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Find And Run Robot / help with FARR alias
« on: November 20, 2010, 12:24 AM »
Could someone teach me how to sue the built-in www alias for FARR?  I can't figure it out.  I thought it's used to launch websites, but guess not.
Even better, if there is an alias explainaiton list for FARR somewhere that would be even better.


Skrommel's Software / Re: Ghoster - Feature suggestion
« on: August 19, 2010, 05:43 PM »
Sorry for the late reply.  I sort of fiddled around with the code a bit.  I found that if i comment out the lines with oldtop, the issue seem to disappear, I'm not sure yet I need to test more.  So, I'm curious as to who the if statements with oldtop in them control.  While I'm at it, what does the i statements with wintop control?  I have not touch the wintop variable yet, but everything with oldtop has been commented out.

I can send you my system stats, but I'm not sure what servieces to use to get those stats.

Skrommel's Software / Re: Ghoster - Feature suggestion
« on: August 16, 2010, 09:33 AM »
Ok, I think this might be a minor bug,  but when I open the Options in Firefox, the while screen dims.  I can't seem to find other programs that has the same effect.  Just the options dialog for firefox.
Oh, and I think I noticed this from the last version but forgot to mention it, when the desktop is in focus, the taskbar becomes transparent or vanishes to be more accurate a sno mouse clicks get registered.

Skrommel's Software / Re: Ghoster - Feature suggestion
« on: August 15, 2010, 05:12 PM »
I feel I'm being picky, but for some reason, once the script starts, I can't minimize by clicking the taskbar icon any more.  I think the focus is being stolen before it cold minimize.
Sorry for being so troublesome.

Skrommel's Software / Re: Ghoster - Feature suggestion
« on: August 15, 2010, 03:37 PM »
uh sorry, where do i get the new version?

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