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Messages - Stoic Joker [ switch to compact view ]

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Btw, check your environment variables - there can be per-system %temp% as well as per-user %temp%.
Both are supposed to be there by default, one is for the user, the other is shared between hosted services & legacy applications.

I frequently dump both with no ill effects. Any in use files can/should be traced to a specific program or forcibly removed (unlocker is handy for that) as they're frequently (/probably) malware related.

Living Room / Re: is someone stealing my bandwidth?
« on: January 08, 2008, 06:11 AM »
Have you tried restarting the router(s)? Some of them do get "moody" from time to time.

Have you tried using a hard cable to see if speed improves? It could just be a signal conflict with another device.

Have you tried the laptop in a different location (Work or friends connection)? It could just be broken.

Yes it's exciting to think you're being hacked... o_O ...But more often than not it's just some mundane hiccup.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Simple php directory
« on: January 07, 2008, 10:25 PM »
PHPMyAdmin is a bit heavy just to dump a user list.

This is pipebomb crude but it's about all that's really needed: 
<table border='1' width='442' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1' bordercolor='#000000'>
   <td bgcolor='#0065AD' align='center'><b><font face='Arial' size='2' color='#FFFFFF'>User Real Name</font></b></td>
   <td bgcolor='#0065AD' align='center'><b><font face='Arial' size='2' color='#FFFFFF'>User Nickname</font></b></td>
   <td bgcolor='#0065AD' align='center'><b><font face='Arial' size='2' color='#FFFFFF'>User's SIP</font></b></td>
$q = "SELECT * FROM table_Name LIMIT('$i', 50)";
$qResult = MYSQL_QUERY($q) or die("Invalid query: $q");
while($qRow = MYSQL_FETCH_ARRAY($qResult)) {
   <td align='center'><font face='Arial' size='2'>$qRow[Name]</td>
   <td align='center'><font face='Arial' size='2'>$qRow[NIC]</td>
   <td align='center'><b><font face='Arial' size='2'>$qRow[SIP]</td>

$i +=50; // Pass incremented $i back to page for next loop (Block of 50)
?> </table>

General Software Discussion / Re: Dealing with spam
« on: January 07, 2008, 08:52 PM »
Imho if you set up your own SMTP server (unless you mean serious business), it should only be for incoming mails, not for sending outgoing - use your ISP or "something big & well-known" for sending.

Hm... Kinda. Once you decide to handle your own mail it's an all-or-none affair. Unless you like making a confusing mess out of the client side (workstations) mail setup by splitting it between servers. Best to keep the internal stuff nice and simple...Remember you may have to walk an end user through the setup on the phone... *Shudder* ...Besides securing a server against relaying is simple ... You just gota remember to do it!

If you're handling the incoming mail, then you're handling the incoming spam. Spam must be handled at the server, by the time it gets to the clients ... You Have Lost The War.

1. The server has waisted tons of cycle time and resources parsing all the excess crap. So with servers like Exchange that use a db for their mail stores the  now bloated transaction logs are only the tip of the IT iceberg. The bloated logs have to be replayed (/committed) into the Jet db which can add tons of time (and size) to the backups. Not to mention the loss of disk space caused by the ever swelling db size, that can only be recovered by running an offline defragmentation of the db using esutil....which requires even more free space to complete (Ever try juggling 3 copies of a 20+ Gig db across the wire while the client breaths down your neck because they want their mail server back

2. If you let the end user sort through their own junk mail...they will waste all day doing it. I keep our spam filter (GFi MailEssentials) set to where 99% of the spam is kept away from the user. The filters are broken into 2 categories: Those that never get false positives (DNS black lists, directory harvesting, etc.) are auto deleted, and those that typically get false positives (Baysien, header keyword checking, etc.) are set to a trap account and stored for 2 weeks. Any user who didn't get something they think they should have can simply ask me to look for mail from X & I'll go dig it out of the (sandboxed) trap account and forward it to them (usually only takes about Min).

