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Messages - brotherS [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / strange RAM problem - any ideas?
« on: October 05, 2005, 06:18 AM »

I have this problem when I run my Windows 2000 Pro (all SPs, most updates) for a longer period. In a few hours I will have reached 1 month uptime (my personal record) :) and since a few days I can't use all of my RAM anymore.

Stats are like

but I can't open new programs or even the Windows task manager before I close (for example) one of the IE windows or Winamp. They just won't open up.

Even if I close something else first a fresh opened window might have drawing issues or some menues are incomplete - like the tray icon menu for Screenshot Captor (no "exit" option):

Could I fix this WITHOUT having to restart Windows? Any ideas?

Btw, 50 to 60 processes are active all the time - I like multi-tasking ;)

Skrommel's Software / Re: Problems with Ghoster
« on: October 04, 2005, 01:35 AM »
I'm not using any kind of X-Window mouse stuff, so it's not that.

3 - it would be nice if the taskbar and tray weren't shaded.
Interesting... lets see what Skrommel says about that mouse stuff thingy... maybe it's really a bug for tabbed windows.

Regarding your idea #3: well, I think it makes a lot of sense to dim ALL but the active window (like it's done now) - you can still see the taskbar and tray, it's just dimmed a bit.

@CarolHaynes: Nice! And what about

                       " - turning donations into software"

? :)

@mouser: :o

well i quite like it, but maybe he was saying that it doesnt quite communicate what it refers to. i.e. you don't see it and go "oh that must be a logo for a donationware site"
Exactly :) You notice the monitor (color) and the woman (color) first, only after that you might notice the bird... I don't say it looks bad, it's just not perfect yet :)

we definitely are on the lookout for a new logo -
the only problem is i really have no idea what size/theme/etc.
i guess we would want to use it in different places at different sizes, so i guess something that would look good small and large, on small site buttons and on t-shirts.

i just love that image of a bird handing a coin to the programmer - it's just cute and sweet and i'm a sucker for that kind of stuff
I'm not a design specialist, but (from what I saw) aside from the bird with the coin that also could be the logo for a women's magazine ;)

Skrommel's Software / Re: Problems with Ghoster
« on: October 03, 2005, 02:32 AM »
I have the same problem, please read https://www.donation...ndex.php?topic=326.0 to see if you use the same Windows feature as I do. If not this seems to be a real bug to fix then - I have noticed it also only for tabbed windows...

:) If you've got your own AHK script running, put something like this in there to toggle Ghoster on and off:

Process, Exist, Ghoster.exe
If pid=0
  Run,<fill in the path>Ghoster.exe

The hotkey starts your script as it should, but when I hit it again to stop it a window pops up:
"An older instance of this script is already running. Replace it with this instance?"

Could you fix that please? :)

I was not able to try your other suggestion yet since I did not restart my OS yet.

Ok, then ignore it for the moment, it works for me in the latest version :)

How about an auction ?
...and run that on eBay, to get even more attention? :)
If someone has something really weird to sell an online casino might jump on it and gets worldwide attention!  :Thmbsup:

anyone who donates $10,000 to this site will get a custom made freeware program dedicated to explaining to the world why they are the greatest person on the planet  ;)
Nice idea! :eusa_dance:

regarding special things for people who donate more than a certain amount..
the current policy of is not to think about amounts donated.  different people have different amounts of money, and a $100 gift from a millionaire means much less to us than a $5 gift from someone who has to watch their budget carefully and doesn't have much spare money.  and taking the time out to help people on the forum, or posting mini reviews etc. is as valuable as any donation :)
Hehe, sure that! I just thought a few big donations from those who can easily afford it might be good ;) I knew a guy who donated >10000 USD to some strange club he was in, so... you never know :) Great that you like the majority of my ideas, lets see what others think and suggest.

I'm open to ideas :)
Great! :)

So i've been thinking about the possibility of having a kind of fundraising event thing on and I want to get some feedback from you guys.

