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Living Room / Re: Printer's Ink
« on: July 24, 2014, 11:36 AM »
If you have a DMP, you're probably using a ribbon? I used to just rewind the ribbon years ago, and that worked well enough.
I don't want to change the subject here but "rewinding"..............
Surely you didn't rewind those ribbons by hand, manually, twist, twist, twist, turn, turn, turn...huh???

I ask because I acquired a Canon Typestar 10 battery powered typewriter and the ribbon on that is completely see-thru at this point. I've checked it out thoroughly, it runs on D cells or a wart, but research indicates that the only possibility of finding a new ribbon for it lies in a visit to the Museum of Natural History and they don't sell items on display?

There are a zillion types of printer and typewriter ribbons around with a good possibility of finding one the same width as the one for that typewriter. With a suitable jury-rig maybe I could rewind a new ribbon into the old cartridge? what's your secret???
(my nephew brought that typewriter in..... he works for a moving and storage company and somebody they were moving dumped it. He thought he had found a laptop??)

Now back to our main program......
mouser has posted a link that I must check out.

Living Room / Printer's Ink
« on: July 24, 2014, 10:25 AM »
I've been thinking about printing out the internet. I hate buying refills for my printer and I'm wondering if anyone has had any success in refilling their cartridges using one of those kits that are being advertised?
I'd be interested in hearing how it worked, where you got it, and if even stupid, little (huh??), old, me could do it without ruining something??
I've got an old dot-matrix printer that would probably be cheaper to use but if I'm going to print out the internet I'd like all the pretty pictures included.

Living Room / Re: Malwarebytes self-start problem
« on: July 23, 2014, 08:29 PM »
Your timing for a drive failure is better than mine! newsletter today lists a Seagate 1 TB for $50??
I bought one a couple of months ago for much more.

General Software Discussion / Windows Registry
« on: July 23, 2014, 05:20 PM »
Anyone bored? Looking for something to do?
Follow Gizmo?
ReMah at Gizmo is working on a registry article that I think is way overdue.
It's a work in progress at the moment but I'd save the page and take a look.
I commented there about an idea I had over 20 years ago using an audible countdown for the boot process.
I still think it would be a handy tool but don't know if it's even viable??
With the size of a registry any more it may not even fit on the barn door if you were to diagram it. An app to give you an audible countdown may be bigger than Windows itself?
I dunno. Stuff like that is above my pay grade! and I've got to stop dreaming up stuff for other people to do!
bad habits are hard to break....

I've got a suggestion for a procedure that has server me well for over 20 years.
I'm a download junkie!
Lost everything on download.
Go to C:\............ New folder
open new folder named All Downloads
When I find a download I save it to All Downloads.... Always!
Mostly I save web pages.. go to Save Page.... Save as an html file.
Saving as html you get the "webpage.htm" and it opens a folder to contain "the includes" with the same name as the htm file...
The includes are all the files necessary to render the page with all the images, etc.
SO..... you now have all the images, CSS pages etc.
The images may be in any of several formats. Wrong format?
I use IrFanView to convert, view, rotate , or anything else you can do with an image.....
It also does screen captures.....
Freeware... I wouldn't be without it.
irfanview download

Save everything to All Downloads and web pages in html so you can edit the page if you want and you have a folder containing all the images, etc.
Why All Downloads?
The folder stays near the top of list because of the A in All
All Downloads for every download....... every time!
exe files, pdfs you can move to where you want them OR copy them to where you want them and leave the original in All Downloads so you can go back and get them again when you goof... and again when you goof???
I've used this idea in every O/S from Win3.1 to Win8.1.1. I'm not very smart but I know where to find everything I download.

Living Room / Re: Hardware source
« on: July 23, 2014, 10:27 AM »
^You can also go there via  :)

True enough, the only difference being, that the link you used takes you to their web site.
The Mickey Mouse'd link I posted links to their weekly sales bulletin where they post their sale prices.
I don't know if their sale prices are reflected on their home page where you could take advantage of them?
That site goes on for a week or so and I think it would be a good idea to require an IT to identify each piece of hardware shown on that site.
and I don't mean a multiple choice test ;)...........
write down the name, one by one :D

Living Room / Re: Homebrewing
« on: July 22, 2014, 07:02 PM »
..." I remember him once talking about how coldness masks low quality in beer. It's true - try drinking Bud warm... it's like drinking warm piss. Oh... got a story about that, but, maybe later."

