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Messages - Ruffnekk [ switch to compact view ]

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Hello there!

Another lost sheep reporting in.

My work and family don't leave me a lot of time to spend on this site, but it's unique concept and community will always be one of my favourites!  :Thmbsup:


Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Difficult Finder
« on: December 03, 2012, 06:05 AM »
Are you still looking for a solution to this problem?

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Generate sequential serial numbers
« on: June 25, 2012, 04:20 AM »
This is my last reply to this thread, because it is utterly absurd the reactions I get. I always thought DonationCoder was a friendly forum, where people are able to discuss something rationally, but I guess I was wrong. I just want to point out once more, that I was only giving advice, I wasn´t claiming anything from authority, nor was I trying to be rude and I most certainly don´t think anything I said was uncalled for or directly aimed at a person or his/her skills.

@IainB: Throwing around some fancy words and Latin phrases makes you neither an authority, nor an intelligent person. On the contrary, your complete post is exactly all the things you accuse someone else of in it. Wanna-be-psychologist, much?

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Generate sequential serial numbers
« on: June 25, 2012, 01:16 AM »
I´m not taking the wrong approach, I was explaining something that is useful for general practice in programming. Right off the bat I admitted I don´t know AHK and I wasn´t specifically criticizing AHK. Anyway, I don´t want or have to prove anything to anyone; I´ve been a senior programmer for over 15 years at the same multinational company and if you refuse to take good advice for what it is, then that´s your loss. No hard feelings, man. You´re taking this way too seriously.  :-*

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Generate sequential serial numbers
« on: June 22, 2012, 02:30 AM »
Like I said, I was just trying to give a tip on good practice in coding.

Please explain to me how the code would work correctly, even if variable data types are allowed. What is the outcome of mySerial += myFactor when mySerial is something like "000001" (a string). I would be very surprised if you claimed it would equal 3 (integer).

Anyway, I wasn´t trying to step on any one´s toes here. Keep up the bad practice if you like!  :Thmbsup:

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Generate sequential serial numbers
« on: June 22, 2012, 01:31 AM »
No sarcasm intented. Just saying that when you use...

Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. mySerial := SubStr("000000" . mySerial, -5) are trying to put a string into an integer variable. Even when using
in languages like C#, the moment you declared
mySerial := 1
it is an integer.

Even when AHK would allow this and store the string in
, then the statement
mySerial += myFactor
would fail or give unexpected results.

Although I´d love to have a go at it, I honestly don´t have the time for it, especially when it´s an obscure unknown method  ;D

I'm sorry, do I detect an irony machine?  8)

Heh - nothing is secure forever, however I think I made my point : )

One more comment: put fancier, this whole thing started with a clash between "it can't be secure" (and it probably isn't) vs "Me, No, I don't have the energy to break it". So it gets into "just how far up the hacker chain DOES it take to break brand new codes?"

I agree! Also, it depends on the reward for breaking it I guess. People generally are more willing to give a crack at a $100,000 challenge or something that contains information that has merit for them.

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Generate sequential serial numbers
« on: June 21, 2012, 05:18 AM »
I still don't quite get what SubStr() is doing, but from a forum snippet I added the "6 digit" part

mySerial := 1
myFactor := 2

^g:: ; Ctrl+G, change to whatever you want.
mySerial := SubStr("000000" . mySerial, -5)
    SendInput, % mySerial
    mySerial += myFactor

I don´t know AHK very well, but I can imagine SubStr() is Substitute String. Which brings me to the next point, that you are effectively converting your integer to a string. The proper way do it is converting the return value and leaving the integer alone:

mySerial := 1
myFactor := 2

^g:: ; Ctrl+G, change to whatever you want.
    SendInput, % SubStr("000000" . mySerial, -5)
    mySerial += myFactor

I don´t know if AHK cares about it, but it´s good practice in programming and other languages would not accept such an implicit conversion. ;)

Although I´d love to have a go at it, I honestly don´t have the time for it, especially when it´s an obscure unknown method  ;D

As a self-proclaimed expert on classical (pen-and-paper) cryptography, I just had to reply to this thread. If you want to challenge people to crack your self-made cipher, then it is common practice to post the exact method of encryption and decryption. Explain in detail how the cipher works and give some examples. Then you can post a challenge ciphertext, encrypted with unknown key(s). Be advised though, many "innovative" methods of encipherment boil down to one or another method that already has been in use for centuries.

Argus / Re: Command line options?
« on: February 19, 2010, 05:31 AM »
Hi groston,

Currently the functionality you want is not readily available. Argus includes a command line version in the download (argusc.exe), which accepts the path to search in, so maybe you can work with that. I am however currently creating a second version of the program's core engine, which I had planned to release as part of the NANY 2010, but I unfortunately ran out of time.

