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General Software Discussion / WTF SourceForge
« on: April 30, 2008, 05:38 AM »
It's down. As in.. completely bombed. Unreachable, times out, gone! Why do I care? Well, I don't really, but I happen to have to care at this moment because I desperately need access to the Weka Data Mining software for OSX. I've googled all around using various queries.. and my conclusion so far is that any mention of a Weka download points back to SF. How crappy is that? I'll tell you: very crappy!


Somebody must be haxing SF good. This doesn't seem like a random crap-out..

Living Room / Phone Interview with Microsoft!
« on: April 30, 2008, 01:31 AM »
It's time to panic! Monday, I sent an MS recruiter a nice email with my resume attached. Just past lunchtime on Tuesday, April 29, the "Microsoft College Staffing Consultant" (basically the head MS recruiter for my university) replied and said that he's forwarded my info to the person who will conduct what he called "the phone screening to determine a possible fit". This person, (judging by the name, a woman), sent me an email a half hour past midnight tonight. What a turnaround time! Most of my friends, who are not in CS majors, are seeing non-existent turnaround times as they spend weeks waiting for any kind of response from the companies they send their resumes to, i.e. there are no responses. In contrast, I went from writing an email with my resume attached to a scheduled phone interview in roughly 30 hours! Crazy.

Anyway.. I noted in my initial email that I believe I'd best fit in with either software development or user experience. It turns out they've decided to interview me for software development. SDEV, they call it. Well, that's a bucket full o' reason to panic! Getting any summer internship position at Microsoft is pretty difficult (notoriously so around these parts), but a position in SDEV? It justifies entering panic-mode.

A good friend who interviewed with them for the same position passed the phone interview and was flown out to Seattle twice. They liked her enough to give her a position as something along the lines of system admin. She'll be responsible for a range of machines and keeping stuff going. At least that's what I could pull from memory--I'd have to ask her to get a specific job title. She starts there this summer.

I'm not too proud to say that she's most definitely the smarter human being than I am. She's a Comp Sci/Math major and overall, knows her shit pretty well, shall we say. Me? I'm passionate about computer science, but just don't quite have what it takes wired into my neural system to be a math whiz. I'm an intelligent being, for sure, but I can't say that mathematics is my forte. When it comes to coding I definitely enjoy it and would say my skill-set is solid, but not outstanding. Without some serious preparation, asking around and possibly buying a book on interview questions and studying that thoroughly, I personally don't think I currently would stand too good a chance at getting far.

So, yeah, panic mode! And all this comes in the last week of classes, one week before most of my final exams. The last day of classes is this Thursday, which happens to be the same day MS suggested I have the phone interview with them. Needless to say, no can do. I'll have to move the interview date as deeply as possible into next week, giving them multiple possible dates. This feels like a 5th final exam!

Anyway.. I thought I'd share and put this up for discussion for no particular reason at all. I feel pressured, and thought it might help a bit to share the story.

Thanks for tuning in!

A bit of back-story: the friend I mentioned recently got hired by MS and she was out with two MS recruiters this weekend as part of a new hires event. They ended up at a bar down town and she let me know who she's there with. I went, of course, and ended up talking to them for a bit. I suppose I had a bit of an edge in that respect, though whether that had anything to do with their lightning fast response time is anyone's guess.

Living Room / A data set for data mining?
« on: April 29, 2008, 08:43 PM »
I'm taking a (really fun!) database class that involved using all sorts of PostGRE SQL queries and working with Python. Now I'm working on the final project for the class, which involves picking an interesting dataset (well, any dataset will do, but it's more bearable work if it's interesting of course!) to perform data mining on. So here's an important snippet:

The problems/questions will typically be of three basic types:
  • classification/estimation: Is it possible to determine, predict, or estimate some attribute in the dataset, based on the values of other attributes? The medical diagnosis and credit-card promotion problems that we have covered in lecture are examples of this type of problem. If you choose a problem of this type, you will employ some type of classification learning and/or numeric estimation.
  • finding associations: Are there non-obvious associations or relationships between attributes in the dataset? Market-basket analysis (e.g., finding products that customers tend to purchase together) is one example of this type of problem. If you choose a problem of this type, you will employ some type of association learning.
  • grouping entities: Are there non-obvious ways of dividing up the entities described by the dataset into distinct groups? Another way of thinking of this type of problem is as a search for unexpected similarities or differences among the entities. If you choose a problem of this type, you will employ some type of clustering. It tends to be difficult to effectively use this type of approach, so if you choose to employ clustering, you should probably also plan to use one of the other two types of data mining as well.

