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Post New Requests Here / Re: Create MP3's from folder names
« Last post by skooter1121 on April 05, 2010, 09:04 AM »
THANX for the program.

It did create !.wav files and put them in the correct folders. I have some ATT 16bit voices installed and they sound great. But, unfortunately my MP3 player does not play .wav files. (A surprise to me)

I converted all the .wav to .mp3, using SUPER. Now it plays the .mp3 folder title. But, it plays them LAST in the folder.

I tried renaming to: 0.mp3, A.mp3, 000.mp3, ... nothing seemed to work. After some research on the web, I changed the Modified and Created Dates for the file to year 2000. Still no success. Might have something to do with the order they are written to the player the first time.

Also some .wav seem to have chopped the end of the last word of the folder off. I wonder if the file can be stretched a second or so.

Any suggestions?

A direct to .mp3 would be nice, save some steps.


Post New Requests Here / Create MP3's from folder names
« Last post by skooter1121 on April 04, 2010, 10:47 AM »
When I'm using my MP3 player in the car I'd like to know the folder being played without looking at it.

With my Archos Recorder the amazing Rockbox software provided this ability. It went through your music library and created a sound file for all your songs and folders. Which played before the folder/file.

With the demise of my Archos i'm looking for a suitable replacement utility that will creat an MP3 based upon the folder name and place it in the folder so that it will play first.

Any suggestions?

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: sort each file into separate folder
« Last post by skooter1121 on April 04, 2010, 09:45 AM »
Try FileNanny. Developed here by ak_


I use it every day. Does exactly what you want.

-Wondering if there is a Gnome Nautilus equivalent, that I can run on my Ubuntu netbook?

General Software Discussion / Re: Idea: File note
« Last post by skooter1121 on May 18, 2009, 07:17 AM »

Wondering if your solution was any different than Nod5's script, as I did not see a .zip file attached to your last post.


I have decided to attempt to write an AHK app (my first from scratch rather than a  mod) as I have descried above. Thanks for all your help, you have started me off in the right direction. FileNoter is a tremendous tool for me.

General Software Discussion / Re: Idea: File note
« Last post by skooter1121 on May 14, 2009, 08:33 PM »

Here is my thought on how to create a new type of ToDo list:

Say I have a folder called \Working, where I keep all pending projects in subfolders. Each subfolder has a .ToDo file. The GuI I had in mind would search the Working folder, present a sortable list of .ToDo files, their creation date, folder location, and the first line of the file.  At a quick glance you could see exactly where you were, without having to open another program, and set up an event, it's all in the file name.You could even build a # to ##### star priority/status code into the file name .ini file., or a 30 day automatic due date.

Since I see customers once every few months it usually take me an hour or so  just to get back to where I left off. Having the ToDo list in the folder itself would save so much time.

I have never seen a .ToDo list that would work this way, a simple click of the context menu opens a notepad, enter some text and you are off.


I use FileNanny to quickly create a group of folders for files then FileNoter to create my .ToDo and .MEMO files. Works like a charm. (Wonder if I could tie  those two AHK apps together as one?)


Great thought to get a quote online if txt file not found.  I wonder what other online text data is available? Word of the hour/day perhaps? CNN Headlines? (Please no joke of the day!)

I like the choice of the MessageBox rather than the ToolTip. The ToolTip limits the quotes to 256 Char and I'd need to edit all my text files. Plus I dislike that anoying POP sound, although easily disabled. 

I am running into a problem, with the default settings, as  I cannot drag the QuoteBox and have it stay, and a ghost image of the box remains on the screen. I've also seen a significant slow down of the PC when your Gone in 60 Seconds program is also running. (This is running on a fresh install XP Pro, and when 60 sec is closed the PC responds as usual.)

I tried to eliminate the Caption completely, with a single click to freeze, a double-click to close but was unsuccessful.(Not even close.)  A fade in and out were also beyond my meager 4 months AHK experience.

-Thanks for your expert assistance.

I have dozens of Quote/Trivia/Puzzle txt files I have created over the years. If you wish to add some to your script.

As another thought; my grandson is now learning the multiplication tables. A scrolling window where 5x9 =  eventually displays 45 might help him.
General Software Discussion / Re: Idea: File note
« Last post by skooter1121 on May 09, 2009, 06:50 PM »
Thanks: Nod5 for the addition.

I have created two new file extensions .MEMO and .ToDo and have added them to the explorer context menu. Both types are associated with Notepad. This allows me to easily search for either type, and open in notepad.

I tried replacing Notepad with Wordpad (all versions from Win 3.1 to Vista) but was unsuccessful in saving as a rtf format in my .MEMO or .ToDo extensions. I think is has something to do with Wordpad not having a save as... so it saves any rtf formatted file only as .rtf   Thought it would be nice to pop a screen capture or format text in my .MEMO files. Oh well...

Thought I have seen a AHK script that would scan for text files and show the list and the first line in a GUI. Would  be helpful for my .ToDo files. But, I can't find it.

A different type of ToDo list.

Thanks again.
A great tool.

Thanks (TaxiDriverWithStuckCapsLockKey)

But, I was unable to get your script to work.

I tried to load OpenOffice as a test case, but your "This should just take a sec..." would not show.

I've attached a text file of Oscar Wilde quotes I have created. I'd like to use it if possible.


General Software Discussion / Re: Idea: File note
« Last post by skooter1121 on April 25, 2009, 04:02 PM »
Love FileNote.

When I right click on a FOLDER to create a file note it doesn't put the note in the folder itself.

Could that be done automatically?
The ckickable feature : (not necessarily ON the tooltip itself), with a right mouse button, or key command could freeze the note so you could read it, if you so wished, Otherwise it would disappear as normal and load the application.