I got to go skiing in the alps and stayed in various hotels in Switzerland back in the early 60's (military assignment in southern Italy) In the hotel dining rooms there always seemed to be several older guys drinking beer and their steins always had a container that looked much like a Cuban cigar case, made of aluminum, with a little clip on the side. The waitress was continually dumping that little tube of water and refilling it with hot water from her teakettle.
I was a big beer drinker in those days and the thought of putting an aluminum container full of hot water in a glass of beer was positively revolting. A look around convinced me that they were permanent residents of the hotel and were perhaps demented or alzheimers  patients. At the time I had no idea that warm beer was quite common in Europe............. yeakk! :down:

Living Room / Re: Homebrewing
« on: July 22, 2014, 04:12 PM »

There's a couple of posts about beer at wonderhowto written by a "girl"!
Do girls know anything about beer???

Living Room / Hardware source
« on: July 22, 2014, 10:59 AM »
Here's a link to a hardware source that I have used in the past.
Most of it would be of interest to ITs rather than a home user. Equipment racks, cables, etc.
Some items would be of interest to home users........ I bought some six foot patch cables for 25 cents apiece a while back.
They put out a weekly newsletter and you have to watch that and plan ahead to really save!
I've used for many years but it wouldn't hurt to compare the two before spending big bucks. (In a World-Wide Consortium "bucks" may not be appropriate so maybe money is the word?)
Take a look....... I'm sure they will beat Best Buy's $50 Monster Cable.


That's a scary looking URL but it takes you there...... I checked in IE, Chrome and FF

ahh, the email addy is from a different machine and a long time ago  :-[

It's nice to know that even in a World Wide Conglomerate information flows from the bottom to the top, and vice versa, in almost real time. I corrected the addy so now maybe I can find my way back to a post on the same day.
It's a pleasure to do business with you Sir!
Thanks for the help.

I was informed yesterday that this is a World-Wide Consortium, and I'm assuming, operating on an international basis. As such, I imagine that there is probably a Vice-President-In-Charge of the check boxes where you indicate whether or not you would like to be notified if someone replies to your post. I always check the box indicating that I would indeed like to be notified.
To date, I have never received any such notice. Is there something I should do other than check the box to be notified?
Maybe talk to the VPIC???
Any help here would be appreciated as I'm quite new here and have no idea where to go from here.

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 8 Pro
« on: July 21, 2014, 04:47 PM »
OK, guess I got back before you did but here's a link on how to get a copy of the ISO to upgrade Win8.0 to Win8.1 without using Windows Store. Burn it to DVD or a flash drive and you have a hard copy that you can use as often as you like.


General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 8 Pro
« on: July 21, 2014, 03:31 PM »
Dear Cuffy, I welcome your help.

OK, I'll see what I can dig up.
In the words of Dr. Verner von Braun, the rocket scientist, "before we can get where where we ain't, we gotta know where we IS!

I downloaded the media and burned an ISO to install the original offering of Win8.0.
Recapping from memory here, that offering for $40 bucks was an upgrade version. I had a copy of Win7Pro 64 on the machine that I wanted to install Win8.0Pro 64 onto and I didn't want to lose that copy of Win7.
I pulled the drive, installed a spare, installed a copy of WinXP 64 on that  and downloaded the Win8 ISO media, along with the free key to install Windows Media Center.
With the new ISO I upgraded WinXP to Win8.0 and activated it.
I then installed Windows Media Center through the Windows Features thingy and using my free WMC key I activated that.
The WMC key changed the Win8.0 key and that DE-activated my Win8.0 install.
The deactivation problem was wide spread and a big fiasco. In the process of trying to get all the keys straightened out the update to Win8.1 was offered at the Windows Store and installing that trashed my install of Win8.0 /WMC.
Eventually Nirsoft's Produkey plucked my keys out of that trashed install so I again had valid keys to work with.
Now the ISOs to start over came into the picture so let me start there and see if I can determine where I got the media and we can go from there if we are still on the same page.
What media do you have and are you prepared to download what you need (if I can find the source that I used)?
talk to me while I look through my miscellaneous file of a TB or so....

