too fast for my liking so I wanted to reduce its size. If you delete the oldest backups from within Oops it slows to a crawl. E.g., deleting less than a week's worth of backups Oops took over 20 minutes just to select the old backups! Then a couple hours - running at 75 to 85% CPU trying to delete them. It was unresponsive for so long I finally gave up and killed the process - and the service, too - and then just went into DOpus and manually deleted the files and folders. Manually. Took all of < 1 minute.

Then last night I noticed that the Oops storage area had increased by an additional 145 GB! I found a folder named "Recovered Files" in the Oops Profile folder. Why? I don’t know yet. I deleted that too.

It just doesn’t act like most other backup programs I have used, and it doesn’t allow you to freely change, delete, pause, etc.; all features that Altaro really needs to implement in order to make it a usable product IMO. I'm awaiting the next reply from support to see what I do from here.

Personally, I like having as much control as I can... At least in that area of my life.  :)

Here's the Oops!Backup  link :

I re-read parts of the thread again and it certainly didn't convince me to try oops again. They'd really need to work on some of the mentioned problems... For smallerish files, it should be okay though.


It's interesting for me to see how I tried so many options during the last few years and just went back to my original "no fuss" solution -- full proof, simple, efficient. The only things I added to the mix are online syncing ingredients like SpiderOak (not always completely reliable unfortunately...).

I don't think I'll come back to that "backup struggle" until next summer, when I'll need extra storage... Way too time consuming... Need to get some stuff done!!!!  :'(

Oops Backup has some issues (mostly space and RAM issues). I don't know if they've been ironed out, but you can do a search for related threads.

I agree with others about imaging. Good for OS backup, with versions, etc. but not so great for everything else.

If you remember, I posted about my own strategy a while ago (https://www.donation...99.msg58886#msg58886). It hasn't changed much as my requirements are still the same.

1 a- Sync my ALL my files (not the OS) frequently (everyday) to 2 different 1TB hard drives.
   b- Versioning of everything**
(I use Syncback for that. Was using bvckup, but still waiting for some issued to be ironed out to go back to it)

2 a- Backup off-site : means that I "send" away one of my hard drive elsewhere once a week (I just swap harddrives -- parents keep it in their house.),
   b- I also use Spideroak as an extra cushion monitoring work stuff I absolutely can't loose (where even an hour would be super annoying). I don't need to have absolutely everything synced using some "online plan" -- just a few folders.

3- Image my OS once a month (and keep versions)... or as needed.

** I Archive file versions on older hard drives (those who got too small) or DVDs.

All this takes some thinking, but not that much.

It's extremely easy to maintain and cheap. The only thing I check once in a while is if Syncback is doing its job properly. And it always did/does...  :)

The only part that is a bit trickier is the off-site hard drive swapping -- I sometimes forget. But the worst that could happen if my house burnt is that I'd loose a couple weeks of probably unimportant stuff since the most important things are synced through Spideroak anyways...

Living Room / Re: Sean Connery ain't Apple's bitch!
« on: June 21, 2011, 01:14 PM »
Too bad it's a fake.  :)

Some cross-linking... :    
Dropbox Left User Accounts Unlocked for 4 Hours Sunday

Plus this : Now anyone, not just cops with a warrant, can peek inside your Dropbox

(Note that the last link isn't all that great... just another reference...)


General Software Discussion / Re: alternative to filehamster?
« on: June 19, 2011, 09:49 PM »
Thanks for sharing that.
Do you remember why you chose File Hamster over AJC? was it because of the file format?

General Software Discussion / Re: web clipping
« on: June 19, 2011, 09:35 PM »
I use IQ (InfoQube) -- surprise! -- for all clipping (web or whatever).  :P
I've got thousands of clips in there, all tagged etc.
The universal clipper works everywhere. But the "HiFi" clipper (full pages, "verbatim") only works with FF 4 (and earlier, of course) and IE 8.

 ;D Well, on a positive note, the Newsletter was a still a nice read ! thanks !

Yup, surely it's because of the Canadian post strike. Got mine "yesterday" -- June 12. ;D

General Software Discussion / Re: DVCS ?
« on: June 07, 2011, 10:04 PM »
Just took 15 min to try it (to make sure...) and it seems to work well -- at least with the command line. (P.S.:Using "Pull" rather than "fetch" + "diff" + "merge" for such a setup seems more straight forward.)

General Software Discussion / Re: DVCS ?
« on: June 07, 2011, 11:38 AM »
I haven't tried it (not my current setup) and I know some here are much more knowledgeable than me. But I gues it would go like that :

1- initialize "yourproject" repo in A and track all files. In your directory:
cd "your directory"
git init
git add *.*

2- in B, create a directory and clone the A repo:
cd "your directory in B"
git clone -l --no-hardlinks "path to your repo in A"

3- in B, add a reference to A:
git remote add "name you want to give to this remote" "path to your repo in A"

4- in A, add a reference to B :
cd "your directory in A"
git remote add "name you want to give to this remote" "path to your repo in B"

Now from A or B, you can pull changes :
cd "your directory in A"
git pull "path to your repo in B"

cd "your directory in B"
git pull "path to your repo in A"

[EDIT : you might want to do a "git fetch" and then a "git diff" followed y a "git merge", rather than a "git pull", that way you can review what you're bringing in.
git fetch doesn’t touch your working tree at all but "pull" will.]

General Software Discussion / Re: DVCS ?
« on: June 07, 2011, 09:35 AM »
if A and B are on a network, you can directly pull to A from B and conversely.

General Software Discussion / Re: DVCS ?
« on: June 06, 2011, 10:51 PM »
So you want to be able to connect computer A to computer B and pull the changes from one to the other?
Would using something like Dropbox/spideroak a possibility?
There are many blogs where steps are described. A few good ones :



Generally speaking the setup process seems simple : 1- initialize your local repo, 2- initialize a "bare" repo in Dropbox, 3- link both repo (add origin), 4- push from your "local repo" to Dropbox.

General Software Discussion / Re: DVCS ?
« on: June 05, 2011, 11:28 PM »
One question- it seems that your repository in the case that you're not using something like github is purely local- is this true?

Yes, I imagine, unless you decide to move it somewhere else (other than github).

At some point I was thinking of setting my own "remote server" using a dropbox/spideroak/[...] account and use it as a git remote server. There are already a lot of examples of similar setup on the web. I could share a few links if you're interested.

And is there a way to have a copy of the repository without another machine?

You mean cloning your repo? you can clone a repo wherever you want. From a server or a local machine.

I think you'd need to use the -l  and maybe the --no-hardlinks flags (depending on what you want).

SmartGit and other GUIs make cloning a piece of cake.

I don't know if that answers your questions though...?

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