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Mouser's Zone / Re: Any new ideas for small utilities?
« on: April 16, 2005, 05:30 AM »
I have another idea. Part of its done before, but hten again its different (and in my mind better  :-[ )

A startup-program.


NO, not a "what-have-I-in-my-startupfolder-do-I-need-to-delete-it" kind of program.

A program that would take hold of ALL programs that is started and:
1: start them up in order (preferably the user could change what is started first).
2: start the program, wait until the program isnt using much prosesstime, then start the next program on the list.
3: Show in a centered window what is being started
4: Exit without making a fuzz about it :)

I know there is a program that start things in your startup-folder, but it doesnt wait for the next, it isnt showing anything and it uses more resources starting them up that is clearly nessesary.

The all important: WHY?

Have you listened to you harddrive when windows starts all the programs at once? It hurts man, it really hurts...
On my belowed Amiga there was a program doing exactly this. It made the startup-prosess quicker (a,ll the programs dont need to rip all dll's and fight for resources and prosessortime at the same time) and it made the harddrive smile and the user would see what programs got started (and wonder why THAT program is getting started and fix it;)

DesktopCoral / Suggestions
« on: April 16, 2005, 05:20 AM »
Here are my few cents:

Some programs / tasks should be able to use the whole screen, and not bee affected by DesktopCoral. Maybe make a list like in Prosess Tamer?

The opacity is really confusing.  I would suggest to remove the ability to have a background-option in DesktopCoral, and rather have a "switch" ON/OFF for making it invisible.

Option of having a taskbaricon or not. it would be nce to just open main exe again to get the prefs-window. But this isnt half as important to me as 1 & 2.

DesktopCoral / Re: Usefullness
« on: April 16, 2005, 05:14 AM »
Done ;)

DesktopCoral / Bugs?
« on: April 16, 2005, 05:12 AM »

I have put this program into my startupfolder to make the most of it.
But sometimes it starts up with a different Opacity setting, showing itself.
I can't reprosduse this everytime, but its sure is bug-looking  ;)

When you open the settings-window it sets the opacity to 5% or so.
But the slider isn't always agreeing, it sometimes moves WAY up, but the opacity is nearly 0 (it looks almost gone, but the slider says 8% or so...)

When do it save the options? My gf sat it to make her top (no, the screen-top... guys...) me free of windows, she had to go into the settingswindow, change opacity and pressed ok. Here computer crashed right after that, and when it started up again, it was where she sat it... Not the same opacitylevel either, but I guess thats a bug #1 foult...

Thats all I found, its a good program nevertheless  :up:
the behavior of setting where it should be seems a littel buggy. It CAN be me being silly, but I feel its bugging me... ;)

DesktopCoral / Usefullness
« on: April 16, 2005, 05:01 AM »
Why is this software usefull?

Let me show you a scenario, tell you why and maybe give you some hints of usefull software allong the way.

Ever had a program the you whould like to monitor, it didnt take up much space one the desktop, but everytime you used the "Maximize"-button in another program it got hidden? Well, this is a program that can help.

I use a program called Samurize (, but it could just a easily be coolmon ( It could even be mIRC (the part where you see if people says hi), or Gaim ( , a multi-protocol instant messaging including msn).

They use a part of the desktop to show you usefull information. My Samurize-setup shows things like tasks, what my winamp hits towards my ears, time and such. I wanna se it, even if I use Firefox ( , a good and free browser) and hit the maximize button.

This is what DesktopCoral do. It makes a "hidden" window along one of the sides of your desktop and keeps maximized windows away. Here is a screenshot of my setup (look on the right side of the screen)

So, if I start a program that maximize itself i don't loose contact with my information (Now, why would this information be so important? Well.. I like to see how much memory programs use, and samurize shows it to me, what tasks are started? Samurize show that too...  ;)

Thank you Mouser, this program is making my days a little easier and more userfriendy :)

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