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Messages - wasker [ switch to compact view ]

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I have no idea. They have some stuff running in background. My quick research didn't give me any clues. Maybe someone had some problem in the past and have some pointers?

I have a weird problem on my Dell laptop with Windows XP SP2 system: my Alt key gets sometime "sticky". Say, when I press Alt-F4, my Alt key remains "pressed" and activates close confirmation (if any) box' system menu, or if I use Alt-Tab, then I end up with activated window's menu.

1) It's not a hardware problem: it replicates with laptop's own keyboard and external one.
2) "Sticky keys" are turned off.
3) As I'm heavy keyboard user, this drives me crazy.

Any ideas appreciated.


I do not think so, FAR development is no as active as TC development at all, so TC is getting better and better while FAR is almost dying, since Eugene Roshal is not in active development of FAR.

That's actually true, and yet another one of the reasons.

FAR is a raw power with very old-fashioned UI, but I could live with that. My primary reason was tight integration of X2 with Windows Shell, and then, yes, UI.

Speaking of UIs, I never liked TC's. ;)

Now to compare FAR with TC is not fair at all, FAR is a DOS looking app, really ugly for me, powerful I would say, but not as powerful and versatile as TC.

Oh, we can debate on FAR vs. TC for years, and this would be THE religious war... :D

Wasker, let me ask you something, X2 can search inside mp3 files, for example and give you the encoder used or the bitrate of the file? With TC you can, using Content Plugins.
That's the kind of stuff I personally hate in a file explorer - and a thing that I used to turn off in WinXP explorer because it annoys the hell out of me.

Actually this is very useful thing. Not the search by mp3 bitrate, but, say, search by file's Subversion status. Say, I can with couple key presses find all files that are not in SVN repository yet... This is what X2 does for me.

On the other hand I personally see no reason to have registry editor, uninstaller and memory usage on file manager panels. This could be an excuse for DOS Navigator back in DOS days, but now in Windows we have multitasking environment, and bothering with something on my tabs?... Hmmm... :-[

When I was using FAR Manager a year or so ago (I spent over 6-7 years with this shell!) I was also using plugins like Mail Dispatcher right from the FAR. And you know what? Outlook is waay better. :D

Wasker, let me ask you something, X2 can search inside mp3 files, for example and give you the bitrate of the file?


Wasker, X2 uses explorer shell extensions, TC also does, but plugins give it much more power than X2. I used X2 for a while, searching for a replacement of TC, but the use of mouse and lack of plugins made me abandon it.

Actually I don't use mouse with X2. :P

General Software Discussion / Re: Launchy users please stand up
« on: October 24, 2006, 12:19 PM »
Tim, are you running your Windows from under admin or limited-user? I just filed the bug report and am wondering if that matters.

Xplorer2 (or XYplorer, or others): starts out ready-to-use with lots of built-in functions (that TC may require a plugin for), but less expandable.

I don't want to have a religious war here, but this statement doesn't reflect the whole reality. X2 IS expandable, but does it in Explorer's way - i.e. you can implement standard Explorer's shell extensions which will work (mostly) in X2. So, in fact, it's not "less expandable", it's simply the question of numbers: TC has way bigger audience which writes plug-ins for it. The abilities for add-ons functionality in X2 is not less than in TC from developer's point of view.

I'm another one for Xplorer2. I was completely sold on it when saw how it utilizes all underlying power of usual Explorer and adds tons of useful things on top. And, boy, it's really cute out-of-the-box and ergonomic.

I was using FAR Manager before switching to X2, BTW.

General Software Discussion / Re: Launchy users please stand up
« on: October 24, 2006, 09:47 AM »
Tried this one. I'm really missing an ability to configure it to use a Win-key combination for activation.

General Software Discussion / Re: Launchy users please stand up
« on: October 23, 2006, 11:23 AM »
Well, probably that's an option.

General Software Discussion / Launchy users please stand up
« on: October 23, 2006, 10:36 AM »
I installed this thingy several days ago, but it still didn't index my Start Menu in full (i.e. it can't find Excel when I type it's name). Any suggestions on what to do with it?

