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Messages - Gwen7 [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: Your favorite cartoons of yesterday and today?
« on: July 27, 2015, 10:04 AM »
i'm late to the party. but i love the original astroboy cartoons. they're maudlin and dripping with pathos in places. but i still love them.

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: July 04, 2015, 08:59 AM »

<3 SP!

i like and use Enpass. excellent multiplatform support. it does *all* of them. osx/windows/linux/andriod/ios. even blackberry!  it lets you sync through your dropbox account too.

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: May 19, 2015, 10:32 PM »
st. vincent live: digital witness


this sounds a lot like the old netscape versus internet explorer battle. you could pick a browsing suite that did everything. or get a stand alone browser that was lean and faster. firefox gave us the best of both worlds with their plug-ins. you could start lean. and then junk things up the way you wanted based on how *you* used it. but the real difference is the rendering engines anyway. vivaldi is yet another blink browser without presto. and microsoft's spartan is starting to look interesting now that they've gotten away from their old way of doing things. they also built a supposedly decent new engine to replace trident. and you know their integration with windows will be second to none.

i tried vivaldi for a few days since part of my job is vetting desktop software for the company i work for. i think it's ok as far as it goes. better than a bulked-up firefox if you don't need the plug-ins. but i think vivaldi is too much old-think in trying to do everything. and the vivaldi developers make a lot of assumptions about how people want to do things. opera did that too. so like opera, vivaldi may be a winner. but mostly for people who match the user profile the developers are coding for.

i think it's worth trying to see if its for you. i'm going to stick with firefox for now. :-)

Living Room / Re: Animal Friends thread
« on: March 05, 2015, 02:24 PM »
this is a sad story. but it has a happy ending. it's about a mother dairy cow who kept hiding her calf.


unfortunately most calfs born to dairy cows have a life expectancy only numbered in weeks. they're separated from their mothers a day after birth and spend most of their remaining days tied to a post or kept in a tiny pen being fattened up so they can be slaughtered for veal. most are only kept alive for 16-20 weeks. and some are slaughtered when a few days old to produce a low-grade veal that's often used in tv dinners.

dairy cows are considered "spent" after less than 5 years on average. these are then "retired" [i.e. slaughtered]. usually for the cheap grade of hamburger meat used by fast food chains.

it's sickening!

a cow's life expectancy is about 20 years under normal circumstances

DC Gamer Club / Re: GOG insomnia sale- with a twist!
« on: March 04, 2015, 07:44 PM »
@deozaan - i wanted 'banished' and 'a story about my uncle' for a while. so i snapped them up for virtually nothing. i just missed 'memoria' for $6 when they put 100 copies up for sale. i placed the order. but their system locked up and reported an error. by the time i opened a new tab and reentered things it was gone. i didn't bother complaining. i've had this happen before. and gog never responds in a substantial manner to a complaint about their shopping cart system. which i think tells you everything you need to know about how they operate when it comes to that. the best i've ever gotten back was a 'thank you for bringing this to our attention' and 'we'll look into it.' they answer other questions satisfactorily however. :-)

DC Gamer Club / Re: GOG insomnia sale- with a twist!
« on: March 04, 2015, 03:17 PM »
besides me has anyone bought many more games than they should have during this silly sale? I think I'm up to 9 new titles in 2 days. and I have no idea when i'll get around to playing any of them. 8-()

i have to agree with cyberdiva. the donationcoder forum functions more as an educational social network than anything else for many dc members. i hope nothing is done to change that.

i used to love a website that had a similarly great open-ended forum. but a few months ago its operators got tired of it being used that way. so they instituted unwelcome restrictions to provide more 'focus.' most of us migrated over to to keep the social circle we had created there intact. mewe is similar to facebook, but without the privacy problems fb has. groups and users on mewe can be completely private. and even hidden if you want. it also has very granular controls to easily control exactly who gets to see what.

wouldn't it be easier to ask Microsoft support instead of speculating? changing the computer name might affect the number of software installations you're allowed depending on *which* subscription plan you have. i'd certainly ask microsoft first rather than have to call them later.

-vurbal - you are correct. her experience with her business partner is the usual sad story. and well covered in online circles. i too think it's included only to say it's important to choose business partners carefully. those who want to know more about those details can follow the link at the top of the article, although most of the information in that story is of no relevance to this essay. and why she wisely imho chose to leave it out.