I just thought a program such as this that could be providing some kind of information while the hourglass was working could be useful. Anything would be better than the mindless WAIT icon.

Don't you think so?
Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Replace Hourglass with Quote from text file
« Last post by skooter1121 on April 20, 2009, 09:54 AM »
Occasionally when I load a large program or a huge data file  from a file server the omnipresent hourglass appears and spins away and away .....


HourGlassPane, or WaitData, or  LoadInfo or IdleWhile:

A program that displays as a tooltip or message box a line from a text file instead. A text file containing a  quote, joke, reminder, any little tidbit of information.  It shouldn't slowdown the loading but just replace the hourglass only when it is on the screen, with the ability to click on it to freeze the display.
Post New Requests Here / Re: Wish list program
« Last post by skooter1121 on January 08, 2009, 08:51 PM »
This looks pretty neat.

Is the  AHK source available? I'd like to play around with it.

Thanks Curt. I looked at FileNotes. It would require all users to install it, so I couldn't give a folder to someone and have the FileNotes show as ToolTips. I'd rather use the Windows built in Comments field.

This would be a great ad-in for all Folders and Files. I even think you can search the Comments field.


Came across this: IDEA: prompt Properties>Comments, when creating link for exe


Would be a nice feature for the Options Tab: Check Box for Add Comment..

WOW this is very helpful to keep track of my downloads


-How about a comment prompt when you create a new folder?
-A comment prompt when you Save AS.. ?
(For Ex: I'm constantly applying filters in GIMP with different parameters (crop 25%,transparency 10%,......) and saving the files. A comment list in details view explorer would save me from writing the data down)


Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Windows Explorer Hide/Show Toolbars
« Last post by skooter1121 on October 18, 2008, 10:52 AM »
I'd like to see the maximum real estate of a Windows Explorer view devoted to seeing the folders/icons. A AHK taskbar button to turn them on or off would be great. Hide the status bar would help also.


(This could also be an overall AHK HotKey cheat-sheet)

feature request:

Search for currently running WinKey+, Ctrl+, Alt+, and any combos HotKeys
Selectable Keyboards for different running apps. (Word, Firefox, AHK's, ....)
Hover over key tooltip for further comments
Add HotKey information  manually
Add icons for HotKey (see attached iage)
Sizable, dockable
Transparency fade-in/out
Task Bar Button

I was looking at qliner. Has a nice keyboard with ability to change icons, but I cannot seem to just add an informational button or icon, and it seems to be it's own scripting language. (see image)


I use a few AHK scripts and other software like: WinSplit Revolution (move a window to a specific position on your screen),&  Toggle Hidden that have hot keys assigned. I can never remember all that are active, since I always have different programs running for  different tasks.

Would be nice to pop up a keyboard graphic that shows the currently active hot keys and the programs that control them.

ak_ RE:

skooter> if you mean putting an icon in the context menu, i'm afraid it's not possible. I would have to create a real shell extension and i don't know how to do that (i'd really like to).

Actually I was thinking of the following: I save a lot of web pages in the single page MHT format with Firefox. FileNanny works great to create a generic yellow folder for the MHT file. It would be great if when you create the folder put a desktop.ini file in it also with an icon of choice from the %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll default icon file. EXAMPLE of DESKTOP.INI :

InfoTip=MHT File

This gives the folder a different folder icon.

(Hope I clearly explained myself .)

-Skooter1121 (I must have used fileNanny 50 imes today) :Thmbsup:
How about adding a custom icon choice in the options?

This has saved me hours of work! Thanx :Thmbsup:
Post New Requests Here / IDEA : Vertical Scrollbar on LEFT side
« Last post by skooter1121 on April 04, 2008, 01:18 PM »
I use Windows Explorer mostly for file management. In large folders to navigate you must scroll  on the right side of the screen then if you need to go up a folder you have to cross the width of the page. Tough to do often on a touch pad laptop. (It would be interesting to see how many extra miles my mouse has traveled because of this.) Would be very helpful if all windows apps could also have a left sided scrollbar. Like Office, IE ....
Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Copy Text and Tabs typed sand aved to a file
« Last post by skooter1121 on February 15, 2008, 04:52 PM »

I just looked at DoOver and it does in fact record all the keystrokes in the terminal window. BUT, I need to keep the commands in a file and paste them into an Outlook Contact form. I am pretty sure I can import a text file into Outlook.

I'm trying to stop the need of retyping these names and addresses into multiple applications.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Copy Text and Tabs typed sand aved to a file
« Last post by skooter1121 on February 13, 2008, 04:08 PM »
Looking for a key loggerish type of program that captures text as typed then saves as a file.

We have archived data on a SunServer in an Informix Unix DataBase. We can only query the database in a terminal emulator window (WYSE 50). The forms it uses are all text based, where the user types FirstName, tab, LastName,tab, address, tab,.....just to put a few pieces of data in the informix DB. Then the user has to retype all that data in the same order, into another more current DB application.

I'd like to save (capture) the first typing to a file, then grab the data in the file and send it directly to the new DB. I know the end part is something I'd have to code, BUT if I could just grab those Keystrokes!!

I've looked at SaveMyWork which is close but does not keep the TABS.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Explorer View change carries to subfolders
« Last post by skooter1121 on January 07, 2008, 01:21 PM »
Thanks. I'll take a look st it.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Explorer View change carries to subfolders
« Last post by skooter1121 on January 07, 2008, 01:01 PM »
1. In Windows Explorer I constantly change the view. When I then open a subfolder the view for that folder is of course the original View setting for all folders or the same as it was last viewed. It would be nice to carry a view all the way to the last sub.

Possibly have option to save this recursive View or not.

2. Another thought to have some sort of gridlines in detail view.

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