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Messages - Stoic Joker [ switch to compact view ]

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Developer's Corner / Re: 'Trojan Source' bug
« on: November 03, 2021, 07:31 AM »
Interesting.. but hard to know how serious it really is.. It seems to be suggesting that the main risk would be malicious comments in an open source repository.. But it seems like it should be pretty easy to detect and block going forward..

If the reviewers know about it, and how to look for it, yes-ish … But depending on how sparsely the hostile characters can be spread throughout the string, strings, or string could be very difficult to find/identify. Especially if it was buried in a "robust" error checking routine that was (by appearances) just page after page of 'error code xxx = undercooked potato warning 7' type stuff.

It wouldn't even need to be a full blown exploit (as most are chained/blended these days) it just needs to be a toenail on the windowsill that a foot can follow type of thing to be effective-ly dangerous as hell.

General Software Discussion / Re: Opera Start Page Question
« on: October 31, 2021, 07:06 AM »
Well that was easy enough..


General Software Discussion / Opera Start Page Question
« on: October 30, 2021, 02:30 PM »
So I decided to give the Opera browser a shot, since IE is rather long dead - Yes I'm still using it (hush..).

Is there any way of getting Google Search off of the default Opera Start Page?? I've seen many suggestions that don't work … Does anyone know of one that does?

I'm actually kinda liking this thing...just don't wanna see no 'G' world crap.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: WildGem 1.50
« on: September 23, 2021, 07:01 AM »
Regex being extremely handy, but one of those things I've just never managed to get my head around; this thing has saved my ass more times than I can count.

Thank you for the update!

Living Room / Re: Let Inspirobot inspire you
« on: September 21, 2021, 05:41 AM »
Check it out, it's pretty fun, but beware - some of the phrases generated can be NSFW, and it can become addictive; it is possible to entertain oneself for far too long just repeatedly clicking the "Generate" button looking for a LOL.  Ask me how I know...

No need - can confirm - might post favorites if time allows.
 :D :Thmbsup:

And no, because of the size and layout, without doing a lot of work, there's no way to hardwire the house.

Any chance of straddling the fence with Powerline networking? I use it quite often to get out from under a ton of pickle class situations, and it hasn't let me down yet.

Ick. I tried that in my house that had basically a faraday cage around my office, and hated it. There are just too many reqs that are based on you knowing the history of the wiring in the house for me to ever fall in love with that option.

Bummer, I've always had really good luck with it. And admittedly have a bit of a soft spot for it, since it was invented here in my home town (almost got a job there 20 years ago). Worst issue I've ever had with it - back when it was new - was with bad building grounds. But a quick retightening of the ground lugs in the panel (tip I got from one of the engineering team during the interview) got it running just fine every time.

We keep a couple of the TP-Link TL-PA4010 kits in stock at all times, and have used them in some really sketchy environments without issue.

The TrendNet TPL-407E2K is another kit that we've used extensively in the past as well. It has a built-in passthrough plug for applications with limited power outlets, which can be really handy since you can't put any UPS/power conditioning equipment between these things because it will block their connection.

And no, because of the size and layout, without doing a lot of work, there's no way to hardwire the house.

Any chance of straddling the fence with Powerline networking? I use it quite often to get out from under a ton of pickle class situations, and it hasn't let me down yet.

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Announced
« on: July 20, 2021, 05:41 AM »
A totally cloud based Windows...

The logs will tell a story, rapid failures = under attack; every few minutes (constant) = old device with expired password.

Many other options exist, but those two are the most common.

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 11 Announced
« on: June 26, 2021, 03:11 PM »
They both equal 1 password multiple access

Depends on how that password is secured. I secure mine with my phone, so even if my password is leaked, it does no good.

Yeah, I know … The industry loves fawning over the (a little to magical) 2fa crap. But as long as session token reuse remains a cake walk...I just ain't warm-and-fuzzy about trusting it.

I'd rather keep separate things, the twain can't meet in a dark alley.

Call me old fashion...  :D

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 11 Announced
« on: June 25, 2021, 05:43 AM »
From what I understood, Windows 11 Home versions now require an internet connection and Microsoft account. Local accounts not allowed anymore.

