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This comes in useful if you may want to hide your REAL face. HAHA, just kidding. Being "different and unique" is better than keeping up with the Jones'.

Find a graphic file and open it in the program. Determine the size using a number in the columns and rows textboxes (roughly make one twice the size of the other). Adjust the threshold ( a higher value gets rid of the details in the image, so I normally have this quite low = 0 or 1 ). The program needs the NET Runtime library to run.


Have FUN making your own designs.

Regards ED.

This program moves and clicks your mouse with keyboard keys. It needs the NET Runtime and might come in very useful if your mouse plays up. It has an adjustable mouse speed as well as changing of key assignments. The screen shot below explains what I mean.


I hope people can  make use of it.

Regards ED

Finished Programs / Re: Done: A program to make grids
« on: January 07, 2013, 01:28 AM »
The program is a work in progress. At present press PrintScreen and paste to Paint. I will add save as graphic and export to MsWord features in the next Version. This is a program I started making in the New Year break, and I was eager the put it up for people to try out.

I'm actually thinking of having a floating toolbar which can be dragged to the edges as well as adding transparency and possibly textures.

I have another version that I made that does different row and column heights, so I may add another version to this thread.

Thanks Attronarch  for giving me some feedback :)

Hi TaoPhoenix,

The game was originally made by a French dude, but because I liked it's simplicity I thought I would make some slight improvements.

When you play the game you realise that near the end things can change either way. Anyhow I thought I'd share the program with anyone who is interested in Logic type games, instead of the ultraviolent shooting games. Don't get me wrong, the shooting games are good fun, but I prefer something less violent and more logiic based.

I was thinking of improving the graphics and adding sound effects and possible having 2 teams play across the internet, but I really like the programs small size and it's simplistic gui interface. A possile use is to be played on a tablet.

Anyhow, enjoy!

Finished Programs / Done: A program to make grids
« on: January 05, 2013, 10:38 PM »
Here is a program to make grids of various sizes. It is a "work in progress", so I'm still adding thins to the program.

var grid.JPG

You can change the size of the grid in pixels as well as in mm. The lines can be solid or dashed. You can change the colours of the lines and the background by either RIGHT or LEFT mouse clicking.

May come in useful for someone, who knows?



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