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Topics - fenixproductions [ switch to compact view ]

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N.A.N.Y. 2015 / NANY 2015 Release: FenixWebGallery
« on: November 09, 2014, 05:44 AM »
NANY 2015 Entry Information

Application NameFenixWebGallery
Version released
Short Description Web galleries generator
Supported OSes Windows 7
Web Page -- not yet --
Download Link
Translation Link http://fenixproducti.../translation-pl.xlsx
System Requirements
  • .NET 4.0
  • some photos
  • html skills for templates
Version History
  • 2017.03.17 - downloads links update
  • 1.0 - first full release
  • 0.1 - public alpha
  • 0.0.1 - private alpha
Author fenixproductions

Simple application for generating web galleries.

- drag'n'drop images
- choose template
- create web gallery
- support for: GIF, JPG and PNG
- templates saving and importing from packages
- templates customisation
- gallery output customisation, ex. images resizing,
- completely free for everyone - there are a lot of similar apps but non-commercial use only;

Planned Features
- inside loops , i.e. for tables generation
- subpages - one page per image
- maybe EXIF support


View modes:

Template chooser:

Images settings:

Generated sources:

Final result:

Just download, unpack and run.

Using the Application
If you've ever wanted to created web gallery from your images… here is the way to go.

Remove application folder?

-- none yet --

Known Issues
Subpages and inside loops are not implemented so far.
Only Polsih and English available. Translations needed!

General Software Discussion / Looking for voice acting service
« on: May 04, 2013, 02:28 AM »
Hi all

Is anyone aware of some software or online service where I could request creation of an audio file with specific phrase made in specific voice?

The main idea / reason:

I've create my own blog recently with general complaining, stupid things and funny stuff - all with self made content and all in Polish.

What I would like to add is a post about improper usage of foreign brand names and one of such was a point of joke for me. Being anime fan I have noticed that Auchanw could be spelled in Japanese style like A–U–chan (あーうーちゃん) - with emphasis on A and U letters. So now I'd like to have some voice acting done for that one particular phrase to use it on my website… and not to pay an arm & leg for it.

P.S. I know Google provides a lot of links for solution but I'd like to hear DC recommendations.

Screenshot Captor / Mouse follow option - idea
« on: March 14, 2013, 06:08 AM »
I am working on multi-monitor configuration daily and I thought about small option called mouse follow.

Using it would mean that every screen capture would only take pictures for the screen where mouse is at (for me most of the screenshots done with PrtScr hit would give Monitor #2 only).
I understand that if I have both devices combined I can what I need but it is troublesome sometimes.

It would also be great to have fixed selection rectangle to follow this option too.
Every shortcut hit could give an image with already specified width and height for which the mouse is in the centre of it.

N.A.N.Y. 2013 / N.A.N.Y. 2013 Release - MiszaMultiTool 1.0
« on: December 12, 2012, 05:33 PM »
NANY 2013 Entry Information

Application Name MiszaMultiTool
Version 1.0
Short Description Boring web work simplifier
Supported OSes Windows
Web Page
Download Link
System Requirements
  • .NET
Version History
  • 2018.03.17 - download links update
  • 1.0 - small fixes
  • 0.2 - test build for Win7 64bit issues
  • 0.1 - first version
Author fenixproductions

Sometimes I have pretty simple work to do which requires same things over and over again.
Because of that I've decided to write down small tool to make my life easier.
Maybe someone else will find it useful too.

  • conversions between encodings - completely free replacement for Gżegżółka tool,
  • HTML encodings - direct and with files,
  • multi-file creation - copy file from Templates folder according to specified name pattern,

Planned Features
Pretty much all is done but still needs a lot of testing and some polish.
And I am always open to suggestions.

Screenshot - 2012-12-13 , 00_17_58.pngScreenshot - 2012-12-13 , 00_18_07.pngScreenshot - 2012-12-13 , 00_18_16.png

Just unpack ZIP file to accessible directory.

Using the Application
Should be self-explanatory but I will try to put some info online if needed.

Just delete.


Known Issues
Not fully tested so there may be some issues to discover.
The only one I may foresee is "strange Win7 .NET error" which I saw in the past for BBCeditor.

