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OK I'll take it then.  Now, are you the one who came up with that nice "display box in vbs" a while back?  I have decided I am not likely to get what I want on the password box so I am going with plan B.

Use VBS script to achieves the same results but is a clunky way to get there.  The User can see what they are typing into the VBS box and when click on OK it is sent to the other program's Password box.  This way it avoids the need to have the same input going to multiple places at the same time.  Dual points of focus is hard to achieve.   It also avoids using an outright key-logger function which is always a good idea just for the sake of propriety and to avoid any thoughts of hacking.

Works like this.  RIGHT click the "password" box of the program.  Choose to activate special VBS script.  VBS Script opens a windows on top of the password box with message "Type the password to use here".  You get to SEE what you type in that box which stores the entry to a temporary variable.  When done, User can SEE what is about to be used and make sure all is spelled right.  If not, erase and fix, if correct, you click on the 'Done' button inside VBS box to end the entry to the VBS.

The VBS then drops that variable into the real PASSWORD box that it was displayed on top of.  You click OK to use it.  IF all goes well you get  in.  BUT!!
If the program tells you that your password was incorrect, try again, .. Well.  You know it is telling a LIE!  Since computers don't LIE.  Somebody had to have changed your password.

If you know YOU did not change your password and you just SAW with your own eyes what you entered.  Then Somebody else changed it and you should contact the company IT Tech ASAP to find out why.  Don't bother trying 5 more times until the system locks you out.

Someone famously said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results"   I think it was the original designer who came up with the "hidden characters" password box.
 :o :'(

This is a procedure that would be called into play only at times when you get one of those "I know I entered my password" messages but the system says you didn't.  You may only need it once in Blue Moon but when you get that message once, you hear that voice saying " Use The Force, Dude".  Maybe should name the VBS, "The Force.vbs", eh?

Might work, 4WD.  But I need it to function outside of a browser for my purposes.  Usually one assumes left clicking to be the primary interaction with a program.  Right click provides option functionalities in the same area of actions.  Or so that was how I had assumed
Left click a program icon or image icon to open it using its default assigned APP:  ie> open with MSPaint.exe.  Right click one to change some feature or function relating to that image or all images. Rename, Move, etc
Right click the desktop opens a slew of different apps that you might want and there are ways to modify the menu offered there.  I already have what I needed working under an RC.  I just would rather LC if I could.

LC the desktop and Nothing a all happens.  If I wanted a direct function related to the 'desktop' I would have preferred to put it as LC  but I can get there with an RC if that is my only option.  I might check out your code though to see what happens.  Anything you come up with is usually Good :)

This is a simple concept and there are a large number of people who would be grateful to have it.  But  PLEASE, I don't need to get "flamed" by everyone for not wanting everything to be as secure as Ft Knox.
What I am describing is the same thing already used in many new Online Programs but would work for any software whether it had that "All Seeing Eyeball" at the end of the password box or not.

What is needed is a way to activate a small on-screen text-box that would display characters as they are typed by capturing the keystrokes from the keyboard.  It would have no record keeping ability, just a line-typed display that would appear on the screen preferably near the password box but anywhere visible would do.

The function would be activated by a hotkey and only be there if the user wanted it and have a times display for 30 seconds or less would probably be plenty.

The purpose is to give "Humans" a chance of knowing what they just typed into their password field before they click <Enter> and get that "Incorrect password only 1 try left" message. 

After seeing the same message 3 previous attempts no matter how certain you are that you are typing the same password you have always typed (You can't 'argue with asterisks',  the "dots win" every time!) many people are one step short of a blown fuse.  I just dealt with another such person here.

This is not meant for being a "password hack".  It is simply a way to give a fighting chance to people using older software that does not offer the "All Seeing Eyeball Icon".  I still see newer MS programs that do not give anyone a way of knowing if they are mistyping or if there is really a reason their OLD password is no longer working.

This information COULD point toward the fact that SOMEONE must have changed it and if it wasn't You?  Then WHO?  I would considered that to be a major Security HELP!  If you don't know what is being entered behind those dots, you can't say.  Maybe someone else DID change your password.

AsterisKey and other like it are considered the tools of trade for a malicious hackers and are sometimes blocked by AV software. What I am proposing is simply a way to allow a person to see what they typed in a password field (or anywhere else) AS THEY TYPE IT.  Kind of like adding the All Seeing Eyeball for programs that don't have it and never will.

