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Messages - cyberdiva [ switch to compact view ]

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You might want to give Everything a try. I like it better than Locate32. It is lightning fast and doesn't need to index as it uses the NTFS journal.
Edbro, I want to thank you again for recommending Everything.  I installed it and have been blown away with how fast it is, how easy it is to use, and how well it finds everything I've asked it to.  I'm so pleased I may not even bother installing Locate32, at least not right away.

Thanks, too, to Darwin and others who provided more info about full-text search programs.   I think I'll continue to use Copernic for full-text searches and use Everything for searches where I'm just trying to find a filename.

I've just started to configure LaunchBar Commander.  I've created seven nodes in addition to the three it came with (Control Panel, My Documents, and Start Menu).  For most of the seven, I've set hot keys using CTL + Win + a letter.  I did this as well for the Control Panel node.  All the hot keys work fine, but as soon as I use the Control Panel hot key, from then on all the other hotkeys open a menu that show the applications in the node PLUS all the parts of Control Panel.  Thus, normally CTL + Win + M will open the Microsoft Office Node, showing Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.  But if I've opened Control Panel (using CTL + Win + C), the next time I hit CTL + Win + M to open MS Office, I'll get a menu that shows the four office apps followed by Accessibility Options, Add Hardware, Add or Remove Programs, etc. etc.  This was true under version 1.83.01 and is still true under 1.85.01.  (If need be, I can post a screen shot, but I suspect this is clear without one.)

I feel the same way, Jim.  Linkman is one of my favorite pieces of software.  At $25, it's a great value;  at $10, it's a steal!  :up:

Linkman can certainly import your IE favorites and Firefox bookmarks.  And once they're imported, Linkman has a Delete Duplicates feature you can run (go to Tools --> Delete duplicates) that will either delete the duplicates or move them to a duplicates folder (you choose which action you'd prefer).  

Linkman can certainly import your IE favorites and Firefox bookmarks.  And once they're imported, Linkman has a Delete Duplicates feature you can run that will either delete the duplicates or move them to a duplicates folder (you choose which action you'd prefer). 

Locate32, Everything, and SearchGT allow you to search for files by NAME and or extension (filetype). They're all fast, SearchGT impressively so, given that it doesn't index your filenames. Archivarius, X1, etc. index not only filenames but the CONTENTS of those files as well.
Thanks, Darwin, but I do understand the difference between a program like Locate32 that will find a filename and one like Archivarius that will do full-text search.  As I said in an earlier message, I do both kinds of searches.  What I really would like to know is what a program like Archivarius, X1, etc. offers that Copernic does not.  Since Copernic is free and these others are not, there must be something compelling that makes them worth the money, but I haven't been able to figure that out from the discussion here.  You, of course, are an ideal person to comment on this if you have time, since you've used so many of these programs.  (Let me add that I'm not looking for a program that will search my email files, since Mailbag Assistant already does that very well, and few other programs seem able to handle the Mulberry email client.)

cyberdiva:  That is a separate issue altogether. URL's are directly due to either Outertech or your own Settings in Linkman. The Help (.chm extension) file is configured to run in an Internet Explorer window - IOW, the actual window in which you are reading the Help file IS an Internet Explorer pane, and all links within that file will always open in IE. You could copy the link and then put it into the URL bar in Firefox if you really, really need it to open in Firefox.
Thanks, Jim, for the clarification.  I understand that this is in some ways a separate issue, but it seems to me related.  I'm just surprised and a little disappointed that Linkman's Help file is configured to run in an IE window rather than in the window of the user's default browser.  Mind you, this isn't an important issue for me--Linkman behaves the way I want in every other respect--but since this topic came up here, I thought I'd mention this other related but not identical instance of Linkman's using IE when the default browser has been set to be Firefox. 