We can use Weka data mining software to help us mine this data and it may be necessary to transform the data. Anyway.. I've had some real trouble finding a truly interesting dataset to work on. Do you guys know any interesting sources for data sets off hand? One of you might, so I thought it's worth asking :)

I've already scoured the web multiple times and found a metric ton of sources on open data and data sets. Here is an amazing link on that topic: http://www.readwrite...open_data_on_the.php

The problem isn't so much finding available open data for use in a data mining project... really, it's PICKING a data set to work with. There's lots of stuff out there and I thought you may be able to help me narrow it all down a bit.

I don't want to flood you with information here, but I thought including the Requirements for the project may be helpful:
Your final project must include:
  • the application of one or more data-mining techniques to a dataset that you choose
  • a clear and compelling presentation of the results that you obtain, both from the data mining and any other analysis that you perform. This presentation should include at least one example of a data graphic that follows Tufte's principles, as presented in the guest lectures by Prof. Snyder. You may want to make use of the tools at to help you with this. The graph template that we gave you for Problem Set 8 may also be useful.

In addition, your project must include two of the following:
  • the creation of one or more relational tables from your dataset, and examples of useful queries that you performed on those tables. The tables must be constructed in a way that avoids redundancy and that captures any constraints that are present in the data. One possible use of SQL queries would be to compute averages or other types of summary statistics that you could then present in your report.
  • the use of a Python program to manipulate the data in some useful way. For example, you could use a program to extract the data that you need from a relational database, or to discretize one or more attributes in an existing dataset file.
  • one or more additional data graphics.

Lots of text, I know.. but I tried to make it easy to look at :)

General Software Discussion / Directory Opus 9 - How to..?
« on: October 01, 2007, 05:28 PM »
Ever in need of customization, ever clueless about how to do it... I want Opus to display the bit rate of music files when I look at folders with music in them, and only then. I have automatic content type detection turned on, but I don't see how I can tell Opus to display the bit rate column only when the music content type is triggered.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

General Software Discussion / Question about Directory Opus 9
« on: September 21, 2007, 04:08 AM »
How can I make Opus open the locations I was last at when Opus closed? Basically, I want it to be exactly where I left off when I last closed Opus. Thanks!

Living Room / Do you listen to the radio?
« on: August 06, 2007, 02:29 PM »
Since I've started to work at my summer internship this summer, I have been listening to the radio in the car on the way to work and on the way home after work, every day. Before that, it had been a while since I last listened to the radio. After all, when would I? With class being the only responsibility that required me to leave the apartment on a daily basis, I really had no opportunity to tune into any radio shows. I now have two computers at the apartment and I have no car. (I do now but only for the duration of the internship, which ends this coming Friday).

At first I would listen to, if memory serves me right, Kiss FM which basically played the same five currently popular pop songs, two of which were by Justin Timberlake. For a while it seemed entertaining enough but then it got old fast.. I used the car radio's scan function and soon discovered true gem and absolute radio bliss: NPR. I'd listen and still do listen to "Morning Edition" on the way to work in the morning and then to "All Things Considered" in the afternoon on the way back home from work. What can I say.. I'm addicted! NPR programs are of such high quality in every possible way that I was shocked to find something that good on the radio. The editing, competence and intelligence of the anchors, the music played in between shows, the content... all of it is on a very, very high level of quality.

Not only that, but having found their website, I am impressed even more. NPR is EVERYWHERE.

There are online radio streams, podcasts, RSS feeds, the website itself.. it seems it doesn't end.

Now I'm just hoping that the rumors of the iPhone having a built-in but as of yet unrevealed FM tuner will turn out to be true

And now I'm interested in HD Radio as well. Dang.

Living Room / How to choose a credit card?
« on: August 06, 2007, 02:11 PM »
Seems to me it's about time I get a credit card, if only to start "building" my credit report. How do I go about choosing a credit card?

I'm a student still and will be for another 1.5 years or so.

General Software Discussion / What's your music player of choice?
« on: August 05, 2007, 12:14 AM »
I currently use iTunes because I'm tied to it because of my iPhone. I just realized, however, that just because I have to have iTunes to sync the computer with the iPhone, I don't *have to* listen to music on the PC using iTunes.