Living Room / Re: digg rigging?
« on: May 05, 2006, 11:08 AM »
to me we need to find a better middle ground.. i find myself uncomfortable with the public rating systems like software repository site ratings (fileforum).  i don't deny that they are very useful, but they are just so open to manipulation that i don't take them very seriously and i worry that people will view the ratings as reliable.

I disagree.

When you come to file archive (think of real file archive, not a bot-archive for search engine spam), you can see ALL stuff available in some category, PLUS rating. When you come to digg, you see absolutely filtered content: 1-st level is the contributor's filter (I submit news I like), and the 2-nd is rating, when "boring" news are at the bottom of nowhere. So some important piece of information could simply pass your eyes.

gjehle: I don't use digg just because of this. I don't care about who and how makes money.

Living Room / Re: digg rigging?
« on: May 04, 2006, 02:30 AM »
OK, maybe you found some interesting stuff on digg, but how much news interesting to you you missed only because the digg flock found "New iPod is so hot" news more interesing?

I prefer to deal with uncontrolled stream of information from various sources. The best filter is my head. :)

Living Room / Re: digg rigging?
« on: May 03, 2006, 02:49 PM »
I don't really get all the buzz around digg. What's the point of this site? OK, maybe 1000 people found "Pamela Anderson eats her sh.t" news interesting and dugg it, but does this mean this will be interesting for me?

I'm waiting for Vista. Love its look. My recently upgraded 'puter should handle the Glass.

General Software Discussion / Re: what kind of keyboard you use?
« on: April 06, 2006, 10:39 AM »
Microsoft Natural Multimedia all the way! :Thmbsup: Thanks to this keyboard I created I Hate This Key. :)

Love its multimedia buttons, because I'm also a music fan.

Shameless plug: I Hate This Key Deluxe Edition. :D
It deals with all bad keys around here: Caps, Num, F-Lock, Power, Sleep, Insert, Apps and ahhh... Win key. ;D

Ah, I see. Thanks!  :Thmbsup:

Here's what I've got. It works as expected so far.

SetTimer, LookForInternetExplorer, 50

SetTimer, LookForInternetExplorer, Off
MouseGetPos,,, id, control
IfInString, control, Internet Explorer_Server
    Send, {SHIFT down}{LButton}{SHIFT up}
    Send, {XButton2}

Actually I know window class name I need. And in fact AutoHotkey has the Spy in its distro for this purpose. What I don't know is which function of AutoHotkey determines the class of window under cursor. I mean not the window like IE window itself, but rather control's window (InternetExplorer_Server for instance).

In other word: I want Autohotkey to run the aforementioned macro if the mouse is over WebBrowser control (InternetExplorer_Server class) in any application (IE, HtmlHelp, Visual Studio, etc.). Is this possible? If yes, then which function I should use?

I've got an MS MouseExplorer and came with the following code to make it open links in a new window when I browsing with IE:

If WinActive("ahk_class IEFrame")
    Send, {SHIFT down}{LButton}{SHIFT up}
    Send, {XButton2}

Now I would like to make it work with all apps that use IE for browsing purposes (Html Help for instance). I need to detect the class of window that is currently under mouse cursor. How to do this?

Finished Programs / Re: IDEA: use hotkey to minimize the active window
« on: December 01, 2005, 11:13 AM »
Mmmm. Lovely. Thanks, guys! :)

The only question. I have a program that minimizes itself to tray. Neither Hotkeycontrol XP nor Autohotkey with this fantastic script can minimize it properly -- it always minimizes to taskbar. Although when I click Minimize button in window it does everything properly.

Any ideas on how to overcome this issue with Autohotkey? Any pointers too look for appreciated.

Thanks again!

Best Dialog Extender / Re: Hello world!
« on: December 01, 2005, 08:44 AM »
Heh. Thanks, will go to the proper forum. :)

Best Dialog Extender / Re: Hello world!
« on: December 01, 2005, 04:52 AM »

Thanks for the warm welcome and sorry for late replies. :)

I did try Autohotkey some time ago, but the only thing I needed at the moment was minimizing currently active window on hotkey. I didn't find how to do it with Autohotkey in an hour, so now using Hotkeycontrol XP, which in fact has this function right out-of-the-box. Although, I open for suggestions on how to do this with Autohotkey.


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