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Messages - David.P [ switch to compact view ]

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in case this puts anyone off the idea of Syncovery - the list can be easily filtered, including to just show changed files.

Correct. The problem was that all of my folders had different modification dates on both sides. For this reason, Syncovery would show every single one of my 15,000 folders even in the sync preview mode that is supposed to only "show affected" items. After changing one of the about 35,372 option settings of Syncovery (unfortunately, I don't remember which setting that was), I managed to solve this issue.

Thanks very much, and sorry for the late reply. Do you happen to know whether Beyond Compare recognizes files and folders that have been moved or renamed?

Yes, I have used Syncovery myself for years, but I am now totally spoiled by the awesome user interface and speed of FreeFileSync. For example, the extremely easy ways to show or hide categories in the preview or to open selected files or to view them in Explorer.

In comparison, Syncovery's user interface is just dreadful. The sync preview has no colors, scrolling is totally jerky, and it shows me thousands of folders where nothing has changed, so that I can't possibly see the ten files that actually have changed.

Yeah it's weird. But this is what happens to each and every Office file that you upload to SharePoint, unfortunately. Its size increases. And then you're out of luck with almost every sync software.

Ok, that sounds awesome. Will try asap.

Edit: otoh, this seems to be a filter, not a comparison criterion, so I believe this would not ignore the file size when checking whether two files are identical.

In other words, I need a comparison mode where files with the same name and date but different size are considered identical, and renames/moves are identified via database, for example.

Hi forum,

I am looking for a synchronization tool with the above-mentioned features.

I would love to use FreeFileSync due to its unparalleled and simple user interface and incredible speed. Unfortunately, FreeFileSync does not allow to ignore file size when comparing files. GoodSync is also excellent, but does not allow ignoring file size either.

I have also tried Syncovery and Bestsync. With both, however, the user interface is unfortunately off-putting, and many features of FreeFileSync are missing.

So I'd be grateful for tips for synchronization tools that are as similar as possible to FreeFileSync, at the same time having all features mentioned in the subject.



Please don't take offense that this is a crosspost with Stack Exchange. I will notify each end if anything happens on the other.


I made sure to do the following:

- Scanned the portable Word 2003 package with the same virus scanner that our IT uses.
- Found out that this virus scanner is also listed on VirusTotal, and did not complain about the package there either.
- Switched the work laptop to airplane mode.

And then went for it and started the portable Word 2003.

And what can I say, it runs beautifully in all its Office 2003 design glory, even perfectly crisp on a 4K screen:


Now I just have to get my settings, and Dragon.dll into the package as well.

By the way, any Word options that I change in the portable version are being saved!

When I close Word and open it again later, the exact settings I changed earlier are active again. Isn't that awesome.

This is probably due to the fact that the program creates a VOS folder (probably "Virtual Operating System" folder), in which all files and settings, including (virtual) registry settings, are stored.

Edit: unfortunately, my dictation program Dragon NaturallySpeaking does not recognize any dictation when I dictate in the portable version of Word. I suppose this is so because all of Word's components, DLLs etc. are stored at different paths from where they ought to be :huh:

Hi and thanks for your detailed information!

Meanwhile, I had performed various tests. As you say, it turned out that this should definitely be done in a fresh virtual machine. I used Windows XP in VMware Workstation Player.

In contrast to the captured installations on a work laptop with Windows 11, which took hours, turned out to be like 1.5 GB in size and did not work properly afterwards, the recording of the installation of Word 2003 in the virtual machine took only a few minutes and was smaller than 50 MB!

I had also come across Cameyo in the meantime and had used it for the capturing and packaging, in what I believe was the latest version from here.

Word 2003 packaged this way seems to run fine. However, when moving the package from the virtual machine to my desktop PC with Windows 10, I got various messages from Defender regarding alleged malware.

While I know that these are false positives, I am now hesitant to run the package on the actual target machine (my office laptop where I do not have admin privileges). If a virus is reported there, then I unfortunately have the IT department coming after me right away :huh:

Also, I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to dictate text in Word 2003, which is also a major reason why I use this old version, besides my hundreds of macros and customizations in Word 2003.

Word 2003 still shows unmatched compatibility and speed together with NaturallySpeaking.

For this to work, NaturallySpeaking needs a DLL loaded in Word by the name of dgnword.dll. I can probably include this DLL in the virtualized Word 2003 package (using Cameyo) as well, can't I?

Hello Software Connoisseurs,

While the above discussion is a little over my head, perhaps there are opinions on the question of what is the best/easiest/most robust way to convert any Windows-installable software into a portable application?

Before I try out everything, especially the free Enigma Virtual Box (which doesn't seem to have a snapshots feature), furthermore paid solutions such as BoxedApp or Turbo, I would be grateful for hands-on experience any of you guys might have.

In particular, I am interested in virtualizing, or making portable, older office programs like Word 2003.

Also, is it possible to change any program settings with such a virtualized installation package when running the packaged program? I would think probably not, since these can hardly be saved back to that single exe file, right?

Many thanks already


Thanks Yatom, found it.

BTW, I also like the "Found Fragments" view setting very much, which I just discovered today.

Archivarius [has "jump to search term occurrence" buttons] too.
Yeah sure. That's why I can't switch to any program that doesn't do that. Like X1 Search, Lookeen, DocFetcher or FileLocator Pro, who all don't have that feature.

you can designate the regular search hits to be underlined, while the Find on Page locator remains non-underlined.
How did you do that? I can't find an option like this in Archivarius.

