News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members
Why Miranda might blow you away (do you use IRC, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo,
I am using trillian 3.1 with 3 open IM windows and the shipment tracker plugin currently monitoring 3 packages.
I am using trillian 3.1 with 3 open IM windows and the shipment tracker plugin currently monitoring 3 packages.
-Josh (February 07, 2007, 06:54 AM)
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Care to grab a snap of Process Explorer showing Private Bytes, Virtual Size, and Working Set? While there might be some tweaking to reduce memory usage (I just left everything at defaults), I refuse to believe a working set of 8.4kb, don't think I've ever seen anything below a meg - even my silly uptime.exe that only shows a MessageBox (written in assembly, just for fun) has a 2meg working set and 616kb private bytes.
EDIT: attached the uptime thing, would be interesting to see stats for that along with trillian ;)
I meant 8.4MB, didnt mean to put kb heh. That would be insane.
I bet trillian uses the SetWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(), -1, -1) hack, then, which basically forces windows to page out as much as possible to disk (didn't think this affected "private bytes" though?), which fails to mask the fact on my box, since I've disabled the use of paging file.
Going to enable PF and check what results I get.
I've been waiting for TrillianAstra for a long time as well. In the meantime, I discovered Miranda and, while I'll certainly be test driving Astra when it finally comes out, Miranda suits my needs perfectly. My only beef is that every time I update to the latest build, some of my settings and plugins will vanish (this is quite random) and I have to reconfigure it. Other than that, it's fine. Of course, this may just mean that I should leave well enough alone - "if it's not broken don't fix it"!
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