Messages - Ozzy1 [ switch to compact view ]

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General Software Discussion / Re: software i love
« on: March 30, 2005, 02:39 AM »
The one software I can't be without at work or at home is
DirectoryOpus -

It's always usefull.
When I suggest programs for other people I try to direc them to the "faq" or help files of the program.
I guess we are all lazy, downloading, packing up, installing, trying.. What a drag...  :-[

Mouser's Zone / Re: Any new ideas for small utilities?
« on: March 29, 2005, 12:36 PM »
Actually, I have been looking for a program for years to do this.
Nothing seems to do this (without doing a lot of other things).
I have tried 2 programs that say they do this, but they do it the other way around.
You have to set the size of the gui's yourself NOT as I would want it: Make it work with all programs.

And I just don't whant another dock. is not a "dock", its a .. well, see for yourself ;)

Anyway, this program would be great for irc'ing also. You could have the irc-client set on the right (of left side), having the other progams keeping away. There is always the option of "always on top", but that doesn't do the right thing (I want the other program to keep away, so that both can bee seen).

If anyone uses rainlendar or a calendar that uses the desktop background, they know how it is.

Here is my setup:

ProcessTamer / Re: Preview picture of new ProcessTamer GUI
« on: March 29, 2005, 10:46 AM »
Looks really good!  :up:

If rou are gonna make it multi-langual I'll sign up for making the norwegian translation.


Mouser's Zone / Re: Any new ideas for small utilities?
« on: March 29, 2005, 10:22 AM »

I have an idea of a little program:
"Make the desktop smaller than it is".
Ok, this sound silly, but hang on, there is more to it.  :-[

I have a desktop with "samurize" on the right embedded in the desktop (I know other people have other similar programs on their side).

Lets say the desktop is 1280pixels wide, but the program on the right is taking up 100pixels.

What I would like the program to do:
When I press maximize-button in any window it maximizes to 1180pixels, leaving the right side open for view.

it would be great if the program had a exeption-list, there is always programs that one would like to take up the holde desktop.

Maybe the little program would make other gui's understand there was only 1180 pixels left? So that one couldn't place anything over the program laying on the right?

Well, thats my little utopia :)

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