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Messages - AzureToad [ switch to compact view ]

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I recently discovered this comedian - I find his humor... well... really humorous!  ;D

Ismo stand-up

Living Room / Re: ChatGPT Adventures
« on: December 12, 2022, 06:59 PM »
I found a reference to it in the subreddit r/Powershell. I used it to help with PowerShell scripting and so far, it's been very helpful.

"Write a powershell script to ..." has become my new favorite phrase to type!  :D

I'm a fan!

Living Room / Re: Assistance creating "fair" work schedule
« on: November 29, 2022, 12:55 PM »
I'm not sure when the 7 holidays are, so I'm not sure if this helps with that, but perhaps you already considered a rotation like this for month-end distribution?


It means sometimes people will have only one week break before having to do it again, but that only happens 3 times a year for each person, and it will happen to everyone, so in that regard it's equally unpleasant for everyone. In theory this one seems fair to me, but in practice people might hate having to live it. :D
I'll give this rotation a shot - it looks like it just might work!
Thank you for the feedback

Living Room / Re: Assistance creating "fair" work schedule
« on: November 29, 2022, 12:54 PM »
Have you tried looking at not restricting it to full weeks? Try 5 or 6 day rotations or 8 days. More work to setup I bet but that would spread the holidays.
Using something other than 7 days would cause the shift change to occur on a weekend at some point. That's a hard "no".

Living Room / Assistance creating "fair" work schedule
« on: November 29, 2022, 10:19 AM »
At my workplace, we have 4 people that cover after-hours support, one week at a time, Wednesday PM through the next week Wednesday AM. With the new year coming soon, it's time to create a new schedule.

The issue we have with scheduling is that if we use a simple "A", "B", "C", "D" schedule, one person gets "stuck" covering month-end for 3 or 4 months in a row. Also, with the way holidays fall, one person seems to cover something like 5 of the 7 annual holidays.

This year I tried the schedule of "A", "B", "C", "D", "B", "C", "D", "A", "C", "D", "A", "B"... where the first in the group of four would drop to the last in the next group of four. Confusing, I know, plus that means people sometimes have a gap of nearly 2 months between shifts.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to rotate 4 people with a weekly coverage so that month-ends and holidays are distributed?

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: April 02, 2022, 09:52 PM »
Stumbled across this one, added to my likes.

Wardruna by Lyfjaberg


Goes well with my latest likes - theme from "Vikings", "Expanse" and "Halo". At least, *I* think it does! :-)

N.A.N.Y. 2022 / Re: Document Projects
« on: January 02, 2022, 07:41 PM »
It is a WordPress website. There is the possibility that an extension in there triggers your security solution. Or your solution doesn't like software created/compiled with Delphi.
The site appears to be benign.

Thanks, Shades, looks like it works from home as well.

N.A.N.Y. 2022 / Re: Document Projects
« on: January 02, 2022, 06:56 PM »
Clicked link to

Web Page Blocked
Access to the web page you were trying to visit has been blocked in accordance with company policy. Please contact your system administrator if you believe this is in error.

Category: malware

When I do that only print the present page, not the tree.
Nope, you're right, I get the same results as you, my apologies, I misunderstood the request.

When viewed in my browser, I chose File > Print > Print to PDF.
Seemed to work for me without any issues.

- Dave

Living Room / Re: Who here makes ice cream?
« on: August 06, 2021, 10:19 AM »
YEARS ago, when our kids were younger, my brother-in-law and his family had a holiday party with friends and family.

We made "coffee-can" ice cream. I don't remember all the ingredients, I believe we used cream, vanilla, eggs, and probably something else. I know we had 3 smaller coffee cans (maybe medium-sized?) and 3 large coffee cans. The ingredients went into the smaller can with strawberries in one can and some chocolate syrup to another. These were sealed and placed inside the larger can. This was then surrounded by crushed ice and rock salt and was also sealed.

His house was on an incline and we split the families up into 3 teams. Each team would take their cans to the top of the incline where a "launcher" would roll the can to the "catcher" at the bottom of the slope. The catcher would carry the coffee can back to the top, the launcher would race down to become the new catcher, the next team member would be the new launcher. This went on for.. I don't remember how long, but it was great fun and at the end, we opened the can's to enjoy the cold, delicious frozen treat!

