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Screenshot Captor: Does Everything I Need and More
That's when I found the freeware Screenshot Captor which does everything I need, and more. With Screenshot Captor it is possible to grab the complete screen, part of the screen, a fixed size or the active window using hotkeys. If you simply press the print key it grabs the current screen for instance. Whenever you've done that you see a little default box with some options in it, for instance save the image, create thumbnail, discard image and so on.. This is definately the best screenshot tool for my purposes, it is fast and has everything that I need to speed up the process and still have great screenshots for my blogs. Blog image

Drag and Drop Shell Robot is a utility to help power users easily peform operations on large numbers of files and folders.

You can create any number of configuration files by specifying a target application and various commandline parameters or options. To use the program, you simply select a configuration file and drag & drop files and folders onto the queue window, and click Start. Then sit back while the operation proceeds through your files. You can also export commands to a batch file instead of immediate operation.

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