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Messages - sgtevmckay [ switch to compact view ]

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Oops  :-[

Ooohhh boy...that is a Tutorial glitch...."ignore the man behind the curtain", and the "Space" Button  :P

Actually I was not wrong, and I did not snap to it at the time, but the bug that you pointed out is actually working....From what I can gather Logitech can only handle up to a combination of 2 hotkeys at a time, so a third modifier is not possible, so this glitch maybe a Logitech error that is allowing CD to work (???).
All I can say is it works Flawlessly and with out any complications  ::)


Oops  :-[

Ooohhh boy...that is a Tutorial glitch...."ignore the man behind the curtain", and the "Space" Button  :P

 :o Damn...this going to be great.......I am thinking of stuff  :P

You asked for suggestions at one point, and I do not even know of the problems that would be faced in doing it, but would it be possible to create an Infinity loop???


As the arrows imply, this is not two circles merged, but one complete loop

I can not even give you a mathematical solution for such a concept  :-[

BUT!, I am also thinking that when you have this completed to a point where you are satisfied, and are willing to do a full release, I would appreciate your permission to release this companion tool to the main wikidot site as a download.....What say you?
With your efforts and time, this Circle Dock companion controller deserves no less recognition.

I use the MX revolution's equivalent for the Laptop, it is just a bit smaller   :P
The following is the set up for my mouse in the Logitch Set Point tools

Screenshot - 3_7_2010 , 4_31_03 PM.jpg
Let me know if you require a complete Set Point Tutorial to set this up!?!!  :tellme:

Combined with the following settings in Circle Dock

Screenshot - 3_7_2010 , 4_37_41 PM.jpg

This combination has worked flawlessly for me since I started it with the VX Revolution
Additionally it seems to work smother, faster, and there is almost no resource spike utilizing this combination

Try it and let me know...I love Circle Dock, But I also love my Mouse....I do not believe that I could give up one over the other....So I will continue to look into integration methods, and so far this one seems the most flawless.
So If you have an extra button that you do not commonly use, this is a great solution  :Thmbsup:

The Sarge  

This great

Thanks for all your work Rigel  :-*

Circle Dock / Re: A Loading Image
« on: March 06, 2010, 05:23 AM »
Thanks Sarge  :-[
-Archon of Fate (March 06, 2010, 12:52 AM)

You'll see  :Thmbsup:

Circle Dock / Re: A Loading Image
« on: March 06, 2010, 12:39 AM »
Thanks  :Thmbsup:

Do not think for a moment that you help and hard work in unappreciated  :-*

just to toss my 2 cents in my middle button toggle is not working either on Windows 7 64bit with a logitech trackball using MS drivers.

Actually that may be a completely different issue  :-[
Apparently windows 7 does not like to play nice with the included Mouse DLL...apparently there is a growing list of issues, even though the DLL in question has been working for years.

We are continuing to look into this issue, but I fear we maybe running out of avenues to explore  :-[

Markham could probably expand on this issue a bit

apologies mmcevil

I ave been doing some research, and have found that Logitech tools (for mutli-button mouse) do not play well with windows.
So I am going to assume that your version of Logitech mouse is 5 or more buttons and you are utilizing the Logitech software to operate and program that mouse.
I am also finding that there are several other multi-button mouse that are having the same issues, especially in cases where mouse customization software is installed.

I have run into this issue, and I own an VX Revolution.
My solution was to re-assign the search button to shift+f1, and this has corrected my issue altogether.

Let me know more about your mouse and any software you are using to control it, and I will as well.
If this is the problem I think it is, a button will need to be dedicated to Circle Dock alone, and universally, and I can walk you through how to do that

Let me know

I found your mouse and it is similar to mine.

In the image below: What do you have assigned to the button pointed to???

Screenshot - 3_5_2010 , 5_38_17 PM.jpg

This is teh button that I have assigned the Shift+f1 to, and made teh necessary changes in the Circle Dock settings......

