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Find And Run Robot / Re: Settings not being saved
« on: December 05, 2010, 12:57 AM »
My mistake.  When I said config.ini, i ment ConfigDir.ini.  I have the CONFIGDIR = . line un-commented.
where do i find this portable flag, it's not in FindAndRunRobot.ini from what I can tell.
Also, according to the properties page of FindAndRunRobot.ini, it has not been modified or accessed since I last udated.
I've also searched through my computer fo any other FindAndRunRobot.ini files that the program could be using, and found none, save for the one in my FARR directory.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Settings not being saved
« on: December 03, 2010, 11:33 PM »
I have my config.ini file set to set all settings in the FARR directory, but none of my settings are being save.  Not the search folders list, I had to go into the ini file to manually change it.  Also, There is BackupIni folder that hold multiple copies of identical files (with different version names of course).  My FARR directory is not in %programfiles%, so there shouldn't be any permission issues from Windows 7 (32bit version).

BrowserTraySwitch / customize default browser
« on: November 21, 2010, 07:16 PM »
I love the auto-detect feature, but I use Firefox Portable as my default browser.  Can I still specify the path of the browser I want to set as my default?
I will probably work if I edit the config file, but that sounds like a lot of places to edit in the file.


Find And Run Robot / Re: FARR V2 core alias tables
« on: November 20, 2010, 05:02 PM »
Has the addnote(s) and viewnote(s) aliases been removed?  Nothing comes up.
It would be great if the shopping aliases are editable, since not everyone lives in the U.S.
I love the igo alias, so handy, but it would be even better if it would move the window to the left margin of the screen by it self on top of auto-expand the window (move the FARR window back to where it was when you clear the search box).

Just some possible suggestions.

Find And Run Robot / Re: help with FARR alias
« on: November 20, 2010, 10:38 AM »
thanks for the information.

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