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Messages - Darwin [ switch to compact view ]

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I didn't bother paying for the upgrade to my existing licenses (Roboform 7 Pro for Desktop and Roboform2Go) and just paid the $9.95 for Roboform Everywhere (as I hinted above, I wish I hadn't, really) and all the Roboform installations that I've upgraded are fine...

I *really* hope that I don't get any nasty surprises... I haven't upgraded my wife's install, yet. I also took advantage of the Bits du Jour sale and bought two more desktop licenses, which I haven't used yet. We'll see, I guess  :o

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows Security Essentials
« on: December 16, 2010, 10:52 PM »
I can't tell if the beta is upgraded or not, but I just ran "update" and it downloaded and installed something largish... "About" doesn't indicate whether it is a beta or not.

At any rate, it's been rock solid since I installed it a few weeks ago  :Thmbsup:

I *think* the upgrade fee is only applicable if you try to install Roboform 7 AND select the option to sync passcards online. At least, that's what I hope, because like a dope I just paid the $9.95 and kept going. However, it only cost me the $9.95 and I was able to upgrade both my Roboform Pass2Go installations and my desktop installation... My intention was/is to put the $10 down to rash stupidity on my part and not renew in a year's time. If I am then asked to pay for another year's subscription I'll be back here effing and blinding something fierce!

General Software Discussion / Re: Opera to support extensions in V11
« on: December 16, 2010, 10:44 PM »
Every day or two I check to see if Siber Systems have jumped on this. No joy, so far... However, they have released a version of Roboform to work with Chrome, so I remain optimistic!
Well, there's another thread running here about Siber Systems coming out with RoboForm 7, and charging more than some people think is reasonable, not to mention that apparently Siber is no longer honoring lifetime licenses.  At least, that's what people are saying in the thread.  Anyway, I suspect that if RoboForm does come out with an extension for Opera, it may be only for version 7. 

Like you, Darwin, I used to think that RoboForm was a must-have extension.  I think that may have influenced my moving to Firefox as my default browser.  But in the past year, I've started using Last Pass, in part because it works with Opera (which I still use from time to time, since it's so much faster than Firefox).  I have both RoboForm and LastPass running on my desktop computer, which makes for some fist fights at times.  I didn't put RoboForm on my netbook, even though I have two licenses, and when I finally ditch my 4-year-old desktop, I may not put RoboForm on the new one, either.  I'm quite pleased with Last Pass.

I think what happened is that Siber Systems are charging for a subscription to online synchronization and backup of your passcards. If you don't select "sync online" or whatever the option is during installation, your old license should work fine. I'm guessing, though, because I just paid the $9.95 before thinking "hand on, do I need this?"!  The answer, of course, is "no". While I use the backup feature (which I started using during beta testing), I've never actually used Roboform On-line to access any of my passcards. I'll just have to be more cagey next year...

Anyway, thanks for the pointer to LastPass - I'll remember it and if next year I am asked to pay to keep using Roboform without the online synching, I'll take a look!

Ha,ha - you are not alone SB! GUI is important to me as well - increasingly so. I'm not talking so much about font choice, colours, icons, and the "look" of the application, but about consistency in terms of settings, ease of use, and there being some underling logic evident so that I don't have to spend an age looking for settings...

Crap! IE just crashed and took my lengthy response with it (the DC faithful breathe a collective sigh of relief).

So why do we complain about Apple when we don't have the slightest motivation to use their products?  Why is it OUR competition?  Why are we on teams for PRODUCTS?