3. If a group of end user are left to (their own devices...) sort through their own junk mail, the chance of them clicking on something (there is one in every crowd...) they shouldn't is approx. 182%

Problem is even with a static IP, unless you pay for what some ISP's in Denmark call a "global IP", you won't always have control of the IP's reverse-DNS... people & software get suspicious when resolves to, but reverse-dns is something like instead of

Quite true/OK, I was a bit vague earlier...Here's the thing (I'm going to side-track a bit). Companies with an online presence like (need) to look like a professional operation. If your Company Email address (Like on a business card) is [email protected] ... You're going to look about half as professional as some guy selling crap out of a van in an alley :) - Now if your Email address is [email protected] ... you now appear to have some sense about you.

Sure you can have your web hosting company handle the mail for you but:

1. Their spam filters always err on the side of (panic) caution, and let tons of junk get through.

2. While they promise to backup your stuff ... they never really seem to get around to it.

3. If a government agency asks to see a history of your electronic correspondence, you better have it (see item 2).

4. Expecting an end user to remember to backup anything is just silly.

This is why I like MS Exchange servers. Centralized storage and backup of all mail for the entire company in one tidy package. (Actually to be fair, any IMAP server will do the same thing...I just happen to like Exchange)

Now to be able to pass the reverse DNS test for a server on a address one simply needs to setup their (the client's) mail server to relay through their (the client's) ISP supplied SmartHost which will validate the source (sending server/them) for the target server and allow the mail to be accepted/Reverse DNS test to pass because all the receiving server ever "sees" is the IPS's obviously valid mail server. Most ISP's (happily supply a SmartHost "GateWay") actually prefer that you do this so they can still keep an eye on your outbound "activities".

Note: This is a matter of setting up a secure OutBound Relay, which is perfectly safe. Inbound Open Relays are the ones you have to avoid like the plague.

I have setup fully redundant mail systems with split MX records load balanced between a commercial hosting company and an in-house mail server. this allows the users to always have access to their Email even if one or the other goes down. Considering that the company is totally dependent on their Email and several of the users travel allot, this configuration was mandatory to ensure the mail gets through ... it works flawlessly. Regardless of whether their in house or out of town, or whether either (or both) systems go off line, they still have complete access to their Email due to the amount of redundancy built into the system.

General Software Discussion / Re: Dealing with spam
« on: January 07, 2008, 06:04 AM »
How would you stop people setting up their own SMTP server (it is easy enough on Windows and Linux to do that)?

The first time we see an IP address/sender/recipient tripple, and the sender/server meets one of the criteria for Greylisting

What about dynamic IPs which almost all ISPs use. If I send emails out I can pretty much guarantee my "IP address/sender/recipient tripple" will change on at least a daily basis (if not every time I reboot my system or my ISP decides to refresh my IP).

I wouldn't stop people from setting up their own Email server. However I would set it up for them so it's done correctly...that's just part of what I do for a living.

If you're trying to run a mail server from a dynamic IP you're basically SOL because you'll be identified by most (if not all) spam software as part of the problem children. SPF, Reverse DNS, and MX record validation are just some of the many tests you will fail.

Options are: Get a static IP, it usually only $5 a month. and/or forward (relay...) your out bound mail through a SmartHost which is usually your ISP's mail server so it can validate you for you.

You'll also need to make sure your IP isn't blacklisted coming outa the gate. has been quite handy for me in the past for resolving mail flow issues.

It's not that it's impossible to setup a proper mail server for yourself, it's just that it's not as simple as click here and follow the prompts. There's a good bit of responsibility involved making sure you don't become part of the problem.

General Software Discussion / Re: Dealing with spam
« on: January 07, 2008, 12:21 AM »
Yes, I guess that if this was very widespread, spammers might implement more of the SMTP protocol and do proper re-send attempts. But it would probably stop the "dictionary" sends (ie, it tries a crapload of [email protected] and not just web-harvested addresses). Doing things "proper" would make it a lot slower for them to send out their mail, so they'd have to be hard pressed to do it.

You're only taking into account (the trojan infected client machine) half of the problem. Hackers don't send spam, marketing companies that want you to buy something do. Remember the TV ads "Make thousands with your home computer" ...really? Doing What? This is precisely how the theBat! (mass) Email client got blacklisted by many spam filters.

All Email servers must accept mail from any server that is destined for their domain to work (the fact that the destination address is internal is the authentication). The (Open Relay) problem stems from servers that will accept (and pass on) mail that is destined for a different domain, without requiring (user/pass) authentication. Those are the ones that are causing the other half of the problem.