Renegade nailed it!  it's feminists talking *about* technology. not someone talking about 'feminist technology' - which is meaningless. but maybe apple *still* has an app for it? :-))
i too have concerns about google docs. i use it. and i am involved with a few organizations that are in love with it. because it works. and i suspect mostly because it's free. but i keep waiting for google to come along and pull the rug out from under it someday. they have done that to other popular free products in the past like their feed reader.
free is nice. but it's not smart to get too heavily dependent on free anything. especially if it's made by google.

General Software Discussion / Re: Reliable Web Hosting for $5 or less?
« on: February 16, 2015, 01:37 PM »
-eleman: i don't think the people you like will let you distribute software from a shared server account. you couldn't last time i looked at their policy when i was shopping for a host. you needed to make special arrangements with them to do that. but maybe they allow it now? :-)

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: February 12, 2015, 11:26 AM »
to:edvard,40hz,wraith808: it was nothing more than me getting overly touchy. i was having a very bad day when i posted that. please accept my apology. :-)

i gave it a go last weekend. everything went smoothly and upgraded fine. how nice!

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: February 11, 2015, 11:53 PM »
i don't get the mr. edvard's post. i'm an archer too. and i've bow hunted. and to me her critique of andersen's questionable claims seemed very accurate. and my opinion is based on my *own* experience and knowledge of archery. and what is it with that snarky characterization? seriously? i know society expects its girls to show diffidence when criticizing boys. but come on!

Living Room / Re: Help needed recording streaming video.
« on: September 28, 2014, 07:13 AM »
thanks all for the replies.

the show in question is the daily catholic mass televised by EWTN. it runs for one hour daily. EWTN via Brightcove seems to have bent over backwards to prevent you from recording their shows on a pc. odd considering they're a christian religious network.

i've tried VLC and every browser helper i could find for both chrome and firefox. all to no avail.

i also tried 8 different video capture tools (2 free 6 commercial). only one of them worked. but it only worked intermittently. hardly worth the $79 asking price for something that failed to start recording or errored out somewhere 2 times out of 3. i would have gladly bought it had it worked better.

almost makes one long for the days of VHS tape. and mourn that video DAT recording never really took off.  

so be it.

in the end i suggested the only practical way would be to videotape it. if they could find a 'still working' VHS recorder. it turned out one of their staff did. and she volunteered to do it for them.

problem solved. amen.

Living Room / Help needed recording streaming video.
« on: September 22, 2014, 08:41 AM »
hi all!

i'm working with a nursing home on a totally unrelated technical project
and got asked if there were a way to record a stream at this URL
and burn it to DVD.

i have very little experience doing this sort of thing. none really. is
there a how-to or good Youtube video somebody can point me to on how to
do this if it's too long to post? i tried looking at some video sites.
and doing some google-fu. but all the advice i've seen is either an ad
for a specific piece of comercial software or has a heavy emphasis on
'free' at the expense of reliability and convenience. it's ok if i need
to purchase software to do this easily. but i don't have the time to
start a science faire project right now. or spend a lot of time on it. i
suppose it would be easier just to say 'no' to the person who asked. but
this is for elderly shut-ins. so i can't just brush the question off.

are there any media geeks out there that can help me with this?

Living Room / Re: Has someone died in that house?
« on: August 18, 2014, 08:49 AM »

it's important to teach American children to accept electronic surveillance and coercion as early as possible. this misguided app will certainly help do that. :-(

DC Gamer Club / Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« on: March 22, 2014, 02:09 PM »
can it be played solo too? or is it just multiplayer?

Living Room / Re: Movies or films you've seen lately
« on: March 22, 2014, 02:02 PM »
i thought lunopolis was a riot. i agree with 40hz. it isn't meant to be taken seriously. it's very obviously poking fun at scientology and cheesy conspiracy theory videos. it takes about 15 minutes viewing before you get it and see its all a big joke. its style of humor is similar to *best in show* or *a mighty wind* ;-)

-40hz: dftt ;-)

Living Room / Re: good Videos [short films] here :)
« on: February 04, 2014, 07:34 PM »
changing batteries goes beyond sad. it's absolutely heartbreaking. it's been a long time since i cried while watching something. 

Living Room / Re: Looking for a seventies music title...
« on: December 23, 2013, 11:59 AM »
She thinks however she might be Finnish, so much for a non existing language...

wait.. you mean the Finnish language is a real thing?  I thought it was a made up language like Klingon..  :huh:

lol! you're joking. i hope.

fyi: Tolkien modeled his elvish language (called: quenyan) on the finnish language. if you go look on youtube for readings from the Kalevala (finland's national epic) you can hear what it sounds like. it's a pretty language. Tolkein also borrowed from the Kalevala for his own stories. :-)

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