On first (no configuration found) Linkman start the program tries to determinate your default browser and sets it as default also in the Linkman settings.
-Outertech Support (December 19, 2008, 03:33 AM)
I've just come upon another place where Linkman (I'm using 7.70 Pro) calls up Internet Explorer even though Firefox 3 is my default browser and the path is listed in the Linkman settings under both "user defined" and "Firefox."  In Linkman under Help --> Tutorial, you get a page that contains two different links to the Outertech website.  Clicking on them will bring up the site--in Internet Explorer.  I poked around in the Settings and saw that Linkman was set to use my "default browser" for going to URLs, but it nonetheless opened IE instead of Firefox.  I then changed that to "user defined," but that made no difference.  Linkman still opened the links by calling up Internet Explorer.  I should note that Linkman always uses Firefox when going to a bookmark that I've put in Linkman; it's just the URLs in Linkman's Help file that are opened with the wrong browser. 

[Photoshop] is expensive but you can get it cheaply by registering as student at a recognised institution (it doesn't have to be long term or full time - just an evening class will do at a recognised college - find a photoshop class!. Do check the local conditions at by going to the academic shop for your country) and then buy the academic edition which is identical to the commercial product.
One caveat: though the academic edition is identical to the commercial product, I think you can't get a comparable academic discount on upgrades.  IIRC, you have to buy Photoshop all over again at the full academic price each time you upgrade to a new version.  I'm not 100% sure of this, but I think I recall finding this out a year or so ago when Photoshop came out with a new version.  I decided not to upgrade.

Thanks very much, edbro, both for the clarification about Locate32 and the recommendation of Everything.  I think maybe I'll give both of them a try.  If I learn anything earthshaking, I'll report it here.

Again, many thanks!

Thanks very much, edbro and Jim, for your quick responses.   I know that Locate32 finds filenames only, while Copernic will do a full-text as well as search for filenames.  I tend to need both kinds of searches.  I may give Locate32 a try to see whether it finds kinds of files that Copernic overlooks.  However, I guess what I'm really wondering is whether there are advantages to some of the other full-text search programs rather than Copernic.  I don't recall coming upon much information about that in this rather lengthy and often very interesting discussion.

I've read through most of this thread with great interest, but I confess that I'm now bleary-eyed and still a bit confused.  Currently, my search program of choice is Copernic Desktop Search, version 3.0,0.  It finds just about everything I want except my email messages (because I use Mulberry as my email client); for email I happily use Mailbag Assistant.   What I'm trying to understand is what programs like Archivarius, Locate32, and others do that I don't already get from Copernic.   I feel a little foolish asking this after so much discussion has already taken place, but I honestly haven't been able to figure this out.   Copernic finds my files VERY quickly, it does full-text searches, the price is right....  I'd be more than willing to add another program, even one for which I'd have to pay, if it offered me something important that Copernic doesn't already do.   Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

I'd like to add a different perspective to the discussion.  I'm a supporting member, but I've never downloaded any of the donationware available.  So why did I come to this site, and why in the world did I donate?  I came because of the Reviews, and I donated because I found so much useful information here.  I'd be a little surprised if I turn out to be the only person who has donated not for the software but for the information.  (Then again, I'm often surprised.)  Anyway, I really like this site, and I donated as a way of saying "thank you".  :up:

Please specify what got installed besides Linkman Free (if you declined everything else). I'll investigate the matter immediately. I've done a test installation just 2 minutes ago and as usual nothing else was installed at all.
-Outertech Support (December 18, 2008, 05:26 PM)

I just want to say that these guys at Linkman are serious.  Unlike some software companies that tell you "we'll look into it" and then nothing more is ever heard, the folks at Linkman have taken seriously every issue that I've raised with them, and they've corrected problems and implemented suggestions very quickly. 

I have no connection to the company, but in the half year or so that I've been using Linkman, I've become a real fan.  :Thmbsup:

I am not disciplined enough to compose long e-mails/posts in an external editor. I follow the same path as Hirudin - I've been burned enough times that I now hit ctrl-A and Ctrl-C pretty often when writing - because I use Clipmate, this provides me with mutliple backups that I can revisit weeks later, if I haven't deleted the contents of the main clipboard by then.
As I was reading this thread's messages and considering the pros and cons of using a keylogger (for the same purpose as the original poster), I began to think that I should simply make use of Clipmate, my favorite piece of software.  And just as I was thinking this, I came upon your message!  So rather than download a keylogger that will record ALL my keystrokes, including backspacing, etc., I'll just try to remember to hit CTL-A CTL-C frequently when I'm typing a lengthy message that I wouldn't want to lose.  Thanks, Darwin.  :Thmbsup:

It will be added in 7.x.
-Outertech Support (September 27, 2008, 07:21 PM)
I'm delighted to hear this, since I too am a Firefox user. 