The obvious fix is of course to ban all SMTP servers that don't require authentication to send, to be very careful about relaying (if I contact the SMTP server at your.domain and say I have a mail for [email protected] , your.domain should NOT accept the mail1). But it would require an internet-wide effort to do that, so it's not going to happen.

The fact that most small companies can't afford a properly trained Admin are the driving force behind blacklisting IPS's dynamic address ranges, and the many different other DNS based blacklists used by server side spam filters. Every IT newsletter I've seen has been hammering on the Don't let your Email server be  (or get turned into) an open relay for the past few years.

In general, imho "client machines" shouldn't make SMTP connections to whatever.domain to deliver mail, they should go through a mailprovider with a trusted.recognized.domain and relay mail through there - all other hosts could then be denied for incoming mail. But this would mean a lot of administrative mess in keeping up with who's big and trusted and recognized, and would also require a helluvalot of servers to be reconfigured. Not going to happen.

Therein lying the problem ... It's not going to happen quickly. But it needs to happen. If just one guy at each one company would get up of their ass and check their one server it would help.

1: an exception is of course ISPs and other mail providers, but with authentication in place they won't work as open relays, which is what's dangerous.

Any client machine has to logon to the server to send mail, it's part of the basic client configuration. The exception is some of the companys that use (their) IP address ranges as a criteria for send authentication instead of u/p. Earthlink is one example, you can send mail through without a u/p from anywhere inside their network. If you're outside their network (laptop at web café) the mail will be refused.

Even with everything in place and running full tilt, it still only takes one idiot using a blank, simple, or default password to send the whole thing down the drain.

If you leave the page you're downloading from open and on that page (don't go forward, don't go backward, just leave it there), if the server breaks the connection (and cooks the DL) you can restart the download where it left off by clicking the link a second time. This will only work if the browser window is left open and on that page to preserve that specific session.

You can have 900 other browser windows open and frolicking all over hell and back...Just don't touch that one.

I'd forgotten about that earlier because it's (kinda second nature) habit at this point any time I'm DL'ing something from one of the chronically overloaded Chinese servers.

General Software Discussion / Re: Dealing with spam
« on: January 06, 2008, 01:44 PM »
fOdder that's an interesting idea - but can you set it up to do it on a per email basis rather than domain name?

The reason I ask is that a lot of spam comes from common domain names (usually ISP domain names or common free webmail sites such as Yahoo and Hotmail). Mostly these are spoofed email address sources and so it is difficult to track down the actual source. Greylisting by domain name would only have partial success on the constant stream of crap I receive as a lot of the domains would have been automatically whitelisted by genuine emails being sent from the same domain name.
Well, afaik it doesn't look at the (possibly spoofed) "From: " header line, but rather the host that's connecting to it. And it's my experience that spam mails are sent from infected zombie PCs, not through valid mail accounts, so it should work just fine :)

Actually it's both. The zombies use the local valid (address book) addresses & the local users to pump out mail from valid addresses. There are actually 2 from lines in an Email header, buth can be spoofed, one's is just a bit harder than the other. Either or both can be checked by spam software. This is why there is a push in the industry to blacklist all of the ISP's dynamic IP address ranges.

Not too sure how much I like the greylisting idea. Interesting, but if it becomes widely used and effective, the spammers have an easy work around.
Considering that spammers mainly operate from open (and buggy) relays and zombie botnets (which don't have proper SMTP servers installed but "just enough to work"), I don't think they're going to defeat greylisting anytime soon.

True but Open Relays aren't necessarily buggy. Any comercial server that isn't secured properly can be exploited. The use of blank or simple passwords on a network can be used by leveraged by spamers to gain access to a server to pump tons of mail through a valid account. I once did a clean-up on an Exchange server that had been subjected to this kind of treatment. The box had shutdown when the 80Gig drive overflowed due to the volume of mail that had poured through it in a single weekend. All because some jackass thought it was simpler if they left their password blank!!!

Directory Harvesting is the biggest problem with Server Side spam control, because even if the mail doesn't make it through to a user's mailbox ... it still has to be processed by the server! A Spammer will send a dictionary full of  Emails to a single domain name using a huge list of common names in the hopes of gleening a list of valid account that can then be targeted further. This is why Exchange auto-deletes any mail that would have been destined for the (invalid address) BadMail folder.

