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Finished Programs / Done For the "BEVEL in YOU" Enjoy
« on: February 24, 2012, 05:48 PM »
A compact 3D picture Bevel Maker for all to enjoy. 41 kB in total size!

3D Bevel DC.jpg

The picture hopefully shows what the program does. Autonumbers and saves a beveled picture to BMP. Can be used for web pages, phot albumns, class rolls.

If people could leave a message of thanks and the countries that they come from. I'm really curious to see how far my programs reach.

I really like making very small programs. I hope that people like and appreciate my programs. I like sharing and helping people out.

In order for the program to work please make a folder called pics, as shown in the screen capture.

Regards and best wishes to all,

Now customised for Donation Coder.

Would be interested to see who downloads my program (ie, from which countries). Always wondered how far things travel.

I have created a capture program that captures regions/ sizes that you specify. All you do is resize the capture window and save to JPG or BMP. It also auto numbers the picture files. Enjoy my fellow members.

Now customised for Donation Coder

region grabber.jpg

My program is a whole 23 kB in size. Nice and compact.

Mobysaurus / Re: Trouble downloading
« on: August 16, 2009, 10:29 PM »
Having trouble downloading Mobysaurus. Can anyoone provide an alternative link?

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