Mouser's Zone / Re: Any new ideas for small utilities?
« on: April 16, 2005, 05:30 AM »
I have another idea. Part of its done before, but hten again its different (and in my mind better :-[ )
A startup-program.
NO, not a "what-have-I-in-my-startupfolder-do-I-need-to-delete-it" kind of program.
A program that would take hold of ALL programs that is started and:
1: start them up in order (preferably the user could change what is started first).
2: start the program, wait until the program isnt using much prosesstime, then start the next program on the list.
3: Show in a centered window what is being started
4: Exit without making a fuzz about it :)
I know there is a program that start things in your startup-folder, but it doesnt wait for the next, it isnt showing anything and it uses more resources starting them up that is clearly nessesary.
The all important: WHY?
Have you listened to you harddrive when windows starts all the programs at once? It hurts man, it really hurts...
On my belowed Amiga there was a program doing exactly this. It made the startup-prosess quicker (a,ll the programs dont need to rip all dll's and fight for resources and prosessortime at the same time) and it made the harddrive smile and the user would see what programs got started (and wonder why THAT program is getting started and fix it;)
A startup-program.
NO, not a "what-have-I-in-my-startupfolder-do-I-need-to-delete-it" kind of program.
A program that would take hold of ALL programs that is started and:
1: start them up in order (preferably the user could change what is started first).
2: start the program, wait until the program isnt using much prosesstime, then start the next program on the list.
3: Show in a centered window what is being started
4: Exit without making a fuzz about it :)
I know there is a program that start things in your startup-folder, but it doesnt wait for the next, it isnt showing anything and it uses more resources starting them up that is clearly nessesary.
The all important: WHY?
Have you listened to you harddrive when windows starts all the programs at once? It hurts man, it really hurts...
On my belowed Amiga there was a program doing exactly this. It made the startup-prosess quicker (a,ll the programs dont need to rip all dll's and fight for resources and prosessortime at the same time) and it made the harddrive smile and the user would see what programs got started (and wonder why THAT program is getting started and fix it;)