Right click the desktop is easy enough to find.  As well as left clicking an icon for an application or file.  If you are already in a file like word, outlook etc, left click functions are documented.  But I cant locate anything for left clicking on an empty spot on Windows desktop?  Does a registry function exist for that option and if not could one be added?

I can draw a "box" (that disappears unless I drag it over to hit some icons) so there must be some way to capture that initial action of a left click on the empty desktop and use it to initiate an action just like right clicking the same spot.

AS for the other thing I emailed you:
if I could simply string together two SendTo options the first being "sendto"> compressed zip folder and then the output from that going to the emel.vbs script I sent you that would solve my other  wish.
Can you pull another rabbit out of your magic hat on that one?
As in ...  First select the files then right click>sendto> | email.vbs?

IanB  This did the trick for me!

"If you find a way to initiate WebPageDump or any other script to download a webpage, from the command line, then I'd be very interested to know how you did it please."

I am sure you already tried 'httrack' as that is my preferred "full-court-press" site backup. 
But I did not need a backup I needed a single file document and this did it!!

What I had was a php script used as the index.php file in a website that was dedicated only to making a specific type of layout of images linked to webpages.
Like a visual website menu.  But they wanted a document that could be emailed to people they wanted to have it and not have them going to the website that created the document to start with.

Anyway, the odds of you needing it for what I needed it for are less than zero.
Suffice it to say that 4WD came through (as usual though I think he has helpers at Stack overflow as I can Never find the codes he does).
Running the command line exactly as stated exchanging the webpage you want and place you wan t it stored makes a perfect mht file that includes the exact images along with their html presentation aspect plus the correct hypelinks.
In other words, it look and acts exactly as if the user were on that page

In all fairness, every element needed WAS on the page I created from so no elements from offsite are include as they are not needed.
But it would be worth experimenting to see if it might suit your needs as well

Thanks 4wd.
With luck, maybe I can drop in in a few months and bring a few shrimp for the barby eh?
(More like a porterhouse though!)

This VBS script from StackOverflow worked fine here from the command line.

NOTE: You do need IE to be installed.

Code: Text [Select]
  1. cscript SaveAsMHT.vbs K:\test.mht
Gave a .mht file that could be opened in IE with the DC home page.

Considering you're talking about a single page capture it might be easier than using wget.
Sigh~ :huh: line 1 char 23 expected end of statement
Duh missed the part about getting the original script I figured it was one of your best one-liners.
Forget anything bad I ever said about you 4wd (tho I never did!)  the darn thing worked!!

>>And Yes, it beats the heck out of Wget which I never could  get to return everything exactly like it showed on  the web.  Script is Perfect!

Wow.  Talk about switches!  How about I tell you that the link is  It is hosted on localhost only so it isn't an actual WEB site per se.
But I open it by typing into any browser. Can you narrow down the switches a bit with that info?   I feel "whipped" :)
This is just a single page like "the home page" that the site opens to.  All I need is that one page.  As a manual download with Ctrl+S it is an approx 2MB MHTML file.  If I could find that old Mouse Keys programmer I would just program the mouse strokes into a script to do it :(

I need a way to be able to download a webpage through use of a script.  I can get to the page with no problem in batch, vbs etc.   Use of Ctrl+S in Chrome for example allows me to download and save it to MHTML (Once the correct flags options were set) and the resulting MHTML file is perfect.  It opens locally and ll the contents work exactly as they would have if I were on that site.  Including all images, links, and other visual html design.

I need to be able to do the same as ctrl+S(ave) to MHTML in a script that can be run on demand to create this document as needed. 

Using Wget I end up with a variety of results depending on how I word the statement but none of them is even close to the same as the ctrl+S to get the MHTML version.  If there is a command-line version of SAVE AS for Chrome I have not yet found it.  It seems that something so simple in GUI surely must have some way to accomplish the same results in what should be one line in a script.

Thanks to all for the contributions to the problem.
I have the solution in hand just in time to enjoy the Memorial weekend. 
For anyone else who might ever try anything like this, there is one extremely important fact that was holding everything up.  If you happen to be a Die-Hard Google Chrome User as I am, it was something I had never thought about or needed till now.

But at some point in the past, Google Chrome has "Disabled" the capacity to download MHTML webpages even though you CAN choose that you want "SingleFile  Webpage Complete" format.  What you Get, though, is normal Html code which does NOT work for what I was trying to accomplish. 
This can be "fixed" (if one knows that it needs to be) in the flags area of Chrome.  Doing this made a much better solution to everything.  Html code will not support a "Single-file" option having image with embedded hyperlinks so I kept getting a half-solution no matter what was tried. MHTML is a perfect fit though.

