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Messages - Yatom [ switch to compact view ]

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I know some people who swear by recoll.,,

Thanks, Sphere.  I've never used or heard of Recoll.  However, it says on their website that PDF, WORD, RTF, and other file types require some kind of special add-on (apparently a different one for each one of these).  Take a look at this screenshot.

Archivarius indexes all of these "natively"--actually about 200 file types (most I've never even heard of).  PDF's are indispensable to me.  They make up the majority of my primary library.  I could understand one or two special file types requiring an add-on of some kind, but such basic and ubiquitous files as PDF, WORD, and RTF should be indexable natively (for my needs).

My questions about Recoll would be the following:

1) Does it have a proximity / vicinity search, like: "President (WITHIN 10 Words) conference"  If so, can the user customize the range (10 words, 25 words, 100 words)?  Archivarius is limited to 10 words apart, but I've jerry rigged a way to get up to 20 words apart.

2) Does it have a Find on Page locator?

3) How does it handle large files (500MB+)?

4) Does it handle Hebrew and other unicode languages?

5) Does it find sticky notes in documents?

And there are other questions I'm not thinking of right now.  Certainly, it has Archivarius beat on Support, since Archivarius literally has zero.  Archivarius does all of these except for #5, although I said in a recent post that it is very oddly finding *some* of my sticky notes.

Feel free to ask me any questions about Archivarius.  Make some of this knowledge I've built up by racking my brain useful.

you can designate the regular search hits to be underlined, while the Find on Page locator remains non-underlined.
-Yatom (Today at 12:03 AM)
How did you do that? I can't find an option like this in Archivarius.

See attached screenshot.

I must say that I particularly like those "jump to search term occurrence" buttons and the multi-color highlighting:

Archivarius does both of these things too.  See "Screenshot #1" attached here.Screenshot #1.jpgScreenshot #2.jpgScreenshot #1.jpg  You can even change the colors around.

The only thing it can't do which would be really helpful for me is to allow the user to distinguish the regular search hit color and the Find on Page hit color.  In other words, if you choose pink for the results / hit color, then both your normal search (in the search bar) and anything you type on the Find on Page locator will be highlighted in pink.  You can't make different colors between the two.  That's a bummer.

But there is a workaround that gets as close to this as I could find--viz., you can designate the regular search hits to be underlined, while the Find on Page locator remains non-underlined.  Then, even though the hit color is the same, you can have some distinction between what your primary search result is, and what you are seeing in the Find on Page.  See "Screenshot #2" (attached) for demonstration.

I can confirm that Archivarius, while finding text box and highlighter comments, it doesn't find text in Sticky Note comments in PDF files.

Actually, somewhat frustratingly, I just noticed that *some* sticky notes are beginning to show up in my searches.  How do I know?  I began putting a subscription like (YTAM 06-02-20) at the end of every sticky note that I write in a PDF, thinking that someday a program will allow me to seach the utterly unique "code" (YTAM), and suddenly all my sticky notes will be searchable.

That being said, since I started doing this, about half (very unpredictably) of my sticky notes *are* being found by Archivarius.  Obviously, this is no good, as it is totally unreliable.  But maybe(?) there is hope somehow.

What a bummer that the developer / support isn't around.  This is such a great program.  Just has some really nasty and annoying bugs.

Count me in for the search for the best file indexer/desktop search tool.

You may want to try "dTsearch."  Of all the programs I tried (about six or seven, I think), dTsearch came the closest in overall functionality to Archivarius 3000.  However, aside from costing about $200 (while Archivarius costs only $36), the following were the truly prohibitive aspects that kept me from continuing with it.

#1) Long time to open large files.  I have multiple PDF files that are 500MB or greater, and one in particular that I frequently use that is ~1GB.  Archivarius displays it (plain text) in the preview pane in about 3 seconds, while DtSearch takes at least 60 seconds to do the same.  Since I deal with this particular file (and others of large size) I cannot wait so long each and every time I run a search.

