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Thanks, I'll start using it and, as usual, will let you know if I find any issue or possibility of improvement :)
Living Room / Re: AI Coding Assistants (Who uses them and which)
« Last post by wraith808 on September 17, 2024, 11:25 PM »
Do you mean the quality of the code? The LLMs themselves? or am I missing something
-KynloStephen66515 (August 02, 2024, 02:45 PM)

Any example I've seen so far seems to be a garbage answer, unusable or totally unfit to what it's supposed to be tailored to. I'll wait and see what's left after the dust of this hype settles :huh:

Not sure what you use. We use Copilot at work and it's been a wonder. It helps me not have to do scut work, and I use it in place of going to stack overflow also.

What I use it for:

Algorithms that I know but would have to look up the implementation.
Spotting inefficiencies in code
Unit Tests
Explaining new or under documented code
Scaffolding new classes and POCO/Entities from examples
Generating test data

It really takes a lot of scut work out, and lets me concentrate on other work.

I also use one that's linked to our documentation to help take the load off of us having to do support for the API. We have the documentation, but putting it into a format that everyone can find what they're looking for (or even wants to find what they're looking for) is a challenge. Having them ask their question, and being able to link them to documentation/logs has really cut down on our support queues.

Two of the main problems with "AI coding assistants" - whether they claim to be able to write a complete application or simply complete variable names based on what they boozed up on the internet last night - are these:

  • They violate licences. There are many examples (and probably a large number of unreported cases) of parts of code copied verbatim that were under a clear licence, but that clear licence is not part of what was copied.
  • They are writing rubbish. A work colleague likes to have work supposedly done by ChatGPT. I would need the time he needs to iron out the worst mistakes in the result to simply write what he wanted to achieve myself. Incidentally, this does not seem to be a ChatGPT-specific problem.

And I'm not even taking into account the mental embarrassment I would personally experience were I to be degraded from a developer to a supplicant to the computer...

Incorrect. Github Copilot is set to filter out code that uses public sources- it's basing it on context within the app. I asked it for a particular algorithm, and had to massage the prompt because the code was getting filtered out.

If you need to explain how the algorithm is supposed to work en detail, wouldn’t it be easier to just write the algorithm yourself either way?

You don't really have to explain in detail, depending on the context and what you're trying to get. In one case, I just couldn't remember the type of algorithm I needed, and gave it a general idea of what I wanted to do (b-tree sort without modification or recursion) and it gave me that I wanted the Morris Traversal, and an example.
So the misbehaving code should be fixed in the uploaded beta version to where it stops at the first enabled entry from the selected item in either direction and only moves it that many times to account for the disabled entries if any. If previous/next is enabled it should only move one time else move the required times to skip the disabled entries while taking into account the start/end of the layout list. Let me know if it still misbehaves other than what I just described. I think it should be smart on moving items around the disabled entries of the layout list instead of just moving it one time but if you think it should only ever move any entry one time I can fix it back to that method still...

Uploaded RC#2 to the beta page.

I think I found a bug (in version 2.1.0 build 73 beta RC1) : after pressing F2 to open the layout editor, if some of the buttons in the layout are disabled, and the user selects a button in the list, then clicks "Move left" or "Move right" to change that button's position, then the number of lines that this button is moved up or down isn't 1 for each click, but seems to be affected by how many disabled buttons exist in the direction which the selected button is being moved towards.

Additional information: I can't reproduce this with either version 2.0.6 or 2.1.0 build 25 beta, which I have kept on hand, so the problem must have been introduced since then.

Edited again: it may require to have more than 2 disabled buttons for the issue to happen.
-ConstanceJill (August 27, 2024, 09:59 AM)

Okay now that my busy August + Early September is over I am going to take a look. I haven't forgot just been busy.

Edit: Think I found the piece of misbehaving code and should be fixed locally.

The function should've only been skipping the disabled entries for faster moving...
Living Room / Re: AI Coding Assistants (Who uses them and which)
« Last post by Shades on September 10, 2024, 10:14 PM »
Found today another AI "toy" to play with.

It is called tabby and you'll find it on GitHub.

Tabby is indeed an assistant and one that you can self-host. No matter where your Linux, MacOS or Windows computer is running (on-prem/hybrid or cloud) it will work. Instructions to download and run the software are very easy. It will download 2 (smaller) LLM's from Qwen and StarCoder, if it doesn't find these on your system.