I also use and their app works fine on my system except for one thing: to start, it requires an ok via UAC. Now, since it launches itself automatically as soon as I start iTunes, I have to "approve"'s launch each time I do so. Pretty annoying!

The ideal solution would be to find a player that has native support, and while they're out there, they're not very easy to find. I know Albumplayer has native support, but that's shareware and not what I'm looking for anyway.

So, what do you use as your music player? Secondly, if you know of any players with native support as well as Vista compatibility, let me know.

General Software Discussion / RSS feed for updated software?
« on: August 02, 2007, 05:46 PM »
I'm really puzzled by the fact that I've never thought about this before.. I'm someone who reads 40 newsfeeds regularly in Feeddemon on Windows, in the Newsgator beta web-reader at work and with the Newsgator iReader on my iPhone. I freaking love RSS :D. And yet to be notified of new software releases, I still subscribe to lame, 1990-esque email notifications from sites like Softpedia and Betanews. Does anyone know of a site that will let you select software titles you use and then generate an RSS feed where the posts are updates to the titles you use?

General Software Discussion / Mapping websites
« on: June 07, 2007, 04:44 PM »
I'm looking for a tool, web-based or not, that will take a URL and then generate a visual, tree-like/mindmap-like visual representation of the site's hierarchical structure.
Here's quick update.. it doesn't have to be purely visual. If it can give me a nicely laid out directory listing or hierarchical outline type auto-generated site-map, that's cool too :)


Developer's Corner / Panic's Coda
« on: May 01, 2007, 05:31 AM »
In conjunction with the celebration of their 10th anniversary — and cannily timed to be eligible for an Apple Design Award — Panic has released their new “one-window web development” app, “Coda.”

I’ve only been playing with it for an hour or two, so I don’t have anything revelatory to add to everyone else’s reactions. But, so far, I’m very impressed with the ease of use and lovely design. That said, hiding under the pretty is a lot of great stuff that should make prosumer web designers’ lives easier, including built-in SSH shell, a straightforward CSS editor, and a very configurable multi-paned window approach. I also love the low-key code validation, Hamburger Helper “Clips,” and what looks like a pretty nifty “Bonjour” sharing functionality.

The care that the Panic folks put into all of their apps and the humor and humanity that they express as a company makes me proud to use a Mac. They’re doing God’s work, and, whenever the opportunity arises, I’m all too happy to give them my money.

Permalink: http://feeds.feedbur...olders/~3/111373554/
Link to the app being talked about:

Mac only, unfortunately, but the website alone is just beautiful ;)

General Software Discussion / Microsoft's Silverlight
« on: May 01, 2007, 05:06 AM »
I just can't wait to see stuff demoed in this. Techchrunch has an EXCELLENT write-up about this new technology, and you can read it here: http://feeds.feedbur...crunch/~3/113229315/

Official Silverlight website:

The TechChrunch article is especially great if you want to get some overview over the technology. What is it, what can it do, who will use it, etc. Great stuff

Ummm.. scratch the part about WAITING to see this demoed. There's a bunch of demoes already up, and MS also made available a video showcasing Silverlight in action. You can find all this at the Silverlight page I linked to. After installing the Silverlight beta (free of course) and restarting IE7, I watched some high-def movie trailers as streams in the browser, including a cool interface on the top that let me choose whereever I wanted to be in the video with not only a progress bar, but little screenshots of the video at those points in playback.

One of the demo videos I just watched for a bit showed off another impressive video editing app running completely in IE7 in Windows Vista. This thing featured thumbnails of videos that had full motion live previews whatever video was moused over, and the guy demoing showed off how easy it is to edit two clips and then combine them into a single clip (the latter action being done with a single drag/drop action).

I'm impressed already. Can't wait to see what's next

Know of any? Post them here. I've heard of NVU earlier today, but that is OLD. Last time it was updated was in 2005, so no thanks.

