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Messages - Tinman57 [ switch to compact view ]

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TINMAN!!! Holy Shit - Glad to see you back man!! :D

Hey Stoic, glad to see you're still alive and kicking dood!   ;D  I can't really say that I'm "back", I just posted an update for 40hz.  I just happened to get a notice for a thread I had marked long ago and came across 40hz's message about EdX.  Small world, eh?   ;)

  I didn't have to give a photo or any other form of ID when I signed up for the course.  I'm not doing the academic diploma course, just the freebie.  That may be the reason.  If you're in another country they may also want some ID.  I suppose the only way to know for sure is to read their terms of use agreement....

  I had just started and was up to chapter 2 when they announced the new, improved update launch in December.  So I'm just holding off for now and waiting.....

  EdX is in the process of updating the Linux course, the new course will be offered on 12/20/14 and will still be free unless you want it to be accredited......

  Love the new Linux/other OS section and hope it grows from here.  I was considering not following DC since my update from XP to Ubuntu, but the new Linux section pretty much stopped that train of thought.   8)

Living Room / Chocolate Medicine
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:19 PM »

The Therapeutic Uses of Medical Chocolate, Our Favorite Food

  The concept of medical chocolate may seem an odd one to some people, but true chocolate lovers won't be surprised to learn that our ambrosia does, in fact, have some therapeutic uses beyond its ability to soothe the savage beast. Or at least, its major ingredient does. Stick around, and we'll explain what we mean.


Wraith beat me to this story.   :o  It's also here: http://www.pcworld.c...out-nothing-new.html  where there's a different take on it.

Living Room / Re: Does anyone here use Bitcoins?
« on: August 14, 2013, 07:40 PM »

  The only reason I started another Bitcoin thread was because the original one was old and the forum software said to start a new one.....

  And just as I said yesterday, they're after the taxes....

US Senate committee takes a hard look at virtual currencies like Bitcoin

08.13.2013 2:50 PM

A prominent U.S. Senate committee has launched a formal inquiry to investigate criminal activity and other risks tied to the use of virtual currencies such as Bitcoins. It's the first congressional inquiry into virtual currencies at a broad scale.

Living Room / Re: Information Sharing In Danger
« on: August 14, 2013, 07:35 PM »
As important as it is to do something about what's going on, the future of information sharing is not in jeopardy. Every new communications technology fundamentally changes the power dynamics in society. People who were empowered by the limits of the old technology see it as a threat and use whatever means are available to control it.

They always appear successful in the beginning and their success is always short lived. Humans are as dependent on communication as we are on food, water and oxygen. Our social networks are a lot like the Internet. When our communication is blocked we route around the error.

The more people are empowered by the Internet, the more draconian the reaction by the legacy power base. The more draconian their response the more they push us to bypass their control and the tool which makes that possible is the Internet. The more we fear them the more that fear unites us. The more united we are, the more information we share.

It's not a question of having the odds in our favor. The game is rigged and they're on the losing side. They can make it an expensive victory but eventually enough people will be scared enough and angry enough their money and power won't matter. I'd be willing to bet that day is a lot closer than people expect.

  As wonderful as your opinion is on this, I just have to disagree, at least for the U.S. side of things, because most U.S. citizens are sheeple, with their heads buried deep in the ground.  It's why the government has been getting away with so much all these years.....

Found Deals and Discounts / Free DVD Authoring Tools - Win & Linux
« on: August 13, 2013, 08:29 PM »

Free DVD authoring tools

Five free DVD authoring tools that are not only spot on for your spending limit, buy they are also fairly easy to use.


Living Room / Information Sharing In Danger
« on: August 13, 2013, 07:50 PM »

  Came across this today, and yet some more insanity....

The future of information sharing is in danger.
In a case that has set a dangerous precedent for journalists and average internet users alike, Barrett Brown is facing 105 years in prison for his activity as an investigative journalist. The journalist and satirist has already spent almost a year in jail on charges connected to his reporting on the intelligence firm, Stratfor. The firm had been hacked revealing information regarding the surveillance of Bhopal activists at the behest of Dow Chemical, of PETA on behalf of Coca-Cola, and of Occupy Wall Street under contract to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Brown copy-and-pasted a link that included the hacked information, from one chatroom to another to share the data he was researching with his peers. Though he was not involved with the hacking, and has never been accused of such, this act of sharing a link to already publicly available information led to charges including credit card fraud and identity theft. Brown was also charged with obstruction of justice in his attempt to protect his sources when served a warrant for his computers.

His imprisonment has raised concern among journalists, as well as civil liberties and internet activists, some of whom have created a Free Barrett Brown campaign which is collecting funds to help cover his legal expenses. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) published an article explaining the threat that the prosecution of Barrett Brown poses, by “criminalizing routine journalism practices” and our ability to freely share information through links or other means.


  Whoever controls the information controls the people, which is why they made these laws.