We've ended up spending so much of our time working on and it's rapidly become our our favorite way to spend our time, but having so little time for other work means that the donations are more and more important to us just to help us pay bills and buy food.

Anyway, the idea would be that for like 2 weeks we would just have some kind of special banner on the site to say that it's our "fundraising time of the year" or something, and just in general try to draw attention for 2 weeks to the fact that we depend on donations for all of our funding, etc.  you know, like other public broadcasting services do.  basically just try to encourage people if they haven't donated yet to consider donating, and if they have donated a long time ago to consider if they might want to donate again..
I like the idea... a lot!

One other idea that I thought would be nice to add to the site during the fundraising event would be excerpts from some of the wonderful emails that I've gotten since we started the site, just of real people saying how they appreciate what we are doing.  This was actually an idea that someone on the forum suggested to me and it seems like a really fun idea.
Yeah, I second that.

And i'd be open to other ideas that people think would be nice to do at fundraising time - i looked into some of those online tshirt places and stuff with the idea that maybe we could have like a tshirt or something but the markups are much too high for the kinds of donations we get.  but maybe we could make some iron-on tshirt logos or something ourselves and send them to donators or something.
Ok, I gave it some thought, here are a few ideas:
  • update the logo: I don't know how old it is but to me it looks a bit like from 2001 or 2002, especially because of the font. If you aren't a Photoshop (or whatever) expert just start a contest in the forum, I'm sure a few gfx artists will help :)
  • during the period the fundraiser is running put a label/sticker in a very visible red color (a bit diagonally) across the right part of the logo, saying "fundraiser from Oct-15 to Oct-30 - please donate to help us grow - click here" - clicking it would bring you to a) the donation page or b) a new donation page, containing some additional info
  • if you change a few other (small) things besides the logo (for example different background for sticky topics) you could combine the fundraiser with a site relaunch - write a short, nice article about your site and send that to a dozen of software news sites (I'm willing to help there a bit)
  • offer something really cool to everyone who donates more than 100 USD
  • every donation in those fundraiser weeks will enter some kind of raffle, choose a more or less cool first price and less cool prices for second to ninth winner
  • open a new forum especially for the time the fundraiser is running where people should post ideas (about the site, your programs, new programs, whatever...). The best idea (use a poll to find out?) will receive a cool gift too or a tiny donation from you :)

That's all for the moment :)

General Software Discussion / Re: Nico - Freeware
« on: September 30, 2005, 05:56 AM »
Beautiful and elegant site Redhad!

I agree with brotherS - a screenshot, even when it seems irrelevant, is just nice to have for the user to get a visual impression.

Here are some suggestions from trying it, of things that would be nice to see:
1) minimized to the system tray, with a different icon for when server is up vs. down (maybe with balloon message when down).
Although I didn't see the icon myself yet (you know, missing screenshot(s)) ;) I want to suggest you use some green in it as long as everything's ok and a similar one with lots of red in it if the server seems to be dead.

General Software Discussion / Re: Nico - Freeware
« on: September 30, 2005, 05:15 AM »
I'm willing to test it as soon as it's beta :)
You should also consider to put it on then.

One suggestion for your site: Add some screenshots, they are mostly more convincing than pure text :)

Unfinished Requests / IDEA: tiny statistics window for Azureus
« on: September 30, 2005, 12:43 AM »
If you don't know Azureus yet, please read https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=1016.0

What I have in mind is a tiny window that would read the statistics file Azureus could create every (definable) x seconds and display the results in a window on the desktop. It would display download speed in one color and upload speed in a different color.

Azureus itself it able to show such gfx statistics, but only in a tab in the program. I know that many besides me are interested in a tiny window showing that info on the desktop.

By resizing this window you would change for how long the info is displayed.

Especially cool would be an option to have the program minimized to the tray icon whenever it does not detect "Azureus.exe" running (check every x seconds).