NDR reports are used by the spamers to Identify which acounts are valid in a given address space. Disable them. NDR based DoS attacks on mail servers were common for a while, because it really wasn't that hard to send one into an infinite loop using a carefully crafted batch of bad mail. The server would simply and litterally NDR itself to death! The Email that contain large blocks of rembling nonsense garbage text are designed specifically to get less informed admins to feed them the their Baysien filters to in an effort to confuse and cripple its ability to filter mail properly. A common exploit that (sadly) works beautifully btw.

Our mail server received over 4 billion pieces Directory Harvest of spam last year.

FWIW I've had the "weird download corruption" problem every now and then with IE (though never from this site), and I didn't use any browser extensions except for flash and the windows-update stuff, I didn't have antivirus software running, etc. Don't think I've ever seen the problem with other browsers, they've notified me if something went wrong while downloading.
My angle on this is that it's a Chicken-or-the-Egg" story. IE has some fault for lacking user feedback depending on how the sending server resets the connection. The server has some fault for resetting the connection. Who is more guilty-er *shrug* is a matter of opinion. ...But that (cause/effect scenario) IMO is the answer to the WTF is happening question.

<offtopic>Oh, and shame on MS for not providing an alternative to kernel hooking after they introduced PatchGuard</offtopic>
Offtopic=true so I PM'ed response.

Shadow copies are only made for data thats changed, and only when you create a restore point. So no, its not like Vista is making duplicate copies of your files.
Not quite. A restore point is (just that) a restore point. Shadow Copies are tied to the previous versions tab in the file properties dialog, and are created automatically (once a day) by the OS for any file that has been changed.

This feature is also available in XP, but only for files stored on Server 2003 network shares as it's a server side only implementation (e.g. ALL Shadow Copies are stored exclusively on the server)

cmpm, i will ask them next time if they are using any downloaders.. that might be a possible explanation also.
i guess i was hoping it was some misconfiguration on our server which could be corrected.
Server Administration 101 - Never make changes to the server based on user input. Check the logs, if the server says it's OK ... then 99% of the time it is. Feel free to adjust users as necessary... :)

Granted that's for LAN/WAN network administration, but it transcends rather nicely to public access services.

One thing that is not being addressed here is how much control do you have over "your server". My web server is sitting in a rack about 10' from me ... so I have complete control. If yours is at a hosting company (dedicated or not...) you're at their mercy as to how to handle traffic spikes. Transfer stability can be impacted depending on how the hosting company decides to "throttle back" a site during a spike.

Blaming IE for the DL issues is convenient (easy... as IE bashing appears to be a hobby round these parts) but it doesn't resolve anything because it doesn't really identify anything specific. But then again witch hunts seldom do.

I spend a goodly part of my day explaining to users why their computers don't really hate them, and removing tons of 3rd party (tripe) browser add-ons, tool-bars, "Helper Objects", and all manner of other crap that they thought they just had to have.

I've always used IE and never had a problem... however I have seen many things break it and cause issues. Just for fun, while exploring the client side aspect of the issue, ask the broken download crowd how many of them are using the Norton Internet Security suite. Symantec got in a fight with MS awhile back over the smooth-wall (no kernel hooks) kernel ... and their over compensation for it has turned all their AV products into total poo.

Living Room / Re: Windows Install Date Thingie: I made it!
« on: January 05, 2008, 10:10 PM »
Stoic: use [code]<stuff here>[/code] tags... or use the "reply" button instead of quick reply, and use the code formatting highlighting thingy.

Oh Yeah, That... (Duh!) I tend to be a bit retarded first thing in the morning.

Thank You.

Living Room / Re: Windows Install Date Thingie: I made it!
« on: January 05, 2008, 07:22 AM »
Not sure if this is OK, but here is the code for a commandline uptime utility I was playing with awhile back.