Speaking for myself, there are two elements to this issue. First, there is the general nit-picking that we all do with regard to any of the OS's that we encounter (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android, etc.). I don't think that this is a problem. The other element has to do with the "culture" that has been built up around Apple and the pass that they seem to get with the press. Seriously, if MS had released the iPad they would have been excoriated everywhere for the lack of output ports and expandability, the 4:3 screen, the lack of multi-tasking at launch, etc. and the product would have taken months to grow legs. My point is that the complaints about Apple that you read in DC and elsewhere are more reactions against the hype surrounding the products. Again, speaking for myself, I am pretty individulalistic - I like to make my own decisions and hate, HATE, H-A-T-E having marketing types and mouth-breathing assholes that I encounter on a daily basis tell me that I have to use a particular product/listen to a particular artist/subscribe to a particular world-view to be "cool", "accepted", etc. I like Apple products. I spent last night playing with an iPhone 4 and can see the attraction. I just reject absolutely the notion that there aren't equally fabulous alternatives out there. The Apple myth holds that there is only one way of doing things and every other way is wrong. I can't stand that mentality.

Right. I'll shut up now.

Superboy, good luck with the promotion and enjoy your iPad! I hope to be joining you in tablet ownership next year (I have an Archos 43 IT on order but hope next year to get a 7" or 10" tablet. I'm waiting to see what comes out).

+1 to superboyac's comments about EditPad Pro's GUI - I own a lifetime license for ultraedit-32 but no longer have it installed. EditPad Pro is a pleasure to use whereas I've never felt at home in UE  ;D

Buy Amalgamated!

Reading his post (and between the lines) I'd say he's reached the point where he needs the money. In the post he says he was let go by Newsgator a year or more ago and has been trying to get by on the revenue that the ads in v.3 bring in while working on v.4. I'm inferring that he's no longer able to do this and probalby needs to start generating some revenue. It sounds like he has two school-aged kids and all that implies (mortgage, car payments, medical bills, etc.) with Christmas two weeks away...

I may be reading more into than necessary, though!

OK - the fog is clearing... I hadn't realized that Newsgator and Nick Bradbury (Feeddemon's developer) had parted ways. In this post to his blog from a couple of days ago, Nick explains why he is charging for Feeddemon again.

I find myself quite sympathetic. Do I wish he'd offer a discount of some sort to license holders of v.2? Of course, but I can see why he isn't.

Hmm, a Mac sounds perfect for my dad.  He can't even figure out how to send a page link with Opera ;)

Except that my parents have been using Macs for 13 years (OS 9 through Snow Leopard) and they can never find anything on the damned things! They have no concept of File Management, accepting and trusting that Apple knows where their files and documents should go. Of course, Searchlight or Quicksilver make finding the files fairly easy, but every so often I have to dig around to find stuff for them. Infuriating - I'm always trying to get them to use folders but most stuff winds up on their desktop...

OK typed the above and then kept reading the thread - JavaJones nailed it! My parents have a friend who WILL.NOT.SWITCH.TO.WINDOWS but who has ENDLESS problems with her iMac running Leopard - e-mail settings, printer drivers, print settings, iPhoto... Actually, Java's comments about iPhoto resonated because I've been called out a couple of times to find her pictures for her - she moves them onto her PC from her Canon point and shoot and they disappear. I set iPhoto to scan her harddrive and find them, but then she's stuck with a database of thousands of icons and gets mad because she can't GET to her photos, which are buried somewhere in the database. It's crazy!

I bought my parents first a Compaq netbook running XP Pro with 2GB of RAM and then a Gateway ultra-portable notebook with Windows 7 64-bit and 4GB of RAM. The netbook went to my mum about a year ago and the notebook to my dad in August. They both love them, but I've had to spend time training both of them about Windows file management "idiosyncracies"... At the very least, they appreciate both OS's and can see the strengths and weaknesses of both whereas prior to my dad getting the Windows 7 machine they really assumed that the Mac was easier to use and more secure. I'm rambling.

