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Messages - DyNama [ switch to compact view ]

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I still love TIMU too, use it frequently!

N.A.N.Y. 2016 / Re: NANY 2016 - txtproc
« on: January 08, 2016, 06:38 PM »
pretty fab!

Here's something else TIMU could help me with. Occasionally i want to edit a greasemonkey javascript so i open it in notepad, and it looks like this:

Code: Javascript [Select]
  1. // ==UserScript==// @name        Mouseover Popup Image Viewer// @namespace @description Shows images and videos behind links and thumbnails.// @version     2015.10.11.1// @author      kuehlschrank// @homepage @icon @grant       GM_getValue// @grant       GM_setValue// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest// @grant       GM_openInTab// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand// @grant       GM_setClipboard// ==/UserScript==

but if i paste it into TIMU input box, it looks like this without any editing:

Code: Javascript [Select]
  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name        Mouseover Popup Image Viewer
  3. // @namespace
  4. // @description Shows images and videos behind links and thumbnails.
  5. // @version     2015.10.11.1
  6. // @author      kuehlschrank
  7. // @homepage
  8. // @icon
  9. // @grant       GM_getValue
  10. // @grant       GM_setValue
  11. // @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
  12. // @grant       GM_openInTab
  13. // @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
  14. // @grant       GM_setClipboard
  15. // ==/UserScript==

It would seem in notepad carriage returns aren't being interpreted as carriage return+linefeed. if without edit, i press the output box Copy to Clipboard, the copy will still not have linefeeds when i paste it back into notepad.

But if i manually select the text in the output box with my mouse, it will have linefeeds! Pasted back into notepad, it will look like the latter!

I have a macro that works on the text in the clipboard, it simply replaces all the carriage returns with carriage return+linefeeds:

Code: C [Select]
  1. using System;
  3. public static class ClipboardFusionHelper
  4. {
  5.     public static string ProcessText(string text)
  6.     {
  7.         return text.Replace("\n","\r\n");
  8.     }
  9. }

i copy the "unformatted" javascript in notepad to clipboard, run the macro, paste it right back into notepad, and the text is now "formatted." Perhaps TIMU could do that too.

Fab, phitsc, love "Remove characters" and command line options! I had Replaced spaces with commas, then Delete to Tag entering a comma, now all I have to do is Remove characters -p 45!

Oddly enuf, I had requested a function to remove padding, while lanux128 is wanting a function to add padding, which I can see could be very useful, since I am editing text tables too. I played with lanux128's text for a while in TIMU, i could not figure out a way to pad all the lines to a certain length.

I had been pasting the output from TIMU into a spreadsheet just to add up the numeric values, then I got a macro to Sum All Values in the clipboard, but this would also be a good trick for TIMU! Sum the values of every line in input that starts with a number, ignoring any characters in each line after a number+delimiter, the output would be the input unchanged, with just an additional line at the bottom with the total.

TIMU is a fabulous utility! Thanx, phitsc!

no prob, phitsc, TIMU has so many functions already that I have fun figuring out how to do stuff!

Phitsc, I was all set to ask for an escape character to have TIMU find tab keys, but i reread the whole thread and found it had already been done! I'd like to see any available escape characters on the about screen under the keyboard shortcuts  :Thmbsup:

if TIMU has a table copied from a webpage in the input box and the function Keep Words At Beginning selected, the output box has that number of columns of the table, plus some spaces and tabs padding, which i have to use Replace Simple to get rid of. No problem but maybe a function to remove padding at the beginning and end of each line? (That's what i needed to type a tab for.) If i put 1 in the parameter box, TIMU breaks words at hyphens, so Wash-DC would only have Wash- in the output box. Should a hyphen be a delimiter when counting words?

For editing tables, it would be nice if Trim accepted a number, the number of characters to cut off beginning and end.

Delete To Tag could be renamed Delete To Character because it will accept any character, like a comma.

I'd like to be able to use Replace Simple to replace multiple characters at a time, like replacing 8 spaces with 1 comma.
  Nevermind, I found out i could use Replace Regex. I'm not proficient in regex but just typing 8 spaces found them. then i could move output to input and backspace over 1 space to replace 7 spaces, and so on.  :D

i had gotten into the habit of replacing the commas with some other character, like ^, to use it to split lines--just did that in TIMU an hour before finding this update! Thanx, phitsc!

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY Entry: Ballistic: an easy list filter
« on: February 16, 2015, 12:17 PM »
BGM, i even edited that sentence to try to make it more clear. I mean Ballistic is indeed offline, but I've been using online dictionaries for this purpose for years. Just the other day, i needed a 5-letter word ending in "ya", I couldn't think of any. Ballistic will be useful cuz it's offline, and can be configured with specialized word lists.

Isn't permutations still only using the word list? I cant imagine needing a list of every possible rearrangement of the letters. Anagrams find all the words from the list within the entry, I presumed permutations would find combinations of words from the list that use all the letters, if any.

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY Entry: Ballistic: an easy list filter
« on: February 16, 2015, 01:43 AM »
Ballistic v1.1 is pretty fab! I'll be happy to use an offline version. :Thmbsup:

When I put 17 letters in the finder box and run permutations, I get "Error:  Memory limit reached (see #MaxMem in the help file)."