If you are interested in doing this, or something similar with another button, let me know what version of teh logitech software you are using, and I can work up a quick tutorial for all of us  :Thmbsup:

Circle Dock / Re: A Loading Image
« on: March 05, 2010, 06:25 PM »
I was going to tackle this issue at some point  :P

Thanks so much, we definitely need a better graphic to be sure, and this is great

Let us know when you are done  :Thmbsup:

I might suggest, but do not know how this image would come out indexed, but the three dots after the wording, if they could light up one at a time, kinda like a download monitor...

and so one....
I do not even know the possibility of this with the wonderful gradient you used, converting to a GIF File may damage the end product  :'(
I hope I am making sense, as the drugs are kicking my butt  :-[

Actually there is a major code update, and certain parts of the software have been further integrated or eliminated.
Certain files and folders from previous versions may not exist, so installing over an older version may create a conflict with files and folders left behind during the updated install
Due to this, I would suggest following the directions, so that you have full benefit of the software, with the appropriate updated files and code

Greetings guomin1987
Welcome to Donationcoder, and Circle Docks little corner  :D
Listed as the final link in the initial post....The latest version will always be at the following

If you have any questions, let us know  :Thmbsup:

The Sarge

Good catch...thanks  :Thmbsup:

Circle Dock / Re: Problem installing trash
« on: March 02, 2010, 10:54 PM »
Thanks so much  ;D

Circle Dock / Re: Problem installing trash
« on: March 02, 2010, 01:24 PM »
The blue Bins are native to Windows 7, so I do not have them readily available.

As for the Black Recycle you go:  :Thmbsup:

If you are looking for Windows 7 Replica Icons and others I suggest looking into Rocket Dock, as they have an area dedicated to Icons and wallpaper

Let me know if there is any thing else I can do, and know that you inquiries are no bother.  :D

Have fun  8)

The Sarge

Circle Dock / Re: Problem installing trash
« on: March 01, 2010, 08:43 PM »
Bonjour  :D

I ran in to this issue myself, and have found the following to work marvelously:

Following similar steps as made in earlier post.

Right Click on Circle Doc go to:
Add >File Folder and Special Items

This will again bring up a fresh Item Settings

Name Field:

You may enter any Name you wish....I will name name my new link "My Computer"

Target Field:

Type or Copy and Paste the following in to the Target field

Arguments Field:

This is where the magic happens.
Type or Copy and Paste the following into the Arguments field

Then click "Finish"

When you click this Icon you will get the "Drives Window" Instead of an other directory
You are welcome to change the icon into any other graphic that suites your needs
I believe that this will have the results you desire  :Thmbsup:

I Thank you for sharing these sites with us, and I will be spending a few hours touring them to be sure.  :-*

Let us know if you require anything else  :tellme:

The Sarge

I recently tracked down an interview with our Beloved VideoInPicture (Eric Wong)
It was buried so deep that it took the help of my wife to find it;

The article can be found here:
Article posted Sept. 22, 2008

We continue to hope for VIP's return one day

Circle Dock / Re: This may amuse ... from today's download stats
« on: February 28, 2010, 07:41 PM »
Ack....I do not know what is happening, but India has been Kick'in A$$ for teh last 72+ hours.
I can not find an article or periodical release, but something happened  :Thmbsup:

Circle Dock / Re: Problem installing trash
« on: February 28, 2010, 06:00 PM »
I am so glad that a solution has been found.

We certainly are looking into the future with these "Virtual" Folders, and hope to one day be-able to deliver I/O communication with them at some point.
So keep watching, we will figure it out, I have faith  :Thmbsup:

You are more than welcome to share your sites with us, and many thanks.

The Sarge

Circle Dock / Re: Problem installing trash
« on: February 28, 2010, 12:54 PM »
The images are well done...Great work  :Thmbsup:

I am not finished yet, there may yet be a solution for the Recycle Bin

Go ahead and create a new item
Right click on Circle Dock >ADD >File, Folder or Special Item

Screenshot - 2_28_2010 , 11_41_55 AM.jpg

In the Name section:
Name as you wish....I will Name mine Recycle Bin

Screenshot - 2_28_2010 , 11_45_34 AM.jpg

In the Target area
Either type or Copy and Paste the following string:

Screenshot - 2_28_2010 , 11_56_19 AM.jpg

In the Argument area
Either Type or Copy and Paste the following string:

Screenshot - 2_28_2010 , 11_50_16 AM.jpg

Then click Finish

This will create a direct link to the Recycle Bin Window Interface, and should work across Windows XP or above

Screenshot - 2_28_2010 , 11_53_33 AM.jpg

Let me know, otherwise I will have to do some homework, and see if Vista has something different happening


Open Spoiler to read Article:
Originally posted at the Rainmeter Forum 02/26/2010

I write this with a great swelling of pride and tears of joy in my eyes.

One year ago today a call went out, a cry in the darkness of a deadware program.
One voice, that became a few, then many.
No one knew or cared if that one voice was English, Arid, Asian, Gaelic, Italian, French, or any other language.
No one knew, or cared, what origins or color the voice may have been
No one even knew if there would be a large calling.
Each person drawn to develop and ask for more, based on personal wants and needs.
The need to not have an excellent program die before it’s time
Truly the essence of; “E Pluribus: Unum”

The cry in the dark was simple enough:
"Don't let Rainmeter die!"
Regardless of Popular belief; that call initially went out from our highly respected Kaelri
The call was heard, and heeded, by our Beloved Rainy
That call was one year ago today!