DC Gamer Club / Free METRO 2033 giveaway
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:53 PM »
After Humble Budle, THQ has free copy of METRO 2033 to offer:

For Facebook people only:

It redirects to Facebook page which you are supposed to like.

Just a link:

I wonder what move will MS make next?

I know that I need to download whole 2010 Express suite as soon as possible… but I am still afraid that MS will make time bomb out of it.

Living Room / Mari0 - very nice game :)
« on: April 16, 2012, 02:16 PM »
Found out today but… awesome:

Adventures of Baby Cody / BC wants to go out
« on: September 17, 2011, 06:01 PM »
I think this should be the time to send Baby Cody somewhere.

Who wants our birdie?

Adventures of Baby Cody / Poland
« on: July 09, 2011, 07:53 PM »
Let's take a risk and get BC to travel via Polish Mail ;)

Living Room / Let's go Predator Mode
« on: March 30, 2011, 05:12 PM »
For Fundraiser ending I would like to write a little about an idea I wonder about recently. Have a nice read :)


History repeats itself. For suffering, wins and fails, human thought and innovation. Many ideas appear from time to time, vanish and reappear again after a while. Some of them seems to completely new while some are just meant for re-branding like Verne's submarine or Vinci's glider. Some of them are just sets of other ideas bound together in new fashion. Mine is the latest.

Many times in the past I had thought of something which I abandoned, only to discover that many years later *someone* got it by himself independently and pushed into living product or illustrated it in some way to thousands of people. We can find many examples of such situations but even if I don't want to stick with it too much I could bet that many of us had similar experiences.

When I was a kid, while watching action movies I was always surprised to see serial killers waiting patiently for a victim to check their appearance via peephole and run away. If I've ever been murderer, the very first thing I would do when hearing sound behind a door is shooting someones face off. Few years later... BOOM! I saw a film with it.

After watching "Predator" I was wondering about suit with cameras and small TVs joined together, and I thought it would be cool if camera could show its view on the opposite side o the person. It could almost be "The Predator Mode" (not the one I want to focus further on). Not a perfect solution but close enough to be better that any other camouflage. And... BOOM! Few years later some invented Active camouflage.

For quite a while in my high school and at the university I thought about anime or game hero which could borrow some powers from Venom (from Spider-man) and extend them to my liking: suit still symbiotic but with few other transforming possibilities + human assimilation (to gain skills and knowledge). I wrote small story and drew many sketches which were thrown away into trash. After a while I saw "Black Cat" and "To Love Ru". And... BOOM! "Prototype" appears with about 90% of my ideas implemented.

Unfortunately, without hard evidence all of above have never happened.

Have you ever had similar experience? Maybe very small thought about something obvious but never sold by anyone? Maybe too stupid in your opinion but intelligent enough to be provided market-wise?

All of these thought made me think to share my idea on new "Predator Mode" which I believe can be done today by someone with enough funds. I'd like to share it with DC users and ask for a copy of it, if someone has already made one ;)

Let's go Predator Mode (Tactical Glasses not goggles)

Everytime I am playing a game or watching a film with special forces within I wonder: how can they have so crappy gear on their heads?

WTF is that?


Uncomfortable, too big and looking dumb.

If we take a look on some technology which is already available or soon will be like:

and Transparent Phone:

And now we can wonder WHY has no one developed normal glasses with all of those features?

It should be really nothing completely new to discover but to combine something already invented instead.

Why can't we find my Tactical Glasses made in this way today?

"rough sketch"

Different modules could be offered starting with night vision or thermal vision... ending with simple zoom.

I understand that there might be few issues to be solved but only few come to my mind:
  • energy supply - if we consider features and small display area size, external batteries should be good enough; kept in pockets and used via nice cords would be always better that Image#1,
  • glow - screens could give unnecessary glow outside the view but with good frames design it could be avoided and with a little help of One-way Mirrors,
  • resolution - it doesn't need to be HD because in most cases simple overlays would be enough (happens for Jet pilots); on the other hand: for night vision the main point is to see something and not to focus on details;
  • on/off button - we could easily glue those f**g remote to our guns ;)

So again: why it is not yet sold?