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY Entry: Ballistic: an easy list filter
« on: February 15, 2015, 12:06 PM »
I downloaded it twice from both places just now, still get v1.0! I check the About page and look for Double Wildcard in help, still v1.0  :-[

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY Entry: Ballistic: an easy list filter
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:34 PM »
Downloading Ballistic from here, or the author's Goodies page, where the link says "Download Ballistic v1.1 --Last updated December, 26, 2013", only gets me v1.0.

So I tweeted about Text Inspection & Manipulation Utility yesterday while trying it out:


One of my followers uses that service that grabs links posted on twitter and collects them in a daily "newspaper", and yesterday it grabbed one of my links boosting TIMU! I tweeted the guy who set up this daily paper, he chooses the keywords that it searches twitter for but otherwise has no control over what is chosen. He said it was a mystery to him how it works!


An interesting thing is that the summary posted in the paper is my first comment on TIMU which was not specifically linked to, nor is it the first comment on this forum, it must have searched my link to this forum for my comment! (I put the red box around it.)

This paper will be overwritten tonight and cannot be retrieved, as far as I know. I don't know who reads this paper (I only read it if it grabs one of my links) or if it generated any traffic but it might have!

New release:

  • Added Search & Replace - Highlight word multiplication
  • Added Web - Twitter
  • Added List - Trim to size

Just saw that the line trimming is not quite correct though. I think my algorithm that calculates the line length takes the space after the word into account for the line length check (although the space is removed later before the append-text is appended). Will have to fix this some other time :(

Fantastic! Thanx!

I found a quote to try out Web | Twitter:

People say I am the king of painful shoes. I don't want to create painful shoes, but it is not my job to create something comfortable. I try to make high heels as comfortable as they can be, but my priority is design, beauty and sexiness. I'm not against them, but comfort is not my focus. ~Christian Louboutin░

and like you say, if i dont put a space at the end, "Louboutin ", that last word is omitted. This is not a problem.

People say I am the king of painful shoes. I don't want to create painful shoes, but it is not my job to create something comfortable. I ►

try to make high heels as comfortable as they can be, but my priority is design, beauty and sexiness. I'm not against them, but comfort ►

is not my focus. ~Christian Louboutin

Another issue for TIMU When I paste a list in the input box in Split:

"A Kiss Before Frying" OR "Bittersweet" OR "Brain Doe" OR "Code Blue Plate Special" OR "Crime After Crime" OR "CSI Down" OR "CSI Unplugged" OR "Dead Air" OR "Dead Or Alive" OR "Double Fault" OR "Exile" OR "Forget Me Not" OR "Ghosts of the Past" OR "House of Hoarders" OR "In Vino Veritas" OR "It Was a Very Good Year" OR "Kitty" OR "Last Woman Standing" OR "Lost and Found"

and put " OR " (space+OR+space) as the separator string, it does not split "Dead Or Alive" regardless of the Ignore Case toggle. It does not split it if i put " or " either regardless of the toggle. It always splits "Dead Or Alive" (and only that one) if i put " Or " regardless of the Ignore Case toggle.

Sure, phitsc, doing the entire input all at once would be very desirable, i didn't want to ask for too much!  :-[

You want the rest in one piece, or would this be desirable:?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable ►

Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among ►

Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

In fact, if the maximum line length and the continuation character were input by the user, this could have multiple uses. For example, i could set the line length to 66, then Prepend "|   " to get an inset paragraph 70 chars wide:

|   We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
|   equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
|   unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the
|   pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments
|   are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
|   consent of the governed

or i could set it at 68 and Prepend "< " to get an old ASCII e-mail quoted paragraph, again 70 chars wide:

> We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
> equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
> unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the
> pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are
> instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of
> the governed

if anyone still wants those.

So formatting a paragraph with a fixed maximum width could turn out to be pretty handy. The continuation character could be added with the Append function, I really don't mind a 2-step process (or even more steps).

Here's one more suggestion for an addition to Lines. The text in input puts in output from character 1 to the last delimiter (space, hyphen, period, etc.) before character 138 with a continuation character like " …" (space+ellipsis character, U+2026) or " ►" (space+black right pointer, U+25BA) appended at the end for copying to clipboard and pasting into twitter and not exceed the 140-character limit. I do this manually at the mo. I could cut the tweet to the clipboard, then press the button to put the remaining text into the input box to parcel out the next tweet.

so input box would have
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

and output box would show
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable ►

Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

The first break is at the last delimiter before 138 characters--in this example, the total length is 136 characters. The middle box would have the continuation character of choice, like " ►". This would be very handy as i am an avid twitterholic  :D.

Wow, i hadn't been back to check on TIMU for a while, it's even better! Thanx!

Coding Snacks / Re: re-map capslock function
« on: December 31, 2013, 11:57 AM »
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I've remapped (well, not me, just adapted from "I can no longer remember where") Capslock to CTRL, and then use ALT+Capslock to activate All Caps, when necessary. So maybe this can be modified to what you're after.