#2) The Find on Page utility freezes in DtSearch when searching in large files.  For me, Find on Page is absolutely indispensable.  I have to have it.  And the fact that Archivarius and DtSearch both have a "Highlight all" option, so that you can type a word and it instantly gets highlighted anywhere it appears on the page, is indispensable.  Both programs do this; however, DtSearch literally jams up, or freezes when the file is large.  Archivarius never freezes up.

#3) Hebrew text always gets completely distorted (flipped around) in DtSearch.  This is a huge "no, no," as I deal with Hebrew frequently. Archivarius isn't completely perfect with Hebrew text, but it definitely handles it far better than DtSearch.  I wrote to DtSearch's Support about this issue (and they even mention it on their website), and the Support didn't have any helpful solution for it.

One advantage of DtSearch over Archivarius, however, is that it *did* find sticky note comments in my PDF files, which for some reason, Archivarius doesn't.  I would really like if someone here can correct me if I'm wrong, but can Archivarius not find notes in PDF files?

Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: May 30, 2020, 10:02 PM »
@David P.

What I've been trying to figure out for a long time with no success is how to search for exact phrase matches containing hyphens like for example "20-30".

Sadly, from my months of experience racking my brain with this program, it doesn't seem to be able to do this *directly.*  However, for an indirect workaround see attached.

Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: May 20, 2020, 05:03 PM »
Good, looks like you are figuring it out.

Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: May 20, 2020, 02:38 AM »
I would have to create my index with "morphology processing" disabled.  I hope that helps.

Yes, I labored for nearly two months with the software (with 0-zilch support), wasting countless hours, before eventually finding that out myself.  Ugh.  But at least glad that I eventually found it, so thank you for your help.

Something else I never really have figured out is searching for files only under a certain path (say, like D:\Documents\Project_ABC).I'd be very thankful for ideas on how to do this, should it be possible.

The instructions under "Help" in the program state the following:


Searching in specified path. This path may contain mask characters like and ? . For example, dir: c:\* will search all files on disk C: in all sub-folders. But dir:"c:\" will search files in root of C. without sub-folders. It is possible to specify several parameters in single query: dir:"c:\‫ "״‬dir:"d:\folder\*".  Searching by file name without full path. This name may contain mask characters like "‫ "״‬and "?". It is possible to filename:"‫״‬report‫ "״‬specify several parameters in single query.

But for what it's worth, I have always received false hits when trying to narrow a search by filename or by directory.  Given that the developer hasn't responded to any of my inquiries, I've had to stumble my way through, figuring out things as I go.  I therefore built myself my own "help" file for this program, containing numerous screenshots as reminders on limitations, bugs, and best use.

I have a helpful demonstration (screenshot) of how to do directory searches, while also eliminating false hits.  See this attachment, and hopefully this helps.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Searching emails with Archivarius
« on: April 13, 2020, 04:52 AM »
Thanks, Shades.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Searching emails with Archivarius
« on: April 10, 2020, 05:34 PM »
Thanks both, Shades and Lintalist!

Regarding MailStore, can it pull down email from multiple email addresses / domains, or only one?  I am looking for the quickest, one-way, option to do all this.

Given that Archivarius' viewer window always mangles the format of whatever it is displaying, I use it to make an initial search, and then I open the file in its native programs.  With emails, I could probably read them just fine in their "mangled" Archivarius format.

Thus, having one way to most simply and efficiently download all the email, let Archivarius index it, and then search it in Archivarius is what I'm going for.  Introducing yet another program to my arsenal would be less than desirable, but potentially worth it--especially if I could use it for other email domains I have outside of Yandex.

Thanks for your input.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Searching emails with Archivarius
« on: April 10, 2020, 01:14 AM »
Given that Archivarius' developers apparently don't respond to emails (i.e. provide support), does anyone here know how to search email messages with Archivarius?  I use a European domain called Yandex, and it isn't listed on the Archivarius website, so I don't know if I even have the potential for this to work, but assuming that my email client was compatible, how would I use Archivarius to search emails?