Crap... I can't find the code tags so this will look terrible...Sorry!

code inside
Code: C++ [Select]
  1. // UpTime.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
  2. #include "stdafx.h"
  4. /* define some C99 types for windows */
  5. typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
  6. typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
  7. typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t;
  8. typedef __int64 int64_t;
  10. /*static*/ char msgstr[21];
  12. #define KEY_SYSTEM      L"2"
  13. #define IDX_UPTIME      674
  15. static void get_boottime(ULARGE_INTEGER *boottime, ULARGE_INTEGER *nowtime) {
  16.         BYTE pbuf[4096];
  17.         PPERF_DATA_BLOCK ppdb = (PPERF_DATA_BLOCK) pbuf;
  18.         DWORD psz = sizeof(pbuf);
  19.         PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE ppot;
  20.         PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION ppcd;
  21.         PPERF_COUNTER_BLOCK ppcb;
  22.         DWORD i;
  24.         memset(pbuf, 0, psz);
  25.         nowtime->QuadPart = boottime->QuadPart = 0;     /* 0 = error */
  27.         /* get current 64-bit boottime in 100ns units */
  28.         RegQueryValueExW(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, KEY_SYSTEM, NULL, NULL, pbuf, &psz);
  29.         RegCloseKey(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA);
  31.         if(memcmp(pbuf, L"PERF", 8)) {
  32.                 /* PERF_DATA_BLOCK signature not present */
  33.                 return;
  34.         }
  36.         /* parse returned performance data */
  37.         ppot = (PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE) &pbuf[ppdb->HeaderLength];
  38.         ppcd = (PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION) &pbuf[ppdb->HeaderLength + ppot->HeaderLength];
  39.         ppcb = (PPERF_COUNTER_BLOCK) &(((uint8_t *)ppot)[ppot->DefinitionLength]);
  40.         nowtime->QuadPart = ppdb->PerfTime100nSec.QuadPart;
  42.         /* get uptime and processor queue length */
  43.         for (i = 0; i < ppot->NumCounters; i++) {
  44.                 if (ppcd->CounterNameTitleIndex == IDX_UPTIME) {
  45.                         boottime->QuadPart = (int64_t) *(uint64_t *) &(((uint8_t *)ppcb)[ppcd->CounterOffset]);
  46.                 }
  47.                 ppcd++;
  48.         }
  49. }
  51. int main() {
  52.         ULARGE_INTEGER bt, nt, ut;
  53.         uint32_t days;
  54.         SYSTEMTIME ust;
  56.         get_boottime(&bt, &nt);
  57.         ut.QuadPart = nt.QuadPart - bt.QuadPart;
  58.         FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME *) &ut, &ust);
  60.         ut.QuadPart /= 864000000000;
  62.         days = (uint32_t) ut.QuadPart;
  63.         if(days > 1) {
  64.                 sprintf(msgstr, "\r\n   %d days, %02d:%02d:%02d\r\n", days, ust.wHour, ust.wMinute, ust.wSecond);
  65.         }else if(days == 1) {
  66.                 sprintf(msgstr, "\r\n   1 day, %02d:%02d:%02d\r\n", ust.wHour, ust.wMinute, ust.wSecond);
  67.         }else{
  68.                 sprintf(msgstr, "\r\n   0 days, %02d:%02d:%02d\r\n", ust.wHour, ust.wMinute, ust.wSecond);
  69.         }
  70.         printf(msgstr);
  71.  return 0;
  72. }

edit by jgpaiva: added code+spoiler tags

Developer's Corner / Re: Best way to start learning C++?
« on: January 04, 2008, 05:46 PM »
I Made that mistake only once, and swore never to even go near C# ever again. I'm perfectly happy using runtime free pure Win32 API C++ code. Sure it takes a bit longer to code, but at least I know it'll run anywhere I go when I'm finished.
Except for anything non-windows that isn't emulated - at least dotNET languages (although not the entire framework) has been ported with the MONO project. And gawd, GUI coding with pure Win32 API is so painful... and it's so darn obvious that the PlatformSDK was written years ago, and for C not C++.
ROFL - True, very true! But the code I do is either only for windows, or run from windows ... as part of my job (I'm MCSA). I spend a lot of time working on-site and work off a thumb drive using small diagnostic utilities. I don't like anything that requires an install, or runtimes that have to be installed because there's no guarantee that the client will have it installed. I hate having to dink around installing something just to get something else to run when it should have just run in the first place ... if it were written properly. Which (i think) qualifies me as a picky bastard... :)

Anyhow... I generally only write what I need in/for the performance of my job. Which as of late has involved a good bit of SQL. Mix that with a MDI interface, GUI code and a ListBox control and you've got a drinking problem waiting for a place to happen.

