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Post New Requests Here / Re: Version 1 c is now here
« on: July 22, 2008, 05:51 PM »
New version 1.00 C, with pdf function

Things done from first version:

1.  Redesigned the command buttons. Also the command buttons change colour when pressed.
2.  Rich text box added. When you drag and drop the answers to word/wordpad you get the nice and smooth tahoma font.
3.  Cut, copy paste answers from rich text box.
4.  Added convert text file to PDF function.
5.  Added a clear all function.
6.  Added credits and Tools menu to the menu bar.
7.  Fixed number of decimal places for some quantiities.


I've been looking for something like this for a while. Ive started playing with a vb program by Anton Venema,as shown below


I'm half way there, but need help on how to:

1.   List the outliers
2.   Put the original values in ascending order.
3.   Accurately plot a boxplot with outliers

I'm thinking of putting the answer values into a rich textbox so that I can include a boxlot sketch.

What the program does so far:

After inputting some numbers (seperated with commas) the program works out statisical values like mean, median, mode, range, etc. It then outputs the results into a text box and adds the next results to the text box after the next number values have been entered. Lastly the results can be dragged and dropped into Word for Windows for additional editing.

Next RTF version coming soon (I hope).


My original use was to create math puzzles, like those in the back of high school maths text book.

Other applications:

Travel itineries - working out the best way to see the important all the things that you want to see, with the minimum travel distance.

Creating network diagrams  - suitable for work out best delivery routes for delivery jobs.

Building industry - useful for working out the amount of materials reuired (such as tiles, carpets, etc.)

Real estate/property development: Working out the total perimeter and area of various properties.

Plan drawing - drawing accurate plans for houses etc.

Copying items - tracing over identical items to create accurate duplicates (could be used in manufacturing)

And many more uses.


I've found a window snapscreen capture program done in Csharp. I tried to open the listing the you sent me for version 2, but it would not open. Would  you be able to send me the code listing for Version 3?



General Software Discussion / Re: Word Search Solver
« on: June 24, 2008, 10:18 PM »
Is this what you are after?

ws solver.JPG




LOOKING REAL GOOD. The updated version looks fantastic. I like the clean, clear anti-aliased look. Thanks for adding the area function, the closed path functionality, the coordinate list box and the many other bits and pieces. A real great effort.

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