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Messages - adriatic [ switch to compact view ]

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Most Linux apps do keep the formatting using the "text/html" clipboard format.
This is already supported by Notecase Pro.

Not sure how the clipboard format picking window will solve the issue with wanting to know the source URL,
because the source applications on Linux do not publish this info to the clipboard.

Not sure it is possible to query a browser like you suggest. I need to be able support any HTML source, not just browsers. That's why I can only look at the clipboard.

But the idea with browser add-in is nice. I already have it in my plans, I'll probably support only Firefox for a start.

It is quite possible to support this format on all operating systems.
It is just that this special clipboard format, named "HTML Format" is only used on Windows.
This format stores both HTML and the URL where the HTML comes from.

On Linux, this format, due being Windows stnadard, is not used.
Linux program use "text/html" format, but this one does not carry the required URL info.

For example, Firefox on Windows puts its clipboard content in both "text/html" and "HTML Format" formats at the same time  (and some others like plain text formats), but Firefox for Linux only uses "text/html" (and the plain text).

Unless the allpications put this URI data on clipboard, the program that is being pasted into can not know the URL. I hope this info helps.

Just a quick note: new version of Notecase Pro now includes the feature to preserve source URL when pasting the HTML (unfortunately the clipboard format that allows this is used only on Windows).

Additionally, new version implementes Tag Cloud-like view to enable advanced visualization/manipulation of tags.

No offense, but if you are in the notetaking market and this feature is new to you now, I cannot help but thinking that you are not applying due diligence and checking what others in the market do. This feature has been in onenote for at least 6 years, and everyone loves it.
d many things you may want to implement.

Have you ever looked the things from the perspective of software author ?
The development of a decent program (especially cross platform) takes quite a lot of work, time and effort.
Why assume everyone has used (or bought) OneNote. If this feature was so standard, why other programs didn't all implemented this feature ?

Note that I might be the first one to reject some of the ideas  ;)

What I am interested is to get good quality feedback on my program,
and to get good ideas for features to add.

Since this site has quite a long thread on outliners, I am pretty sure this
group can produce some good quality thinking here.

Anyway, I would like to cooperate, but I am aware that my program might not be the obvious choice
(since it is a closed source program).

Hi, I am the author of Notecase (Pro) program.
Nice thread, I got few interesting ideas here (the one to preserve URL of pasted content is new to me).

To give you my 2 cents of advice:
quite a lot of program authors would live to get good high quality feedback and ideas on how to improve his program.

When/if you decide on a program you want to support, it would be good to invest some time to make detailed analysis (as a group) to help the author to see your vision of the progress for the program.
Perhaps it is the best to to this before your contribution because some features you want to push might get rejected :-)

It's been a while since the last time I've posted on Notecase Pro here.
Perhaps someone might be interested in a news.

Notecase Pro has been progressing quite quickly due to good feedback and ideas I've been getting lately.
Some of the new implemented features since my last post:
- task management (each note can be a task too)
- note cloning
- text alignment formatting (left, right, center)
- scripting automation by using Lua interpreter language engine
- note templates
- note bookmarks
- printing document outline (titles arranged in a hierarchy tree)
- search by regular expressions
- search by note date fields, by "is attachment" or by "is task" status
- flat view can have multiple columns, sortable

Being prepared for the next version:
- syntax highlighting
- line numbers in the text view editor
- superscript and subscript formatting
- vertical layout (notes tree over the text view)
- more Lua scripts with new exported functions

Notecase Pro currently has these additional features (from the "Features" page):
 - multiple documents support (MDI)
 - import for Knowit, Keynote, Treepad, Tuxcards documents
 - spellchecker support
 - bulleted list formatting
 - edit embedded images using defined external image editor application
 - link to an exact node inside another Notecase document
 - new node view - flat list view - that can be filled by a search action

I am in the process of adding more advanced things into the Pro version.

BTW, Notecase is quite popular in Linux world, at least 5 distros that I know ship Notecase in default setup (Wolvix, Frugalware, Puppy Linux, PCLinuxOS, Toutou Linux) and many major distros have Notecase in their package repository (Fedora, Ubuntu, ...).

I've just found this forum by chance.

Since being an outliner author, here are the description of the two of my own programs.
I am interested in user's opinions and quality ideas.

NoteCase outliner helps you to organize your text notes into a document, with individual notes placed in the tree-like structure. To ensure your privacy, encrypted document format is supported.
Project is multi-platform and open source (BSD license).
[Win/Linux/OSX/FreeBSD/Zaurus/Nokia N800]

You can


NoteCase Pro is an advanced commercial version of Notecase project.
It's an outliner that helps you to organize your text notes into a document, with individual notes placed in the tree-like structure, supporting encrypted document format.
[Win/Linux/OSX/Zaurus/Nokia N800]

You can read more at:

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