I will trade you mine for one that works :).
Actually, this one makes a very nice photo album!
It just wont allow me to load the a^href value read from the matching text file for each PNG


I just got home and was about to try your first one with WORD.
The 2nd looks very much like the script that i came up with to create the HTML "photo album" which is what it was meant to do.  And I agree that it works fine.  HTML is actually a better format for what i need and going forward, it will work a charm.
But.  I have to make the FIRST one    one by one    for 76 sites.  OR  figure out why it won't script.

Right now working from a folder copy of all the invitation images plus text files loaded with the url for each invitation, i am still having the Dickens of a time getting the value of the invitation.TXT (which is storing the actual URL) to be read into the script variable to for loading the a^href section of the line.

The original code I am working with is PHP and being as how I know "Nothing" abut PHP maybe i picked a bad starting point.  But it did so well with the CSS display characteristics i hated to give it up.  It reads every png file perfectly and puts the image right where it should.  But the code loads the png's actual "local drive" location to the a^href value.  I will try to attach it here in a sec and maybe you ca see where I am "blind"

4WD, I have to apologize.

 I can see I am just not making my requests difficult enough :(
:)Next time I will see if I can ask fot the world AND the stars !! :up:Would you believe that I had people on Stack-Overflow asking me what I meant by a "Word Document"!
If you do have anything at all that can hold images and want to test, That is all I really need.  Unless :tellme: it is for a MAC!
I just wanted to give them a picture sheet as most of these people apparently can't read anyway but even if they could some of the titles are less than obvious.
Msufaosdeanofp would be an example of a folder-name.  I can see where a picture might help there.   :thmbsup:
ps: msufaosdeanofp could be shortened to msufaosdop also depends on my mood that day..

Last request (for the day!)  If you have ever seen CopyQ can you tell me why it doesn't work  I don't have anything but Windows 10 and maybe it isn't compatible  I have a lot of thngs that command would work nicely with

I will try. 
Each Project has an image created for it called invite.png. Each one is a specific picture that is like a miniature of the login page that section of the main site.  During creation of each new Project, there is a script that takes several components to create this and performs many other housekeeping functions. 
The Names for each project are kept as short as possible by using initials that com from the project name so it could be\joedoe\cdcsoi.  This is short and simple but if you were to see that name later and it was one of a 100 others you have no way to know for sure what it is.
The "invitation" is a 30% reduction image of the complete login page which makes it easy on humans to see what the initials stand for.
in this case: joe doe is looking for a chief dog catcher (for the) state of Illinois.
During the creation of the project, when i have the invite.png file at hand if i could add the invite.png as a PICTURE to a WORD doc listing all the Projects along with their URL's it would be a handy thing to have

I already make a list of the URL's but "1 picture speaks 1000 bytes"  I could embed the URL into the png and the person using the list could just click the invite.png image to get to that Project page

In order to do this and make it fully automatic, i have to be able to copy that image and add it to the Site List plus Use the Hyperlink took to embed the URL within the original creation script

I can go back afterward and do this on a one by one basis very easy.  Copy the invite.png, paste to word doc , it pastes just fine as an image cRight click the image click the hyperlink option and type in the correct URL.
Job done to perfection.

But it is a lot more complicated thanvthat and i have all the parts needed at hand when the site is created to be able to automate the creation of the picture list with embedded URL's if i had a command that would runs in the script.

Think of it like a catalog where you click the image to open to the page for the description of the item.  Pretty easy straightforward stuff and i was amazed to find out that while i can find a ton of ways to do it in LINUX Windows apparently does not have a "copy file as Image option.  And definitely not one that had scriptable command line interface for automation.

illinoise dogs catcher.jpg

SO I would have a nice page full of pictures that can easily descrive where they go thta can be clicked to reach each project.

I hope this helps but i don't think all this description will do much to help find a way to do it because there probably thousands of other reasons why someone might want to "copy a file as an image" instead of just copying a file-name or path to a document.   Think Signatures, photo albums, catalogs, etc.  And it is VERY easy to do by hand one at  time. 
But this is MY reason for wanting it and why i want to be able to script it rather than doing a one-up by hand

Well, it might have worked. :(
Apparently graphics Magic has some issues on Windows 10. 
CopyQ seemed like a good choice too but still no luck in the scipt.
Nircmd may be my only hope!

Perfect 4wd. Thanks I had looked high and low for something like tha
I have started using Image Magick quite a bit and only recently learned of it's 'sister fork' Graphics Magick
I am always amazed at what can be done with image files through command line which is essential in order to automate things.
I was looking into converting all the png to pdf and then compiling the pages but that is a waste as only one image per  page.