At present, I don't download or save my emails.  They are just in the Yandex server.  So what are the steps that I would need to take to be able to search all of my emails using Archivarius?

Thanks for any help,

Thank you all for your answers above, and I apologize for the delay in response.  (I didn't receive notification about this thread for some reason).

I feel blessed by all of your suggestions and advice.  In the meantime, I wrote just a day or so ago my experience with Archivarius, Dtsearch, and X1 (well, brief with X1).  You can see it as this thread:

archivarius' weak point is that only shows plain text, as you mention.

Interestingly, I'm actually completely over this issue, and I am pretty thrilled with Archivarius viewer.  Yes, initially I was set on having a PDF viewer, but here's what I realize: opening all my search hits in a PDF viewer *automatically / initially* would probably take a ton of time.  (I have some big PDF's ~ 200MB - 1GB).

And yet, Archivarius has a simple button which automatically launches the default program for whatever file you are previewing, so getting to a real PDF viewer/editor only takes the click of one button.  So also if my search results happen to be in a MS Word doc, or .txt file.

Truth be told, now that I see that Archivarius can handle so many file types, my mind has expanded beyond just building a PDF-only library.  I now have an index with about 8,000 files--everything from .doc, .pdf, .jpg, .txt., .xml, .html.  And Archivarius previews these all quite well.  (Of course, formatting such as paragraphs and line breaks are all stripped out for the most part, but the text is easy enough to read or search in most cases).

My chief complaints with Archivarius, after *finally* figuring out that I can turn the blasted "morphology mode" off, and do a real "exact search," are as follows (note: see this thread regarding "morphology search: https://www.donation....msg437231#msg437231)

#1) Phrase search (e.g. "Run the race") doesn't allow wildcards in it.  It treats every word inside the parenthesis as exact, so (and I kid you not), if your document said "Run the racer", the example I just gave would not find it.  You can't search "Run the race*" with a wildcard.  That's hard for me to believe.

#2) Proximity/vicinity search is limited to only 10 words apart.  What if I want a range of 20, 50, or 100 words?

#3) Wildcards can't be used in a proximity/vicinity search.  (What!?)  So you have to know *exactly* how something is spelled, and if it has even an additional letter on the very end, you will not find it.  That's egregious.  Just let me stick a * or a ? in there!

#4) There is no case-sensitive searching.  The program claims to offer that in one of the search forms, but it doesn't work.

#5) There are a number of serious bugs (which I won't list right now), and the developer hasn't answered any email to multiple addresses for over a month.  Zero support whatsoever.  I've had to figure out the entire program for myself, pretty much.  But, I can help others now if they need it.

Thanks again for all of your helpful replies and advice above.  I just took a quick peek at Ultra Recall's webpage.  Does it allow you to index your library (8,000 files of various types for me), and search them like Archivarius or Dtsearch?

Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: March 29, 2020, 02:30 PM »
I think most of my tasks just hit a "there must be a better way" moment

Yes, I've had *many* frustrating moments with Archivarius, but in the absence of help, I've made extensive "notes" as I learn what it can and (ugh!) can't do, so I've essentially built my own Help Documentation for the program.  The good side is that, because my notes are in .jpg images, the program can index and display those, so it's like I've built the Help Documentation into the program.  And again, I'm still bummed by some of the "peculiarities" of the program, but now that I know--f-i-n-a-l-l-y--that it can do a true literal search (except for case sensitive though; I haven't figure out how to get that to work), I'm tremendously relieved.

once you've indexed thus, is Archivarius able to do a 'fuzzy' search of same text?

Let me answer this way (and I should've mentioned before that I'm using Archivarius 4.79/x32 (32-bit version): it may depend on what you mean by "fuzzy."  But consider the following test to begin with, now that I have turned off "morphology" and rebuilt the index without it.  Searching from the primary search field, without any other settings taken into consideration...