Screenshot Captor / Re: crop confusion and suggestion
« on: September 28, 2005, 10:51 AM »
in real life ants like to eat your foot from the table and rarely just walk around in a square forever :)
but i think you've found a bug - i'll report it to the author of the image selection routine.

as for the crop button - you don't have to push it twice, you just have to have something selected before it will work. i think the solution to your problem is that it should show a little message when you push crop and don't have anything selected yet; i will add that.
Regarding the ants: hehe, OK :)
Regarding the crop button: oh, nice to know! I only know programs where you had to 'enable' the crop mode somehow first... a little message would be nice!

btw, i should say this before you get tired:
these bug reports are super useful - they are the kind of little details that need to be fixed and i really do appreciate them.
i will try to have a new release of screenshot captor before monday which addresses everything you've found so far -
keep reporting the bugs and ill keep fixing them  :up:
Thanks... I know coders need beta-testers, there's always something non-expected happening ;) As a beta-tester, it's nice to have coders like you folks here, who are appreciating when they get the chance to improve something not-so-obvious :)

Screenshot Captor / crop confusion and suggestion
« on: September 28, 2005, 08:01 AM »
When I just tried the crop option I was kinda confused... the 'ants' are not 'crawling' around the selected area but from the right buttom to the left top :huh: I guess they are beamed back to the right buttom then ;) IIRC they are always crawling *around* in a clock-wise circle in other programs - is this a bug or a feature? :)

Suggestion: When you first click the crop button the button could change it's color to red or yellow to make it clear that it needs to be clicked again to actually crop what you selected. I think that would be especially nice because the buttons have no names and do look not *so* different from each other.

Thanks, that did the trick! :)  :up:

Screenshot Captor / please help: mask looks ugly when image is hosted :(
« on: September 28, 2005, 07:02 AM »

have a look at this please:


That image looks pretty good when I view it in SC or in my image viewer, but when I upload it at it looks real ugly. :(

Any idea how to fix that?

Hehe, I just noticed that type :) I changed it a bit:

;Notify.ahk Skrommel @2005-09-28
ToolTip,Ctrl-C pressed. Thanks for your attention. You can move on now ;)

;Notify.ahk Skrommel @2005-09-28


Awesome, really awesome! :)

Is it possible that the ToolTip will auto-hide if I press Alt-TAB before the timer reached stopped? That way I could use a bigger value for the timer while keeping it limited to the window where I clicked it.



is there a way to play a sample when I hit Ctrl-C to copy something, so that I know I really copied it? Might be useful for other hotkeys too where you don't immediately see that you really pressed it. Would be even better if the script could determine the volume of that sample, so one could set it like one likes it.

After thinking a bit about that I wonder if it might be even better to use a gfx solution instead - maybe display a 0.5 inch x 0.5 inch big object in one of the screen corners (definable in which)?

Or flash the mouse cursor?

Or....? Any ideas/comments? :)

Screenshot Captor / Re: please add rectangles to the editor
« on: September 28, 2005, 05:06 AM »
very good point - the current label "highlight object" is confusing.
how about "draw highlighting rectangle/circle" ?
Ok with me :) And/or make that button look like the two possible shapes.

Within those options, please move the two shape buttons to the very top - to me, that would make more sense, since you normally first decide about shape and then about the exact look of it.

Screenshot Captor / Re: do you want to save the changes? yes/no/cancel
« on: September 28, 2005, 05:01 AM »
but it doesnt ask you when you minimize - i think it might be a good idea though to ask on minimize and i will add that if no one objects.
Great! :) I think it's important because you are allowed to set SC to minimize when you hit Alt-F4 - one might to save later then, before switching off the PC.

Screenshot Captor / Re: please add rectangles to the editor
« on: September 28, 2005, 04:44 AM »
Oops!  :-[ What about renaming that option to "highlight objects/rectangles" then? I kinda doubt I'm the only one finding that a bit confusing ;)

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