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Messages - barney [ switch to compact view ]

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Possibly next?   Chocolate brownie beer,  mac & cheese beer, peanut butter & jelly sandwich beer. Is there bacon beer already?

Hm-m-m ... I might be able to live with - as opposed to on - mac & cheese beer or bacon beer. :-\ :P

One of the frustrating things that I've found with Mensa tests is that quite often the questions have multiple correct answers.
Hm-m-m ... checked out any IQ tests lately?  Like, the last two (2) decades?

Would you believe a 6-armed Spiderman? I guess in the comics the impossible as well as everything possible can happen.
Maybe he's Hindu?!? :-\

Time travel is the only way to get a girl just like the girl that married dear old dad.

Paradoxical ... if I went back and got her before he impregnated her with me, I wouldn't be here to go back and get her.  Not certain I'd want to do so anyway ... she made a great mom, but dunno that I'd have wanted her as my girl  :-\ :-\ :P.

Reminds me of an old The Nelson Family segment, when Ricky got a date with Miss America (?!?),

Back when it would have mattered, methinks 'twould have been more distraction than incentive  :-\ :P.

Thanks so much for DC. I'm having a ball checking everything out.  :up:

Prepare to be overloaded  :huh: :-[ :P.  There's more mental talent here than in most university faculties  :-*.

Arizona Hot, that is priceless  :P.  (P.S., I've had that same dream <sigh />.)

I wasn't aware there is any $100/year annual update!
Sorry I was unclear - that was a reference to InfoSelect's annual (?) update pricing.
Evernote does everything Infoselect did and it is available to me on any machine anywhere I am as well all the computers in my network.
Was a quite strong user of Evernote until they made it cloud-based.  I simply do not trust cloud storage of data that is sometimes private to me.  Even if it's not private per se, I have a personal dislike of other folk being able to predict my actions/proclivities based upon what I've stored more-or-less generically.

TaoPhoenix, I've been through a substantial number of variants on this particular theme.  MyInfo comes closest to my needs.  Biggest problem I have with it is the unwieldy - at least for me - tagging system.  When I store something, it'll have multiple tags.  However, I'm unable to search on combined tags.  That means that my tag input is increased significantly.  Example would be
  • Donation
  • Coder
  • Donation Coder
That 3rd tag should not be necessary, but it is, as far as I can tell.  Should be able to search/limit, for instance, Donation + Coder without having created the Donation Coder tag.

Another thing that is irksome is that automatic backup will sometimes take as long as twenty (20) minutes to complete, as it apparently does not perform that as a background task (and I have a lot of data stored).  All things considered, though, it does seem to be best of the breed for my purposes.

Forgot this was here  :-[.

Been using MyInfo for quite a time, now.  Not as complete as InfoSelect (name as was sold to me), but close, and I don't have to pay $100 annual update - although I might, with a few changes - as was necessary with InfoSelect.  My disaffection with InfoSelect began when an update trashed my file history, running into nearly a decade, with no chance of recovery within the program.  Yeah, there were backups, but the same thing happened.  Lamentations to InfoSelect went unanswered, so I quit the program - I've no use for developers that don't respond (reminiscent of my lifetime license to WinZip which was not respected when Nico Mak (?) sold it to current developers).

Right now, MyInfo serves to capture and retain my needs/preferences.  Several limitations exist, but they be bearable, and the developer(s) seem amenable to suggestion, albeit somewhat dilatory in implementation at times.

(I distrust OneNote, Evernote and the like because too many cloud leaks/break-ins/intrusions have occurred.  Was an avid Evernote user until it migrated to a cloud-based format/venue.)

So-o-o ... how do you recharge the speaker  :-\?

Proximity?  Wave action (bobble)?  Friction?  Inquiring (salacious?) minds want to know  :P.

Living Room / Re: Peer Review and the Scientific Process
« on: February 11, 2015, 05:08 AM »
[/b] Why kick them out? There is an argument for not vaccinating your kids, but hoping/expecting that they will get indirect immunisation (from cross-infection) from the newly-vaccinated children they go to school with.

Huh  :huh:?  That logic would imply that it's ok for other kids to get vaccine - in order to protect mine?!? - but not mine.  So I'd be anti-vaccine only for my child?  Something out of kilter there.

Not sure what any of this has to do with peer review and the scientific process though...

