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Mouser's Zone / Re: Any new ideas for small utilities?
« on: April 17, 2005, 08:17 AM »
Tried that one, JeffK
Difficult to set up for newbies.
And do you know how long program X needs before the next one starts? I sure didn't.  :huh:

It doesnt really do what I would like such a program to do. The key word here is AUTOMATIC.
I shouldnt need to set a spesial time setting everytime something worked its way to my startup...

This program is more a sceduler, not a tool to make your startup easier IMHO...

Mouser's Zone / Re: Any new ideas for small utilities?
« on: April 17, 2005, 04:22 AM »
Mouser: the only problem I have seen (it was years ago though) was that virus-programs wanted to be started first...

Mouser's Zone / Re: Any new ideas for small utilities?
« on: April 16, 2005, 06:50 AM »
Yeah, I know there is a program doing something like this, but as you said, its OLD, and nobody remember it ;)

The main difference though, is the ability to have it go on to the next program when the first program isnt using to my prosess / disk anymore...

Using a flatscreen, I cant go beoynd 1280x1024.
There is no problems using your site for me.

Living Room / Re: Should I increase avatar size? Poll.
« on: April 16, 2005, 06:29 AM »
It is the text that is the important part of this forum.
Please dont make this into a gif-war with a Fare-feel to it :)

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