I currently use IDM's UltraEdit but it's page preview doesn't work correctly, (doesn't show any images? or perhaps it's a setting I need to turn on?), and its automatic indentation when editing isn't ideal either, unless again it's a setting I'm missing. So the way I use it is the oldschool way, which I don't much mind, honestly, but I must admit I'm curious as to what's out there in terms of free webdev packages. I code something up in UE, then hit the "view in default browser button", and repeat. Works well enough :)

Thanks in advance :)
<SMALL>-- -- As good as it gets in browser-land ;) -- Fuel the music revolution! -- Personal file sharing made ridiculously easy. -- The next Trillian!</SMALL>

Developer's Corner / Using Tidy in UltraEdit 13.00a?
« on: April 29, 2007, 05:09 PM »
This is a cross-post from the IDM UE forums.. but when I saw the last post date in the Tidy forum over there, which is some time in 2006 (!), I decided to put that stuff here too, in the hopes that someone here may be able to help. Here goes:

I'm very new to learning XHTML with CSS and using the "Head First XHTML with CSS" book to do so. It's fun and I've been following along nicely. I've gone through about half of the book now.
I now know how to use the official W3C validator service ( and now I'm wondering how I could use Tidy from inside UE to speed things up even more.
First off, I know about the Tidy toolbar button at the bottom (5th from the right). Using that seems to work just fine.. I just want to know what version of Tidy my UE is using? And how can I update Tidy to the very latest version?
Further, is there a good explanation page for the options anywhere? Since I'm new to all this, I don't really know what all the options are doing and what I should be enabling/disabling.


Is it smart to limit myself to learning how to use Tidy in UE specifically? What if I switch editors tomorrow? What's the best way to use Tidy independently of what editor I'm using? Tidy support in UE currently isn't the best either.. I don't know how to update Tidy in UE. Apparently TextPad does it automatically for you or has a Tidy updater built-in, but I'm using UE now, so that doesn't help me. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!

General Software Discussion / Free text/file comparison tool?
« on: April 29, 2007, 03:23 PM »
I'm looking for a free alternative to <A HREF="">Beyond Compare</A>/<A HREF="http://www.ultraedit...e=Content&pid=34">IDM's UltraCompare</A>

Anyone know of one? Thanks :)

Those of you who were online tonight witnessed my crazy little stunt into a Vista issue that was just... unbelieveable to deal with, for the lack of a better term (or do you have a better-fitting one?). Here's a summary:
I downloaded drivers from Sony Ericsson for my W810i phone. They were packaged into a self-extracting archive with the extension EXE. But I just wanted to get at the contents, so I right-clicked it and chose "open with" and selected WinRAR to manually extract the contents. The open with dialog appeared and I selected WinRAR just as intented, and then realized, too late, that the box at the bottom that says "Always open this type of file with this application" (or whatever it really says, you get the point) was CHECKED. Well, guess what that did? Exactly. All of the EXE files now wanted to be launched through WinRAR... of course that doesn't work. Even Vista's own application that lets you set default file type associations and program access default setting is itself an EXEcutable, so that wouldn't launch. Ditto for command prompt, cmd.exe. Ditto for regedit.exe. I was SOL it seemed, and am very grateful to those brave souls who were online at #donationcoder at the time because they tried just about everything to help me out. They gave lots of great suggestions, though unfortunately none of them helped... save for a link that Skwire posted that ultimately saved the day. Here it is: http://forums.micros...081511&SiteID=17

  • I tried copying regedit.exe to another location, renaming it to and launching. I did this with both regedit.exe and regedit32.exe. The former can be found in C:\Windows and the latter in C:\Windows\System32.
  • I tried merging registry files into the registry that should change the crucial setting that caused the problem to fix it. Most of the REG files provided came from the users online in #donationcoder and one of them came from a thread.
  • I tried uninstalling WinRAR, which made all the errors go away but now presented me with an OPEN WITH dialog for every application I tried to launch. What to pick to open them with? It's a mystery.
  • On the open with dialog, I tried the "search the web for an application to open this with" to see if that would help at all and, ironically, got this: What, Vista doesn't know the EXE extension? Of course not. It's so rare these days...

All of the above things failed. Finally, I went to that thread Skwire found and the second post from the bottom ended up being the fix I was looking for all along.

Still, I don't know exactly what fixed it.. my guess is that it was adding this key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.exe\OpenWithProgids]
(Note that the original poster in that thread did NOT include any instructions on HOW to add entries, nor did he specificy of which type they must be. Vista gives you a bunch of options for registry entry types when adding new ones.. among them are "key", "string value", "binary value", etc. What I chose when adding this particular value was "string", and it worked.. so I'm content. I just wanted to add that here so that it may be known. To add a new entry into the registry, just right click either on the key in the tree on the left or on the white space on the right when a key is selected. You can't miss it as it will be the only option in the menu that appears.)

