Well, maybe my terms are up for grabs - what's the difference between a Fork and a Mod?-TaoPhoenix
A fork is developed independently of the code it was initially based on, while a mod is merged with it when it changes.
Ubuntu is not Debian anymore. Not nearly.
So however you term it, I got one that works. Me-As-Typical-New-Linux-User just wants to get to a desktop screen. -TaoPhoenix
So why Linux then?
There is no "typical new Linux user", back in 1998 I started with SuSE Linux 6.0 (and was stuck to Windows-only for years after then), others start with Arch Linux or Slackware. What is "typical"?
Long Haul, I don't know if I can make it to Windows 9 - Win8 with Metro is looking really ugly, even worse than Vista. -TaoPhoenix
Vista was fine, at least it was the last Windows version with a working task bar. I hope Microsoft will get back to the desktop market some day... Windows 8 SP1 or something.
"All I do" 50% of the time is play on the web and make folders and save notes and files. That's cake. Linux can handle that.-TaoPhoenix
So can most other OSs.
So yes one of these years if I really got serious I'd buy a new comp for Linux. This is a test case for now. -TaoPhoenix
I recently did that for my sister, ordered some Linux laptop for her (Fedora 16) and she's happy with it (after some days of "why can't I play my random MMORPGs here?"); but it was more because it was cheap.