Living Room / Re: Homebrewing
« on: July 21, 2014, 12:57 PM »
Since war stories seem to be in order and you're going back to the "old" days there are caveats you should be aware of.
Back in the old, old days, during WWII, I was a teenage high school student. Money was hard to come by and a case of 24 bottles of beer was $3.00, as I recall. Bootleggers and home brewers were trying to quench the thirst of a gang of "deprived" teenagers and the usual indulgers in the area.
It came New Years Eve........ of course we had a party planned!
My girlfriend was the barbers daughter, the barber made beer and wine. His oldest son was also a barber and he made beer.
The son lived, and worked, in a town about 20 miles away. This was up on the Canadian border and it was New Years Eve! The snow was butt deep to a tall Indian and with the Northern Lights and all, it was a beautiful night for a party.
Us teenagers pooled our money, headed for the country market where the guy would sell alcohol to minors, spent what we had pooled on "long necks" of Ballantines and pressed on to the son's home some 20 miles away.
Long story short.......... we finished what we had purchased long before New Years arrived leaving us the only alternative of sampling the almost 15 gallons of home brew that my girlfriend's brother had brewing. He informed us that it wasn't quite ready but we were welcome to try it!
Coffee cups were produced and we started dipping into the five gallon crocks he used for brewing vessels.
He was right...... the beer wasn't quite ready but it was drinkable, we had nothing else, and it was New Years Eve.
Several hours later and following the consumption of all the home brew we could drink, the party broke up.
As we stepped outside someone noted the fact that it had snowed several inches while we enjoyed drinking Hermie's beer.
Inches of new powder on top of several feet of old snow. Everything covered with fresh snow..... cars, trees, bushes, driveway.
A beautiful night!
As we chatted away, heading across the snow covered porch, Hermie's wife, standing in the open doorway, flicked on the porch light to light our way to the car. Hermie hadn't given it a second  thought when he installed one of those yellow "bug lights" in the porch light. When the light came on it seemed to light up a half acre......... of MUSTARD!
All that snow was the color of French's finest mustard........... tons of it! As we looked around someone exclaimed "MUSTARD" and it was like somebody just uncorked that home brew.......
Home brew goes a long ways when spread over fresh snow, especially when mixed with chips, peanuts, various dips and chunks of cheese. The landscape changed in an instant................ and I'll never forget it!
So beware my friends, and never drink "not done" home brew. It may result in memories that you "can't" forget.


General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 8 Pro
« on: July 20, 2014, 06:27 PM »
I bought Win8 Pro 64 at the initial offering of $39.99. Win Media Center was thrown in free with that offer.
Win Media Center has its own product key and when you install it it changes the Win8 Pro key to reflect the add'n and the machine becomes Windows 8 Pro w/Media Center with a new key.
The update from Windows Store trashed my install of Win8 /WMC because of that different key. There was a lot of chatter and some bad advice floating around on the web but there was some good advice too.
When I got finished I had Win8.1 Pro w/WMC installed and working with a legal activation. The spring update also installed without incident.
Long story short, I'm running an up to date system with Win Media Center and my out of pocket expense is solely the $39.99.

I usually save the web page, rather than a shortcut, and the necessary ISOs are easy to find.
A clean install from an ISO is the only way to go. Stay away from the Windows Store for the update!
If you haven't resolved the problem and have a valid, retail, Win8 Pro 64 product key you can start fresh, get a clean install, and activation will be no problem.

If you want to go that route left me know and I'll round up the info I've ratholed so you get the right instructions and links to the ISOs.


General Software Discussion / Re: Lazyload
« on: July 20, 2014, 05:26 PM »
I didn't mean to cause all this trouble, and was about to report some of the info about the sites being down. In addition, the scripts that I downloaded, copied, etc. won't install....... appear to be corrupt??
Does anyone have any of those Lazyload scripts installed and working? I've been slow dancing with this little project all day and have confirmed that javascript "ain't no damned good", all these pages and pages of info about scripts and their value to mankind is propaganda put out by the government and none of it ever did work!
How-to-Geek should be blacklisted for using it, and I would except I don't know how.
Big problems in the Ukraine and the Middle East and How-to-Geek is using lazyload to distract me from working on those issues.
I'm about to quit and you fellows can take the rest of the day off in appreciation for your efforts up to this moment!
If anyone is running the script Disable Lazy load please advise. I've got IE11, Chrome and Firefox 30.0 but will gladly load another browser if that's what it takes.
Thanks again..........


General Software Discussion / Re: Lazyload
« on: July 20, 2014, 12:20 PM »
You guys working nights on a weekend yet just to solve my petty little problems!
I really appreciate the help and from the looks of things I may need more of it?
Greasemonkey has 818 PAGES of add-ins and I'll install them all if necessary to defeat Lazyload.
I've only run across Lazyload with How-to-Geek, and then only with a couple of their authors. Hopefully they'll see the error of their ways and find another hobby.

It was pointed out that nolazyload add-in may not be available for IE11 but I'll check. I use IE because I can edit the source code of a web page. I've never used Firefox before and just installed it a few days ago at the suggestion of TaoPhoenix.
There's a learning curve here but I may be able to simplify my life by moving my simple little project to Firefox. It's something new to play with at least.
Thanks again guys..... I'm off to break something!