This is one of the things that has most impressed me about Linkman: they take customer feedback seriously.  I know other companies that either ignore suggestions or say "good idea, we'll look into it" and then nothing further happens.  Years later, they're still saying "we'll look into it."   In my experience, when Linkman says it will be added in 7.x, they mean it.  :Thmbsup: 

I wrote again late last week because those issues are still happening, along with a few new ones, but again there is no acknowledgment reply, no actual reply from Outertech Support - nothing.

So as responsive as the developer tried to appear when this review was first written, I believe that was purely for PR reasons, with the review and the DC discount.  Three months without any replies at all from their support belies the praise that was heaped on this developer by the review.  I dumped Linkman.

Linkman had a serious server problem several months ago, and messages I sent them seemed to go unanswered.  Then, suddenly, I got a message from them explaining what had happened and responding to my questions.  From that point on, they have been extraordinarily responsive.  I'm thus stunned to hear that you've had more recent problems with non-response.  They have responded quickly and helpfully to every email I have sent them, and they've even created beta versions for me to test to see whether the betas solved problems I was having.  They did, and I was delighted to see that one feature found its way into the most recent regular release (7.50). 

Like some others on this forum, I used and loved Powermarks for many years.  Fortunately, I discovered Linkman just as Powermarks announced that they would no longer be updating that program.  Frankly, as much as I loved Powermarks, I'm even more enthusiastic about Linkman.  For those of you like me who were happy that Powermarks eliminated the need for storing bookmarks in folders, you can use Linkman the same way--you don't HAVE to use folders.  But starting with version 7.50, if you do use folders, the folder and sub-folder names can be included (just like keywords) in a search. 

Three more things I love about Linkman over Powermarks:
1) Linkman's URL validation is much more accurate and more flexible than Powermarks'
2) You can do boolean searches in Linkman ("and," "or" "and/and not")
3) If you want, you can search on a number of different fields (e.g., title, path, folder, etc.), not just on keywords

I should also note that the current version of Linkman has a Powermarks import feature (which it didn't have when I started using it, so I haven't tried it).

I use Firefox as my default browser, and I've had no problem using Linkman once I told Linkman the path for my default browser.  I also have Opera and Internet Explorer, and Linkman works with these as well, along with several browsers I don't have.

One more thing.  I remember that when I first tried Linkman, I HATED it because the Desktop Toolbar messed up my desktop and took up valuable space, and the Drop Basket kept getting in the way.  However, I soon realized that I could use Linkman perfectly well without those two "features," and from then on I grew more and more enthusiastic. 

I hope some of these comments prove helpful.  If you're unsure about Linkman, give it a try.  It has become one of my very favorite programs.

Living Room / Re: Best forums for....
« on: February 08, 2008, 05:09 PM »
Hmmm....There are several forums I'd like to recommend.
1) For questions about computers (hardware and software), the Internet, and related matters, I love the Neat Net Tricks forum at http://www.topfreefo...mforum=neatnettricks.  The expertise of the participants ranges from newbie to awesome, and I've found the atmosphere very friendly and helpful.  (I also like their multi-reviewer software reviews: http://www.neatnettr...reReviews/splash.htm)

2) Last summer, I bought a PalmTX, and I've been very impressed with the Brighthand forum dealing with the TX (there are other Brighthand forums for other PDA-related products).  Again, people tend to be friendly and helpful.  The URL is http://forum.brighth...umdisplay.php?f=1099.