Thing is.. I'd LIKE TO KNOW. So how about you do me a favor and do the following:

If you are currently running Vista, open regedit and go here: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.exe]

Then show me what each of the four views look like. (That's if you have them all. If one or more of them are missing, just say so. Knowing that is just as valuable as knowing what's there.) To see what I mean, check out the attached screenshots. My hope is that this thread will serve those who run into the same problem in the future, and to help those people find this thread easier, let me include some "tags" that hopefully, Google will pick up when it indexes this thread: exe fix problem file association set vista registry

The point of all this is to find out what the EXE entry in the registry looks like by default. Once we know that, fixing this issue should be a piece of cake.

I was digging around what I have come to consider the web's most complete and generally best directory of Web 2.0 services,, in search of a certain help community I used a few months back and was really into. I never saved a bookmark for it, and now I'm confronted with a new problem.. if I save the bookmark in my Opera bookmarks and later format my HD or something and forget to back up my bookmarks, I will have lost it again. What I did this time, to makre sure I never lose this one again, was to create a new message in GMail, enter the service's name into the message body and next to it some tags, like "live help, chat, answers, questions". I'll never forget about that site again!

Anyway, that was the first paragraph and it was WAY off topic. Here goes. Check out this forum software:

It's got screenshots descriptions, videos.. check it out and tell me you don't like it! It looks amazing. I can't wait to try this somewhere, though I have never seen it in action :(. Someone tell me when they come across a forum that uses this software.


Living Room / College - what to do?
« on: October 05, 2006, 01:21 AM »
I'm a computer science major. I'm taking three computer science classes that are pretty work intensive. Java with data structures, combinatoric structures, (literally, wtfbbq? well, ok, as literally as figuratively goes..), and computer systems are the CS courses. My fourth course is Calculus I. The last two years at college I spent in a core program that was all about a broad liberal arts foundation. I had social science, natural science and humanities. As you can tell from those terms, there was not much "real work" involved. The work consisted almost entirely of pure reading. Well, reading and the occasional essay here and there, but mostly reading.

Now that I've started my CS major, all of that took a very sharp turn in a different direction. The CS courses are heavy with homeworks and require a serious amount of thinking in problem solving to get anywhere. Before all I had to do is read textbooks, and if I did that I'd *know* I'd be fine. Now, one of my classes doesn't even have a book because it's only being offered for the second time ever at my university and they have us read MIT notes (PDF) about mathematical proofs while lectures only partly overlap with the content there.. and that's just one example. Structurally, everything took on a very different shape this semester.

The last day to drop a course without a W-grade ("withdrawn"), is tomorrow, Friday. On top of the four classes I'm taking I work in tech support at my school as well. I'm considering dropping calc and taking it in the summer next year. My calc professor, after I talked to him, strongly suggested I do just this because even though this is an intro calc class, (calc I!), he said that most of my peers are ahead of me because they took calc in high school, while I did not. Under the course/work-load of my three CS classes I've fallen behind in calc and I'm afraid it may ultimately hurt me more than it will benefit me if I stick with it for this semester. That's one side of the coin. On the other hand, I feel it may be "weak" of me to drop out when really, I could probably pull it off with the proper amount of work and effort.

I'm strongly leaning toward dropping the class because I really am a bit lost in it currently and the first mid-term is also tomorrow.

Any thoughts on this? I still have to tell my parents, and I have to tell them fast

If I drop the class, I'll have more time for my three other classes, could perform better in those and as a bonus on the side, I'd have three day weekends every week, (the only thing I have on Friday is calc).

The chief thing I was worried about was whether dropping calc I would set off a chain reaction in terms of what I could and could not take next semester, whether it would effectively bar me from taking other classes required for my major. That's why I talked to the CS advisor today, who assured me that that would not be the case. I could simply take this same calc I class next summer and be done with it. (My calc prof also suggested that if I were to drop the class now, it would still be a great idea to go to whatever lectures I could in order to get a big picture of the class and the material so that the next time I take it, I'd already be ahead and better prepared).

What it boils down to is this:
1. Drop the class and be the kid who's taking only three classes, (would feel weird, for sure :/) but probably enjoy higher grades in all three of my other classes, have more time for an actual social life and take a serious load of stress off my back. I'd still be stressed to a degree, but this would make a big difference in a good way.

2. Go with it, try to work my ass off and play 50-50 where one fifty is success and the other is failure. Given my track record, the latter 50 would more like a 90, if I'm perfectly honest.