; ALT+ALL CAPS; ALL CAPS turned to CTRL  |

P.S. This is an AutoHotkey script.

Thanx, Dr. I tried that one first myself, but it too was sabotaged by my Dell's on-screen 4-second caps lock status display. Not knowing that is why i was attracted to this thread in the first place. I liked the premises stated by OP hgondalf, making CapsLock key act like a shift key and toggling CapsLock state with Ctrl+CapsLock, and i liked the AHK script by AfterLemon that fullfilled that in his very first post in this forum―Welcome! i'm learning AHK by examining other people's programs so i enjoyed figuring out that script. i especially appreciated MilesAhead's suggestion of a solution to my Dell keyboard dilemma. So your AHK remapping would have been satisfactory if i'd already turned off Dell's display…but then i'd have never read this thread.

Coding Snacks / Re: re-map capslock function
« on: December 29, 2013, 05:58 PM »
Try This:

Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Dell Computer Corporation\QuickSet\QuickSetControl and set it to 1 and reboot.

From Dell

Thanx, Miles, i'll try that. in fact, i disabled Dell's Caps Lock indicator (i think) then turned around and installed Keyboard LEDs that puts a Caps Lock indicator in the tray  ;D  with AfterLemon's remap.

i love that Groucho quote, i use it all the time!

Coding Snacks / Re: re-map capslock function
« on: December 29, 2013, 01:28 AM »
It's a Dell with Intel graphics, and i think the focus goes off the active window for an On-Screen Notifier, a little lock on/off symbol that pops up in the lower right corner of the screen, for both Caps Lock and Num Lock. it stays on for 4 seconds, then vanishes, returning focus to the active window. i'm now searching for a way to turn that infernal thing off, but so far, it's controls have not been anywhere i'd expect it to be.

Coding Snacks / Re: re-map capslock function
« on: December 26, 2013, 01:47 PM »
Probably what you're looking for hgondalf:

If !GetKeyState("Control","P"){
Send,{Shift down}
Send,{Shift up}
}else If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")
else SetCapsLockState,On

I too remap the Capslock key. This works great, AfterLemon, except for one thing, which i find happens every time i attempt to remap this key on my win7 x64 laptop, that the first press of the remapped key takes windows' focus off the active window for a significant period of time, perhaps as much as 4 seconds, during which any keypresses are eaten. with your script running, i started typing, and kept typing while i held down the capslock key, the next 7 keystrokes were eaten. the point for me to remap the key is so clumsily pressing the wrong key doesn't stop me from continuing to type. can this be fixed?

Glad you find TIMU useful DyNama. I've implemented some of your suggestions. Hope they work for you.

Yes, very handy! i can take that search string, break it into lines, sort it, then join all the lines back into the search string, now all in the same program! Thanx, phitsc!

Kyrathaba Software / Re: Kyrathaba's Text File Duplicate Finder
« on: December 12, 2013, 04:48 PM »
TFDF will replace some unregistered shareware i use! Thanx!

I like! The first thing i thought to use this for is joining and splitting lists of tv show episodes marked by the tv listing program i use, Digiguide. It keeps a continuous list as a search string:

"A Grave Matter" OR "A Vicious Cycle" OR "Cat's Claw" OR "Children of Ghosts" OR "Dead to Rights" OR "Deja Boo" OR "Delia's First Ghost" OR "Dont Try This At Home" OR "Drowned Lives" OR "Ghost, Interrupted" OR "Haunted Hero" OR "Love Never Dies (Part 1 of 2)" OR "Mean Ghost" OR "No Safe Place" OR "Speed Demon " OR "The Collector" OR "The Cradle Will Rock" OR "The Curse of the Ninth" OR "The Gathering" OR "The Ghost Within" OR "The Prophet" OR "The Underneath"

if i paste the list in the top box & choose List | Split on the menu list and type "OR" in the middle box, TIMU breaks my list nicely into separate lines…except it is treating both "O" and "R" as delimiters. Thus it breaks "Dead To Rights" into "Dead To" and "ights". it would be handy to be able to specify the entire word "OR" as the delimiter, or even " OR ". An alternative would be to add "Simple & Replace" to the Search function, allowing me to replace all " OR "s with a neutral single character, say "&".

Then when i paste a CRLF-delimited list in the top box, i'd like Sort | A-Z to produce a sorted list by lines, not by words.

Finally, a button to transfer the text in the bottom box up into the top box for further processing would be nice.

TIMU looks like it could come in handy! Thanx!

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Sync folders by renaming files
« on: June 06, 2013, 03:52 PM »
4wd, i am satisfied. it's a very nice program, saves me a lot of time, and ensures i don't lose my file notes in a disk failure. i'm going to put a shortcut to it on my start menu.

i concede that checksum makes the file matching almost perfect, and programs should be robust enough to do the job and not make mistakes, but i'm happy enough with size + date most of the time identifying distinct and unique files without making me wait. even on an i5 core computer, i appreciate tasks being fast enough so i don't get distracted. i may never notice files renamed wrongly as these are just the backups. now i'll have the logs too, and i will keep them―for some reason i've kept activity logs from my computers since 2004! i even upload them to the cloud!

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