That will be a nightmare for us, as we frequently run into timing issues with MS accounts and Scan to (network) Folder configurations. The "Magic Bullet" is (/ was historically) almost always to grab a LM account to authenticate with.

So if that's no longer an option … We're screwed.

I've always found it rather ironic that SSO is given as a "safer" alternative to password reuse, when effectively they are the basically same thing.

They both equal 1 password multiple access - WTF marketing?!?

I never dance, unless Tequila tells me to...

but nobody has purchased a license

Well damn, I guess I should frame mine then..

I think it's the fact that it lost the competition a while ago to a lot of people's estimation.

I must have missed that (competition thing). But I'm old; take naps; might have slept through it...or forgot. I don't even remember why WinZip annoys(/ed) me.

Okay, I just gotta ask:


Why does everyone seem to rip on WinRAR?!?

I've been using it for years, and never had a problem with it.

The wife says Musicolet is a win … Me stop there..  ;) :Thmbsup:

Me probably use on Harley for Bike Week.

Okay: follow up report from the old and slow.

Musicolet is freaking awesome!

Small, fast, Add free, local files only, and idiot simple! Absolutely perfect!

There are enough free software tools, already mentioned above, that don't need a Windows Pro license.

I think that she was just offering an alternative.  If they have a pro license already, then this is the path of least resistance.

Amen to that! I love RDP … And spend most of my days using it on remote systems.

But of course, parts may not be working as expected. As an example, I realized last night that AdGuard still had a part running. When I closed it, the speed immediately rose to 400MBps

Zoiks! O_o ...That would make for an instant summary execution in my world.

Have you ever done a tracert to see if the times drop off at a specific point? And/or check your router for any over zealous packet checking?

If the tracert starts high, and then holds fairly steady, your router - new or not - may be on the fritz...or just holding itself up by nitpicking the traffic..

We tend to avoid ever using the ISP's equipment where I'm at, because it's usually low powered spastic crap.

Try Musicolet.With this app, I set it to a folder and just push play and it will pick up where you leave off.  So, I just open it, and then push play and that's all.

From description: 2. As this app doesn't have internet permission, It can't have any feature that uses internet.

(Forced Honesty…) Now... that does sound promising.. :D

pulsar player looks like it could be a contender

Just been playing with it and it seems to tick a lot of your boxes

its tough cos everything these days is targeted at users who want all sorts of trivial functionality (not like when I was a boy...)

Yepper, that's what scares me. I'll checkout Pulsar when I get a chance.

Thanks Guys!

I'm looking for recommendations on an Android music player that is straight forward and simple to use for old people. Something that folks either have, will, or did give to their own grandmother. So no 20 questions during launch, tiny assed buttons, or anything much more complicated than a 1970's portable radio.

Desired "Features":
One click, and music comes out. Period. No updates, offers, survey questions, feature hints, or music trivia.
Shuffle entire library option that keeps going from session to session until turned off by force.
Some sort of extremely idiot simple search for and play X option - That then keeps going until - honestly I'm flexible on this one.

Thanks In Advance,

Stoic Joker

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock
« on: January 21, 2021, 01:55 PM »
My rutine is a little different:

Unzip to C:\T-Clock

Right-click Clock64.exe and create a shortcut. Cut the cut and move it to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Ultimately the folder can go anywhere, it's just traditional to put it in Program Files.

But regardless of where you put it, checking the start with Windows option on the About Tab simply creates a shortcut to the .exe's current location in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock
« on: January 21, 2021, 05:44 AM »
Steps 5-7 are (personal preference) optional, but ^they're^ right.  :D


I might aughta play with some of this stuff one of these days - But the (lack of IoT security) paranoid in me makes it difficult

Because of that, there are some things I won't use IOT, but others... if someone turns my lights on and off, I don't really care. I just keep it behind a firewall on a different subnet.

LOL, yeah... Nice to know I'm not alone. :Thmbsup:

Yeah! ...I'm not crazy.

Something like this perhaps?

Same thing as what I mentioned above- just a different brand :)

Ah! Okay … I was in a hurry, and just tossed it out on the run.

I might aughta play with some of this stuff one of these days - But the (lack of IoT security) paranoid in me makes it difficult

Yeah! ...I'm not crazy.

Something like this perhaps?

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