What a bummer that the developer / support isn't around.  This is such a great program.
So true.

Thanks Yatom.

The issues #1 and #2 that you noted would mean that dtSearch would also not fit my needs, as compared to Archivarius 3000 which displays those things instantly (at least when the index file is on a SSD).

I can confirm that Archivarius, while finding text box and highlighter comments, it doesn't find text in Sticky Note comments in PDF files.

Let's hope that Likasoft will be revived somehow... 

One could also think so, since they allegedly have many customers from large corporations such as Siemens or BP.

Have you guys tried Copernic Desktop Search recently?

I must say that I particularly like those "jump to search term occurrence" buttons and the multi-color highlighting:

It is a mystery to me why not every search tool has this very feature.

Count me in for the search for the best file indexer/desktop search tool. (BTW, why has the original thread been locked?)

I'm running into limitations of Archivarius 3000 lately, particularly the lack of development and support by Likasoft, and some persistent bugs.

Docfetcher looked promising, but unfortunately, the find and preview features are somewhat limited and clunky (finds PDF comments but doesn't show them in the preview pane, doesn't find PDF search terms when they are hyphenated at the end of a line, all search terms are highlighted in the same color, slow preview of large PDF files etc.).

The highly praised Lookeen is unusable for me because there is not even a proper preview highlighting all occurrences in the found documents.

I'd love to find something sleek and fast like Archivarius 3000, which is however also actively developed and has a large and active user base.

I have half a million files, mostly *.msg, Office and PDF files, but also other file types like e-mail attachments, archives etc.

Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: May 28, 2020, 03:24 AM »
Hi all,

sadly, Likasoft seems to be dead. I also mailed sales a few weeks ago and got no answer, similar to tech support who stopped answering years ago.

What I've been trying to figure out for a long time with no success is how to search for exact phrase matches containing hyphens like for example "20-30".

Also, when searching for any exact phrase matches, it never seems to be possible to easily locate them in the preview pane, because Archivarius wouldn't create find buttons for the phrase you looked for. Instead. it creates buttons for each single search term inside the search phrase, see screenshot:

It can be seen that although searching for "20-30" as a phrase, Archivarius found the phrase "20, 30".

Additionally, it didn't create a find button for "20-30" in the preview pane's toolbar, but instead two separate buttons for "20" and "30". These are not of much use because the separate search terms "20" and "30" occur many times throughout the document, which makes it very difficult to actually locate the occurrences of the search phrase "20-30" in the preview pane.

Thanks for any hints or ideas how to improve exact phrase search!


Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: May 20, 2020, 02:59 AM »
Thank you very much Yatom!

That looks very promising and I will make sure to try your detailed How-To the next time I need to search in certain directories.

I'm glad to have found this place where one can exchange experiences and questions about Archivarius 3000.

Best regards

Edit: I just tried to search with this string
music dir:"d:\My-Folder\*"

However, it doesnt find any files in or below the 'My-Folder' path this way. Instead, it finds all files anywhere that contain "music" in the file name.

How weird is that?

Edit 2: OK I now found that everything under "Search Attributes" (which I never understood anway) must be cleared in order for the directory search to work:

In this case it doesn't even give any "false positives" from other directories.

Living Room / Re: Archivarius questions (help using)
« on: May 19, 2020, 11:44 AM »
Wow, just found this very special thread about a very special software.

I actually somehow suspected that, if at all, this would have to be found on Donationcoder :Thmbsup:

Anyway, I also had difficulties with searching for exact matches of words. Likasoft support (when they were still responding some years ago) told me that in order for this to work, I would have to create my index with "morphology processing" disabled.

I hope that helps.

Something else I never really have figured out is searching for files only under a certain path (say, like D:\Documents\Project_ABC).

I'd be very thankful for ideas on how to do this, should it be possible.

Apart from that, I also haven't found any desktop search solution that comes remotely close to Archivarius 3000 regarding speed and ease of use. It even runs portable on my company laptop and indexes the entire network server like it's nothing. And I'm talking file numbers in the 7-figure range here.

However, should Likasoft be dead, sooner or later we'd all have to look for a replacement :(

Thanks for any comments guys

Finished Programs / Re: SOLVED: Copy massive folder/file directory....
« on: December 03, 2019, 10:02 AM »
Okay, I'm done.

I shall look no further and simply use the ingenious Freefile Sync, which does everything those st00pid specialized file copiers can't do properly -- and then even much more.


Finished Programs / Re: SOLVED: Copy massive folder/file directory....
« on: December 03, 2019, 09:44 AM »
Hi @all,

Has someone already found a copier tool that is simple -- and that simply works?

It should preserve the modification date of folders, and also copy hidden folders as hidden.

Thanks heaps!

I don't think that people get that questions are asked because others want feedback from users that they sort of trust.
:-[ :up:

Hi Forum,

I am looking for the simplest possible application for managing clipboard history.

I only and solely need the two following features:

1) immediately paste the clipboard's content as unformatted text using a customizable keyboard shortcut
2) saving the last 10 to 20 clipboard entries as unformatted text (no images, no formatted text, no fancy frills, no search function, no cloud function etc.)

Thanks heaps for suggestions!

Done. I am very confident that one does not have to look any further than to AllDup.

Hi forum,

is there any news on a possibly best duplicate finder?

I'm looking for a program where I can check a specific folder (typically like the "Downloads" folder...) to see if the files it contains already exist somewhere else on the computer -- possibly also under a different name.

Thanks for tips or experience!

Please read posts #9 and #10.

Thank you.

added another link

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