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Best Of 2007
Best of the Web 2007
Best Humor

Tales of Mere Existence

I discovered a great comic/film site today while procrastinating.

The artist, Lev Yilmaz, is great at taking the ordinary and mundane and making it hilarious....from the things he thinks about when trying to sleep to a typical conversation with his mom to selecting a video to watch with his girlfriend.

Be sure to visit his Youtube page for more.

How to kill a dragon with various programming languages

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There's a beautiful princess, prisoner in the highest tower of a castle, guarded by a mighty dragon, and a fearless knight must rescue her…

This is how each language would manage to rescue the princess from the hands of the dragon
  • Java - Gets there, finds the dragon, develops a framework for dragon anihilation with multiple layers, writes several articles about the framework… But doesn't kill the dragon.
  • .NET - Gets there, sees the idea of the Java developer and copies it. Tries to kill the dragon, but the monster eats him.
  • C - Arrives, looks down at the dragon, pulls out his sword, beheads the dragon, finds the princess… And ignores her to see the last checkins of linux kernel cvs.
  • C++ - Creates a basic needle, and gathers funcionality until he has a complex sword that he can barely understand… He kills the dragon, but gets stuck crossing the bridge because of memory leaks.
  • ... click here for the rest of the extensive list

The Mario Level That Plays Itself

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It's things like this that keep me from losing faith in mankind.

It's an easter egg in a mario game from nintendo, which is designed in such a way that the environmental objects interact in such a way that the player's character will be moved through the entire level to completion, without the player actually ever performing any action with the controller, like a Rube Goldberg machine.  Think of it as a little humorous play on passivity.

Very funny video commentary on the Game Console Wars (foul language)

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This is an clever bit of humour, an animated video commentary on the video game console wars.  If you are a parent trying to decide which console to buy this might be good for you to watch.

Warning: foul language.


Video Humour: Internet Commenter Business Meeting (foul language warning)

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Funny stuff.. (contains foul language)

How a business meeting would be if people only spoke in 'Internet comments'.


The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny - Funny cartoon music video for geeks

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Funny cartoon music video for geeks - watch godzilla fight batman and more.
Very catchy and fun song and cartoon.  :up:

note: contains violence perhaps not suitable for young children


This has got to be one of my absolute favorite humorous videos from 2007.

Basic Instructions: Great Cartoon

I've really been enjoying it lately.  Today is a gret one.


Thriving Office: Background Sounds for Small Businesses

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Small businesses know they must seem successful to become successful. So they play Thriving Office while they're on the phone. This valuable CD is filled with the sounds people expect to hear from an established company, providing instant credibility. It's fast, easy and effective!
Thriving Office contains two 39-minute tracks: “Busy” and “Very Busy”. Both are filled with the sounds of voices, phones, computers, drawers and more. Click below to hear a free sample and then start benefiting from this amazing product!

Insane Super Mario Bros. Mod

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You think you've got it hard in life? Picture yourself trying to figure this one out.


Mouser puts it best:
It's like a testament to human suffering and perseverance. It's heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time. It's soo damn cruel!
So cruel, yet so hilarious!

Medieval Tech Support

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This is for all the people out there who have ever helped someone "resolve a technical problem". I hope you appreciate it as much as I did. KR

Help Desk and Tech Support in the old days. Introduction to the new system:"The Book"
(from a Norwegian TV show).

One of my favorites from 2007.  very clever and funny.. i love when the tech support guy gets up to leave and the customer calls him back.

The Joy of Tech Comic

Geeky humor, comics, e-cards, forum, etc....poking fun at all aspects of geek culture. is funded by donations from readers like you. If you find this site useful, please consider becoming a supporting member by making a small one-time donation, in the amount of your choice.

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