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Skrommel's Software / Re: Ghoster - Feature suggestion
« on: August 12, 2010, 05:43 PM »
thanks for the quick reply.  I can turn it on and off with hotkeys now, but it doesn't light up the active window, it just darkens the screen.

Skrommel's Software / Re: Ghoster - Feature suggestion
« on: August 12, 2010, 04:55 PM »
So I commented out Goto,LOOP, which I think there is only one in the script.  When I start it, the screen just flashes once and nothing happens.

Skrommel's Software / Re: Ghoster - Feature suggestion
« on: August 12, 2010, 06:05 AM »
But wouldn't that disable the loop.  And from what I can tell, that LOOP is the portion that re draws everything.

Skrommel's Software / Re: Ghoster - Feature suggestion
« on: August 12, 2010, 04:11 AM »
I was wondering how i would be able to enable and disable Ghoster if  hotkeys.

I downloaded the ahk script, and added the hotkey commands:

#a:: Goto, START
#s:: Goto, EXIT

but they only work once for some reason.  I can enable and disable, once, before they stopped working, unless I reload the script.
I even tried using Goto, DESTROY instead of EXIt

It's as if once the gui is destroyed, it can't start up properly again.  I really onfused.

some help would be great, thanks.

PS: Actually, I think some people might like it if the author would add the enable/disable function, so one can put this program in the startup folder and toggle it on and off

I would like the ability to have more control over what gets added to the launch history list.  Say don't ad any file from a specific dir and its subdirs
Also, the %APPDRIVE% variable doesn't seem to valid in the External Tools section.


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