I truly wonder...

Site/Forum Features / Facebook image
« on: March 25, 2011, 04:56 AM »
Hi All

I am not sure if it was discussed but it would be nice to specify DC image for Facebook sharing.

Just use meta tag:

<link rel="image_src" href="super_cody.jpg" />

Something definitely is wrong. Today I had logged on to see my footer was missing Cyrillic letters. All of them went ???. I've fixed this issue and it last for few minutes, but reverted to be wrong again (you can see the correct version here: http://forum.wincmd....ic.php?p=58705#58705).

Edited: Wow! I can't even use Cyrillic in this post :(

Living Room / WTH - software awards?
« on: January 07, 2011, 06:24 PM »
Hi all.

Few times ago I have found some free time and spent it on fixing BBCeditor bug reported by user via email.

Since then I've received many (~40) messages from various software download sites about some kind of awards (always the best something).

And now I wonder: what the heck is going on?

What the heck is going on with all these relatively new pages saying I have the most downloadable content (right with all zeros) or "super poll" winner application? Is this is a new kind of "let's share our links"* or what?

*) I was getting a lot of these since I became DC member and my page went up in Google thanks to that.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / xkcdDownloader
« on: September 13, 2010, 05:47 PM »
Hi All

Today I have spent some time looking for a tool which would allow me to download all xkcd episodes and… found nothing suitable (lot of wget related scripts).

So I have decided to quickly code small downloading tool for such purpose. Here it is attached.

Note that it requires newest .NET framework.

For now it downloads all episodes from 1st to 792nd. If someone likes it I may provide basic parameters support.

P.S. It also writes strips titles into descript.ion file (usable in Total Commander's comments view).

Developer's Corner / Looing for Joomla Categories list module
« on: April 01, 2010, 04:16 AM »
Hi all, long time no see

I am making a web page based on Joomla for a friend and I wonder did anyone found a free extension which could solve my problem:

I need to have Categories list with all articles assigned to them from current section only. I was trying dozen of existing modules and none of them have the simplicity I need. After few hours of trying to make them work my way I have enough, but promised deadline is coming. I believe it shouldn't be hard to code but, recently, I don't have enough nerves for that :(

The only thing I'd like to see is something like this generated:
<ul clas="xxx">
<li>Category name</li>
           <li id="art-$id"><a href="">Article name</a></li>
           <li id="art-$id"><a href="">Article name</a></li>
<li>Second Category name</li>
           <li id="art-$id"><a href="">Article name</a></li>

Will someone give a little help for forgotten member? I would really appreciate any effort.

Thank you in advance.

P.S. If such module could work with JoomFish without glitches it would be pretty awesome.

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / NANY 2010 Pre-release: FenixContacts
« on: December 07, 2009, 04:23 PM »
NANY 2010 Entry Information

Application Name FenixContacts
Version 0.9pre3
Short Description Customisable contacts book
Supported OSes Windows
Web Page Redmine
Download Link Redmine download
System Requirements
  • .NET framework 2.0
Version History
  • 0.9 - first "big & public" release
Author fenixproductions
Credits superboyac

FenixContacts is customizable contacts book with extended set of useful features ;)

 The main idea is to have free and good contacts book application which will be focused on Contacts only. It means: no full PIM application with rarely used crap like emailing or scheduling (leave them to real professionals like: TheBat!, Thunderbird and so on).

The main reason of FenixContacts existence is the lack of some specific feature in other applications: customisable details fields.

As I consider this as the most important thing to have (some users do not want to have their books showing dozen of empty fields they never use), FenixContacts provides that.


