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Site/Forum Features / Re: Forum upgraded
« on: September 17, 2021, 03:09 PM »
Awesome! I just recently upgraded to SMF2.0, I came from SMF1 - freestyleforum .net site

Site/Forum Features / Re: Forum upgraded
« on: September 17, 2021, 11:36 AM »
SMF 2.0.18 is available now

Coding Snacks / backup(restore) files in a printed paper
« on: December 06, 2015, 04:43 AM »
I found a software for it and it is open source:

my request is, how about implementing this app for android phones? but instead of scanner, to use a high-res camera.

are you looking for something like this? (+ can save desktop icon position)


direct link

so many great talents in this forum  :Thmbsup:

software to 3d scan an item using webcam. outputs a 3d printable file. maybe near future, our email system is in form of 3D prints, to make it more expressive. Plastics can be reused. It's like leave message, but a 3d material. Or more futuristic, a moving 3d object(using laser to form/deform 3d frames)

Post New Requests Here / Re: Flood Alert (As service or tray apps)
« on: August 20, 2013, 02:01 PM »
good day sir

Yes, got a signal that the flood is on its alerting level, saving my belongings again..  :Thmbsup:

Q: Is it possible to embed a graphics? Its a .png that gets updated every random minutes

I think looking at the doppler radar helps us predict if there's another rain, so we wont be cleaning when there's still a tailing storm..

Post New Requests Here / Re: Flood Alert (As service or tray apps)
« on: August 19, 2013, 09:36 PM »
Now it's flooding again..

Yes bro, I saw it gets in 'alarm' state and I have moved my car earlier before it gets higher(critical). My neigbor has moved earlier as he seen it moves to alert state. our area is 'mindanao' avenue and the sensor is located under the bridge. I guess mindanao has the deepest water lever in that sensor.

again, thanks so much sir BigVent, it is working now  :Thmbsup: save us alot and is working to us now, its flooding again here.

Sweetness!!!!  :)

the website is inaccessible on my end at the moment

that was way more awesome bro!!!!!  :)

my thoughts:

* if we didn't put an entry on email/txt/smtp functions, will it not function by default? or can we have an enable/disable box for the email/txt/smtp functions(to save bandwidth/sms during non-alerting days) or a button to toggles between alerting/normal days?

* have a hyperlink to  - near the location selector(so they will have the initial idea where they are located)

* can we use a different icon? (lets look for one)

* can we name the apps as floodwatch.exe(instead of pagasa.exe) and rename "Philippines Flood Information and Alert" into "Flood Watch Philippines"

thanks in advanced :)

General Software Discussion / Re: What was your first smartphone?
« on: April 16, 2013, 10:28 PM »
wow very nice!!

Awesomeness!!!! Thank you so much for this!!!! I'm sure many will find this very useful :)

May I ask who would use or modify the source if it's given?
aside from the ability to change the icon(minor), I was just curious on how to write an ahk script to grab the website's data/elements and the notification function.

life saver!!!! thanks so much for this bro!!! :up:

my thoughts are:

* to have an option to save the settings - this is for running the apps in windows startup
* able to change shortcut keys(to prevent conflict)
* able to see the last result by clicking the icon(without refreshing)
* its really neat to have an email or sms function

is it okay for you to provide the source here?

looking forward on this :)

Wonderful entry  :up:

Post New Requests Here / Re: Weather Alert (As service or tray apps)
« on: October 25, 2012, 01:49 PM »
Well, that begs the question.  Where is the weather data going to come from?
the weather data they(philippines storm update team) are announcing will came from 4 sources.. but the only 1 i known is, the other sensors came from japan etc.. the philippines storm update team are the people who independently dedicated themselves to research and report to that facebook group. I thought it would be great if there's an alerter application that they can control.

Post New Requests Here / Re: Weather Alert (As service or tray apps)
« on: October 25, 2012, 12:33 PM »
Hmmm...the seems to go to a domain registrar for that domain.  Am I missing something here?
the website is just a sample.. that is not the specific website, I can use mine( if ever.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Media Link Catalog
« on: October 25, 2012, 12:32 PM »
im looking for this too.. to be used for sports betting arbitrage.. i think you need to dedicate a server for this to take a screenshot etc...

particular screencapture: http://patrice-zweng...c/CaptureScreen.html

Wifi Hostspot with Captive Portal (using a USB wifi or internal wifi card)

I would like to request for an app what would ad-hoc a wifi hotspot that has the ability to forward / re-route anything they type on the web browser's address bar - into your localhost webserver's address. just like that..

Post New Requests Here / Flood Alert (As service or tray apps)
« on: October 25, 2012, 11:57 AM »
Hi guys! flooding is a major issue in our country(Philippines). I would like to ask for an app that always look on a website for an interval of 1 hour(or customizable). The user can customize/specify his region/area so he'll know if there's a flood threat in his area. the apps will specifically look for example, = if the file is 1.php it will trigger an alarm to the screen with 3 types of photo red/yellow/green(as our existing local forecaster set that) system. the weather here is unpredictable.. even if the weatherman told us, it will rain 20% tomorrow, but what actually happen is that it pulls the other's storm's water and drop in our area up to 3 story building high.

so here's the idea's overview:

1 the app can be just a service app or a tray app(the usual)
2 you can set what region you are(to tell what folder in server to look upon)
3 the app will look on the website( or 1.php or 2.php or 3.php ) every 1 hour
4 if it trigger, it will show a jpg(3 types of color) on screen. it means there's a storm with that level in their area.

* Thanks in advanced guys.. i guess this would help thousands of filipino lives if this would work. the active community of weather in the philippines is https://www.facebook...hilippineStormUpdate i just though of the idea I think it can help that community too..

 Download HERE

Post New Requests Here / Re: PlayDead
« on: April 23, 2011, 01:37 PM »
tie an evil dog near your computer ^^ just kidding..

my idea is to mount your motherboard and other peripherals inside your cabinet and put a dummy PC casing, mouse and keyboard out..

exactly what i am coding(unfinished) and looking for! :D

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