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Developer's Corner / Re: Dictionary, list of words, etc.
« on: August 16, 2009, 10:23 PM »
Have a look at the program I have made to make up your own wordlists. It's only 92 kB.

Coeluh ,

Hopefully the attached pictures describe the program.

I've had an idea for making a program that makes wordlists from web pages. I've added some more features like a wordsearch creator and an online google dictionary facility. Hope you like it.

What the program does:

You basically copy and article of the web or from a document on a topic you may be covering. My program splits up the words, gets rid of duplicates, and puts the word in alphabetical order. From there you can drag and drop a word list into MS Word or wordpad. You can also make a wordsearch with those words, as well as access the web to get their meanings. As an added bonus, you may chat with you peers over the net and upload your wordlists or other files to them (once you know their IP address). Hopefully the attached pictures describe all of this.



I have custemised the program for donation coder. Sorry about the wait. Enjoy!


I would like to hear from the locations that people come from. I'm just interested to see how far my program travels, and to what use it is being used for. I work for a school, so I created the program for the literacy program at the college where I work at. Please send any bugs that you may find, so that I may fix them.

General Software Discussion / Re: Word Search Solver
« on: August 18, 2008, 08:24 PM »
Sorry people, I lost track of this thread.

I will upload the programs for you all hopefully tomorrow.

Here they are:






Updating once again. Added some more features.


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