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Messages - Dirhael [ switch to compact view ]

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Find And Run Robot / Re: Folders bug
« on: September 19, 2007, 05:50 PM »
Any chance of you fixing the bug with the %FARRDIR% variable having a trailing slash in it in this update as well? To better explain the problem, consider the following default search folder for FARR:

The problem is that FARR interprets that as…
C:\Program Files\FindAndRunRobot\\Scripts
…instead of the expected C:\Program Files\FindAndRunRobot\Scripts. You are still able to launch the links, but the icons are broken because of this.

General Software Discussion / Re: How do you launch stuff?
« on: September 19, 2007, 05:28 PM »
Here's what I have running currently:

* Enso
* Direct Access
* True Launch Bar
* Objectdock+
-- And when the next update is out, I'll start running Dash Command again as well.

Yes, I know that I use to many application launchers for my own good…but I love them all and can't really see myself removing any of them  :-[

Dash and FARR together??? Seems odd.

I gave Dash a good try, even buying the license. But, it is no where near ready for primetime. After using it I realized that it didn't do anything that FARR couldn't do and FARR was more mature (even if Mouser won't do a public release  :P)

Hehe, see the problem is that I just can't decide which of them to use. I mean, I like both programs and when the next Dash update comes out and solves the problem with it not removing old outdated shortcuts it should be ready for everyday use (for me at least), but at the same time...I love the real-time updating of FARR. On the other hand, I wouldn't dare even attempting having FARR index all of my music and movie folders, something I can do with Dash seeing as it uses an index. Gah, the problems of having a choice

Living Room / Re: Whats on your desktop?
« on: September 19, 2007, 05:19 PM »
@ Dirhael, you simply HAVE to tell how you made this "teaser", wow, it is looking good!
 (see attachment in previous post)

Sure, what I've used is a tiny freeware application called Rumshot.

   Program: Download from Fileforum
   Theme pack: Download from Shellscape

I think the project is abandoned by now, but it works just fine in both XP and Vista so it doesn't really matter. It even got a built-in "take screenshot and upload to FTP" function which is nice :)

General Software Discussion / Re: How do you launch stuff?
« on: September 19, 2007, 05:03 PM »
Here's what I have running currently:

* Enso
* Direct Access
* True Launch Bar
* Objectdock+
-- And when the next update is out, I'll start running Dash Command again as well.

Yes, I know that I use to many application launchers for my own good…but I love them all and can't really see myself removing any of them  :-[

Living Room / Re: Whats on your desktop?
« on: September 19, 2007, 04:59 PM »
Changed my desktop slightly since my last post as I installed XP alongside Vista…again. I like Vista but some things just works better in XP so dual-booting is still necessary and I suspect this will continue for quite some time. Oh well, it just gives me an excuse to install even more applications :D

General Software Discussion / Re: New interesting features for Firefox 3
« on: September 16, 2007, 01:28 PM »
I hope the betas get better, or it'll go IE route pretty soon.
IE7 is hardly any better than firefox... even seems slower to me, which I thought was impossible >_<

This is true in my experience as well, but on the other hand you have IE-based browsers like Maxthon which doesn't seem to suffer the same it's probably not the IE engine in itself that makes IE7 feel so slow, but rather the GUI.

Just so people know, the Donationcoder discount is still valid (30%) which should give you a price just shy of $28. It's a good price for a very good program :)

EDIT: Just noticed that mouser already edited his post and mentions this. Just goes to show that you should never leave a page open for to long before replying :-[

General Software Discussion / Re: Real Player 11 is actually quite good!
« on: September 13, 2007, 05:41 PM »
Some sins simply cannot be forgiven, and the company behind Real Player have committed pretty much all of them. Even if it could offer world peace and free beer for everyone, it still wouldn't be allowed anywhere near my PC.

I was so happy when I read that you got to race it on the Nürburgring...until I discovered that it wasn't the full Nordschleife but rather just the GP part...*sniff*

Still, it's a free game which is always nice, and I do have the Nordschleife track in at least 3 or 4 games already (yes, the Nordschleife is just that addictive ;)).

OK tinjaw - let me feed my ravenous toddlers and I'll create a poll while they're burping contentedly to themselves and are held captive by Dora the Explorer...

Your poll better have an option called something like "I use all of the above File Managers" ;)

Those and text editors are like heroin...only slightly more addictive ;)

 :huh: Care to share your experience with DC readers?  :D

Well, you see... Hehe, thankfully it's just a  figure of speech :) If I were to rephrase it and use something I have personal experiences with, I could have said something like this instead; I've managed to quit smoking after well over 10 years with that unhealthy and highly addictive habit. Despite this, I could never ever imagine giving up any of my beloved file managers or text editors...It's ours, it is, and we wants it!