Superboy - thank you for starting the thread. It's very thought compelling. I have an iBook running Tiger and I've tried a myriad of the third party file management solutions available for it. The ones I liked are EXPEN$IVE and ultimately never overcome the lack of flexibility inherent in how Apple does things. I never did buy one of them because it seems simpler and more cost effective to "go with the flow"... but the point is, that alternatives do exist, as SKA pointed out (and XFileSystem is one of the ones I tried and like). Incidentally, one of the other things that pissed me off about OS X 10.x is that with every release third party developers drop suppport for earlier versions. So there are lots of apps out there that for which paid users are frozen at a particular build because support for their flavour of OSX is no longer supported. One could argue that with Apple's much more reasonable upgrade pricing this wouldn't be a particular problem. However, Apple has a tendency to drop support for earlier hardware means that users with older computers are not able to upgrade the OS, either. What's the end result? Apple sells shiny new computers to the Apple faithful fairly regularly (at least, those who wish to keep their systems up to date). Of course, this also means that Apple does not have to worry about shipping their latest OS with a huge number of drivers so that they can control the hardware and drivers effectively and provide the "it just works" experience they brag about. As noted, it just works as long as you keep the whole eco-system up to date. Try connecting a ten year old printer to a new Mac!

Living Room / Re: Five Reasons Why People Hate Apple
« on: December 06, 2010, 02:31 PM »
Hmm... interesting, tomos, thank you for the insight (no pun intended!). I based my argument on my own observations (playing with iPhone/iPod Touch 4's and my own HTC Surround) and on comments I've read around the net. I've played with the iPad in the shops but have not yet had an opportunity to play with an Android tablet (though the Samsung Galaxy Tab is in shops around here, but then it has Super AMOLED)...

Other than that it is difficult for me to see if Sagelight 4 is going to become a reality any time soon, or never. Should I take the lifetime offer?

but was there a concrete (pre-release) lifetime offer ?

Yes - see here (info is on the right hand pane of the page)

Living Room / Re: Five Reasons Why People Hate Apple
« on: December 06, 2010, 11:18 AM »
Well... c'mon! This screen argument is analogous to the Super AMOLED vs Retina Display vs AMOLED display argument that keeps going around WRT cell phones. We're talking about 3.5" to 10" displays here. In isolation, are any of these screens going to "disappoint"? I doubt it. Not to beat a dead horse, by the lowly AMOLED 3.8" screen in my HTC 7 Surround may be vastly inferior to Super AMOLED or Retina (or iPS) but who cares? Unless I'm playing "mine is bigger than yours" with a Galaxy S owner, I'll struggle on in blissful ignorance. I don't know if this argument "scales" up through 7" and 10" devices, so I may be speaking out of my...

However, having said that, I don't think that the iPad faces any significant opposition right now. MS needs to get a tablet OS/tablet version of Win 7 out the door if they want to be in the game while Android 2.2 (Froyo) and 2.3 (released today?) are still not optimized to run on tablets. The Samsnung Galaxy Tab is superior to the iPad on paper - spec-wise (at least WRT RAM and ports/features) - but is hamstrung by the OS and is, in my opininon, significantly overpriced (if Samsung wants to take on Apple in this market segment, they should be more competitive on price). Meanwhile, the Archos 9 Windows tablet has a restrictive screen! And a not very sensitive one at that... It also runs Win 7 Starter (or whatever it's called - no idea how well that works) . Archos' Android tablets are let down by Android issues and match the iPad on hardware spec WRT CPU and RAM. They do beat the iPad in other features, though - HDMI out, USB ports, microSD slots. In my not-so-humble opinion, they should have doubled the RAM, particiularly if they want to be in a position to upgrade these devices to Gingerbread (Android 3.0, which WILL be tablet ready, apparently).

So, from the perspective of the end-user, the Apple product "just works"! Android tablet adopters are fighting buggy FW releases, mis-matches between the OS, developed for mobile phones, and the tablet that it's running on, and Windows 7 tablet users really don't have many choices - these things don't really exist in the wild. I don't think this situation will start to turn around until the Spring of 2011, which will have given Apple a full year's lead and no dobut iPad 2.0 will be out, heavily improved.