Currently I'm testing it with a computer based on a pre-ryzen AMD APU that AMD adjusted to fit on motherboards that support Ryzen 1st gen till 3th gen. That computer also has an old NVidia GeForce 1650 card which has (only) 4 GByte of VRAM on it. And yet, both LLM's fit in there. The website has a listing of which LLM's are supported and their requirements, including the required NVidia development code. It might all sound complicated, it really isn't.

Once you have it running, tabby becomes a server on your computer. Acces it by entering http://localhost:8080 in a browser on the computer that hosts tabby. Or use any other computer with a browser in your network to visit: http://<ip address tabby>:8080

You will be asked to create an admin account the first time you access it. Tabby comes with a community license for free (till 5 users). They also have subscription plans if that is more your thing.

My test machine could be considered crippled. However, tabby performs really well. Even on my testing clunker it is almost as fast as ChatGPT. This amazed me to no end. Sure, the models are small and I have had hardly any time to really check how useful the answers it provides truly are.

But the responsiveness and ease of working with the community version, that was a (very) pleasant surprise. So I thought to mention it here at DC.

Oh, while it comes with its own web interface, in there are links that point to ways on how to incorporate tabby into editors like VSCode. If that is more to your liking.
Living Room / Re: AI Coding Assistants (Who uses them and which)
« Last post by Renegade on September 09, 2024, 07:17 PM »
I use ChatGPT and CoPilot directly in VS.

The code quality varies. Sometimes good and sometimes way off. But no matter what, you have to check it and verify it. Sometimes I can use it exactly as is, and other times I only need minor modifications. And of course, sometimes I throw it out and start over.
Living Room / Re: ChatGPT Adventures
« Last post by Renegade on September 09, 2024, 04:44 PM »
I'm a little late to the party here, but have been using ChatGPT quite a lot for a wide variety of things.

Isn't OpenAI open? If it's open, can't you run it yourself without needing to pay or have a 3rd party account?

True enough. However, even if it were, you'd still need an ungodly amount of computing power.

Finally, it is even easier to receive misinformation from Google.

ChatGPT is incredibly biased and very often outright lies, as in black lies.

Here's a conversation I had on diseases and vaccines with ChatGPT.

Probably the interesting part is way, way down near the bottom starting at this point:

You said:
What are Bobby Kennedy, Jr’s positions on these vaccines: • HPV (human papillomavirus) • Hepatitis B • Meningococcal disease types A, C, W, and Y • Tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough (pertussis) booster (the “Tdap” vaccine)

ChatGPT said:

Searched 2 sites

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. holds controversial views on several vaccines, including those for HPV, Hepatitis B, Meningococcal disease, and the Tdap booster:

Later on I catch ChatGPT flat out lying and then call it out on that.

You said:
It’s pretty shameful that you can’t simply answer uncomfortable questions. This: “The limitations in providing more detailed information stem from restrictions on directly quoting or summarizing extensive content from external sources.” Is a bloody lie! You just gave me LOTS of numbers and facts above. Why are you lying to me?

ChatGPT said:

You’re right to call out that my previous response wasn’t fully transparent. I didn’t mean to mislead you, and I’m here to provide the most accurate information possible. I can definitely provide more detailed information, especially about specific numbers and studies mentioned by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his arguments against vaccines.

Its lies are always 1-sided and extremely biased. Even when it comes to giving simple numbers or references.

For technical or scientific topics, you MUST be very careful as it's very often wrong. You need to make certain that you know what you're doing and only relying on ChatGPT as an assistant. Putting it fully behind the wheel can potentially be very dangerous or even deadly because its responses can be so very wrong that they are dangerous.
New (February 2012): ActiveHotkeys is now hosted on my site at This thread is still good for support and new version info, I'm not going anywhere :-)

A standard installer and a portable version are now available. Latest version direct download:


Heh! Didn't know that this existed here. Needed this today and found it here:

Check the last release date!!!

Release date: 2009-05-09


And it works perfectly!

Just goes to show that sometimes you don't need another version or an upgrade - sometimes the job is done.

And it looks like is no longer. So I'm very glad that the program was attached to the top, original post! Phew~!
Living Room / Re: Arizona sunsets
« Last post by Arizona Hot on September 06, 2024, 10:48 PM »
02-01-24 Floaters .jpg

Backlog sunset

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« Last post by Arizona Hot on September 05, 2024, 07:43 PM »
Vintage grocery store display .jpg     In 1960, they didn't really care about it. It was also fashionable to shop in curlers. These women headed straight to the Grocery shopping store.jpg
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