For those of us who cannot (are not willing to) keep up with the plethora of postings on file manager swiss army knives, it sounds like the Big Four are (in no particular order, or course) Directory Opus, XYplorer, TC, and xplorer2. And, I imagine like vi and emacs, pc and apple, and coke and pepsi, it is a matter of taste you choose as they are all relatively equal in power. Am I kinda correct?

You would be correct in that it's a matter of taste, but I wouldn't really say that they are that close when it comes to features and "power." Of those you mention, all of them are actually quite unique in what they have to offer. Of course, most of the basic functionality will be quite similar but other than that it can really be a "night and day" experience going from one of them to another. I love all of them (with the exception of Xplorer^2), so it's not really an issue for me. Like Darwin, I'm kind of addicted to file managers. Those and text editors are like heroin...only slightly more addictive ;)

General Software Discussion / Website statistics software
« on: September 08, 2007, 09:35 PM »
So as I was going over my website logs today, I came to the conclusion that the software provided by my host (Dreamhost) was insufficient for my needs. It just doesn't offer enough information, especially in the area of referrer logging and detailed stats of visits over any given period of time. I have been hunting around the web for some good ones, but most of them fails to provide me with the detailed stats I want AND good referrer logging. In addition, many seems to be based on including javascripts into your pages, and I most definetely do not want that (don't want slower page loading that absolutely necessary...and I also want to keep serving my content as application/xhtml+xml so validation errors are not something I can take lightly). It pretty much needs to be done server-side in PHP...

To summarize my most basic requirements:
- Detailed visitor statistics over X number of days/weeks/months/years.
- Good detailed referrer logging, that doesn't always remove the GET variables from URL's.
- Needs to be done server side. No javascript inclusions on my pages, and preferably image-based methods either.
- Written relatively well. I've seen the interfaces some of these programs offer, and not all of them use what I would call (X)HTML.
- It would also be nice if it doesn't bring down a Cray supercomputer down on it's knees ;)

Any good suggestions?

Everytime I start the alpha version it wants to convert my mail settings (boxes?). However, I have never set up mail or chat accounts in opera - there is nothing to convert. Converting nothing seems to take forever, unless I click Pause and then Continue: opera 9.5 alpha then claims everything was converted until next time I start it.

My question thusly: how do I make it stop trying to convert?

I ask here because DC is the only forum I use and #opera has been unable to help so far.

As far as I know (after reading the comments in the comments section of the Desktopteam's blog), the way to solve this problem is to remove the following folder:

In addition, if you did the installation as an upgrade (which is a *really* bad idea for pre-release versions) you may have to clear out the following file as well:

There are to my understanding quite a few updates to the mail client this time around, and there are quite a few issues with it at this stage. For me it did manage to upgrade my mail acocunts, but I suddenly had about 2000 mails in my sent folder as well (it managed to copy all of my inbox there). Safe to say, I won't touch that part of it until it reaches at least beta status.

Dirhael, I have been attacked on the opera forums, quite recently as well, for posting about roboform. Its not an uncommon thing. And you can see that I am still active and am NOT posting this because I was kicked off the forums. My username there is Buttalks, have a look :)

I wrote in my reply to J-Mac that it was quite possible, but that I don't think it in any way has anything to do with this topic. If some members or even an moderator on this forum say something "not so nice" to you, does that mean that this is how mouser would treat you and feels about you? No? If so, in topics about the latest release of FARR it would be quite strange to bring it up, correct? The only thing it would bring into a discussion is wood for a fire.

The reason I assumed he was kicked off the forum was not because of the Roboform part of his post, but rather his statement that "they did everything but pee" on him which in my world kinda implies they didn't just point and laugh at him ;)

I'm replying the way I did because although the part about Roboform was on topic (hence the "most of" part of my reply), the parts where you are ranting on about supposed incidents in the Opera forums are not. How exactly is that related to a topic about a new alpha release of Opera?

Also, accusing me of being a shill is not only inaccurate but also insulting. If you re-read the topic, I think that what you will find is that most of my posts in this topic are trying to help out some other users with problems they are facing when trying to configure this build.

EDIT: Also, when you say they did everything but pee on you, how am I supposed to not think you meant you had been kicked off the forums? A statement such as that kinda implied that they had done so.

J-Mac, it's not that I'm saying you are wrong here as I wouldn't know. However, the way I see it most of what you just posted have anything to do with the topic at hand. You say you were being mistreated at the Opera forums, well it's quite possible. On the other hand though, that's pretty much the same excuse I see from just about anyone that has ever been kicked off a forum or community in the past. It's always the other party that's at fault, and the ones getting kicked out never did anything to deserve it...