General Software Discussion / Re: Lazyload
« on: July 19, 2014, 11:05 PM »
Didn't work........... its a shortcut to Greasemonkey but nothing happened to How-to-Geek page I was trying to download.

General Software Discussion / Re: Lazyload
« on: July 19, 2014, 10:55 PM »
Found it!
Just dragged it to the menu bar and it stuck?
Let me try it. If this works you see big tears of joy :D

General Software Discussion / Re: Lazyload
« on: July 19, 2014, 10:50 PM »
Downloaded a 2kb .js which says remove lazyload but I have no idea what to do with it.
No wrapper and no instructions!
I need some more advice, please, and I think I can do it without pictures... ;D

General Software Discussion / Lazyload
« on: July 19, 2014, 03:27 PM »
Anyone familiar with "lazyload"?
How-to-Geek uses something called lazyload in their html code.
Images on the page aren't loaded until you scroll down to them on the page.
I open a page, determine from the title that I want to save it to disk, click Save and wind up with a page with a dozen placeholders and a dozen missing images!
Trying to follow a tutorial with a series of screenshots and the pretty pictures missing is a PITA.
Any way to defeat lazyload?

Living Room / Re: Does anyone here use Bitcoins?
« on: July 19, 2014, 03:02 PM »
"legalized home brewing. In theory production is restricted to an 200 gallons per household annually for personal consumption. But as long as you're not selling any of it, nobody pays that rule much attention."

I've been around since 1933 and remember bits and pieces of the prohibition debate.
In a bit of haze, I remember 400 gallons??? you needed a permit from the feds and many years down the road it was discovered that the requests for a permit were ratholed in a government warehouse somewhere and never even opened. Some lady sat at the door, received the requests from the mailman, threw the mail onto the pile behind her........... end of story!
I think the mail remains unopened and the pile in the warehouse continues to grow.
Any thoughts?

General Software Discussion / Re: Readability and Reading List
« on: July 17, 2014, 10:17 AM »
A Readability page is meant to be printed, or virtually printed = saved as a PDF file => so you should click "Print", not "Save", and print to .pdf!

I am and have been using Readability for some years. Yes, it doesn't always save the pictures, but then I save the picture separately, and in my PDF editor I simply insert a new page with the missing pictures. But as you said, this is a frustrating waste of time.

By the way: The reason pictures are not always saved is, that Readability itself has determined that they are adverts or otherwise not related to the article. So, it is not a javascript error, but the article itself that was not designed in a way Readability could fully understand.

Curt, I think you might have wandered off into the woods with Contro following Virginia Murdock.

I am not even remotely interested in Readability or a pdf page.
I've been talking about "Read Now", a feature provided by that promises to convert a web page and remove the clutter, ads, extraneous, and superfluous garbage, that we must endure to get a paragraph of data about a subject we are interested in learning more about. For years I've been saving to my HDD, how-tos and tutorials as html pages which, time permitting, I edit and remove all the clutter that 'Read Now" promises to remove. In many instances they produce an acceptable product that has value to me but a page without the images has no value. A page discussing a screenshot of a page in your registry without the screenshot is worthless, at least to me!

What I want is a copy of the article, with images included where appropriate, sans "Junk". Reverse engineered is one way to explain it.
I want the page in html format so I can edit it further if I want or reduce it to a "checklist"
I subscribe to a method used by the old railroad section chief, Finnegan, when reporting a train derailment to the line chief:
Off Again
On Again
Gone Again,

Save to pdf? The guy at the desk at suggested EPUB. I think he's out in the woods with Contro, following Virginia Murdock.
I need html files, as they can be compiled, using MS's Help Compiler. A series of tutorials, reduced to their lowest common denominator, in html format, compiled into a .chm file is neat and sanitary.

I appreciate your explanation of javascript, and have been informed repeatedly that it's a necessary evil, but to me it's simply a PITA.
I remove it when possible as it seems to help with the headaches?

Thanks for your input but I don't think we are on the same page.


General Software Discussion / Re: Readability and Reading List
« on: July 16, 2014, 10:04 PM »
Hey Guys,
I quit!
I installed Read Now in Google Chrome. loaded a Windows 7 Tutorials page, clicked Read Now, got a perfect page with all images, just as the ad says!
I haven't been able to duplicate the fear since.
Loaded the same web page into three different browsers.............. Read Now.......... save to disk.
Got three different byte counts with the three saves........ no images?
Read Now is a great idea but it's too flakey to do me any good.
besides, I hate java script!
Thanks again for all the time and effort.
Maybe next time.

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