  • fields of different types - set any field type you want (i.e. string, integer, fie link),
  • LiveFilter - filter your Contacts view as you type,
  • linked fields - define one field as reference to another,
  • Preview panel with CSS styling,

Planned Features
There are too many to write them all and I'd rather like not to tease too much, so I will only give a few:
  • improved LiveFilter - with extended (for wildcards) and advanced (RegExp, arithmetic filter) modes
  • tree structure for fields - fields groups for better view modes,
  • plugins system - must have for extensibility
    • database - XML or SQ-Lite handling,
    • import - vCards, most popular email clients databases, maybe even importing from IM protocols (I've played few times in the past with ICQ and Jabber handling using C#)
    • export - similar to the above,
    • list views - there is nothing against giving the possibility to use different listbox controls,
  • other - I am opened for suggestions,



Contacts list with preview:


Customizing fields:


Editing Contact details:


Linking fields:


Just unpack and run.

Using the Application
After starting an application, please, open included test.fci file and play a little bit with Configure and Contacts menus :)

Please remember that adding Contacts is not possible if there are no fields set!

Simple delete?

Known Issues
Please be aware that due to time constraints some things may not work perfect (rush is not helpful ;). In such situation report them on Redmine page (link at the top of the page) and I will try to fix them ASAP.

Please remember to threat this application as introduction to something more powerful I am willing to write. All ideas are welcome and I will consider them for next versions. I also want to start working on v.2 pretty soon with more and more features. before that: I need to rewrite some of my spaghetti code though.

Thank you for all supporters and Happy New Year 2010!

Hi all.

Due to no replies from one of the "Free TC key" winners hereby I announce:

Run For It event

Winning is easy:

You must be first person in my Private Messages Inbox with "TC - Run For It" message title.


General Review Discussion / Free Total Commander licences
« on: May 06, 2009, 08:23 AM »
According to Newsletter for May 6th, 2009 there are 10 free Total Commander licences to give away.

I've decided that 5 of them will be given randomly to members who will participate in DC by writing software review in May, 2009.

So if you are using excellent tool with a lot of nice features and you think someone else would be glad to hear about it... write your review in Reviews section of this forum.

You've got three weeks to break your laziness down and win TC licence key.

After more than eighteen weeks of private beta testing and eight months since previous version, Total Commander 7.50 public beta 1 is finally available.

Official announcement: http://www.ghisler.c...iewtopic.php?t=21820

The newest version brings out almost 600 fixes (mostly related to new functionality) and many new features. In this mini-review I will try to focus on the biggest changes only because I want to avoid copy&paste of help file. I recommend to take a look on Help or HISTORY.TXT files (some additions will be listed at the end of my post though).

I also encourage anyone to write full review about how do you use the newest TC or what do you expect from it :)

What is worth to mention is that 7.5pb1 is free for any registered user. Simply run downloaded file and improved installer will update your installation without any data loss.

Even having above in mind I recommend anyone to make backup of your TC (&data but it's obvious) before using it. This is first public beta and new bugs will be found. If you find any, please, report them on TC's forum board.

1. Unicode support

The most awaited feature was to have this application Unicode aware. TC previously had been warning users about improper characters in directories names but it changed. All internal tools support Unicode now. Also plugins API has been updated for that reason. I hope its authors will update their files soon to use it to the fullest.


Internal "Compare by content" window gained few benefits and allows to compare any combination of ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16  and UTF-16 little endian (Mac).

2. Files handling

64bit systems users will be satisfied now because context menu problems should be gone. TC handles them properly and even allows to define which shell extensions should be shown for them.

Also all time-related functions now use the NTFS time instead of the old FAT file system time (dates before 1980 supported). There are no problems with paths containing names longer than 259 characters too.

Copy dialog gained Pause/Start buttons also in foreground transfers. Copying to multiple targets (folders or LNK files) is supported by selecting them before copy.

3. FTP

All connections are now stored with within tree and can be grouped in folders for easier usage. Because of many complaints about passwords storage security, TC offers master password (AES) for better protection of your data.

Obviously, all encoding related features has been also added like:
  • detecting code page reported by some servers,
  • encoding support in Shift+F5 (server to server copying),
  • allowing the user to choose the encoding of file names.


4. Breadcrumbs

There were few requests on public board about this functionality and one of them growth large enough to gain author's agreement for implementation. So similar to other file managers (i.e. DirectoryOpus, Vista's Explorer) TC has breadcrumb navigation panel now. The biggest difference from other software is that even if breadcrumbs are mainly mouse oriented, Total offers keyboard shortcuts (Alt+F11, Alt+F12) for them what extends it's usability for each keyboard lover.