Today is one year later
Today users of Rainmeter have a lot to celebrate

Rainmeter has grown so far beyond what we knew a year ago.
So many people, from all walks of life have come forward to help build and expand Rainmeter in any way they could.
Along the way we found old friends and new ones, we have met some of the legends of Rainmeter old, and made new ones.
I have cried great tears of joy for Rainmeter.
I have laughed.
I have been excited, and felt trepidations on advancements.
A full range of emotions, and I thank all of you for it.

All those who have supported Rainmeter, new and old, should feel a great swelling of pride. It is because of all of you that Rainmeter is not only growing, but is back at the top where it belongs

Rainy saw fit to go open source, and the response to the call of "Don't let Rainmeter die!" has been phenomenal.
History has been made, and we look to the future.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you.
I cannot pick one name over any other, as all have contributed in whatever way they could.
Some with Code
Some with Support
Some with Donations
Some with Testing
Some with Promoting
Some in any way they could
BUT, all for the sake of this great program and the great community that has sprung up in its wake.

I want to thank all those Media sources that helped keep Rainmeter alive in the dark years, and those media sources that have allowed Rainmeter to be a part of their stories and articles.

I would officially declare this day (February 26, 2010) be known as the day that the resurrection is complete, and full life has been restored to Rainmeter.

I have never been a religious person, but I have come to believe in resurrection.
Rainmeter, Rainy, and the entire Rainmeter community has made this possible, and has shown me miraculous things, and has shown me what it is to have faith.

Everyone deserves praise for what Rainmeter is now, and will be tomorrow

Let’s keep going
Rainmeter was a dream become reality for many, and there is so much more exciting things to come.

The Sarge

The experience of being a member here, and the policies I carried over to the Rainmeter forum, helped rebuild the Rainmeter Community
We have a great forum, and members core, because of what I learned at DC.
The Kindness, the patience, and the working to understand, are all values that I gained here, and carried over.

What I learned here help Rainmeter restore itself, so I thank folks here as well
DC has proven itself to be a great community time and again, and I am proud to promote and support this community in any way I can

Circle Dock / Re: Problem installing trash
« on: February 28, 2010, 09:30 AM »
Ok.....  :D

First let us see if we can fix the Recycle Bin issue.
What Operating System are you using (ie. XP, Vista, 7) ??
I am willing to bet you are using Windows 7
If that is the case, we can still get you a working link  :Thmbsup:

The various clocks I use are all Rainmeter Skins, either original or those that I have modified my self  ;)
More information for Rainmeter can be found at Rainmeter
The various skins, I have collected at DeviantArt,, or have made myself
Currently the Skin I am using for the clock is a modified version of "Analogue Digital" Skin
If you are a Rainmeter User....I can package up teh collection and send along at any time  :Thmbsup:

I love the clock you are currently using  :Thmbsup:
Can we get more information on that?

We would all love to see your examples.
Examples are always good

Let em know about which Operating System you are using, and we can get the Recycle Bin issue fixed.  8)

Circle Dock / Re: Problem installing trash
« on: February 27, 2010, 04:56 PM »
Greetings ELBVT
Welcome to the Circle Dock Forums at  :D

The answer here is yes and no.

Yes you can create a link to the trash, but No it will not show two images identify when it is full.

To add the shortcut:
Right click on the Circle and choose: ADD >File, Folder or Special Item

Screenshot - 2_27_2010 , 3_40_12 PM.jpg

This will bring up a new Item Settings window:

Screenshot - 2_27_2010 , 3_43_31 PM.jpg

In this window you may name the Item anything you wish, we will just name it "Recycle Bin" for now.

In the "TARGET" Area go to "Special"

Screenshot - 2_27_2010 , 3_47_26 PM.jpg

Click on the "Special" Button and you will be given an extensive drop down list of choices.
Go ahead and Choose/Click on Recycle Bin

Screenshot - 2_27_2010 , 3_50_26 PM.jpg

Once you have made this selection, choose/Click "Finish" Button at the bottom.

Screenshot - 2_27_2010 , 3_52_45 PM.jpg

Voila....You should not have an Icon for your Recycle Bin

Screenshot - 2_27_2010 , 3_54_58 PM.jpg

You can now change the Icon to what ever suites your taste and desktop best.

If you have any questions, please let us know

Have fun  :Thmbsup:

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