Nazarene   - only finds "Nazarene" in the singular (263 hits in my doc)
"Nazarene"   - same exact thing as above
Nazarene?    - finds "Nazarenes" but no longer finds just "Nazarene" (300 hits in my doc)
"Nazarene?"   - same exact things as #1 and #2
Nazarene*   - finds "Nazarene" or "Nazarenes" (575 hits in my doc)
"Nazarene*"   - doesn't work, or find anything in my doc (false hits appear in other files?)
(*Nazarene*)   - 580 hits in my doc (This search is the same as "Enter query" -> "with PART of the words")

So, depending on what you mean by "fuzzy searching" hopefully this helps.  If you mean "fuzzy" in terms of complex algorithms, I'd say no.  Besides the primary search field, just ran my eyes through all the settings, options, and various search fields in the program.  The word "fuzzy" doesn't appear anywhere.  So in conclusion, the program no longer seems to be "thinking" for me at all, but it does allow the use of wildcards (at least, to some extent, though not in proximity/vicinity search, nor in *exact phrase* searching, where you put "" marks around a phrase).

Let me know if this doesn't answer the question.

Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: March 28, 2020, 09:37 PM »
Great news!!!  Archivarius *can* do a true exact search after all, despite the fact that...

1) The Archivarius website under FAQ gives an explanation for why the developer chose "morphology search" for the program, giving the impression (as I posted previously) that a (true) exact search isn't an option.

2) Nothing is said anywhere on the website, nor in the Help section of the program itself, which explains that a true exact search can be done.  Not one word anywhere to the effect of what I'm about to share.

3) The internet, including sites like this, says absolutely nothing (I've searched a dozen times).  Oddly enough to me, no one else cared about this, apparently.

4) The developer never responded to my multiple emails from multiple addresses over the course of a month (sent to Support, Sales, Contact, etc.)

So, here's the good news, finally.  The "problem" was in a deep setting located in the program (again, without any explanation).  If you open Archivarius, select an index, and then select "Settings," there is an option titled "Morphology."  The program is defaulted to create an index in "morphology" mode, which dictates in turn how the search will function.  Hence, if you don't want the program "thinking" for you, and adding "s" "es" "ing" and all other data to your search, you must build the index without this morphological setting.

Thankfully, I remembered the mention of "morphology" from the FAQ on the website (again, though it gives the impression that *there isn't any other option*, and I decided to give this thing a whirl.  And thank God (truly), it worked.

So thanks all of you for your helpful suggestions.  If you are also suffering from the lack of a true exact search, simply change this setting, and then rebuild your index.

(Note, however, that the program will try to "trick" you yet again, because--oddly enough--when you go to rebuild the index *after* turning the setting off, the program still flips the setting back on once more(!).  You have to keep your eye out as you are about to build the index, and turn the setting off a second time.  Unbelievable.)

Also, after hours of testing and experimenting, another tip for any of you who, like me, are chaffed by the fact that the proximity / vicinity search is limited to only 10 words apart: you can try inserting "filler" terms between the two primary terms you are searching for, and if any of those "filler" terms exist, then it will allow you to extend the range beyond just 10 words apart.

For instance, if I search [president...issued] it will find the these words as long as they are within 10 words from each other.  But that isn't a great enough range sometimes.  So if you search [president...and...issued] or [president...if...issued], and if the middle term indeed exists between the other two terms, then the range is counted between all three terms, and it can potentially increase the range of the two primary terms to 18 words apart instead of only 10.

Note: this is hit and miss, and the worst apart about Archivarius (now that I figured the exact search thing) is that wildcards (*/?) can't be used in a proximity/vicinity search.  (What!?!)  Moreover, you can't nest an OR search within a proximity search either.  If you could, then you would be smart to do something like [president...(did, and, if, so, to, that, but, a, the)...issued], and it would increase your chances of extending the search range beyond just 10 words apart.

