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URLSnooper Has Fans
This is by far one of the most useful program I've ever used. I've always hated having to edit source code to try and hack out a link to a media file, now I can get them without any real work at all. Thanks to mouser, perhaps one of the best developers in the software industry. Great job man! [about URL Snooper]
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Mini-reviews on the forum

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Quora - Facebook meets Yahoo Answers meets Wikipedia meets Twitter

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Simply put. Quora is just a Q&A site like Ask MetaFilter and Yahoo Answers. It's addictive and well designed user interface is what's getting people excited.

Unfortunately, Quora sounds less interesting compared to actually using it. The initial interface is like Twitter, your later reaction will think Facebook but eventually you'll realize it's like WikiAnswers.

However because of the design of the user interface it works surprisingly clear. You'll be surprised how fast you are jumping from question to question.

Who is this app designed for:

LinkedIn users who want to better represent their expertise.

Quora basically is very reputation based and this is a major part of how it separates itself from other Q&A service.

It also has some active Silicon Valley members already that provide some very insightful answers and really there's so little unhelpful answers as of now that it doesn't feel like a public service at all.

Click here to read the full mini-review now..

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