This second version will not be a end-user application, but rather a DLL for application developers to use in their own implementations. It will of course be absolutely free to use, so if you're interested I can notify you when it's finished for testing. I will release it through when it's done, so you can also check this forum for updates.


N.A.N.Y. 2010 / Re: NANY 2010 Pledge to Participate Here
« on: December 02, 2009, 09:35 AM »
I don't have a clue what to create, but I pledge I will participate.. it's been too long since I last did  :Thmbsup:

LaunchBar Commander / Re: Feature Request: Sorting Nodes
« on: September 17, 2009, 01:34 AM »
Would asking for both be too much? :P

I'd personally like an auto-sort configuration option, but I can see uses for manual runtime sorting too...

LaunchBar Commander / Feature Request: Sorting Nodes
« on: September 15, 2009, 02:19 AM »
Hi Mouser,

I've been using this application for ages and I really miss a feature to sort a list of nodes alphabetically. Maybe you can include this in your next release?


Living Room / Re: Super Mario AI Competition
« on: September 11, 2009, 02:36 AM »
*lol* I was thinking the same. I'm not a Java programmer either, but I guess it's easy enough to learn and enter this compo next year :P

Living Room / Super Mario AI Competition
« on: September 11, 2009, 01:27 AM »
Hi all,

I want to let you know about a unique competition for Java programmers. It involves writing an AI controller to play randomly generated Super Mario Bros. levels. You will get a basic package of Java classes that you can use to test and play the game and write your controller around. You can enter the competition for free and win up to $500 if you can beat the other AI agents!

More information about this competition can be found at I'm not affiliated with the organisation of the competition in any way.

It might be nice to set up a DC team and see what we can come up with...

where's a good place to get some word lists? including some default ones would be nice. :)

Basically, if you download any book from places like the Gutenberg Project, and you load that into the game, you will have more than plenty of words to play with. The game will filter out any duplicates.

I never intended this to be made public, otherwise I would have paid some more attention to details like this ;)

A thing that kinda sucks, though, is that you can't drag the window around - having it forced to be centered is a bit annoying. It does look pretty nice, though :)

Yeah I know.. I was just playing it just now and it annoyed me too! *lol* Back then I think I primarily focused on the 'dot-matrix' GUI then anything else ;)

I should note that you have to have a text file with some words in it -- each word on a separate line. You can load this file in the game and it will use these words, keeping track of the words used before.

Also, you can change the "font" by editing Matrices.txt. Each character is a 5x5 matrix with an "X" indicating a filled point and a "_" (underscore) indicating an empty point.

that is cool! so we might have a chance to play the game after all.. :up:

Here is the original file as I posted it in the programming school :) Have fun!


Unfortunately I don't have the source code to this anymore... And no, it's not photoshopped.. why would you think that?  :P

Argus / v1.1 released
« on: April 26, 2007, 01:14 PM »
Please visit the Argus Panoptes website to download the new 1.1 version, which includes support for drag-n-drop operations.

You can now drag and drop one or more files and folders onto the included files list to add these automatically to your search scope. If you drop a folder, the currently selected Filter Template will be used to determine the files to include.

Argus / Argus Panoptes Release & Download Information
« on: April 22, 2007, 06:40 AM »
A release version of Argus Panoptes is now available for download! Please visit

for all information and download links!

Please use this board on DC for any feedback you may have, feature request or bugs to report. Right now I'm working on adding more features like drag and drop support for files.

I use SharpDevelop for it. I don't really fancy the IDE itself, but it does offer a Setup Project type. You can open your C# solution created with C# Express and add the Setup Project in SharpDevelop!

Website: http://www.icsharpco...urce/SD/Default.aspx

P.S.: You cannot completely edit the setup project from the C# IDE. SharpDevelop uses a different format, but it is very flexible and it does create an .MSI Windows Installer file.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Count my jazz albums
« on: April 13, 2007, 02:06 AM »
Okay let me get it straight. He has a drive with a couple of folders, of which one is the folder containing his CDs. That folder has many subfolders by artist, and each artist has their albums.

This last folder may or may not be subdivided depending on whether there is one or more CDs to the album (In some cases there are over 20 CDs to any given album).  In some cases this last level may be broken down even further.

Does the tool need to count these subdivisions as well?

  |---Other stuff

So in this example, would he like to have CD1, CD2 and CD3 included in the count? And what about SubCD1, SubCD2? And the Album1, Album2 folders should not be counted if they have subfolders?

Another question: is a count all he wants for output?

I can write up something if I know that ;)

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