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Messages - Darwin [ switch to compact view ]

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OK - thanks, got it! When I upgrded all my settings were ported over from 3 (and when I upgraded to 3, from 2), so I've been perfectly happy. I checked out the four themes and still like what I've got, so I'll stick.

Glad you got your installation working, Jim  :Thmbsup:

Hmm... I can't really see much in the way of options for viewing feeds in Feeddemon 4. I'd be happy to go screenshot happy and show you what it looks like in various configurations, but I don't see any style options, just "Theme" (Blue, Orange, Olive, Black, and Silver).

Living Room / Re: What books are you reading?
« on: January 03, 2011, 10:42 PM »
Just downloaded "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" to my Kindle!  OooOooOoohh, excited.

You won't be sorry - all three books left me wanting more (and hoping that Steig Larsson's estate gets sorted out soon so that whatever nuggets that remain unpublished WILL be published (from what I understand, there is one more book, about 80% finished, along with outlines for 6 more)!

I did upgrade to v.4 and have really enjoyed the tweaks that have been made. I find the options for how I view feeds much more flexible in this version than in previous ones - which view are  you missing?

...being older and wiser (and sphincter-dilated)ou can't really say you got the job. I could write volumes about that little detail.  :-\)

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: PDF to EPUB $39.95 -> $00.00
« on: December 31, 2010, 10:13 AM »
Calibre does this for free, no?

Living Room / Re: Happy Christmas Eve Everybody :)
« on: December 25, 2010, 05:57 PM »
Ooh, ooh! And from me:

Merry Christmas everyone!

[Sigh] I think the issue has more to do with being asked to do anything, wreckedcarzz... Similar complaints are made in this forum thread at least once a year and at least once a year someone, like yourself, patiently expalins the process. My impression reading the post you're responding to and others through the years is that the posters are mad at being expected to do anything at all. I infer that these are people who absolutely will not pay for software, pirating shareware when they can (dealing with a cracks and hacks and keygens - now THERE'S a PITA, not to mention the legality!), and scouring the internet for what they feel is truly FREE software.

Essentially, their software "world-view" goes like this: coder works his or her butt off to write and maintain software and does the legwork to either pay to host the application or find hosting for free while they (the end-user) downloads and uses the application.

EDIT: clarity

Well...mouse buttons wear out over time - all the mice I have ever owned have eventually failed, mostly it's the left button that goes (it's the most used, after all).

Of course it's about money! I don't begrudge Siber Systems the need to generate some revenue but, as you point out Bamse, they should have been upfront about what they were doing.

I don't kinow - perhaps we DC'ers are a special breed and I live in fantasy land, but had Siber Systems somehow contacted its existing user base and explained both the necessity and the mechanics of the change, I think people would have been fine with it. Instead (AFAICT) they simply released v.7 and existing users updated only to discover that the Pro version was no longer activated. Not too swift (and a bit morally bankrupt, I think). All this has done is piss people off, particularly given that sticking with v.6 will be a viable option for only so long. Browser updates will likely render it useless - IE9 will be out soon and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari are updated frequently, so the window during which v.6 will remain viable will be very brief indeed.


As documented above, I've paid the $9.95 to upgrade to Roboform Everywhere (though, again, at the time I really didn't know what I was upgrading to or for or why). I'm "sort of" glad that I did because I have a year to see what pans out and to look for alternatives. I don't use Firefox so going back to v.6 is always an option for me. I now own a Windows phone and would like to use Roboform on it as well. If over the coming year Siber systems gets an update to their Windows Mobile version that runs on WP7, I might stick with Roboform.

However, to stress this point:

I am seriously unimpressed with how this was handled and with the responses that I've seen from Siber Systems thus far. Roboform is ABSOLUTELY indispensible to me (I have 650 passcards that, as Carol's experiements show, will be VERY difficult and time consuming to transfer), so I can't afford to switch without being sure that its replacement will do the job. Ultimately, it's all about transparency - I don't mind paying a yearly fee - this was handled badly.

Living Room / Re: Getting an HTC Desire HD -- Android Phone
« on: December 21, 2010, 06:11 PM »
I now own an iPod Touch 4 32GB and have compared my HTC Surround to it directly. I've done the same comparison with a Samsung Galaxy S using the live demo in a store and I really can't see enough difference to get worked up about it. I'm very happy with what I've got  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: Obscene # of Tabs in FF
« on: December 20, 2010, 09:28 AM »
And just to actually add to the conversation  :-[ - I doubt I've had more than 20 or so tabs open in ages. Like 40hz, I get anxious at around 10. The rest of you must have WAY more powerful machines than me!

Living Room / Re: Obscene # of Tabs in FF
« on: December 20, 2010, 09:25 AM »
That's why I switched to IE9:  it'll crash way before 74 tabs.  :P

Actually, I switched because FF was locking up my PC.  Only showed this behavior when FF was left running.

I had the same experience with FF and switched to IE 8. I REALLY liked IE9 but Blackboard/webCT (online system for university class material, marks, etc delivery) in its current form doesn't work with it.

Living Room / Re: Show us a photo of your mutt or other creatures..
« on: December 18, 2010, 11:55 PM »
timns - I'd like to echo what mouser said: what a fortunate dog to have found you; I am sure that he was very happy in his year with you.

I lost a dog to cancer myself a few years back and it was very hard. My sympathies.