You need to take into consideration just how long it took before developers started to really take advantage of both DX8 and DX9. In both cases it took at least a year or two before they really started using it to its full potential. After all, with the budgets and development time in the gaming industry today, most games that are getting released this year was started up to several years ago.
There will be a very noticeable difference one this change start happening, I mean just take a look at the difference between DX8 and DX9. The only thing I'm really worried about is how long it's going to take before developers start using it, as the biggest problem facing DX10 is the fact that it is Vista-only.

No, Flip3D most definitely have some usability issues. I wonder who at Microsoft figured it would be a good idea to display your open applications like a stack of photographs? It's not exactly the easiest way to do things, as you can't just scan over the screen with your eyes to locate the correct one. What I would recommend to anyone that want some of the convenience of a program like "Switcher 2" but doesn't want to install 3'rd party software, is to use this very nice tip from Cybernetnews and just increase the thumbsize of the regular alt+tab instead :)

General Software Discussion / Re: CPU Usage shoots up to 100% !?!
« on: September 06, 2007, 09:57 PM »
No problem at all :)

General Software Discussion / Re: CPU Usage shoots up to 100% !?!
« on: September 06, 2007, 09:31 PM »
just a small update.. there is a known problem where upon installing WinXP SP2, the CPU usage maxes out at 100%. probably it's not related to me as mine is an Abit motherboard related problem but i was curious to try it out.

so as per instruction, i requested for this hot-fix by giving them my email but it has been like 3 days and i've yet receive any reply.. :o even though, there was a notice saying: "A Microsoft Professional will respond to you via e-mail within 8 business hours."

I just went hunting around the web for you, and found said hotfix without having to contact Microsoft :)

I uploaded it for you here: [Download KB890582 here]

Living Room / Re: When you make your 100'th Post
« on: September 06, 2007, 05:44 PM »
Hehe, I didn't even notice that I passed 100 posts myself so thanks for posting that Curt :) Now to see how long it will take me to reach 1000 posts...

Sorry, Dirhael, for publishing your private info. I wasn't thinking too clearly, was I. You revealed your name when you uploaded a screenshot recently, and I remember thinking "with this name he can only be a Norwegian!"  ;)  But I couldn't remember right away in which thread the picture was to be found, so I didn't check up on the proper spelling - sorry again!


I have Spyware Terminator running all the time, and I do remember answering  Yes  to the question, to which I now know, I should have answered  No.

For 40 days I was trialing Total Uninstall, but if you install some new programs each day, you - no, not "you" but "me / myself / I", I really get tired of "wasting" all that amount of time - Total Uninstall really is a slow way to keep the PC safe. Anyway, the point being that I didn't purchase a license. But then there are moments, as today, when I regret I did not keep it.

Haha, don't worry about it :) I publish my name all over the place from time to time, as even though complete anonymity can be desirable in certain situations and places, I think it would make communities such as this (and other mostly friendly sites) less personal than I'd like. Friendly communities is usually a result of its members acting more like one would "in the real world" and less as a bunch of John/Jane Doe's. Wouldn't want this place to end up like this, I've had enough of that on certain other forums ;)

I absolutely agree with you on Total Uninstall and other programs like it. I can see situations where it might be useful, but the problem is that by the time you notice that something is wrong, you most likely wouldn't want to restore your registry and risk break something else.

er selv norsk

Jatak Øjvind  :D

Thanks for being around!  :up:

Hey, how'd you know my name?'s actually "Øyvind", but very close. Not that it matters though ;)

I did  actually install Miro to see if this would happen to me as well (oh the joys of having installed VMware), but I did not encounter any problems. By the sound of it, I'd guess you somehow came over a random bug in the installer...and that's one of the reasons I never let applications take over my file extensions during installation. Should you want to protect yourself agains problems such as this in the future, you could take a look at installing WinPatrol 2007 or Spyware Terminator and just lock the file extensions until you're done installing. That way, it should be impossible that it could mess up your system this way again :)

Oh, how I wish I could address you all in Danish!

1) The problem is not the file associations, the problem is the file types.

I can right-click any video file and say "always open with KMP", and KMPLayer will open it and play it well, but that will not change the "perceived" file type; it will still be wrong (miro.1),
-  and the file will still just open Notebook when double-clicked.

I cannot use the answer from "Janet at PCF".

2) I am so far very much afraid that I will have to look further into the answers from Dirhael and steeladept, but I don't like it - "KISS" (Keep It Simple, Stupid), was invented for people like me!

But thanks anyway, all of you.

Bare ta det på dansk du, er selv norsk så jeg tror nok det ska gå bra ;)

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