Thankfully, despite the grievances above, the program *does* let you use OR terms *outside* of the proximity/vicinity search, so you are able to try something like this: [president...issued] OR [president...did...issue] OR [president...will...issue] OR [president...and...issued]

Finally, to any who, like me, may come to read this because they are searching for the best Desktop search program available (thanks to all of you who have discussed these things before, as they led me to Archivarius in the first place), I will give my experience as a Windows 7 user.

x1: Tried it 2 nights ago for the first time, out of exasperation because of the no-exact-search issue with Archivarius.  X1 wouldn't install, and when it finally did, the program opened and immediately told me that my computer's system clock was wrong, and that I needed to go to some website to update my computer's clock.  There was no way around this message, and as soon as I said "OK," the program closed.  So I threw it in the trash.  I've never in my life had a program that--upon first opening it--utterly refused to work because my *system clock was wrong*.  So, to the trash you go.

Dtsearch: Installed easy.  Index built fast.  Searches run fast.  BUT, files take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to open.  I have a 1GB pdf with heavy OCR done in it, and it is one of my primary search results for everything I do.  Archivarius opens it in 3 seconds flat (meaning, plain text viewer).  Dtsearch took 60 seconds to open it.  And this difference was similar across several documents I tested with.  Moreover, once Dtsearch finally opened the files in the viewer, the "Find on Page" (Ctrl+F) locator froze.  It literally took about a minute to type the word "the" into the Find on Page utility.  So, no go.  Also, I use Hebrew a lot.  Dtsearch mangles it always, and they even admit to this on their website.

Archivarius: Now that I know it can actually do a true exact search, I'm on Cloud-9 with this thing.  Yes, it has bugs, and bugs for which the developer / support / sales apparently no longer exist, because I've been trying to get in touch with them for a whole month.  Not one peep back.  But for $36, the program absolutely rocks.  Having tasted some of the other programs, I'm thoroughly impressed by Archivarius.  It has revolutionized by process of searching.  I have an index of about 8,000 files--almost 1GB--and Archivarius handles it great.

Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: March 27, 2020, 06:52 PM »
I appreciate the suggestion on "Nazarenes" vs. "Nazarene" but it doesn't work.  I've tried everything.

"Nazarenes "

I've even tried the so-called "space sensitive" search, which takes a relatively long time to run.  It returns files in the results menu, but doesn't highlight or total any actual hits. That's obviously useless.

So absolutely nothing works to get a *true literal / exact search*.  That is totally asinine, if you ask me.  Who would build a program to search files (especially one as powerful as this), and yet not allow it to perform a literal, or exact search--not even on a *single word*?

Again, I've just downloaded dtSearch, and it indexes fast, and searches relatively fast (slower than Archivarius), but it takes FOREVER to display the results in any file.  I have a 750MB pdf file that is a huge repository of OCR'd information that I regularly search.  Archivarius opens it in 3 seconds.  DtSearch takes 60 seconds, and then freezes.  So that's obviously a no-go.

Can any other search program come close to the power of Archivarius, but also offer a (true) exact search, and greater vicinity/proximity search than a mere 10-word limit?  All your wisdom and experience will be appreciated.

Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: March 27, 2020, 01:28 PM »
@YannickDa: Thank you for such a speedy answer, HOWEVER it is incorrect.  Even though it says "EXACT MATCH" it really isn't.  Just try it yourself.  In fact, all it does is add "" marks around the word or phrase, which you can do manually yourself in the regular search field.  But it will *not* find the exact search, even though it claims it will.

Case in point: I just searched "Nazarenes" (plural) using your suggestion, and it returned hits with just "Nazarene"  This is problematic because adding the "s" on the end gives the word a whole different connotation.  So basically, with an index of 10,000 files, I'm getting hundreds or thousands of false hits, just because the program can't tell the difference between "Nazarenes" and "Nazarene."

Correct me please, if you find another way; but friends, I've tried for a *month* to manipulate or figure out a workaround to actually do an *exact* search, and the program simply won't do it.  Yes, it *claims* to do "Exact" search, but bottom line, it does not.

Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: March 27, 2020, 04:39 AM »
Please someone:

I need your help.  I'm going dizzy over trying different desktop search engines.  Archivarius indexes well and searches fast, but literally (I-kid-you-not) cannot do an *exact* search for a word.  It tries to "think" for you and turns up morphological variants of what *you* (the user) typed in the search field.  Unbelievable!!!  You would think a program this powerful (index thousands upon thousands of files of all kinds in the universe) would actually let you search for an EXACT WORD.  No.  And the developer won't answer any email after a whole month!  Also, I need a greater proximity search range than merely 10 words.  That's a nice option, but I need 25 words apart, 50 words apart, or whatever I stinkin' like.

Just downloaded DtSearch.  Indexed fast.  Searches fast.  But takes FOREVER to open the same files Archivarius opens in no time.  I have an often cited .pdf file, which I'm constantly searching in with Archivarius.  It's big (750MB).  Archivarius opens it--the whole document in plain text--in 3 seconds flat.  Dtsearch takes 60 seconds--a whole minute.  Then when it finally does open in DtSearch, I can't use the Find on Page (Ctrl+F) utility, because it freezes up.  The program literally chokes on large files.



Those of you who have Archivarius, do you know if a proximity search greater than only 10 words apart can be performed.  Currently (and I have the newest version; 4.79), a search like this  [president...issued]  will only find the words "president" and "issued" if they are within 10 words of each other.

That's great, but I want to be able to specify a greater range, such as 25, 50, or 100 words apart.  Also, I seriously vexed by the fact that program doesn't have an exact search (!!!)  If I search for "Nazarene" (including the quotation marks), it will turn up results for "Nazarene" and "Nazarenes" (plural).

The latter refers to a specific group of people, and has a different meaning than just "Nazarene."  Why in the world would a program as powerful as Archivarius not be able to do an *exact search*?

I'm asking because I've tried contacting the support, sales, and whoever for over a month now.  No response--not one single response from multiple email addresses I've sent from.  Nothing.  So anybody who knows anything about these questions above, I would be very happy to hear back.

Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: February 27, 2020, 09:35 PM »
Thanks so much for this reply.

Quotation marks around a *phrase* are supposed to be exact, but not around a word.  Try it yourself if you are not sure.  Also, under the FAQ on Archivarius' webpage ( it says the following:

"Question: Why morphology?
Answer: Morphological search function allows Archivarius 3000 to search documents using all grammar forms of the query word. For instance, if you enter the German word "gleich", Archivarius 3000 would also search for such its forms: "gleichen", "gleicher", "gleiche", etc. Ordinary search systems, which have no support of morphology, would search only for the form you enter. Archivarius 3000 fully supports morphology of English, German, French, Spanish, and other languages, making a total of 18."

I don't know why this question is listed under FAQ, but it *seems* to be suggesting that there is no exact search, as though the developer has been asked this question many times, and he felt the need to respond.  Though the above quotation doesn't state outright that there isn't an exact search, my hunch is that this is what he is addressing.

If anyone else can answer regarding my original questions above, I would really appreciate it.  Thank you to superboyac for your response.

Living Room / Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: February 26, 2020, 11:58 PM »
As it has been pointed out on this forum previously, those who run Archivarius don't necessarily respond quickly.  Can someone familiar with the program answer these questions (or any of them) please.

1) Can the "hit highlighting" color for the primary search results be made different from the color of Ctrl+F (Find on Page) results?  In other words, I search for the word "Netherlands" and all the results are highlighted in a color of my choosing.  But currently, if I then use the Ctrl+F locator to search for other words, they get highlighted in that same color, making for some ambiguity.  Is there a way to make the colors different?

2) Can I specify a proximity search other than 10 words apart?  So far, I only see an option to search for words that are 10 words apart from each other.  But what if I want 25, 50, or 100 words apart for my search terms?  Can this be done?

3) I can't seem to do a simple "Exact" search.  I've search with quotation marks for "Nazarenes" and I end up getting results for "Nazarene" (in the singular).  Please tell me that this amazing program can do the most simple of things in the world: an Exact search.

4) Is there a way to run a search on only one kind of file type?  I have sticky notes in many of my pdf's, and I'm not sure, but I wonder if these are a specific file type.  How could I run a search that finds hits *only* in my Sticky Notes (i.e. comments) within pdf files?