By default breadcrumbs seem to be harder to handle because of no automatic menu pop-up but after a little bit of playing with wincmd.ini file, they are lot easier to use.



Drag'n'drop is fully supported not only for local drives but also for FTP and filesystem (WFX) plugins.

5. Internal associations system

One of the best features (IMHO better than Unicode) delivered within newest TC is portable files associations system which allow to skip Windows registry hell while dealing with various files. Thanks to that you can assign any application to any kind of file by your own and be sure that your setting will follow you with your pendrive together with favourite applications. All changes made are not messing with operating system and are valid in TC only. By default each assigned program is called by Enter or double click but there is nothing against having more than one application: they will be visible in RMB menu or in separate one (called with cm_ContextMenuInternal command).

Sounds simple and not revealing my excitement yet? Well...

The power of this feature is using similar approach as for files names colouring which are filters based on "Find files" dialog. It is now possible to have rules defined according to various files attributes like date, size, hidden / system /etc. or data provided by content (WDX) plugins. So (i.e.) you can have AIMP opened for John Lennon's songs and Foobar for Paul McCartney ones (to keep 'em separated ;) Of course, if there are no internal associations, Windows ones will be used instead.


6. Lister

Due to Unicode support it would be inexcusable if there is no support for different characters encoding. Since this version Lister will not only allow you to change displayed text's characters set but will also offer full RTL handling, with easy language direction switch between LTR and RTL (hold Ctrl and press either left or right Shift key).


7. Quick filter

Quick filter (Ctrl+S, Ctrl+Shift+S), as the name reveals, give the possibility to filter files list according to typed phrase. QF, custom views and file types filter (menu Show -> Custom) - these features altogether make files operations much easier than any other known (at least to me) file manager.


8. Button bar

Over the years buttons bar seemed to be ignored and few changes made to it, so Christian Ghisler took his time (and users ideas) and extended its functionality. Maximum number of available buttons has been incerased to 500 and they can be placed in multiple rows. No more gymnastics with empty buttons :)

For such purpose button bar edit dialog has been redesigned a little bit:


As you can see on the picture above, you can add a "link" to other button bar. You can even treat it as pop-up menu:


9. More, and more, and more…

All previous paragraphs are only a brief description of new features. Lots of things have been improved (i.e. synchronize tool or new command line parameters) and it's impossible to write them all and keep myself away from overwriting. I recommend (once again) to take a look on history file to get whole  fixes / addins coverage.. For simple list of some addins, for which I got bored too soon to make it complete... simply click on button below.