Living Room / Re: Icelandic Company Selling Bitcoin ATM
« on: August 13, 2013, 07:20 PM »

  Yep, once you get that big red x on your back, they want to make sure that you continue to fail until an act of self preservation puts you back in prison.  Then everyone wonders why so many cons wind up going back to prison.  But that is a debate for another thread.....

Living Room / Re: Massive Subpoenas For Bitcoin People
« on: August 13, 2013, 07:12 PM »
  He who controls the money controls the world, it's all about the bucks.  The U.S. wants to regulate it so they can open the door to taxation and manipulation of the market.....

Living Room / Re: Licensing Developers?
« on: August 13, 2013, 07:07 PM »
at which time a name change will be announced from Australia to Wadiya?

Meh. What's in a name? That which we call a kangaroo by any other name would taste as delicious!

But "Wadiya" does have a nice ring to it... ;)

  Wadiya mean it has a nice ring to it?   :P

Living Room / Re: P3005 HP LaserJet printer questions
« on: August 13, 2013, 04:07 PM »
^Once again proving^ that sympathy is in the dictionary, right between .

(Old expression my dad used - That made mom furious - which is why I memorized it at the age of 6).

  I remember that quote from the movie Major Payne.   :D

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: WinPatrol Plus Sale
« on: August 13, 2013, 03:49 PM »

  The $2.50 applies if your using a credit card.  If you use Paypal or other types of payments the upgrade is only $2.00.

Living Room / Re: Licensing Developers?
« on: August 12, 2013, 05:05 PM »

  Just think of all the hospital equipment that's computer controlled.  The machines and software already have to pass the FDA before it can be used in an actual setting.  So it's already regulated in the medical field.....

Living Room / Re: Internet Speed Test
« on: August 12, 2013, 04:35 PM »
Uniblue is a software company that makes debatable software, such as registry cleaners and PC speed up software

Both types of software are hardly worth the bits they occupy on the net, but that is a different subject (and has been discussed already here on DC as well). Uniblue asks for quite some money and keep bothering you with commercial messages.

Hence they have not such a good name.

  Ah, OK.  Never did any business with those guys.  Whenever there's an interesting program that I'm interested in, if I don't recognize the company I first go to or http://www.sunbeltse...60CC8DE489A124D24BFE and check to make sure they're not on the bad list.

Living Room / Re: Internet Speed Test
« on: August 11, 2013, 06:09 PM »
-sorry, but I really don't trust that "internetfrog" speed test; it's Uniblue!
and they said my download speed was a third of what it actually is!  :down:

  Like I said before, it all depends on the bottleneck between you and the test site and other factors, which is why your supposed to use more than one tester and more than one test server.  Only thing I don't like about internetfrog is you can't select a test server.  I have no idea what Uniblue is.   :tellme:

Living Room / Re: SOPA 2: The Resurrection...
« on: August 11, 2013, 05:40 PM »

  It couldn't be a better time for them to re-visit SOPA, while the nation has their attention on the NSA, PRISM and the rest, they'll just sneak SOPA under the door while no one's looking....  It's kind of like a bait and switch.....

Living Room / Re: Summon the NSA
« on: August 11, 2013, 05:31 PM »

  Gosh, I would be in shock to find out that I wasn't on one of their list with all the political post and emails that I send.  They probably have a dossier on me by now considering I was in the military.  I already know they have my DNA, had to give that up while on active duty and before they sent me to the Gulf War.

Living Room / Re: P3005 HP LaserJet printer questions
« on: August 11, 2013, 05:26 PM »

  Did I mention I've been cleaning and re-filling ink cartridges for years now?   :P

  I've had many cartridges that just wouldn't cooperate unless I soaked them in alcohol, usually the ones that have sat in the printer for long periods of time without being used.  It's like the ink is caked up inside the print heads.  For some reason it seems that HP cartridges are more famous for this, don't know if it's because of the type of ink they use or what.  Their inks are also famous for foaming and you have to really sloooowly inject the ink, and even then it foams, causing air-lock.
  As for the flammability of every day rubbing alcohol, it's so weak I have a hard time lighting it unless it has a wick, like a paper towel.   ;D  I've tried using alcohol to burn stuff before, and it's flashpoint is just too darned high.  Now good ol' fashioned White Lightening on the other hand.......   :o  But then who would want to burn that?   :D

Living Room / Re: Bitcoins Can Be Regulated
« on: August 11, 2013, 04:59 PM »

  It's pretty damned bad when a country tries to trap rich people into staying in the U.S.  But if your in Germany and become a German citizen, I think it would be pretty hard for the U.S. to collect a tax on you when you turn in your pass-port and expatriate yourself.  I don't think Germany or any other country would allow the U.S. to extradite one of it's own citizens over their U.S. taxes.  But of course, I could be wrong.... 

Living Room / Re: Internet Speed Test
« on: August 11, 2013, 04:32 PM »

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