Living Room / Re: Getting an HTC Desire HD -- Android Phone
« on: December 06, 2010, 11:01 AM »
Hi phitsc,

I've got an HTC 7 Surround and have the same feelings about the screen. I doubt I'll spend much of the duration of my contract (35 months, now) comparing its screen to that of iPhone and/or Galaxy S so will be blissfully ignorant of what I am missing 99-100% of the time! The screen on this thing is stunning!

Living Room / Re: What books are you reading?
« on: December 05, 2010, 01:58 PM »
You're only licensing the limited right to read something - and that right is subject to change at Amazon's discretion.

Does that mean Amazon could deny me the ability to read something I've paid for and downloaded?

Yes! It's already happened. Of course, I can't remember the titiles involved, but there was a stink earlier this year about it...

EDIT: It was actually over a year ago, involved two George Orwell titles, and Amazon has vowed not to repeat it:

Best File/Folder Compare Tool / Re: Ultra compare
« on: December 04, 2010, 08:52 AM »
Cripes! I just dug around to find pricing (it's well hidden) a icense with no upgrade support is $399.95. You have pay $129.95 a year for upgrade protection, so the license and a year's upgrade protection is gong to run you $530 and $130 per year thereafter. I'm in the wrong business...

I can't recommend Diff Doc based on their upgrade policy alone - add in the buy-in price and I'm embarrassed to have mentioned it  :-[

Best File/Folder Compare Tool / Re: Ultra compare
« on: December 04, 2010, 08:45 AM »
I used a SUPER expensive program when I was doing my PhD (the academic price for one year was @$100). It worked brilliantly - displayed pdfs, xls, doc, etc with formatting - but I can't remember the name, off-hand. Will check around and post back.

EDIT: as soon as I hit "post" I remembered: Diff Doc.

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows Security Essentials
« on: December 04, 2010, 08:42 AM »
I've been running the beta for over a week and haven't had a problem yet. Pretty happy with it - my CPU and harddrive don't get thrashed nearly as often as they were with VIPRE installed. Additionally, I'm running this out of the box - no exceptions or exclusions set up, and all is well. I ran VIPRE "tweaked" and it was still stumbling. I'm sure GFI will sort things out with VIPRE, but I'm content with MSE 2 for now.

Living Room / Re: Show us the View Outside Your Window
« on: December 03, 2010, 10:53 AM »
Nice, f0dder. I didn' post any pics, but that could have been the view out my own window a couple of weeks ago (sorry, this is the only picture I took - I was trying to get the moon over the trees at dusk, with a phone camera):


Living Room / Re: Five Reasons Why People Hate Apple
« on: December 03, 2010, 10:46 AM »
Hmm... thanks for the pointer, steeladept, I'll give it a look. Truth be told, I am running out of rationalizations for keeping XP Mode installed. For all intents and purposes I never use it. Once a month MAX and then only to play with File Managers that I don't want to install and muddy up my Win 7 install...

Living Room / Re: Five Reasons Why People Hate Apple
« on: December 03, 2010, 02:06 AM »

Ha, no, Stoic Joker - that all came out wrong  :-[

I meant that tweaking things like IP4 and IP6 properties and so on is more involved. Simply connecting to a network couldn't be easier - exactly as you describe!

A tad off topic, but my experience with the Windows 7 wi-fi connection utility/funtionality is the same as phillfri's... I personally have found that the wi-fi utilities in windows have gotten progressively better with the progression from XP-Vista-7.

I do like that the utility that superboyac posted a screecap of is so nicely laid out. All of the settings are visible down the left hand side. In a way, this reminds me of ROUTER settings pages. in windows 7, it has to be said, you have to keep right clicking on network card names and network SSIDs to find "properties". It's second nature to me, so it doesn't bother me, but still...

Living Room / Re: Should I buy a tablet pc, ipad, netbook, or other?
« on: December 02, 2010, 10:56 AM »
Crap! Sorry - I DID think it was funny! Good thing you posted back, Nosh, I would have not noticed that mistake  :-[

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