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DesktopCoral / Re: Question about feature....
« on: April 14, 2005, 07:56 AM »
Just to be on the safe side, YES, I have it installed, and finaly YES I will come with lots of feedback on this tool.

But I am caught up at work today and tomorrow, but Saturday is my computerday at home (My girlfriend will be working;) so I look forward to check it out real good.

I think its really cool of Mouser to make this program (and all the rest he has), and has donated (not much, but it was what i had this time;)

Keep it up, Mouser!

btw: first bug was found by my gf today. The prafs-window displays the wron opac-setting when reopening it, resulting that it isnt opac when you press "ok".

DesktopCoral / Re: DesktopCoral Download
« on: April 14, 2005, 07:54 AM »

Just to be on the safe side, YES, I have it installed, YES I have become a member, and finaly YES I will come with lots of feedback on this tool.

But I am caught up at work today and tomorrow, but Saturday is my computerday at home (My girlfriend will be working;) so I look forward to check it out real good.

I think its really cool of Mouser to make this program (and all the rest he has), and has donated (not much, but it was what i had this time;)

Keep it up, Mouser!

btw: first bug was found by my gf today. The prafs-window displays the wron opac-setting when reopening it, resulting that it isnt opac when you press "ok".

ProcessTamer / Re: ideas for process tamer
« on: April 04, 2005, 02:31 AM »
I would really love NOT seing this turning into a cpu-meter...
Many of us have one already (Me: Samurize), but if you make it optional I won't complain :)

Can you make a prefs-button for witch window that will be opened first?
Sett it to Prosesses and it will open when opening, and Configuration for the other.

If you want the user to use it as a change priorities-tool it should open the prosesses-window first.
If it mainly should be used as a config-tool, the configuration window should open first.

By giving the user the prefs for this, that different user can deside what to use it for...

My suggestion anyway  ;)

General Software Discussion / Re: software i love
« on: March 30, 2005, 11:40 AM »
It's rather steep price, but you get what you pay for.

I bought Version 6, there are free updates as long as they work on that version, Version 6 is now almost bugfree.

When the released version 8 (they skipped 7 ;) ) There was an upgrade fee. But Version 8 is a lightyear bigger / faster and better than Version 6. Think about it, if Windows2000 was almost bugfree, you wouldnt expect to get WinXP for free now would you? No, you get servicepacks. As long as the company works on your Version of the program you get free servicepacks.

And, Version 8 is really good. The prefs is so big you can get lost (but you dont need to, it works right out of the box), there are addons (free, made by other people like Mouser :)

You should really download it. It works in 30days with everything working. If I remember correct you can get another month by sending a mail or something.

And, no, I don't work for them, I am just an old Amiga-dude who likes software the programmers care about... :)

And remember... its Australian Pound... Not English Pound... ;)

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