General Software Discussion / Re: Your most used SPECIAL programs
« on: December 18, 2010, 10:45 AM »
Check&Get is not updated with any great frequency (not more than once a year in the past few years) and it does have its warts and wrinkles. But for about 95% of what I ask it to do, it works flawlessly. Hiccoughs include the odd webpage that will not render in the snapshot mode (but which work fine in the "online" mode) - this is overcome using the "Report of changes" tab, which doesn't attempt to disply the page itself, just provides a listing of changes. In addtion, there are features that I've thought would be useful that are not present. Of course, I can't think of any examples!

Overall, it's quite flexible and possibly some of the features I'd like to see added are already there, buried in settings.

FWIW, I'm running it under Windows 7 64-bit without problem.

AFAICT, by paying $9.95 for the first year, I am entitled to use Roboform Everywhere on any machine/USB thumbdrive but standalone (IE not sync'd to the cloud) installations are $20 a pop to upgrade from 6 to 7? Seems like a no brainer to me, from a dollars and cents perspective, but it also seems too good to be true.

I'm not sure why you feel $9.95 in first year and $19.95 annually thereafter is too good to be true.

I don't. But in the context of having two Roboform2Go licenses and 5 Desktop licenses, $9.95 to keep all of them up to date vs. $20 to upgrade each is a bargain!

General Software Discussion / Re: Your most used SPECIAL programs
« on: December 18, 2010, 09:13 AM »
Check & Get. I bought this and also Website Watcher to compare. For me, personally, Check & Get seems to do a much better job.
Looks interesting.  Did you get the Personal or the Professional edition?

Personally, I bought the Pro edition and love it (haven't tried/used Website Watcher, though).

General Software Discussion / Re: Liquid Story Binder: Excellent
« on: December 18, 2010, 08:57 AM »
:huh: don't get that one!  Who's Mike?

aka Darwin   :)

Poor Darwin - he gets some stick over this, and it's not as if he's the only one!   :D

Roboform just released its first update to v.7. I've just gone through the process of updating my two Roboform2Go installations and my desktop installation, which has prompted me to marvel again at how incredibly confusing the new licensing policy is... WTF? AFAICT, by paying $9.95 for the first year, I am entitled to use Roboform Everywhere on any machine/USB thumbdrive but standalone (IE not sync'd to the cloud) installations are $20 a pop to upgrade from 6 to 7? Seems like a no brainer to me, from a dollars and cents perspective, but it also seems too good to be true.

Incredibly shitty job of alerting customers to the changes in policy and, even worse, in explaining how their nightmare licensing scheme works!

BTW in a fit of magnanimous stupidity, and in the spirit of "supporting development", at some point early in the beta testing cycle I bought a license for Goodsync Professional. Two issues arise from this: first, when I bought the license I was under the impression that I was getting lifetime updates upgrades (whether this was explicitly stated somewhere or whether it was a response to a "we haven't charged for upgrades in years" blog or forum post, I can't recall) and second, are they going to pull the license switching stunt with it as well? Also to note, with the beta a freebie version of Goodsync was included with the install and was sufficient to synchronize Roboform databases between machines/drives/and the cloud, use of Roboform Everywhere now requires a paid installation of Goodsync (though I've just failed to find the reference, so I may be out to lunch).

Overall, I've worked myself into a lather... I need to calm down. If my interpretation of the Everywhere licensing model is correct, this is not the end of the world. However, I just can't help feeling pissed off at how the switch was handled. Particularly annoying is that as a beta tester I wasn't even offered the courtesy of a "heads up" e-mail about this before I upgraded the beta to the final release. The $10 is a non-issue for me (yes, Darwin is a lucky boy not to be too het up about $10), but the "principle" really rots my socks...


Edit: see strikethrough

Thanks for the links, Jim. I'm glad that I only paid $9.95, but sort wish I'd stuck with v. 6 out of principle. I'm pretty annoyed that as a beta tester for getting on for a year I was not notified in any way of the change in licensing policy and, petty of me to point this out, received not one cent off in recognition.

This whole thing reeks of the Collectorz fiasco from a couple of years ago...

Living Room / Re: iPod - tell me why I should buy one
« on: December 17, 2010, 11:38 AM »
Battery life is not its strong suit, however...
Battery life is one of the most important issues with smartphones, as they are made for mobility, right?

No argument from me, but did you read the rest of my post? Admittedly, my writing is HORRIBLE but the point should still be clear that while the HTC Surround's battery life is not spectacular, none of the competition I've played with/read about/talked to other users about is significantly better (sample includes mostly Apple iPhone 4, Samsung Galaxy S). On the other hand, my wife's Blackberry Bold 9700 gets amazing battery life, but doesn't feature the power hungry large touch screen.

Living Room / Re: iPod - tell me why I should buy one
« on: December 17, 2010, 09:01 AM »
I have an HTC thingie and love it  ;D

Battery life is not its strong suit, however... Having said that, and comparing apples to oranges. comparing both real world experiences (ie talking to people I know with different devices) and reading reviews, the battery life on any smartphone is not brilliant, period. It seems that they all require charging at least once a day. My own phone (HTC 7 Surround) gets better than a day of use out of a charge (this is mostly using it to check e-mail, read RSS feeds, and make/receive a few phone calls).

General Software Discussion / Re: Opera to support extensions in V11
« on: December 17, 2010, 08:21 AM »
As noted in this post in a different thread, I stand corrected on Roboform updates... There is an upgrade fee for ANY Roboform license purchased before September 1, 2010.

Wow! I stand corrected - I've just reviewed the v6 to v7 upgrade link on Siber System's site and see that I am wrong about Roboform upgrades. Not happy! However, I no longer recall if lifetime licensing was ever their policy? I suspect that they simply didn't charge for upgrades in the past, rather than having a stated lifetime license.

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