Strikes me as an active example of the process, albeit by non-professionals in the field  :-\ :P.  Sort of a peer review of Peer Review and the Scientific Process, as it were.

Living Room / Re: Peer Review and the Scientific Process
« on: February 09, 2015, 10:37 AM »
(You can't have it all and have it both ways...)

Why not  :-\ :P???

Living Room / Re: The Rant Thread!
« on: January 25, 2015, 02:28 AM »
I'm a bit pissed off.

Speaking of which, how's the hand ... that oughta be worth at least a mini-rant.

- i didn't know where else to post [url=]

Hm-m-m ... think that resembles a few guys in my squad in basic  :o  :P.

One also has to register if they plan on giving credits to a developer, in appreciation for their work.  ;)

<sigh />So much for anonymity  :P.

Living Room / Re: The Rant Thread!
« on: January 20, 2015, 07:40 PM »
Speaking of sound ...

Bought a Samsung sound bar w/woofer (separate piece) and attached to a ~55-60 inch LG TV via fiber optic cable.  Worked for a while, nice sound, but started cutting out - run ~twenty (20) minutes, cut off for a couple minutes, repeat cycle.

Then I bought a Samsung sound bar, woofer built in, and attached it to a Samsung 46 inch TV - never worked.  Samsung to Samsung, right?  You would expect compatibility, right?  Apparently not  :-\  :mad:.

Samsung has great video, but audio - in my experience, at least - is less than stellar if not totally non-functional  :P.

You peaked my curiosity   :)  and google gave me this
 (see attachment in previous post)

Seems to be a precursor to the way Yoda spoke in Star Wars  :-\ :P.

Makes a great stocking stuffer?  :huh:

Hm-m-m-m ... thimk I'd need a stylist for proper application  :-\.

What they need are a few rain forest zombies skilled in hunting monkeys with those little silent bows and arrows.  Also they could teach their contemporaries the culinary skills required to serve the brains in skull(there must be a term for it like a la carte but I'm not schooled in Haute cuisine.)   :)

That would prolly be a skullet - assuming fried or baked brains, of course  :-\.  Otherwise, consult Indiana Jones (Temple of Doom) for chilled monkey brains as a dessert guide.

Living Room / Re: Does anyone here use Bitcoins?
« on: November 24, 2014, 07:28 PM »
Smart contracts, tokenized property, micro payments, and arbitrary escrow are just a few things there.

It's more than just rhetoric.
Well, it is rhetoric, at least to me  :huh:.  For instance:
  • Contracts are neither smart nor dumb (although the parties involved may be).  
  • If you pay $1.00 (USD) once, or a penny 100 times, you still pay the same amount (unless there's interest involved).
How does Bitcoin change that perspective  :-\?

Further, as the Internet gets more and more nationalized, how does Bitcoin survive?  If I cannot contact someone in China, how can I pay them or receive payment from them?  Bitcoin, insofar as I can determine, requires a free and open Web - which is currently being strangled by a significant number of nations.

I'm not averse to the concept, but I simply do not see it surviving in current political climate(s)  :'(.

Living Room / Re: Gadget WEEKENDS
« on: November 09, 2014, 03:02 AM »
I just went back and read all 14 pages of this 8:30am on a am I doing with my life?

Develping eyestrain  :-\?

I'm a cannibal! :P

Cannibal  :huh:?  Or cannabis  :P?
(btw, how's the hand?)

Is anyone else having a hard time imagining IainB as a demon driver?  :-[

Yeah, verily  :P :-* :P.

Living Room / Re: Movies or films you've seen lately
« on: November 01, 2014, 04:11 AM »
I can't define lolligaggin' or galavantin' but I know them when I see them.  :)

I can. Those were two of my grandmother's favorite words. ;D

Lolligag - to be busy doing nothing, just sitting around, making haste slowly

Gallivant - making the rounds in search of a good time or crowd to hang out with - ideally with (or in hopes of meeting) an attractive  member of the opposite sex; running around with your friends
 (see attachment in previous post)

Yep!  Paternal grandmother pretty much the same, 'ceptin' she expanded galivantin' to include any non-lolligaging, nonproductive activity - including Saturday afternoon matinees at the movies  :'( :P.  (This thread would be somewhere between the two (2))  :-[ ;D.

you make them

<sigh />Too bad that doesn't work on politicians  :-\ :mad: :P.

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