Now that I laid it out like this, this is turning into a no-brainer :/

General Software Discussion / What IRC client do you use?
« on: September 27, 2006, 02:03 AM »
That's IF you use one. I'm just curious. I use mIRC and while that works well, I never stopped looking for something simpler, cleaner and easier. Don't get me wrong.. I don't think mIRC is hard to use, really, but I happen to love fast, efficient, well-designed and ESPECIALLY well thought-out software, and I don't know if I can say that about mIRC. It's very feature-rich and it more than gets the job done, but I guess I wouldn't mind trying out something innovative, nice-looking and efficient as opposed to mIRC, which is among the grand-daddies among IRC clients. (That in and of itself is not a bad thing, of course)

Anyway.. this isn't a thread about me finding an alternative IRC client.. it's a thread about what you use and about discussing clients in general as the thread goes along :)

I just wonder.. I'm loving ACDSee 9 but simply don't seem to understand how to organize pictures with it effectively. I like to use tagging and to date, I've found nothing better than to organize pictures with tags than Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0. I'd like to do the same in ACDSee 9 because it's more powerful and starts up faster.. but don't see how.

General Software Discussion / Best jukebox that is NOT iTunes?
« on: September 23, 2006, 02:31 AM »
I'm looking for the best music jukebox application for Windows. I'm currently using MediaMonkey but can't say that I'm all that impressed. iTunes' interface really is great, and I just like the way it lists artists in the top left, albums in the top middle and songs in the top right.. and then just gives you the list of everything in the biggest space on the bottom. It makes sense. It's also how the amazingly good music player musikCube's interface is organized. It makes sense because it allows for fast and effective browsing of your music library. MediaMonkey has no such view and what it offers simply is not that impressive to me. MediaMonkey has also thrown duplicate music files on my player here and there and offers no feature to rid your player OR library of duplicates. The reason I ask, clearly, for an alternative to iTunes is because I don't use an iPod. I use a Creative Zen Vision: M and am on the lookout for the best digital music manager out there.

I'm not familiar with MP3 Collector by, haven't tried AlbumPlayer recently, haven't touched JetAudio in quite a while, don't much care for QMP at the moment because it's STILL in beta, and well.. that's about what I'm aware of. I'm sure there are a few more somewhere in the back of my mind that I can't recall. Be that as it may, I now turn to you to find out what you use to organize your MP3's and sync them with your NON-iPod player if you have one.

I need NO tagging features by the way.. I'm all covered by MusicBrainz' Picard tagger as well as MP3Tag for those manual tagging jobs. That doesn't mean I'm looking for solutions that LACK features related to tagging specifically.. not at all, if that's in there, hey, that's cool. It makes sense for tagging features to be included in software that's supposed to help you manage your music library. All I'm saying is that I don't need those features :)


General Software Discussion / Sweet! Direct Folders 3.0 released :)
« on: September 18, 2006, 10:08 PM »
The one I liked best among the tools listed here, http://donationcoder...Extenders/index.html, Direct Folders, the one I wanted to buy and the one whose author I emailed, asking if he was still actively developing the tool because I wouldn't want to spend money on dead software, the best dialog extender I've ever tried, personally, has been updated to v3.0! That's awesome! For months now, I've been holding back on installing apps of this type just because I really liked Direct Folders but did not want to use it unless I knew that it was still in development. You can imagine that learning that it was just updated solved all my problems :)

Just installed! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

This also marks my first post here in a while. I've missed you all :(

General Software Discussion / FeedDemon changes?
« on: May 12, 2006, 01:34 PM »
What's up with Newsgator dumbing down their website so much? The site does a great job "luring in" users to buy the product.. but other than that it seems useless. Where are the changelogs? Two new builds of FeedDemon were released this week and I'm installing them not knowing about a single thing that changed... anyone know where I can find the changelogs, if at all?

From Newsgator's Knowledge Base: INF: FeedDemon is displaying duplicates of many news items. Why?

But there is no solution there. Then again, there may be no solution to this problem... period. But that's why I'm asking here. Anyone know more about this and what I could do to solve the problem, if anything?

Living Room / Is Moffsoft alive?
« on: April 12, 2006, 07:52 PM »
I'm looking for a calculator and used The Great Software list as a guide, which told me that Moffsoft Calculator is great. By looking at the screenshot and reading the description, I found that it was the best fit for me. I went to the website and then found out that the software was last updated in 2004. This leads me to assume that development on it has died, and I don't need to tell anybody here what my stance is on "dead" software. It can be as good as it wants, if it is not being actively developed, my interest drops DRASTICALLY. Any comments?

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