3) One other forum that I use less often but that I have found very helpful is the support forums for ClipMate (the world's best clipboard extender).  The software developer plays a very active role.  I've always had my questions answered quickly and accurately.  The URL is

General Software Discussion / Re: Best password manager?
« on: January 22, 2008, 03:34 PM »
I use RoboForm to fill in Passwords in Firefox, and I use SplashID ( to keep track of all my passwords.  Why do I use both?  Well, for one thing, SplashID syncs beautifully with my PalmTX.  RoboForm now apparently also works with a Palm, though their website does not list the TX as one of the models it works with.  I also did not want to depend only on RoboForm because it doesn't work with the Opera browser.  Though Firefox is now my default browser, I use Opera a good bit as well, and I wanted a program that I could use with Opera.  SplashID does not insert Passwords, as RoboForm does (though even RoboForm does not do so on the Palm), but at least I can access it easily no matter what browser (or anything else) I'm using.

For years, I've happily used Powermarks:  This modestly priced shareware is the best bookmark manager/organizer I know.  No more dragging bookmarks to a category, no more forgetting what category you put a bookmark in. Powermarks is extremely fast, efficient, easy to use. You can use it with Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, Mozilla, and/or NetCaptor; if you change browsers, you needn't worry about moving your bookmarks/favorites.  It integrates with all these browsers, I think.  I routinely use Firefox and Opera, and from time to time IE 6, and Powermarks gives me access to all my bookmarks (about 3000 of them) no matter which browser I use.  And I can find any of these 3000 bookmarks in about one second.  I love Powermarks!

General Software Discussion / Re: Top 3 programs you use
« on: September 01, 2007, 07:51 AM » (the best bookmark manager I know)
Latest download is dated 12/02/2002, is it still alive?
Yes, Powermarks is still very much alive.  Their most recent versions have been for making Powermarks work with Firefox.  I downloaded build 387 early this year, probably to make Powermarks compatible with Firefox 2. 

General Software Discussion / Re: Top 3 programs you use
« on: August 31, 2007, 05:49 PM »
I wish the topic were "Top 3 programs you use Plus your Email client & Browser..."
I agree.  My top three programs are

1) Clipmate 7 (if I had to pick just one program, this would be it)
2) Directory Opus 9  (an amazing replacement for Windows Explorer)
3) A tie between Active Words (a macro program on steroids) and Powermarks (the best bookmark manager I know)

I also LOVE my email program, Mulberry (the best IMAP client I know, and I've tried lots).  If I weren't separating out email clients, I'd put Mulberry up there as my #3 pick.

General Software Discussion / Re: The software awards scam
« on: August 31, 2007, 04:01 PM »
It is such a pity there aren't any/many? good software review sites, other than DC of course.
One software review site that I've read for several years is the Neat Net Tricks Software Reviews at  They have a panel of reviewers; usually between 4 and 6 people review a given piece of software.  Each describes his/her experience with it, what the strengths and weaknesses are, etc.  By having several people reviewing the same software program, you get a better sense than just one person's views and prejudices.  I've bought several programs based on enthusiastic reviews from NNT, and I've never been sorry.

Best E-mail Client / Re: Pegasus Mail?
« on: October 14, 2006, 12:42 PM »
I tried both Pegasus and The Bat! when Mulberry looked as if it wasn't long for this world.  I quickly got rid of The Bat! -- it's really a POP3 client that offers minimal IMAP support, whereas I need a client with excellent IMAP support.  I've kept Pegasus and have been impressed with many of its features, but once Mulberry was resurrected, I stayed with it.  Its IMAP support can't be beat.  I wish I could combine Mulberry's many virtues with Thunderbird's versatility in handling graphics and mis-identified character sets, but if I have to opt for just one program, it's Mulberry.  At least for now.

Best E-mail Client / Re: Mulberry is dead
« on: October 13, 2006, 10:14 PM »
Mulberry is very much alive!  The extraordinarily talented developer of Mulberry, Cyrus Daboo,
acquired the rights to the program, and he has now made it available for free.   There is also an
active email forum to which Cyrus contributes frequently.  For more information:

I tried a number of other email clients when Mulberry temporarily went belly up.  These trials
made me realize more than ever how terrific Mulberry is.  No other program I know handles IMAP
as well. :Thmbsup:

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