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Post New Requests Here / Re: Made Another Version
« on: June 18, 2008, 09:30 PM »
Hi people. I had a go at making something similar, but it's not as good as the Net version (in my opinion). The Capture facilty still needs some tweaking.


TSaint, you need to download the Net Framework Ver. 3.5 from .
The full version was 201 Mb in size.

Then the program will work.


Once again I'm impressed with the newest version of coordinator. It's looking fanstastic. You have put quite a lot of work into the program. I really like the "move the origin feature". I've come across a few problems and have had some more ideas. I have attached a VB area calculator program from VB Planet that I was impressed with (I modified it a bit to add a save coord feature, OLE support, and copy to clipboard feature) and also a word document to outlining the probs. and some more ideas for our coordinator program. Both attachments are zipped.

The Minor Probs.

1.   Getting an exception fault “Index was out of range”  when clicking slightly off center (towards the negative x side?)
2.   The last point does not seem to join the original first point when enclosing a shape. I can only do it by using the move menu option after placing the    last point to a temporary position.

Some more ideas for improvements

1.   Perhaps use a “dragover” event to move an incorrectly placed point. Your Right mouse click menu is also quite good.

2.   Double clicking on the last point to stop joining the points & then clicking elsewhere to start a new set of joined points again.
   (The original points are still on the screen, and the points still keep on numbering)

   Or Right mouse clicking on the last point to get a menu “Start New Unjoined Point” option.

Also when restarting having the words End-Restart appear in the coordinates list (Useful for creating multiple closed shapes).

3.    Having OLE enabled in the coordinates textbox list, so one can also drag the list of coordinates directly into Wordpad/MSWord (another method    to save the points). See polygon area calculator program from Planet VB to see what I mean.

4.   Default start grid size = 30 px  ?

5.   Use a snap to grid size option of ½ of a square. See polygon area calculator program from Planet VB to see what I mean.

6.   Perhaps having an option to calculate the area of an enclosed shape? 
   See polygon area calculator program from Planet VB to see what I mean.
   To activate this function:
   Use Shift and right click on each of the lines enclosing the desired shape (the selected lines change to an active colour).
   Then click on an Icon to calculate the area.

7.   Perhaps also saving the coordinates to a separate 2 column listbox so that the X and Y coordinates can be placed into a spreadsheet.

Once again cbbibleboy, thanks for all your help, support and words of wisdom.

Justabeginner (and still learning)

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Some more Ideas
« on: June 04, 2008, 10:24 PM »
Here are a few more Ideas that I had, to improve the program.  I'm still really happy with the program so far. Thanks cbbibleboy.

new comb.JPG

Hi cbbibleboy.

Thankyou for your great contribution. I had not been on donation coder for a while due to a family member getting sick (Sorry about not replying earlier as I was not on the Net much until today). I have tried out the first version of "coordinator.exe" and was quite impressed. I really like the simple design, the scaling and the opacity feature.

I had trouble running the beta version, as an error message was coming up saying that I need Net Framework Ver. 3.5. Hopefully I will find the upgrade on a PC magazine DVD which I had bought lately. I'm not sure if you had implemented a "save the coordinates feature", so I'm really hanging out to update my net framework to test out the latest version of the program.

I will try to get back to you soon to let give you some more feedback on the beta version.

Thanking you very much for your great help and also for the time that you had spent,

Justabeginner (till I learn some more)

PS.  Hopefully I'll be able get to your Email in the About Dialog when I've done the Net Framework update.

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