Again, I've written their Support, but haven't gotten any response.  I would greatly appreciate if someone on this forum can advise regarding these questions.


Regarding my post above, unless anyone points me elsewhere, I've narrowed the decision down to Archivarius 3000 and dtSearch for my PDF library needs, even though they don't have native PDF viewers built into them.  (That's okay, after all).  However, each has at least one problem that I'm trying to figure out.

Archivarius does a terrible job of displaying the PDF text.  I have several books scanned into pdf with opposing pages (left and right), and Archivarius actually merges the text together at random, showing that it can't discern that they are opposite pages in a book.  That's really terrible.  The version I'm using is 4.62.  Can anyone speak to any improvements on this issue?

Note: dtSearch isn't much better in its PDF display (speaking of plain text, just as in Archivarius), but it doesn't seem to have the problem of combining opposing pages of a book together. But now on the problem with dtSearch.

So far, it doesn't handle my OCR'd Hebrew text.  It can't find words like המים which are certainly in the documents I've indexed (and which Archivarius easily finds).  Does anybody have experience /advice regarding unicode languages like Hebrew, because a program this powerful (and expensive) should have no problem.  Again, apples to apples comparison with Archivarius, the latter handles my Hebrew perfectly.

Also, can the search results (from PDF's, since that's all I search) be customized to show more or less context around the hit?  Archivarius offers two settings ("Fragments Found" and "Full Text"), and it does this, but I can't find an option to do so in dtSearch.

Also, I see that by using [...] in Archivarius, I can search for terms that are within 10 words of each other.  But is there any option to adjust that distance, greater or less?  Can Archivarius only do 10 words apart, and not 25, 50, etc.?  And what about in dtSearch?  (I do a lot of proximity searches like this).

And as I mentioned in the first post up above, can either program accomplish something like this:

(manager OR director) WITHIN 25 WORDS (promoted OR fired)

Lastly for now, is there a way to search only comments or "sticky notes" that I've placed within my PDF's using either of these programs?  That would be a nice option.

Thank you for your advice on these questions,

After searching indexed PDF's in Archivarius 3000, I scroll down the "Found Fragments" view of search results, and then try to open a particular hit in "Full Text," it opens the full text at the very first search result (i.e. the beginning of the document), instead of the "fragment" that I'm interested in reading more.

Can't I open a "fragment" (particular result) into a fuller context so that I can read before and after it?  Is there no way to do this?

Also, can Archivarius combine Boolean and proximity search to find: (manager OR director) WITHIN 10 WORDS (promoted OR fired)

Also, does Archivarius have a PDF viewer so I can view search hits highlighted within the real PDF itself, instead of just plain text?

Thank you for answers to these questions.

Please advise, as I'm going dizzy searching, reading, downloading, and testing various Desktop searcher programs, such as Qiqqa, Mendeley, dtSearch, Archivarius, Lookeen, etc.  What program for Windows 7 (my OS) can do all of the following things:

#1) Index and search multiple PDF's quickly (the first and most basic requirement)

#2) Use Boolean search operators, and preferably including a "WITHIN" (proximity) function that can be used in conjunction with AND / OR / NOT functions.  Here's an example search I'd like to do:

(director OR manager) WITHIN 10 Words (promoted OR fired)

#3) Has a real PDF viewer to view search hits, versus just displaying search results in plain text, as Archivarius seems to do.  Qiqqa and Mendeley have some sort of a PDF viewer which highlight the results within the PDF itself--again, not just plain text.  But Archivarius can't do this, can it?

4) Has a Ctrl+F "Find on Page" locator to further "drill down" and locate information following the initial search results.  ( Qiqqa doesn't seem to have this, which surprises me.)

5) Can search not only English, but also Hebrew and Greek in Unicode (Archivarius does this nicely).

Please advise which software can do *all* or at least most of the above.  So far, Archivarius seems to do #1, #2 (but can it do proximity in conjunction with Boolean??), #4, and #5 (but it has no PDF viewer, does it?)

Thank you so very much for your advice.

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