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Find And Run Robot / Re: Settings not being saved
« on: December 09, 2010, 01:41 PM »
I have UAC turned off already.  And even with the Admin switch turned on, FARR still doesn't save settings.  I'm considering wiping the folder and reinstall FARR without my old ini files.

Update: I did fresh install of FARR and everything is fine now.  Maybe it was just a corrupted file somewhere.

thanks for all the help.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Settings not being saved
« on: December 08, 2010, 11:22 AM »
I went through my whole C drive with FARR to see if there are any other FindAndRunRobot.ini files, and I can't find any other apart from the one in my FARR directory.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Settings not being saved
« on: December 08, 2010, 12:51 AM »
Ran FARR form a folder on the desktop.  Sam problem, refuse to save settings.
By the way, how many people are actually having this problem?  There aren't a lot of people in this conversation.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Settings not being saved
« on: December 07, 2010, 10:27 AM »
I just tried that, it didn't work for me.  those three lines go in ConfigDir.ini right?  I don't have FARR installed in Program Files either.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Settings not being saved
« on: December 06, 2010, 10:27 PM »
I just tried what you suggested, and my settings are still not being saved.
Should keeps the "CONFIGDIR = ." line next to "portable=true" line?
My FARR directory is in a Drobox forlder, so there shouldn't be any permission issues.  I run quite a few portable apps from Dropbox without issues, even the ones that wouldn't not run form a ProgramFiles directory.

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