General Software Discussion / Re: I'm thinking of going primitive, with discursion into zettelkasten
« on: February 14, 2022, 01:40 PM »copy-pasting a bunch of text from a webpage makes a bit of a mess. That usecase is important for me. What do you do about it?-urlwolf (February 13, 2022, 01:52 AM)
Maybe use something else.-Dormouse (February 13, 2022, 06:05 AM)
Copy/paste from web worked well, but the time I used the web clipper the result was unusable.This has made me think about my custom and practice. I don't need to do this very often, and it's not usually important when I do. I maintained an Evernote account for a long time, because it had a good reliable web clipper. But I have an imense number of options and no system. Programs have drifted in and drifted out again.-Dormouse (February 13, 2022, 08:02 PM)
I need some clips to be permanently available. That means local. But this is very rare.
I need a scrapbook. But it's not very important by definition. Preferably easily available.
Some clips I need for a period, but their value is short-term only. If they relate to a project, then I'd ideally have them easily available to programs I use in that project.
I've had a few issues (with Evernote) where images in a clip are only links and change or disappear when the site changes.
I have a Pocket account. I prefer Instapaper, but Pocket saves the original images. That makes a good scrapbook - BUT it doesn't work well on sites that require a login.
In my early markdown phase, I tried a number of markdown clippers. They worked - but turned out to me more of an inconvenience than they were worth.
I have Snagit. It works, but is overkill for casual use. Heavy duty need only.
There's also files. An ideal system would cope with those too.
Obsidian works well as a reception area for copy/paste and for files. So that's fine for desktop. And confidential.
I'll stick to Pocket for Scrapbook.
For the rest, and mobile, I think I'll revert to trying OneNote again. Systemically this time. I doubt I will ever not have a 365 account. Clipper seems okay. Linking works well. So clips should be available in an app that can access it.