Don't suppose it can be tweaked to add the URL link embedded as can be done in WORD, Outlook etc?
Had to ask :).
You are alread familiar with the setup, it is that same bunch of mini websites and I was sked to add the invitation image to the list, Before someone asks me also add the URL I figured I would so it so whe they ask I can just :)
Smile..  Hehe

PS:  I thought 750 pixel by 350 pixel was pretty good description.  If I paste it here I am not sure the size would be representative of the true measure.
I only wanted to impress that that I can put more than one on a page by using copy/paste.  If I knew how to access the contents of clipboard directly, I could have loaded the image in the batch then pasted it from the batch but clipboard access in Windows 10 is not so easy now.  Win-send-keys is deprecated to the point of no .dll file now. But I was looking at "Xclip'"

I am trying to find the best way to perform a 'copy/paste' action on certain images in a group of folders so they end up displayed stacked over the next in a Word document or pdf file.  The script is used to gather various pieces of information from a group of folders and one item that needs to be added is an image file in each folder set named invite.png (or jpg).   This image is about 5"W x 2.5"H  (750x350p approx) and I can get close to 4 on a page doing copy/paste manually. 

But every variation I have tried in the looping script ends up with a list of 'file path names" in a list instead of a stack of images where the image file is copied as a picture not a file-path. 
I have tried various functions from Image Magick and Graphics Magick but nothing has worked so far.  Any advice appreciated.

Ha!   :)  Well I finally answered my own question.  I have exactly what i wanted for many things and so much more.  When everything came together it just seemed to all fall in place at once.  I may need to post a couple of these on the board for others but not sure how to post an answer without a question  :-\

The first part is a program called ECMenu.  I found it on one of those Windows boards.  But the Documentation as well as some of the commands take a bit of thought to get them right.  The 2nd part is command from sysinternals called regjumper.

And almost at the same time I ran across Clipout which can be used for registry jumping but has better use for putting the contents of Clipboard almost anywhere.

By using ECMenu to provide access to Regjumper i got exactly what I asked for.  highlight the written key, right-click choose jumper and regedit opens to the key.

I should add here that I also found the same functions in the best Secondary Command System in the world:  :Thmbsup: Nircmd.   :D
It also has many of the same capabilities and i will probably add it to Ecmenu as well as this is a fully configurable Right-click menu system

Thanks for everyone who gave the problem any thought and more thanks to those any who offered solutions.
If you are ever interested in trying to do any of these things (that no one but me ever wants it seems), I can tell you that these listed so far have been GREAT!  Google them by name.  They are all separate links

I gotta learn to be careful what I wish for

Skips all the fun part of figuring it out and gets right to the 'Meat' of what did I want to do with it when i found it.

Apparently it has been around and lately been further improved.  I still don't get to find out how to manually do any of the nifty "copy as text and send to Google search via registry edit " but...

I can still get it there even if I don't know how it happened.  I have never heard of it but I must have been in a vacuum as it has been around since at least 2012.  Heck, I wanted to 'do it myself' but...Oh Well :-\


Thanks Curt. 
I do not use Firefox but your information led me to a similar setup for Chrome using an 'extension'
For some reason it only worked for a day or so then stopped.  I have not yet discovered why.

Everyone who has said this couldn't be done across various programs has said that the issue would be that text is not the same from one application to the next.  Yet I can highlight almost any text on any page in a browser or windows explorer and if it is made up of legible letters, I can highlight to select, right click to copy, then paste to another application as text.

This would seem to indicate some kind of capacity to distinguish 'text' when displayed as words.  If that is the case, then there should be a way to write an application that would be able to also perform a function based on the text highlighted having certain phrases at the front such as HKCU or other norms for a registry key regardless of whether I highlight it in Firefox, or Edge, or Chrome etc.

While I am sure there will be places it cannot be done it seems that any page that is showing directions to a registry location where the info displayed can be copied into regedit to open to that key; why can't I select it and use a right click option to do the same thing?

THIS  is the best I can find for Chrome and it is extremely convoluted to use.

Yeah, I think I read everything in StackOverflow and all their sister sites as well.  Plus several including MS Tech Net and all of them are vague to nonexistent about doing what this script does in a way to keep it all on full auto. 

If it requires any interaction then it can't be used as a drag and drop receptacle as I do it now.  Currently, if there is more than one file with same name it follows the normal windows doctrine of using (2) etc for duplicate files but does not stop to ask me anything.  Both copies get attached if they come from different paths.