Even more features added…
  • Allow to use the Windows key for custom hotkeys
  • CRC check: Show lines with errors in red, so they can be found more easily
  • Combine files: Show counter of file being combined
  • Combine files: Show counter of file being combined
  • Command line switch /S=C starts directly "Compare by content" without TC main window, e.g. totalcmd.exe /S=C c:\file1 d:\file2
  • Command line switch /S=L starts Lister directly
  • Command line switch /S=S starts "Synchronize dirs" directly, accepts two paths as parameters, or alternatively a settings name in the form /S=S:SettingsName
  • Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert in new style overwrite dialog copies names and details to clipboard (similar to standard Windows MessageBox)
  • Custom icon for CRC checksum files (.sfv, .sha, .md5)
  • Date/time picker to search dialog (date from/to)
  • Drag file system plugin root to button bar -> add button with the icon of this plugin
  • Dropdown menu listing all redefined hotkeys
  • Exception stack trace code added, inspired by uLkStackTrace. Modified code available under in accordance with Mozilla General Public License
  • Installer: Auto-detect previous installation and allow to auto-update without questions asked. No icons will be created.
  • Installer: Let the user retry when overwriting a file fails -> user can close the running program/open file
  • Installer: Only close running Total Commander if in same dir where the installation goes to (only works on NT-based systems)
  • Internal unpacking of encrypted RAR archive with encrypted file names (Alt+F9 unpack specific only)
  • Internal unpacking of multi-part RAR archives: Alt+F9 on first file unpacks all files from it, even if they are on different disks
  • Internal unpacking of multi-part RAR archives: ENTER on first part shows content of all parts in same dir and allows to unpack them
  • More keys for hotkeys in Configuration - Options - Misc
  • New icons for Ctrl+S quick search filter, sync dialog title, ftp connection dialog, and "ftp" item in tree and breadcrumb bar
  • New internal cm_SrcHideQuickView (also with Left and Right) to turn quick view panel off
  • New internal command with parameters: MULTIRENAME <saved rename parameters> opens the multi-rename dialog box with the specified rename parameters. Giving an invalid name will set all options to the default values
  • New start menu parameters %UL and %UF to pass UTF-8 list file (with BOM) to program in button bar or start menu (like %L and %F)
  • New start menu parameters %WL and %WF to pass UTF-16 Unicode list file (with BOM) to program in button bar or start menu
  • OPENTABS and APPENDTABS internal commands now also work without parameters - showing the file open dialog
  • Press Shift+F4 (edit specific file) repeatedly to select only the name part (not the extension) of the name, like in F5 copy dialog
  • Search function, plugins page: New operator !regex (NOT regular expression) finds files which do not match the given regular expression
  • Show drive icons also in drive dropdown list. Can be turned off via wincmd.ini [Configuration] IconsInDriveList=0
  • Show drive icons in drive not found dialog
  • Show encoding icon for *.sha files if they aren't associated with any other program
  • Speed up loading of Alt+F10 tree by using a virtual listbox (LBS_NODATA) except when an accessibility software is used - LB_GETTEXT doesn't work with LBS_NODATA
  • Store line breaks in descript.ion files in the form \n (\ is stored as \\), mark such comments with custom ID 0xC2 received from inventors of descript.ion
  • System information: Better detection of CPU
  • System information: Show display adapter name
  • Themed list header: On XP, draw header of sorted column as pressed if the theme supports it, so it can be found more easily
  • Use Combobox  in F5 copy dialog (options section) for overwrite options, number them for quick access by keyboard
  • When using "Watch directory changes": Detect when user wants to eject USB stick via system tray, and stop watching a dir on the stick so it can be removed
  • Windows 2000, XP and newer: Show drive labels in tree, and use RegisterDeviceNotification to be informed when drive label changes
  • ZIP packer: Pack files from directories with no read rights (read via tcmadmin) - no single locked files supported
  • increased max. comment length in descript.ion to 4096 characters (minus the length of the file name, a space, and final line break)
  • wincmd.ini [Configuration] SpeedLimitEnabled=1 enables speed limit when background transfer manager is started
  • wincmd.ini [Layout] TabHeaderBoldArrow=0 turns off bold arrow in tab header (default: same as TabHeaderThemed)
  • wincmd.ini [Layout] TabHeaderThemed=0 turns off themed tabstop header (Name/Ext/Size/Time/Attr)
  • ZIP packer: Pack files from directories with no read rights (read via tcmadmin) - no single locked files supported

Hi all.

I don't know how many of you are using Opera but I found yesterday very nice userscript.

In general: it allows you to resize any control in forms on web pages (text boxes, drop-down lists, iframes,...). Works almost the same as built-in Safari feature.

Download from:



Announce Your Software/Service/Product / BBCeditor 1.1.35
« on: March 25, 2009, 07:07 PM »
BBCeditor is a simple editor for BBCode.

Anyone is welcome to write mini-review ;)

I am opened for any comments and suggestions.

.NET 2.0 framework is required!

Users can define their favourite phrases to be used in "auto-coplete type" list box which pops up on Ctrl+Space shortcut. Please remember, that if you want to have multiple lines for snippet, you should use Ctrl+Enter to jump to new line in Value field of Snippets tab (Settings window).

Custom toolbar size
It is now possible to set own toolbar size via Settings dialog. If you want to do so you need to have your own buttons images and set their folder.
Sample images are included into ZIP (inside "tango24" folder).

Custom buttons
Users can add their own buttons to top toolbar. They can also define bbcode which will be inserted into editor and HTML code replacement for preview.
Please remember to define tags without brackets (both: for bb and HTML)!