Are you getting logon failures in the Security event logs?
If so, do you have a service trying to run with the user's credentials?
How about a scheduled task?

I need a free software portable to do this under windows 10.

Something more than running   TREE | CLIP   then pasting into your favorite editor and printing?

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock
« on: March 25, 2021, 08:16 AM »
I had this same issue - program was running but no clock was displayed in the system tray.
To fix it, I right-clicked on the taskbar and chose Taskbar settings, then in the Notification area of the settings window (about 1/2 way down), i clicked "Turn system icons on or off".
Clock was set Off, once I changed it to On, T-Clock display appeared.

Maybe that'll help?

Try CSVEd. I have had it around since version 1.4 and it's now at 2.5.6.
Nice! Man, is this program feature-rich!

I've been using Rons Editor and haven't had any problems other than the limit on rows. My company would rather we use Excel, but Rons was my preference.

Looks like CSVEd might take it's place.   :)

Living Room / Re: Show us the View Outside Your Window
« on: October 20, 2020, 06:51 PM »
This view is outside my front window. Normally I'd see green grass and flowers surrounding the front bush and lush Snow-on-the-Mountain beneath the snow-covered bird bath. But alas, after a day of heavy snow, and in the words of Pixar's Woody, "It's gone, gone... all gone..."
Welcome to Billings, Montana, USA.


JGPaiva's GridMove and Ahk Tools / Re: Triple monitor (coded)
« on: October 13, 2020, 10:30 AM »
Do you have more information on what this attachment and post is all about?
Is this useful for others? If so, what functionality does it provide?

ahh, gridmove app. (pays to read backwards!  :-[ )

Haven't used it in quite a long time, but maybe TinyTask would be worth looking into?
The author's website doesn't exist any longer but i found copies on multiple download sites by searching for "tinytask".

Post New Requests Here / Re: Idea: Task Manager "Lite"
« on: May 18, 2020, 03:47 PM »
Save to a .ps1 file and run
Holy smoke! This is fabulous - does what I was looking for and... the code... so dang compact!
Very nice, thank you!

I cheated worked smarter, not harder

Not only got a tool I can use, but got an education as well!
Turned out to be a pretty good Monday.  :P

Enjoy the credit. Credit and half?   :Thmbsup:

Post New Requests Here / Idea: Task Manager "Lite"
« on: May 16, 2020, 07:06 PM »
For various reasons, we dont want to give access to TASKMGR.EXE on server sessions, but there are times when we do want them to be able to end a process that's frozen.

I'd like to present the user a prompt where they could key a username and/or a process name, showing results similar to what's found when TASKLIST is run. The user could then select a process and choose to kill it.

Task manager offers too many opportunities for the user to gain access to the desktop of the server or to run programs we'd rather they not have.

I considered using PowerShell to prompt the user, run tasklist with output to CSV format, then taking that to display to the user and using taskkill.Exe to end the selected program. Unfortunately, I've never written a script even REMOTELY similar to this!


There were 4 of us and no prizes.  :-[

I REALLY hope you do this again.

I was going to join, but I'd just gotten out of the shower after working outside.
There ain't NOBODY wanna see me without a shirt  :'( and I was too hot and too lazy to put one on.

BUT - would love to know how it went.
Next time, I'll wear a shirt for sure!  ;D

I think this is a TERRIFIC idea, btw!

I'm a long-time licensed user of ManicTime and like it a LOT.
Looks like this might be an application with a similar function? 

I might be interested in giving a run for you, but as far as long-term use, i don't see how it's an improvement over what I'm already using?
Maybe I'm not aware of the full capabilities?

I like to keep up to date on the latest news happenings and am using Desktop Ticker on my PC, but I'm looking for something similar for my iPhone.

Basically I'd like to be able to select my news sources and have the top stories displayed, rotating every "X" number of seconds, updating as new stories are made available. I thought of an RSS reader, but I don't know of any on the iPhone that automatically update their display.

Anybody have a suggestion?

Skwire Empire / Re: Release: sChecklist
« on: October 24, 2019, 10:18 AM »
Love the program - a daily staple in my list of startup programs.

Is it possible to change the background colors of both the checklists and entries? And of course, with dark background, I'd want a lighter color font as well.   :)
I couldn't find anything in the options and no color choices on the font selection screen.

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