Living Room / Re: What is appropriate content for DonationCoder?
« on: January 03, 2008, 11:19 PM »
Man that got quiet fast... LOL

I think that if app103's HTML tag was tied to tranglos's (click to view) button, with a strong public recommendation that anything not qualifying as "Polite Conversation" be labeled as such ... That the folks here could easily Self Police their way to a reasonable resolution.

Mods could also be allowed to insert the tag for any borderline stuff without having to resort to any feather ruffleing draconian post deletion.

Developer's Corner / Re: Best way to start learning C++?
« on: January 03, 2008, 10:28 PM »
C# sounds like a nice language ... Right up until you find out that the Code Execution Level Security makes your nifty new toy slightly less portable than a dump-truck with four flat tires.

I Made that mistake only once, and swore never to even go near C# ever again. I'm perfectly happy using runtime free pure Win32 API C++ code. Sure it takes a bit longer to code, but at least I know it'll run anywhere I go when I'm finished.

Living Room / Re: What is appropriate content for DonationCoder?
« on: January 03, 2008, 10:18 PM »
Um... Wow!

Frankly, the "examples" of "vulgarity" provided are no where near as racy as a ton of the dialog contained in the old Bugs Bunny cartoon made back in the 40ies to boost the war effort. ...But then again I ran a biker bar for several years, so offending me is (basically) impossible. :)

CodeTRUCKER while the Morality Police dialog was a truly artful dodge ... it still leaves you firmly planted on the moral high-ground. Now... the argument that one's on-line identity can, will, and does overlap into their real-world identity ... would drive the point with a bit more practical "spin". In our new Techno-Savvy world people have quite literally lost out on job opportunities because of (off color)comments made by them, that showed up in background checks during the application process. Kinda makes you think ... don't it. I know I swear less because of it.

Being reasonable for the majority means everybody has to lighten-up a little.

Trying to auto-tag content based on the fast and loose nature of the English language is a nightmare. Feel free to Google "Spam Filters" for details. I administer a corporate exchange server at work and the Ham -vs- Spam game is an ongoing fiasco.

The folks here seem to be a generally pleasant lot, so I don't thing making a hard policy of "Self Policing" ones own posts would be a problem. You only need one simple question: "Would you type that if your mother was watching?" ...If the answer is No, then label it NSFW. I know with the tons of research I do on a daily basis (vulgar as I are...) that I truly appreciate the NSFW tags when I have to find something when a client is present, or the boss is watching. It's quickly become a universal label and works splendidly on 90% of the boards I frequent. Others feature links to a video of two girls eating poop (I'm not making that up...) <- Now that IS vulgar. ;)

I got hooked on EmEditor by Emurasoft a few years ago. It has syntax highlighting for (just about) everything, a plugin interface that allows you to code your own addons, and auto-formats the code rather well.

Hm, bootvis? I thought it only traced bootup, not shutdown?
Its primary focus is the startup, true. But smoother shutdown are a common side effect of its adjustments.

Seedling's Software / Re: New App! WTF!? Music Info
« on: January 02, 2008, 07:48 PM »
Small, Fast, Clean, Straight Forward, & Self Explanitory ... I love it!

...And it runs just fine on Vista x64.

Thank You!

Global Ranking: 39214

Seems like you have to throw blind (click and drag immediately) to hit the window.

Does seem rather addictive... :)

Ok, I realize the point of the exercise is to code a small utility that does something, But... for a wifi tray tool I can't help but think there's a reason it's having trouble unloading. I've resolved issues like this using BootVis (a free MS utility) several times in the past.

(My "day job" is network administrator/engineer for a local IT company.)

Sorry just had to ask, carry on...

    I just popped in to say Thank You to mouser for inviting me to the forum. T-Clock x64 was compiled with MSVS2005 and is still written in C just like Kazubon's original. Considering that you can't inject a 32bit hook into a 64bit process, it is a completely 64bit application. I created it because I've always loved TClock and have used it for years ... But was planning to make the jump to Vista x64 ... and just couldn't bear to make the jump without it.

   I'm truly glad that you guys are enjoying T-Clock x64, and hopefully will be able to restart developement on it sometime this year. Currently I have some work related coding that is (and has been) taking most of my time.

Thank You,
Stoic Joker

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