Customizable preview themes
Preview control uses styles.css file located in application's directory. Anyone can change its content easily, just to make preview better.

- no code change, rehost

- added - option for clearing non-existing Recent files on startup
- changed - if some text is selected, clicking on Regexp button uses it inside tags - if there are (.*?) or (\d*?) in expressions
- added - few Regex buttons samples added - taken from here as ioncube suggested

- changed - changed images functionality
- changed - upper case bug fixed
- added - DC images added
- added - Minimize added

- fixed - AskForSaveOnExit and AskSaveOnExit did not work properly;

- fixed - list tag problem (alternative parser engine only);

- added - Inline Mode which puts cursor within inserted tags;
- changed - general code clean-up;
- fixed - files paths problems for Recent menu;
- fixed - problems with alternative parsing engine for few empty tags preview;

- fixed - Replace problems with spaces;

- fixed - error on startup with files (with Undo/Redo activated);
- changed - simple text custom buttons support multiple lines in BBcode field (use Ctrl+Enter to add it);
- changed - new icon for BBCeditor.exe;

- added - "Choose CSS" tool;
- added - UndoRedo feature (experimental, can be set by INI!);
- added - more CSS classes for elements!
- changed - Ctrl+G for Replace dialogue (old Ctrl+R is now handled by Redo);
- fixed - Paste handling (text is unformatted now);

- fixed: files loading method (speeds up processing time);
- added: new OpenFileDialog (with preview);
- changed: small code cleanup;

- fixed - access violation error when adding images to new (clear) file;
- changed - parsing in separate thread;
- changed - shortcut keys info window is resizable now;

- fixed - simple text custom buttons tags were sometimes parsed incorrectly;
- fixed - changing custom button type is reflected on list right away;
- added - new parsing engine (based on regexp);

- fixed - error while opening empty files;

- added - option for new file overwrite message (off by default);
- changed - it's possible to come back to editor from save on close message;
- changed - click on URL button places selected text between url tags;
- fixed - access violation on code area click;

- added - SpellCheck dialogue is now resizable;
- fixed - small bug with new lines (in Preview panel);

- changed - limited shortcuts range;
- added - "simple text" option for custom buttons (HTML code field supports %APP_PATH% variable);

- fixed - bugs with date variables for file name patterns;
- added - date variables for Snippets;
- added - option for simple URLs matching;

- fixed - small bugs in Options dialogue (with up/down buttons);
- added - Snippets feature;

- changed - SpellChecker preview font follows code editor;
- added - simple status bar;

- fixed - Ctrl+I shortcut and tab problem;
- added - Find and Replace dialogues;

- fixed - editor fonts were sometimes shown incorrectly;

- added - splitter menu;
- added - Recent files menu;
- added - Export to MHT (web archive);
- fixed - links to images generated incorrectly;
- fixed - freezing refresh;
- fixed - text was shown as changed on Settings save;
- fixed - window position was not saved at all (only size);
- fixed - normal window state was not saved if closed maximized previously.

- fixed - second url= tag was ignored,
- fixed - few freezes with non-closed tags (i.e. email)

- added - window size can be remembered;
- added - extended drag'n'drop support;
- added - 32x32 icon set;

- fixed - table tag button was not working correctly (application freeze for empty tag);

- changed - table tag parsing (with colspan and CSS classes);
- added - autorefresh preview option;
- added - startup parameters (filename) support;
- fixed - cells with spaces only were not shown;

- fixed - automatic table: only one "th" tag was added for many columns;

- added - shortcuts info form,
- added - customisable "Save as" file name pattern;

- fixed button images scaling (second toolbar);

- added custom toolbar size;
- added custom buttons handling;
- added options dialog;

Circle Dock / Softpedia review
« on: January 11, 2009, 10:07 AM »

Living Room / DC T-Shirts idea.
« on: January 08, 2009, 09:58 AM »
Just short note.

I've just read article about QR Codes and I think it could be nice to have them generated for and available for printing on T-Shirts (on CafePress).

End of my brilliant idea ;)

NANY 2009 one:

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