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IMPORTANT: This is a legacy page. It has been preserved on our website for historical reasons, even though it may contain old or outdated information and links.

Mircryption is a security addon for a variety of irc clients (primarily mIRC) that encrypts your conversations for secure private communication.

It is an open source project that was first hosted in December 2001 on the SourceForge website (original SourceForge webpage is still online here).

While mircryption originally began as a single .dll (written in C++) and mIRC script, it now consists of a suite of tools that supports several other clients (including xchat), as well as the psybnc irc bouncer and the eggdrop irc bot program, and provides a wide range of functions.

  • Channel text, Private query windows, DCC Chats, Actions, Topics can all be encrypted.
  • No need to modify the way you work - text is encrypted and decrypted automatically; encryption status of conversations is clear but unobtrusive.
  • All crypto-related algorithms used are taken from published, common, trusted sources.
  • Encryption algorithm is Blowfish (no known vulnerabilities); encryption keys are themselves stored in encrypted form.
  • User-friendly key management routines; menu driven and easy to temporarily disable & re-enable encryption on a channel, send plain text quicky, etc.
  • Source code is C++ (with MS visual studio project / makefile for xchat) and a 150k mirc script.
  • Supports CBC mode encryption.
  • XChat plugin version runs on a wide variety of unix / linux / macosx machines (http://www.xchat.org/).
  • You can browse the online help pages for the mircryption addon: here.
  • The mircryption discussion form is: here.

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