Generally speaking, there would normally not be duplicates though.
Surprise!  Thanks for a wake up Miles!  I had given up on Stack but this was one I had not read yet and does have some interesting options using Java.

The thing is, if you check the script it does not actually copy or move anything at all.  It attaches the files directly tot he email based on the path to the file to be attached.  There is no point in time that I could perform the compression on all the files without adding a complete section to do that.

I was hoping I could intercept the calls for the files to be attached and run each of them through a compression before the get attached.  I actually would prefer each to be a separate file if possible so a procedure such as this would do that.

As an aside.  While this is more of a 'stunt' than anything else,  I did figure out that I could get by if I simply add the extension of .txt to each file-name.  Then program.exe would become program.exe.txt before being attached and this works perfectly. Outlook sends them with no complaints then.

The only VPN I use is the one we host for ourselves.  It is a "Free Product" from SoftEther and has proven extremely reliable for our needs.  I have seen a service called 'Total VPN' that got some of the highest marks for a Free VPN but I have never used it so cannot say more.  That and another called 'Incognito' is all I have seen lately but there are surely others out there.

There may not be a way to do this.  I have seen a few comments about VBS and zip not being compatible. 
The current working VBS script is used to automate adding multiple attachments to an Outlook pre-addressed email and sending it out all at once.  As written, the files can be selected from anywhere on the system by using Ctrl+click to select them and copy/paste or drag-drop to get them to the script which then does the rest.  They all get attached regardless of where they are located once selected. I have never tried to add more than about 10 but I think the only limit is the file-size allowed by Outlook for an attachment.

Most file types can only be attached to an email by first adding them to a zip or other 'protective' shell and adding all the collected files to a single zip when they come from multiple locations is the problem.  There seems to be no way to do this within the bounds of the VBS script and also no way to do it externally and then bring the results back into the script for completion.

If anyone can supply the missing "zip from anywhere" lines to the script it would be appreciated. :)

Somewhere after this line is where I presume it needs to be added.   
..       Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments 'gets paths of selected files   ..
Once the selected paths are set, those files need to be either zipped separately or added to a single larger zip before they are added to the email as attachments so Outlook will process it without choking up.  This works as-is as long as all files are .txt or other allowed file types.

Code: Visual Basic [Select]
  1. Option Explicit
  2. Dim objArgs, OutApp, oNameSpace, oInbox, oEmailItem, olMailItem
  3. Dim a, oAttachments, subjectStr, olFormatHTML
  4. olMailItem = 0
  5. olFormatHTML = 2
  6. Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments 'gets paths of selected files
  7. Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'opens Outlook
  8. Set oEmailItem = OutApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) 'opens new email
  9. oEmailItem.To = " "
  10. = " "
  11. For a = 0 to objArgs.Count - 1
  12. Set oAttachments = oEmailItem.Attachments.Add(objArgs(a))
  13. subjectStr = subjectStr & Right(objArgs(a),Len(objArgs(a))-(InStrRev(objArgs(a),"\"))) & ", " 'recreates the default Subject e.g. Emailing: file1.doc, file2.xls
  14. Next
  15. If subjectStr = "" then subjectStr = "No Subject "
  16. oEmailItem.Subject = "" & Left(subjectStr, (Len(subjectStr)-2))
  17. oEmailItem.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
  18. oEmailItem.Display
  19. oEmailItem.Send

If there is another method of accomplishing the same goals in another language that would be OK as well. :thmbsup:

Note:  Giving credit where credit is due:  This code is originally from the 'Slipstick Outlook Forum' and named 'Joseph's Script Method'
It works extremely well for what it was originally written to do.

ok count this one DONE!  Put a Fork in it.  (hmm I never considered the possibilites of that phrase when used in writing computer code) :huh:

Thanks to 4wd I have a nifty one liner ps1 scipt and another friend provided the equivalent VBS option so that makes two solutions for one problem.
 Not so bad  :-\

Thanks for the input from all.

4WD: ;D

That is what they call "Old Timers Disease" :)  Us Old Timers get to "FORget" , it is one of the benefits of age.

It also allows us to make new friends from old friends every day and even old enemies are forgotten and get a new chance.

Some become new enemies. (but only unil they are forgotten again) 
Some, though, become New friends.

Life gets to be fun again as you get to learn everything "for the first time" every every new is the First Day of the Rest of the Rest of your Life.

I have always felt that this was a good outlook to have on aging as there isn't much you can do about it and it beats the only alternative~!

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